1'agr S-A?THK ItK'. NSWH'K 1IK.U0N. 1'hursilay, July 3. ISS6 .. J ifl&ij} VJHJUtft TJmH V TWO STYLISH SISTERS pose on Ocean Isle Br?ch before hitting the water. Tliey are Kristcu McLcod. left, and Stefailie McLcod. of Sinner Duck, Ya., both decked nut in ruffles and smiles. iJt Jp i y* lljl THESE VACATIONERS Here more Interested iu a hall game than the bead fa.shilin \CPIU' llllt Prilitf PliUi>ll l??ff III' ( h.'vlnr C C In lilt ulld npinl . linMi and Scott Matron of -Llauta iu a tamer version, were standouts uti Sunse Beach. |p Sf^ ILJ IWIL. I MITJS Twin Creek Plaza/Shollotte/75't-7353 STORE WIDE SALE THRU JULY BTH I EVERYTHING I 15-50% OFF I Aii Swimwear 20% Or? See our ad in island Living f OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. 10 AM-9 PM YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLA ^ We s*?ck a V meG* anc* P'odut cm/h>' WIN.. , j /I rou ?lori t have to hunt l * ' ' / /r\ shop. We've expanded t ' v fa j/j;, \ including ice, floats, Jf ?T^_ /I '[ \ tanning lotion, film, ic< hi'?' LVf exciting new beach/ vx y V game room, t tS convenience of complete sh( With $10 food order, get 10% < merchandise at the Salt Peddler rie Hglden Beach ? General St 473 Ocean Blvd. West, just pust the Fishing I ih. ? ,?.??. MAto, Open 7:30 AM to 11 CM doll jpt. ft; jjf CAROL SPKITH of Columbus. Ohio | ? Is iriui iu u iiilnt gTOCll Oiir-pirCC swims uil with contrasting stripes. SHIMHFAK OK .il l. KINDS An eyeshade protects against the l?reensboro family nnd their SI glaring sun. McGee says Ids sky lilne shorts, i exactly what the surfers wear; I i e Mere Vmm Is How -JgE ,, 'ft 1! \B \ i Summer 1 On This Summer A Nim A PAIR OF VLSITINM PIC SVLVANIANS pause in ilicir si altnig the hearti at (Jee.'ti: Isle. 1 A Photo Feature Sasholte Is fashionably attired matching shorts and jacket of vsh By sirljK.il In blue and red. Jullv; Morjorie Megivern Matter has Che figure lor her rev? ing black and while bikini, Hotli ~J from Columbia. N A SAFARI...] ie of groceries, fresh &&'/ :e right on the beach! } for o convenient place to grocery o meet ALL your vacation needs, , gifts, novelties, umbrella rentals, Jr e cream, T-shirts, sunglasses, and W /ear for everyone. Air conditioned V ilHi-i'TTri jPh oo. Come see us. You'll enjoy the l/j iLdr7y/Bf ZWL :?pp?ng without leaving the beach! V\jiJjvjjSt jfi >ff regular p/iced ,x"oor: | | pM# N THE OCEANFRONT * r~-\/JIU PHONE 919-842-3660 I ORE Hp | f Pier on loft. VV ffl J [ J U| & v.,. ^ T- ~ , ^ |4Br| I jr. r vU?.-v i ?V i T I 5 II TanEL. Tl^T izQto i JaSSiLrsif At&dHSisi L ~M t Ir- ; I V" :! I ^??? / /^| .??r is dispia\cd by this Barbara Metier, right, ami Kris ion. left, sunbathe in ;i mllotto hostess. Matt strapless one-piece print and n bikini, respectively. Pal ~nitihow-trifnincd. are Watson, renter, of Shailniie Hi*nn? an ice Mm* trauilis mother and sister, tlonnl one-pieee suit. Jta J Helms, of Mooresville. clutching the string of a highflying kite, looks coo! In two-tone swim trunks, while his friend, l.onnle Chrktenburg of Luclu, sport* trunks Bp )&&!& a HUle 011 the wild side in rolorful leaf print. C -r *>/ *A\vl- ^ 1? 'r^-k (SPE-C-IALS) k 4 ' ' ?* * ^ '- I; 40% OFF ALL SWIMSUITS *' hH 25% OFF SPRIHG CLOTHING 15 T IV |f5J ui i ar(. ^ I WIN CREEK PLAZA, SHALLOTTE. 754 7690 <'hii wnr u mini, n u,j. uitaa??^ ? Celebrate with Savings at our July Clearance Sale i CuSiStJ^ ? rui i i i**n urn/"ii a liuicc bPKIMVa Cm jummtrv mLiv^ri/Ani/ui: * 20% TO 70% OFF j W MC/VISA WELCOME Y MOM SA I 10 9 I 47300 / I ... JJ ' I 1