I Page 6-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEAC MK. AND MRS. H .. . I.is Vows Ex In Denrru l.lsa Wcltsgh and lllcky McKcitlum were married Thursday, Oct. 10, In Koskildr, Dcntiuirk The bride is the daughter of (iohalin WelLsgh of Oopplngen, West Germany, and the late llelgu Weltsgh I lie urooin Is Ihc nrandson of Usui I tuns of UuiKwuod uiiiI Mr. anil Mrs. IJoyd S McKeilhun of Ash A U.S. Army S|>cc. \ In communications Birthdays And Thursday, Dec. 26 Clayton ('oo|>cr, Hilly Clcmmons, Tommy F.dwards, Clctis Clcmmons, J. Harry White, David Ward, Amy (' allouay, Hrenda lewis, Al Darker, ,lr ; Mr and Mrs Itandy lloldcn, Mr and Mrs U'liuc (Irccn. Friday, l>cc. 27 It It Ward, Dehra While, F.mcrson Arnold, llonnie It Wilson, Sanford l ee. I.ena Mae Jones, Pamela (irlssolt, I'aul Wayne and Marilyn Heaves Saturday, Dee. 2k Wayne Thorp, Kristl lew is, Dlckv Cilcnti, Jennifer Itarber, Clinton lioundtrce, Connie Davis, Mlchele llohson. Mr and Mrs W.T Hardee, Jim and Itarluira Campliell. Mr and Mrs Nicky Varnum VFW Members The Cain I wish Veterans of Korelgn Wars Auxiliary brought canned goods for the needy to their Christmas dinner |vi?rt> id Hrunswick House Kestuurnnt Dec 9 Memtiers had collected several boxes (nil of goods, which they donated to the Heed Our Hungry Children lioat Parade benefit (or distribution to needy children in Hrunswick and Horry counties Soma Nance, former uuiyor of I 'alaIwish also accepted a cash gift to !*- shuns! with the needy State Conductress Clara Mct'ary presented the I'nlrlotlc Aw ant to Hill ami Merle (iohtsbcrry She also presented a popi'V corsage to Joan MrMan. auxiliary poppy chalnruin Inventory Clearance Sale 50-70% OFF Opon Fri. & Sat Closing Jon 15 flfMjWia-' FASHIONS Mw> \ 1 m*te r.M' ol f K,v\? jn xtto ??\ ?? M_V^ I ON, Thursday, December 26, 1985 HH| a Ik IS^n| n K'KY MrKKITHAN a Wcltsgh changed 3rk security, direct support electronics ninintenance and logistics, will complete a two-year tour of duty in (>oppingen, West Cierniany, next month. The couple will return to Die United States in January, with plans to nuike their home in Kurt liuachuca, Ariz McKeitluin is a IW graduate of West Brunswick IliKh School in Shallotte. Anniversaries Sunday, Dee. 29 Tannine Kandall. Tabitha Wilson. Karen l.ominac, liloria Wilson, ItoKcr llewett, l.ibhy Hill. Sliarylene I'iltottc. Monday, Dee. 30 Jane Henry, Benny I nullum. Joyce limine, Caroline Uoherts; Mr. and Mrs It I) White III, Mr. and Mrs KUIII.M I iU'llllCll Tuesday, Hit. 31 Danny l.ee (inllowuy, Tin Corbett, Shelly l.udlum. Hoots l.eonard. Anion Uiwlng, I.nrry llolden. Ida Mini?; Mr. and Mrs Hick Joyner. Wednesday, Jim. 1 Kenny Ciumnnus. Ilolyn riulli|>s. Toluyne (inuthler, .lean Ingram, Until Altec; Mr and Mrs David .1 llatten. Mr and Mrs Stuart Cooke. Give To Needy As a token of their appreciation, the auxiliary presented restaurant owner Dorts Tyler a potnsetta The :il members present exchanged gifts after dinner The auxiliary meets next on Jan 13 at 7 p in at Calabash House restaurant f (WW *d 1^1 nVlN CREEK PLAZA SMALLOTTE 7S* 9968 cads* J Shallotte Couj As Rural E!ec1 Brunswick Electric Membeishi Corporation recently honored Mi and Mrs. Charles S. Hewett c Shallnttr ?<: bcin? on? of the firs families to get electricity in the area General Manager David J. Batte presented the 76-year-olds with a pe iascribed with the words, "BEM< Salutes Hural Electric Pioneeers," ii honor of their loyalty to the Rura Electric Administration's (REA's cooperative program. The Hewetts helped generate sup port for a local electric cooperativi back when BEMC was established ii 1939. "We started talking REA up am had to get four people to sign up foi Seniors Have F Holden Beach Senior Citizens rah ed funds and had fun at thei Christmas party held I>cc. 6 a Reaves Fish Camp. According to a news release, abou 60 people attended the buffet dinner including District 2 Coinmissione Herman I-ove and Mrs. I-ove, count; parks and recreation oersonnel am Ouida Hcwctt, coordinator of th( Beachcombers Held Party Twenty-two members of the Beachcombers Home Extension Out attended the club's Christmas covered dish luncheon held Dec. 11 al Camp United Methodist Church ir Shallotte. Tables were decorated with candles and Christinas ornaments in a holiday theme; one table was piled liiKh with handmade gifts for members to exchange. Only a brief business session was conducted by the president, Katherine Shawver Qnr^t/^ \ / i r I,. JUI I I V-l V IOIIO Senior Citizens Santa Claus attended the Towi ('reek Township Senior Citizens' Dec 5 Christinas party bringing ? fcr.g foi each member. Forty-four guests attended th covered dish dinner, exchangini gifts afterwards. Special guests included Brendi Ration, wife of District 4 Commis sioncr Frankic Itabon At n short business meeting Doretv Vcreen, special populations coor dinator (or the Brunswick Count; Parks and Recreation Department discussed the formation of a bowlmi team possibly in February, i senior citizens choir is also proposer Other program participants inclutj ed John l.cwis, president; l.e Wescott, chaplain; and Rudwa Sellers, invocator. The seniors' next meeting will b Jan 2, at the Town Creek Townshi Park building. All persons 56 an over are invited. Hapj Thanh yo SvonJ# PI ? I H4 lH| MiVtrtk* MACON HOURS T wSp m 50% car| ORN OFF ""; 25% TO 50% SflfCItD PlUSM ANIMALS & S Die Honored fric Pioneers p each mile," recalled Hewett, whi \ retired from the U.S. Anny Corps o if Engineers. ,1 llllfn Vinrl > HaImo l_J -11 C "miu u ITiUV.ll VTOS < i. group of batteries that we charged ti| n with a gas generator. It lasted abou n five to six days, but was only good foi Z lights a "Later, with electricity we got thi 1 small stuff, an iron and then ) refrigerator." The Hewetts, who said electricit; >- has been a "blessing" to them e bought their first freezer from th< i REA, which observed its 50th an nivcrsary in 1985. 1 BEMC now serves nearly 31,00 r members. :un, Raise Funds >- Voluntary Action Center, r A Christmas tree decorated witl t handmade ornaments was sold, witl proceeds going to the building fund t attendees played a "swappint , package" game and received gift r from Santa Claus. r J ' Youngsters Talk Poetry At Union The only difference bctweei ' children and adults is how man; ' words they know and use, Brunswicl Technical College visiting writei ' Barney Bush told a group of Unioi Primary School students. ' Bush was leading a poetry anc writing workshop for third-graders it Pearlene Dcgraffinried's and Chery Pitt's classrooms. The emphasis wa< on self-expression and the basic tool; it requires. Asked how poetry can be express ed, the children suggested dancing singing, facial expression anc dramatics. He also asked the children if thcii library had a thesaurus; they saic yes. He encouraged them to get anc use dictionaries and thesaur, sail 1 school media specialist Etherini Butler. I :|lanvALe Nursery e y II e appreciate your patronage in 7f.> and look it foruard tit seeing you in \ 7*6. I s < 10 roil#* north of Bolivia on US 17 Mon Fn 9 to 6 Saturday 9 y v to 12 I 353 51U tad ^aato^cic )y Holidays n for your patronage oto b*tv?**n Oc*on l?l? orvd Sun?*? Booth 4 *04 S7^ 4610 Jul'* Woflty Ovn*r o*% Sot 10 6 Othof timet by oppo?ntm*nt WviMft SAtE STARTS THURSDAY 10 AW -CHRISTMAS ITEMS? DS WRAPPING PAPER AMENTS GLASSES rS NAPKINS PLATES trnrKIKjr.t mir.e - ?ww - muuj \GES HAND TOWELS OFF ^?4, *USIC SOXES ^ A\RD$ sons ^rr_, _> ' f'Vl^ MR. AND MRS. CHARLES S. HEWETT of S 1 BEMC General Manager David J. Batten reco 1 trie pioneers." I y COMPLETE INTERIOR !i DECORATING SERVICE A _ Kb ?Mini blinds ?Carpet Vw ?Vertical blinds ?Wallpap DU ?Micro blinds ?Draperit wf ?Pictures ) | Ruby Floyd r Vjh Occa*i *)&tc ^Jutciaxr^ * Vvrr 3 Ocean Isle Square M Ocean l*lo Beach Causeway THf B?UNSW*0^ THE NEW 1 QUICK START v\x * i PROGRAM. i Organuational M Tnu/n N Shallot 6:00 p.m., Janua This meeting will be to discuss Watchers* class in Shallotte Come prepared to Method* ot payment: Regular members. 10 weeks p New members. 10 weeks prep Per meeting, to join each week thereafter Checks accepted only for tO-wee* p accepted for per meeting pay plan C A*ur?/| '" rntton*! o* * n BRING HOME THI ^?^C02 -*-W 7A r TWIN CREEK PLAZA m SHAUOTTE ?U 75!? tfGKTti Fot ALL BEDS 5ioo 30% U S SAVINGS BOND r* *?- w, n cxc Sv<&o n 'a- ?r ?ewpr" t .T? >v? ?t? 'v ? iu^ vanw^ ?rv? to-?* ? ?ot/ .; "A'Vir A?V .*? KY?ir I ' iJT-f ? rt?ipf^amvr m*ufT f UUM't #*r- ?* ?? Vi* ,v.-?*r 1" > ^OvAAh1* kM #kt>* i" JC^Jwrrj rO rcCi-? *o-*i c i m L / am JF H hallotte receive a pen from Wj gnizing them as "rural eleci 'H n yu^aHL/*- Wr IC AC ON 'J' ^ eeting all te i ry 7, 1986 opening a Weight i join" repay .... $55 00 ay $65 00 $1800 >b UU repay plan No checks II 1-800-672-4640 Ow*? St?n : BEACON! ^Nites COMPLETE BEDS BEGINNING AT SlTftQS I 1 # T I i C0WUT1 LOQ Of IIN(NS 1 ACCESSORIES F'MJ* SAT ?>? A?*C .S K'ClfcWi'CA *?* ia cue / j