I f • I PnRc J-B—TIIK BKUNSWICK BK,\Ct>N. Itiuraday, May *1. 1»*7 Junior, Teen Miss Crowned A Shallotte girt won the Junior Miss Brunswick County title Satur day while a Iceland girl was crowned Teen Miss Brunswick County. Kim Rochelle Davis, 10, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy Davis ot Shallotte, was crowned Junior Miss Brunswick County. M^ss Davis, a fifth-grader at Shallotte Middle School, sang “American Folk Trilogy" for her talent competition. the 1986 Teen Miss, Crystal William son of Ix'land. In the Junior Miss category, first runner-up was Robin Ann Campbell, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jantes Campbell of tVean Isle Beach. Miss Campbell, a sixth-grader at Shallolte Middle, tap danc^ to “Fascinating Ithvthm" for her talent. Tami Lynn Smith, 13, daughter of Mr, aivl Mrs. John Bateman of Lcland, was crowned Teen Miss Brunswick County. Miss Smith, an eighth-grader at Wilmington Christian Academy, sang a contempory Christian song for her talent The pageants, held at Shallotte Middle School, arc sponsored by the Scholarship Pageants of Brunswick County, Inc. The wmners succeeded the 19S6 Junior Miss, Mamie VVillianvson of Ocean Isle Beach, and Second runner-up in the Junior Miss category was Ixwi Kae Clausey, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby- Causey of Holden Beach. Miss Causey, a sixth-grader at Shallotte Middle, sang contemporary Ctuis- tiaii songs for her talent Other contestants in the Junior Miss competition were l.,awanda Tanya Sellers, 11, of lA'land: Jen nifer Carrie Baxter, 10, of Southport; Anne-Marie Woodard, 10, of Supply: and liori Cheryl Moose, 13, of Bolivia. In the Teen Miss competition, first runner-up was l.e$iie Diane Causey , 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby- Causey of Holden Beach. Miss Causey, - a ninth-grader at West Brunswick High School, sang cott- temporary Christian songs for her talent Second runner-up in the Teen Miss contest was Lane Beth Tripp, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Tripp Sr, Miss Tripp, an eighth- grader at Shallotte Middle, Jau danced for her talent Other contestants in the Teen Miss contest were Kerri Lynn Barbee, 14, of Ocean Isle Beach and Natesha Evonc Gore, 13, of Shallotte. Each of the winners received 5125, crvwu ni'iu tfcphy-. Each cf the nmners-up received trophies. Lori Lynctte Bowling, Miss Brunswick County 1M7, served as mistress of cerenMnics, with David Clegg serving as master of cerenwnies. Special entertainment was provid ed by Shanna Guyton, Little Miss Brunswick County 1987, Terry Willetts of Bolivia and Kristi Moshoures, 1985 Teen Miss. Democrotic Women To Meet June 2 The Brunswick County Democratic Women wUI nieet June 2 at the Coun try Kitchen in lx>ng Beach. On May 17, the Democratic Women held a tea at tlie public assembly building in Bolivia. Fifty-two women attended the meeting while 17 new members join ed. A skit was also given by the members. Christine Vercen and Mary Stanley won the best decorated table. Sylvia Ludluin entertained the group by playing a “remember what you’ve seen” game. Door prizes were also given away. For more information about Peoples, pre.sident, 842-9351. To Wed June 6 Geneva Mae Kirby of Supply and John Daniel Kelly of Durham have aa- nounced their forthcoming marriage Saturday, June 6, at 3 p.m. In Share.i United Methodist Church near Holden Beach. A reception will follow in the church fellowship hall. Friends and relatives are Invited. AT SHALLOTTI POINT BRING HOME TKE^RFArON On Sole At SHAllOm POINT GROCERY VIILAGE MART Todds Have Baby Girl Henry F. Tonn, MS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas “Doug” Todd Jr. of Supply have announced the birth of a daughter, Jayne Marie, on April 22. announces the opening of his private practice in Her maternal gram^iarents are Hampton and Shirley Hewett of Sup ply, and her paternal grandparents are Roy and Pinta Todd of Supply. F*atemal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bellamy of Supply and Mrs. Robie Todd of Shallotte. Paternal great-great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Bellamy Sr. of Shallotte. Jayne Marie was named in honor of her maternal great-grandmother, 1-ena Jayne Robinson, who died March 4,1987. Individual and Marital Counseling, •22 Years Experience •Sliding Scale Rates •Evening Appointments • 2595 S. 17th St. Call 799-9505 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 For Appointments STAFF PNOlO IT SUSAN USHf R Beauty Spot Recognized Vereen To Wed A spot that reaps conUnnous praise from passersby, the plaza at the Ocean Isle Beach intersection, has earned May Yard oi the Moath honors from the Long Bay Garden Chib. It recently presented Ocean Isle Sei^ vice Center with the prize a^, as part ofits own efforts to beautify the county, a watermelon red crape myrtle. Shown above, from the left, are Service Center Manager Randall Abernathy; Long Bay Garden Club President Sibyl McLamb; owner Fleet CroweU; Building and Maintenance Manager William Frank Cause; and Long Bay member Prances Gravatt The area has always been weU-landscapcd, bnt alter the is- tcrsecUgn was vridened, said Gravatt, CrowdTs team restored it better than ever, with year-round color. “It’s done truly for the commonlty to enjoy,” she said. The beds were designed by Roy Roscoe, not pictured, who also grew the flowers from seed. Lillie Dorene Vereen of Bolivia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vereen, and John Scott Jenkins of FT. Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jenkins, will be married May 30 in a 2 p.m. cerememy at Little Macedonia Baptist Church in Supply. A recep tion will follow at the bonne of the bride's parents. WAREHOUSE \ \ / / ■s. ' ' ^ Special Prices on all in-stock carpet and vinyl Approx. 5,000 yds. to choose from. In Stock Wallpaper — 20% Off 55% OFF Mini and Vertical Blinds by Grober ond Bali Expires Moy 30th SEASIDEIa Birthdays And Anniversaries Thursday, May 21 Tracey Henry. James F. Hewett, Kyle Jones, Gina Thotsen, Alicia Hickman, Faye McCall, Frances Gray. Friday, May 22 Eric Eva^ William Kelly Roach, Reggie Smith, Trina Osborne, Sara Truesdale, Terry D. Phelps, Dee Stanley, Brooke Ellen Watson, Don na Salmon, Liza White; Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Phelps, John and Pririlln Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Milliken, Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett, Hubert and Ophelia Bellamy. Satnrday, May 23 Thomas Miles, Cathy Locklear, Stephanie Limer, Mildred Lewis, BeOi Willis, Jason Woodard, Calvin Babson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hewett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caison, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hin son. Snnday, May 24 John Keith Hewett, Casey Reeves, Dr. J.B. Greenwood Jr., Brenda Clemmons, Vicki Jones, Leo Johnson Jr.; John Howard and Eva Gore, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Holden. Monday, May 25 Stephanie Long, Bruce P(^, Keith Smith. Juanita Hewett, Steve Freitas, Jamie Hewett, Anita Gales, Candice Brac&e Smith, Paul Jones, Ida Mae Hamilton, Tim Carter, Bill Waples, Deborah Swarts; Mr. and Mrs. Milton N. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Parker, Jr. Tnesday, May 28 Robert Burcham, Jr.. Patsy Hewett, Patty Hawkins, Joseph Ramm, Robert J. Rudd, R«>bert Bur cham Jr., Saramie Leonard, Sara Massingale; Ronnie and Deborah Champion. Wednesday, May 27 Ashlie Lauren Frink, Keith Brown, Kerry Smith; John and Connie Mc Carthy, Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Detrie. r MEIN’.SA- LADIES’ APPAREL MAIN .ST.. .SJIM.I.OITK, 73K,tT. Photograph by Brunswick Studio Dresses and Spring Sweaters 20% OH Spring Sportswear 20% to 30% OH Special Caroup of Swimsuits 30% OH r Looking good... ...II means a lot more than just dressing nicely or seeing your hairdresser every week. It s an attitude, that certain flair that sets you apart. It’s that appeal that comes only from caring about yourself. At the Diet Center, we are here to help you with one very important part of thal appeal. CALL FOR OUR SPRING SPECIAL! Diet® Center VxViifv •*’ mdikc II iniv lime. WILMINGTON 754-6516 SOUTHPORT 457-4777 Head to the beach with... ...Jantzen Swim Suits And then, off the beach... .. .Vintage Jewelry Jeans (sizes 42-48) Lady Joyce Tummy-Control Pants "At any size 510 Bmnswick Square • 754-7522 • 10-5:30-M-S • Owncr-Karen Paine \ • SIZES 16-28 • SPORTSWEAR • JEANS • DRESSES • SWIMSUITS ^