■ y ■ ! i S HOAG £j BOOK BINDERY 1 A/ Bl BPRINGPORT MI 402B4 Twenty-fifth Year. Number 21 lA/irir^rKFAniM I viiW DCnvUi 1 inr iHi MUNWvtCK macon Shallotte, North Carolina, Thursday, April 2, 1987 25c Per Copy 30 Pages Plus Inserts the wheels of the out-of-control patrol car con tinued spinning into the earth after it rammed tnto an ACCELERATOR STUCK unoccupied tralicr parked in a field behind Yandle niobiie Homes. Officer Jumps Clear Before Patrol Cor Rams’^Mobile Home BY SUSAN USHER He lost his pair«l ear, hnt .Qhaljnitp Pnlire I.L Rodney Cause wys he’s simply glad to be alive. , J^pad tdear of bis carecolt^ vehicle earty Pridi^ inoenintt^lnfore It crashed into a unoc cupied mobile home. Both burst into flames at contact “When it hit the trailer, the wheels were still spinn- big, even though it was on fire,” he ^ said. “It was like snnething in a ' movie." The wheels dug b; so deep ly, he said, tlie frame of the car eventually came to rest at ground level. Cause was on routine patrol at 2:50 a.m. Friday, heading sojith up Forest Drive toward U.S. 17 when _ the accelerator of his 1982 Chevrolet ftMM , Impala januned at full throttle. He cliecked, but nothing was caught under It, he said. The goe pednl (vas Hmply stuck. "And It was speeding up »U1 the time," he continued, registering at last look bet ween 70 mph and 80 mph. Cause said he radioed the sheriff's dispatcher that he was about to crash, requesting assistance. As he rapidly approached U.S. 17, he decided to try flipping the car over on the dirt road rather than risk entering a heaviiy-traveled main highway. “I turned as sharp as I could, but it didn’t turn over," he recalled. "It hit a ditchbank. That slowed it down enough I could juipn out." As Cause watch^, the car continued traveling about 100 feel across a field on the north side of Forest Drive, running into an uninhabited trailer behind tlie Yandle Mobile Home sales lot. It didn’t take long, he added, for fellow officers to respond—Shallotte Policeman Eddie Reynolds, Ocean fsle Policeman Jinuny Todd and Sheriff’s Deputy Ronald Hewett. Cause used the radio in Todd’s car to call the Shallotte Volunteer Fire Department. "It was already up in smoke, though," he added. “It didn’t take long. As soon as it hit it caught fire.” N.C. Highway Patrol Trooper Roy Murray is in vestigating the incident. Meanwhile, until insurance investigators have a chance to clieck the accelerator, the gutted patrol car has been locked up at Joe & Moe’s Garage south of Shallotte. ••'I was very scared," Geus» said later. "I didn’t have that much time to think about it But you don’t think anything like that will happen to you.” Cause was treated at the Brunswick Hospital Emergency Room for bruises to his left knee and was back at work over the weekend. Monday, after another eventful shift with a 4 a.m. house fire, he said, 'Tve got to quit working the night shift." D/vru 1 j fMOIOJiVtOOII MYNCIDS BOTH patrol car and mobile home were engulfed In flames when Shallotte ftieflghters arrived. /\pp6Qis v-uurt Rfcffus0s To R©h0or Copyright Case Involving Newspopers Short of an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, the four-year legal battle over advertising copyrights between The Brunswick Beacon and The Brunswick Free Press is over. Last week the U.S. Fourth District Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., denied a request for a rehearing of the case, in which the Free Press was found guilty of copyright infringe ment The court also denied a suggestion by the attorney for the Free Press for all judges in the court to rehear the ca.se. The motions, considered by 11 judges, were denied by a 6-5 vote. The motions were aimed at over turning a precedent-setting Jan. 23 ruling by a three-judge panel headed by Senior Judge Clement Haynsworth which upheld the lower court's luidbiisa ill the case. The decision came three weeks after the Free Press announced In Its March 11 .ssue that publication of the weekly newspaper was being suspended because ot financial dif ficulties. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Wilmington in April 1384, citing three specific infringments of the copyright law in 1983. The Free Press was charged with ci^iying ads produced by The Brunswick Beacon and publishing them in Ute Free Press after having been notified to discontinue the illegal practice. In June 198S, the district court awarded the Beacon damages of $6,000, plus "reasonable attorneys fees." However, the Free Press has not been required to pay to date because the appeals court granted a stay uf execution of the dvil judg ment pending a decision of the appeal in the case. An order signed by Judge Earl W. uritt lOuTiu the Free Press guilty cf copying the three ads and the newspaper was permanently enjoin ed from publishing further copyrighted material from the Beacon. Britt had upheld the earlier fin dings of federal Magistrate Charles K. McCotter Jr., who first heard oral arguments in the case nn Auv 30, 1984. The Beacon’s suit was based on the Copyright Law of 1976, which went In to effect Jan. 1,1978. Under the revis ed law, ownership of advertising created by a newspaper can be pro tected by copyright. The case has set a legal precedent in that no newspaper has been previously found guilty of copyright violations. A similar case in Loui siana resulted in a lower court deci sion for the plaintiff being reversed by the Court ^ Appeals because of in adequate notification of copyright. W. Thad Adams m of Charlotte has th? Bescon I,, llte case. The Free Press has been represented by Larry Coats, a Raleigh attorney. Sheriff' r* O Department A^di Will lui Canine Doig Expert To Squad BY SUSAN USHER A four-legged expert will soon be joining the Brun,swick County ■ Sheriffs Department as an under cover drug officer. The department has requested a small dog, “preferably female’’ and on the lines of a springer or Brittany spaniel or a border coliic. The canine drug officer would be used in searches of houses, vehicles, persons—and if allowed in the public schools, student lockers, two sheriff’s officers told the Brunswick County Board of Education Monday night "We don’t want to interrupt the educational process," said Crime Prevention Officer Don Gates. He proposed the dog be taken into the schools to demo.Mstrate its use and ef fectiveness. That alone, he said, should help deter students from hav ing drugs at school. The dog could also be used to patrol the halls while students are in class; it will "aiert’’ to iockers, desks or other areas where drugs might be stowed. He and Det. Sgt. David Crocker had a double purpose for appearing before the school board. "We’ve ordered the dog, but we haven’t got the money yet," Don Cates told the board, and it must be paid for on delivery. Crocker presented the board two checks totaling $5,290, money con fiscated during drug raids and awarded io the schooi system by the courts. He then proposed the tward return up to $1,200 ot the money to help offset the cost of the dog pro gram—$2,000 to buy the dog and train both it and a handler. "We’d like to get more of these peo ple and their money off tlie street," he said. Thanking the officers. Chairman James Forslner replied, "This is a Surprise. Keep up the good work." So far the department has collected $800 in private donations toward pur chase of the dog, mostly from businesses. The officers said a trained drug- detection dog is considered an expert by the courts and its "alert” is suffi cient probable cause to obtain a search warrant. If a dog, for exam ple, is taken through a parking lot and “alerts" or scratches at a specific car, officers could seek a warrant, if the car in the meantime goes Into metien, it can be cinnnod until the warrant is brought to the scene. While it routinely takes up to 2V4 hours now to drug search a residence, use of the dog could cut the time to as little as 15 or 20 minutes. Also, said Cates, “It would keep us from tearing up houses. V/e’re seeing more and more hidden places in walls and floors." It only takes a very small space to conceal several grams of cocaine, he noted. While the dog can be trained to reliably detect up to 23 drus*., said Crocker, the sheriffs department is most interested in using the dog to detect cocaine, marijuana and am phetamines. B'jHru niembers Janies Clemmons and Dorothy Worth urged immediate action, and the full board said it sup ported returning some of the funds to the sheriff’s department, either for the dog program specincaily, or if more appropriate, the department’s overall crime prevention program. Gates, as crime prevention officer, is a frequent visitor in the schools, noted member Doug Baxley, pro viding a variety of programs, films and guest speakers at no charge. The board referred the matter to its attorney, who also suggested draf ting a policy of how any searches would be handled in the schools. The hojired will handle the sheriff’s department’s request at its next board meeting. "Wc want to do this, but we want to do it right,” said Chairman James Forstner. Individuals or groups interested in contributing to the dog’s purchase, training or upkeep may mail checks to the Brunswick County Sheriffs' Department, P.O. Box 9, Bolivia, NC 23422, marked to the attention of the "Rover Fund." Holden B^ch Police Officer Fired BY ETTA SMITH Following a series of closed meetings on a "personnel matter," Holden Beacli Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday morning to uiattuoo a ,wmi pclicc officer. Officer George Adkins said the board had asked him to resign three times before ills dismissal, but that he was unclear as to the reasons he was being asked to do so. Public. Safety Commissioner Qr&hsm King tiis motion Adkin’s dismissal, saying it was due to "a series of incidents which brought unfavorable attention to the department and resulted in a loss of confidence by the conununily in Adkins—which impaired his ability to properly perform his duties." King said the board would furnish Adkins with a letter outliiiuig Uic reasons for the dismissal. He said Adkins had been talked to and counseled by Chief Raymond Simp- V:5>jr son regarding several incidents. Graham added that it wouldn’t be proper for him to comment further. Following the meeting Adkins said that Simpson, Town Administrator Bob Buck and King had asked him to resign last week. He said he told them he wouldn’t resign until they gave him reasons. They eventually told him it was because he had lost the support of the community, he said. His dismissal was effective im- mftHiofojt/ The board granted Adkuis two weeks severence pay and any other vacation or sick pay he had ac cumulated. Adkins would not say wheUier he pans to appeal the decision in court, but he did say he would consult an at torney. The board had also discussed the matter in executive session during meeting.'! on March 23 and 30. The March 30 meeting was contihued un til Tuesday morning. “George has been here three-and- one half years now," Graham said after making a motim to dismiss him. “I’ve seen a lot of good work he’s done and I have a feeling he’s a good police officer—and that somewhere there is a job for him.” He said 2Ms years ago the town commended Adkins for jumping into the surf and pulling two people to safety who niight otherwise have drowned. Mayor John Tandy said "I know how you feel—there’s a lot of nice things about you, George, and you should know that this was not an easy thing for the board." CcmmiSoScncr Gay Atkins and Mayor Tandy would not comment on the dismissal following the meeting. Buck Said lie Couldn’t speak for the town, but that the letter to be drafted and presented to Adkins will state the reasons for his dismissal. Coastal Management Chang( Is Focus Of CRC Meeting BY MARJORIE MEGIVERN ScaCh access user fees ^rc pro posed, land use plans adopted, and a coastal water quality act discussed by the Coastal Resources Commis sion last week when it met in Wrightsville Beach. Nevertheless, members focused most of their ccmcems on new plans to reorganize the N.C. Division of Coastal Management DCM). Publicly, CRC members like Eugene TomJlnson of Southport, and Coastal Resources Advisory Council members like Mayor LaDanc BuU- Ington of Ocean Isle Beach and Rosetta Short of Long Beach said, "l«t’s wait and sc;e," as to the merits of the plan. Privately they expressed resentment over the announcement of the reorganization without much advance warning by Secretary Thomas Rhodes of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Devclc^menL Or. Lomn Muchmore, Rhodes’s ad ministrative assistant, unveiled it to CRC March 28 In the face of con siderable skepticism, dismay and )Ucsu0ri5. Short told him, "We're supposed to be the liaison between Raleigh, the CRC, and the people. When I was ask ed about this reorganization, I didn’t know anything ahcit it and was un comfortable. I think we should have been informed.” CRC members only were called to Raleigh in mid-March to be advised of the action. Muchmore said the reorganization is intended to put more employees in to the field to give better service in permitting and enforcement, the chief responsibilities of the division. Tentatively, he said, the plan is to transfer ten people, add four, and reduce the overall DCM staff from 45 to 39, but "no one is being fired,” he said. The plan takes effect April 1. District offlees will be set up in Morehead City, Wilmington, Elizabeth City and Washington, and the beach access program will be relegated to this district level. Three progfams will be shuted elsewhere in the department: estuarine sanctuaries goes to tlie Division of Parks and Recreation, sutanerged lands to the Division, of Marine Fisheries, and land resources to the Gss!stic Survey Divtsion, It is the transfer of the estoarine sanctuary program that disturbed most CRC and CRAC members. Tneir fears were spelled out by State Rep. David E. "Butch” Redwine, who told the Beacon, "Harks ong Recreation has trouble handling its parks; they’re undermanned and have a lot to do. Giving thU to them could cs;:£c mere probletiM than they'll admit.” But he wanted to give the plan a chance. “If the intent is to provide better service, and it works that way, fine. However, the whole process was not handled very well from a CRC standpoint," he said. Water Quality BUI The CRC devoted another large chunk of time to consideration of draft legislation on coastal water quality, presented by Special Deputy Attorney General Danld McLawbom at the request of State Sen. Marc Basnight The two bUls, one that would change the Clean Water Act, the other funding the changes, were baa ed on recommendations recently sub mitted by the Coastal Water Quality Study Committee. The legislation identifies two pro- blern-s in the area of coastal water quaUty: (1) the present classification system Ls too slmpUsUc and based on (See MANAGEMENT, Page ^A)