Page 2-A?THK BRUNSWICK BE; . 9 H 9Hk. AS A I KICK 1.1-, uf ^Jisollur drips I (heir liciids. Supply volunteer flrefl Three Inji Three imtnoiis were injured in t\v< accidents involving overturned trucks Inst week, reports the N.C lllKhway Patrol Nancy Carol llainillon, !I7. o( Supp ly. had slowed to make a right-hand turn into the driveway of the Supply Post Office Friday at 2 10 p in wher a tractor-trailer n>: traveling soutl iN'hind liel (ailed to stop in tune t< avoid a rear-end collision Walter Scott Potter .lr . 22, of St Stephen, S C . was charged will failure to reduce s|>red hy Troopci I-airy Hi chants on llaiiniton, who complained of in Jury, and Potter, who sustatnei uuxierate (Class Hi injuries, wen Temperatures The forecast calls fo tom|>eniti?res to be cooler than nor mal. says local uicteorolojih Jackson Canady That will mean averages in the lov .10s at night reaching to the low 50s si the daytime, lie said It should t? somewhat writer than normal, w til about Uuvc-fourths inch of rain I to K -Jcnktn* congtatulaii Shirlc\ Smith nod \^col i it* Harold C Robinson | nan need 01 winner c North Carolina farm recently Presented statewide contest thi wm this honor lor the ICON, Thursday, December 26. 1985 WRlI. ~~ ialSpm wKranBfff Ilroni (he (link above ufteroooii to clear i IkIKits work I- ritla) the rail of an over jred In Two > Hamilton's 1977 Plymouth Fury. I It was airborne," said Anne Just tee of Sound's Ferry, northbound on U.S. 17 at the time of the accident I saw the truck flying into the air." The 197H tractor-trailer, owned by I Motrin Hood Container Kxpress of Dunn, was hauling a load of pa|R?r, i according to Brunswick County i Kmeruency Management Coor dmator Cecil la?^an The cab of the u|>eiided truck was partially buried in the shoulder of the i transported to 11 runs w ick 1 lospital at Supply by Coastline Volunteer Hescue Squad A bystander told The Beacon she 1 saw the truck tin into the air Indol e it i* overturned after strikinn the rear of ; Will Be Cooler r Kor llic period Dec 17-22, ? maximum hinh i>( !>d decrees writs recordI 1st m\ the I7lh An averitKe daily luiih of M degrees ami nil average nightly low of 27 t degrees combined for n daily ii average temperature of ;e.> degrees, i' utuch I 'anaiti said is nine decrees ii lielow normal (or Uus lime of year lie recorded no precipitator! -~jj? Vt^^/ r* RtblMi, Kfsrmcy Mtii|fr H#>t HikI L. srrwfenf of Bruniwiff* County >f a jpoool oword by VV 8 Jen Bureau f ederohon o' ifs annuc m recogn t on for Oofjfandmg ( award o"ow% Forn-. Bureau og c used to remove tile ilmir Wlulo the truek was shifted upright attain, traffic on ll.S. 1? was rerouted temporarily on Sellers and Makatuka roads, a Supply fireman said. I la Ilia IP's to the Hamilton auto were an estimated $ 1 .(>00 and to the tractor-trailer, an estimated $20,000. Tile aeeutent occurred atxiut 4 5 miles north of Sliallotte on U.S. IT. Saturday, at about 5 15 p in . the driver of a 1078 two-axle Kord truck owned tiy I'yrofax tins t'o of Kayetteville ran oft the rittht side of U.S. 74 about five miles west of Nuvussa lieorpo I'd ward Dutch. SI. of Wilmington, said he lust control of the truck, which then skidded down the roadway la-fore ovciftirmne several times, according, to a report filed by Trooper l-irry Itichardson ttrunswick County Knierrteney Manaiteuieul Coordinator Cecil lopiin said the snuill pas leak that resulted was quickly contained Dutch sustained Class It injuries anil was transported to laps- Kear Memorial Hospital in Wilminpton Damagrs to the truck were an estimated 515.IXX1 r fiBHDBWy ML k, Kjc?l Kro kfemt Farm Bureau wos on Km? premier)t of the 11 meet)ng /n Charlotte production during a ienfs on opportunity to s on o voluntary basis Holden Beac Surface Wea No, the Martians have not landed at Holden Beach. That suangeInnlr inn 'llfft wpct nf tjin wo tortank is a surface weather station. It Is one of 50 being put in place in North and South Carolina and Virginia. They are caiied the Portable Automated Mesonet (PAMi system. When activated, the instrumentation will record weather data at five-minute intervals and relay it via satellite to a GAIJ5 Command Center in Kaleigh. GALE (Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment) is a $10 million program designed to investigate one of the East Coast's biggest weather makers. GAIJ-: is a national effort to make better forecasts of Hatteras lows, weather systems that brew off the Carolina coast and dump ice and snow as far north as New England. The hard-to-predict low pressure systems are hundreds of miles in diameter and whirl in a counterclockwise direction. On Jan. 15, when the two-month winter storm watch begins. 50 surface weather observing stations and 10 atmospheric sounding systems will form a rectangular grid that rn;irhf??c from Filnofioltl VU l'a State Wants Tc A suit has been filed by the state to collect $8,600 in fines levied against a I .orig Beach man found guilty of mining without a permit. 'Die N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development levied the fines against James Douglas (DougI Hoffman and Doug Hoffman Excavating last summer, citing specific violations at a mining pit near Soutliport off N.C. 211 in 1984 and 1980. First notified of apparent violations in February 198-1, Hoffman did not post the $2,500 surety bond required by the state for a mining permit until September 1985, at which time a permit was issued. According to the complaint filed last week by Assistant Attorney Appeal Scheduled (Continued Front Pnoi? l.Ai Free I'rcss was advised by their attorney to slop the infringements. Infringements of copyrighted advertisements continued as late as March ( a. 1985, the judge ruled. From the outset of the case, publishers of the Free Press have maintained they have a right to copy mis from the Beacon since, in their opinion, the ads are owned by the advertiser who pays for them They have aLso contended tliat the Beacon has no right to copyright its work and that the use of the copyright notice by the Beacon constitutes a restraint of trade larry 1. Coals of Kalcigh is attorney for the defendants The Beacon's suit Is based on the Copyright Act of 1976. which went into effect Jan 1. 1978 It was the first revision of tin- copy right laws since 1909 Under the new statute, ownership of advertising created by a newspaper can be protected by copyright, the Beacon has liutinLam. I ed through it-s attorney. W Thad Adams 111 of Charlotte ASCS Elects Committee The Agricultural StahilaaUon and Conservation Service met at the AST'S Office in Bolivia on Monday. t v, - W J _? - - ?. ami rwrua *> count) committeeman Robert F. Mollis I Smith of Gnsaetlown The delegates also elected other officers as follows, reported Ad* Varisani. ASt"b acting director Carl Hokien. chairman. W EJon King, lire chairman. Robert E HoUui Snuth. member: Alton Evans, first alternate, and Huion (inssett. ses\md alternate All of the stole inll lake off *00 OS Jan 1 At Tbcmaiboro MtKOHOMi ATHF WBEACON I Oa Safe At THOAAASiOM TIAWIIC WT j h Is Site Of ther Station Wilmington. N.C., and from Norfolk, Va., to Abbeville. S.C. Th Collect Fines General Walter M. Smith, Hoffman waived his right to an administrative hearing regarding the fines when he failed to request a hearing within a 60-dav waiting period. He was notified of the propased penalties on Oct. The ease was turned over to the Attorney General's office for collection by the director of NRCD's Division of I.and Resources. Stephen G. Conrad. Hoffman could have been fined $5,000 per violation, with each day a violation continues considered a separate offense. According to the complaint, he was fined $2,600 for a violation that occurred Feb. 17, 1 '.104, and $2,000 each for violations noted March 20, 1984, Feb 12 and Aug. 20. 1985 I J.M. Parkei Your Complete Bui I 7S4 I HWYS. 211 & 17 nsm MB "u&m S Here s hoping it s piness. prosperity at e\ R.E. BELLA Shollotte Our South Brunsi <9* f I lit 0AV1O ...always read] CAU 7 :W 1 I I V STAH photo ? tooii SWIAM THIS surface weather station at Holden Reach records weather data at five-minute intervals and relays it via satellite to Raleigh. t & Sons, Snc. Idinq Headquarters! 4331 1 Supply fejllil rich in health, hap rery day's dawning MY & SONS 754 6733 a/ink khnri.Q tmm ! A* df* S> - ; rifl r - .it I I v to serve you! 54-1488 t IT'! mnn M