I Opinion Page THE BRUNSWICK&BEACON Kelt* aril M. Stvcatt mil (Carolyn II. Swrntt I'ublithers Kduanl >1. Swnlt Editor Susan t,'*hi-r iVeir* Editor Johnny Grnijj S/torta Editor Mnry I'otl* Office Mnnatfcr Cecelia Gore ddvertiaing H< /k at wouldn't believe tt tf I told you wltat smelted ami tasted tiko alitor So faithfully, on the night of used to make tnc (tag, so I'd skip that December Slst. 1 put on my pot of i??rt Maybe lltal's why 1 Itavr no (was to soak, shortening the cooking money. ISome excuse, huh" > Ume In doing so Next morning. 1 tine story goes that tlx- more slntlller them with a tltllr salt itory, of greens \ oti eat on New Year ? Day. Iiain lor flavor the more greenbacks will come your If nothing else. I know that when way during the year, promising combined with the grains tn corn- wealth and prosperity (tread they make a hlgh-proteln. low- It took a long time, but I've fuially cost meal, a good way to save on lite learned to eat collarets May be this is meat hill i Vegetarians leave out lite the year I'll become prosperous, or if pork l nothing else, team how to manage 1 liave more uptown friends Uvat my money better make fancy b lackeyed pea salads or fare to )oin me* At least we'll start purees that they sen e tn equally fan- the year off eating healthy MOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRUNSWICK&BEACQN ? FOS! Cy?KTl KM IV SHMlOHl NO*lNCAiaiKA>4)1 For A +s~Qr\i Winning N?*at ANNUAL SUKSCIIPnON tATIS IT MAIL k | I- A vniwh'ti CiVT'V ?J 114 I a I t?r>.S?r? Co'C^-'Vi ); f cX/*?-.^a NV-'S - ^ 4 P"?J In ?ln,rr _ ?"n-tn u,_ . r nP?*e offer, . ^ **7s m TH 1962 In our 2 9 < ?= i?1 -jDQh I 11 I offer you '/ouRpRapi y To The Eart of Eden is supposed to have cursed man with having to till the soil and fight against nature to survive. Some of the prophets like Isaiah and the Psalmist wrote of the joy of nature at the coming of the expected Messiah Though these references may be metaphors, they can illustrate the importance these people placed on a right relationship with nature. Some theologians blame the environmental problems we have on Hit? Dctic's of Judaism and Christian; ty thai place man in a position of dominance over the rest of creation. ? " t f c A V ** ' m % n The Quiet Oi Wintei ill> bc?ul> of it* and Id the tall rypr [tlasln* of thin ire deep. from the EBRllNSWi 4th year of serv/t ^r// i 11 f^Ji A SECOND f< c.(1TY7AX'6> h! They see man as exploiter, rather than as steward. Rather than caring for the Earth, man only used it for his needs without much concern for the future. land was plentiful and "usedup land" could be discarded as the user moved on. The coining of the Saviour should ii.iIr in.mt: y umercnce. rroDablv sonic of the reluctance to relate the Christian message to nature was due to the "nature worship" of some of , the countries surrounding the early , Christians. The difference 1 see is that we don't attempt to "find Hod" , in nature; but those who know Hod through Christ can see nature in a new light So. let's also sing "Joy to the Earth" this Christmas season! In doing so. we acknowledge our role as stewards of the Earth, as caretakers who are responsible to the Creator for our special position. \ ^ v I' i'WI hc?0 ' WV*N UMI r fu that rise trom oatrrs dark and e?p <^5eN / i 1986 County!