ram- M-A—I HK HKL NSWU K HKACON. rimrsilay. Octobor 15. 1987 Suit Filed By Drug Counselor I'omior Southport rosidont Hohoi t K. Ward—claiming tu- was libolod last > oar—has filod a S'JO.OflO lawsuit attainst tho fity of Southport. SimthiKirt I’olioo t'liiof William Cor- iiut ami l.oiut Hoaoh rosidont Hath 11 .Somers. Tho suit was filod Oot. '1 m Hrunswiok Countv Suiiorior (\>url in lUilivia. Wai'il. who no« lives in Morrv County. S.C.. was founder and diroo- tor of far Ilools .Aijainst Druits I rn.\|)i. an anti-lnm ahii.so ooiinsol- inu son ico in Southiiort. Last iK'tolior. Coring suoro out a warrant against Waril for praotioui^ psyoholopy without a lioonso. The oharpo was vi'luntarily dismissed in .luno. In his lawsuit. Ward olamL- tho warrant wa> wsiiod - fiir an ulterior PEOPLE IN THE NEWS purpose, namely to cause i Ward i to he held up to ridicule and censure, and to injure i Ward i in his profession of rehat)ilitation counseling." Ward also claims that Coring cau.s- ed ' false, libelous and defamatory” statements involving Ward to be published in newspapers including Southport's Slate Port Pilot, the Wi!iiiiiii;iuii otar-.Ncv.s and The Hrunswick Beacon. He said Ms. Somers libeled him in statements she made that were published in the .Soulhport iiewsp.-ipi'f. In the suit. Ward asks for coinpen- .satory ilamages of at least SUl.OtXt and punitive damages of at least slO.tX'O W.ird > tvmg represented by Sh.illo’.'.e .l•.'..•l•ne\ \tich.iel Kamos Rep. Redwine Appointed To Special Commission Redw/ne Appointed Kep. Iiavid Kedwitie IVHriinswicki of Ocean Isle Beach has been ap|)ointed by House Speaker Liston B. Kamsey to .i special commission to promote development of the motion picture in dustry in North Carolina. The .Motion Picture Industry Study t'oniniissioii is made up of 10 House members and 10 Senate members and is to submit a final report to the ii‘8!' (ieneral .As.semlily. Heilwme represents Brunswick County and portions of New Hanover and Pender counties in the State House of Bepre.senlalives. Sanitarian Honored Clark Sizemore of Uing Beach, a sanitarian with the Hninswiek Coun ty Health I'lepartment for the past two years. Iras tieeu uaiued Uookie ..amtanaii ot tlie Near in the Southeastern District, which is com posed of 11 counties nicliidnig Brunswick. The award is named in honor of Dewey L. Padgett, a district .sanitarian who lost his life in the line of diitv. Sizemcrv vill among the can- ikiates .•■•nsuiered tor state Bookie >i '..‘'c Year at the fall T.'88 conference u public health employees. rhis '.s :.he third consecutive year a Bruraiwiok r'ounty sanitarian has claimed the district award. Past reci pients are Hubert Heaves and Sonja Kemuigton. To Attend Convention Stephen .M. Buss and Rusty Bellamy, both of Shallotte. will repre.senl the West Brunswick High School Chapter at the (10th National I-T.A Conveiilion in Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. T2-14. Russ is the son of .Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Russ. Russ, who as chapter advisor, will accompany the two, Bellamy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. .lames Bellamy. Featured s\ieakers will include Vice I'resideiU Cieorge Bush, '’hrysler Corp. I'hairman and Chnd Kxeciitive Officer Lee lacocca. .Secretari of L'ducation William Ben nett and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Shiiibach. KF.A nienibers will be recognized for achievement in numerous agricultural and career skill areas. BUSINESS BRIEFS Chamber Names Five Officers The .South Brunswick Islands Chamber of ('omnierce this week an nounced the appointment of five vice presidents for the l'.i87-«8 year, in cluding a new vice presidency. Dean Wallers w ill serve as the first vice president in ciiarue of the N.i . Oyster Festival. Other vice presidents and their area of responsibility are as follow.s: W..1 McLanib. public affairs; David Batten, internal affairs; Debbie Fox. economic development; and Annette Odom, community develoiiment. Ihe chamber also announced the dates for its next fundraising event, a casino night to in- held Nov. i;{ at lavern on the Tee at Sea Trails Coif Links. .Sunset Beach. Attends Seminar Betty Pait of First Choice Realtv attended a two-day seminar in Birm ingham. Alabama, Oct. 7-«. She is working toward her C.R.S.. a na tional designation awarded by the Realtors National .Marketing In- .stitule. an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors. Agents Appointed .Sand Dollar Really of Ocean Isle Beach has been appointed exclusive sales and marketing agent for Village Pines Villas, according to an announcement by .Jody Siriunons. a repre.sentative of the develo[>er. Pal Suiimons & t o. Simmons said open house will be held .Saturday beginning at 11 a.m. at the development on Village Point Road Hlwy. 179) in Shallotte. Village Pine.s will have eight units of one- and two-bedroom townhouses. S^UII represented by an established Brunswick County agency... Brunswick Insurance Services HWY 17 • SUPPLY • 754 8672 Crabbing In The WoferA/oy SIAIF PmOIOBV OOUO>U't> Davill Moiilgomery lunges for a crab with bis fishing net as Matthew Compton slowly pulls in the fish heail used for bail. The two were visiting from Cary recently with their families and found some time to crab in the Intraenastal Waterway near the Sunset Beach bridge. Nursing Assistant Course Is Offered \ nursing assistant cour.se iK'gins (>ct. '22 at We.sl Brunswick High -School ill Shallotte. Sponsored by the Continuing I'.diication Department of Brunswick Community College, the class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from T»::«) p.m. to 9;:io p.m. •SliidenLs are to register at the first cla.ss. 'The fee is $15. Assistants perform simple health care procedures. Individuals eligible to participate in the .Jobs "Training Partnership Act (JFT.A) Program may receive funds for registration, travel and Imoks to attend this course. More information on JPTA eligibility is available from Linda Ready at the college. Correction An article in the (X-t. 8 edition of Ihe Brunswick Beacon incorrectly identified the re.scue squad that Iransjiorled the body of murder vic tim Michael Baker to 'The Brunswick Hospital on Oct. ti. Calabash Volunteer Re.scue .Squad made the transport. longshot' Investigation Concludes With No Violation imv'it iil'TTKH The l'..S. Coa.'-t Oiiard iiive.stigation of a shrimp boat that ran aground off .Sunset Beacli \ug. 28 has closed with no violations found. I.l. .Anthony Wiest of the operations division of the Coast Ciiiard's Marine Safety Office in Wilmington said "Longshot" owner 'Terry Norris will not be fined for pollution violations. Wiest .said no report of violation was sent to the (Liard’s district office in Portsmouth. \’a.. Iiecause "there was no evidence of oil di.scharge." Wiest added, however. ••'There pro bably could have tieen a violation and gather enough evidence. "One of the problems we often have with accidents such as this." he continued, "is that by the time we get there on the scene there is nothing left." Wiest added that the smell of die.sel fuel which was noticeable after the beaching could have come from residuals which had .soaked into the wooden planks of the boat. At the lime of the accident. Chief Petty Officer James Williams of the Marine Safety Division had .said that there were "siifficient elements for violation" and that Norris could face as much as a $5,000 pollution fine. Wiest said there is no chance for fine even though all fines are issued from the district office. "Without a report of violation, the district office can’t levy a fine," he said. The Coast (luard investigation began Aug. '28 when the "Longshot" ran aground about one-half mile we.st of Sunset Beach Fishing Pier. The boat was destroyed in the surf within two days. Norris, previously of Sunset l-akes, could not be reached for comment. Wilmington Trio Arrested In Shallotte Shoplifting "Three Wilmington women are out on liail after Shollotii' Police arrested and charged Uiciii with larceny last week. Sgt. Rodney Cause arrested Hiroshima Joye. .Stephanie .Marie Bridges and Rafeeka Parker around 2 p.m., (XI. li, after they allegedly shoplifted $!)LU2 worth of goods from Pic-N-Pay Shoes at 'Twin Creek Plaza. 1 he merchanclLse included several pairs of shoes and .socks and was found in a green trash bag in the car driven by one of the women. Cause .said the shoplifting report came in about 12; 10 p.m. 'The three would have been charged with shoplifting if police had caught them in the act. he .said. Cause said the three each posted S‘200 bail and that the hearing has been set for Oct. 21. Shallotte Police Chief Don .Stovall .said tlie department is currently in vestigating a shoplifting incident at Carson’s Cards and Cifts, also located at Twin Creek Plaza. He .said this shoplifting appears to have occurred just before the one at Pic-N-Pay on Oct. 6. The assorted items stolen from Carson’s were valued at $M0, and were later found on the shelves of the Family Dollar, another store located in the Plaza, he .said. Stovall said the three arrested for larceny in connection with the Pic-N- Pay shoplifting are suspects in the Carson’s shoplifting case. COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE —Mini blinds —Vertical blinds —Micro blinds —Carpet —Wallpaper —Draperies —Pictures Rub; Floyd Hwv 304. SoQB’de 579-Ba9n 19S6 the BRUNSWICK BEACON CUSTOM PAI|T|E0 SIGNS . Y Pe.s.ign*Lay6ut*Logos. ■' ■ ' ■ ••'■•'•• ■ . .7' L Routed*Mdgnetic*Billboards Pictorials Any Size . .Elec. Signs & Installation . PORTABLE SIGNS Sales*Sdrvice« Rentals ' Crane Service & Much More SOUTH WIND- SIGN CO. Holden Beach Rd., Shdilotte 754*8439 Four Eliminated In Long Beach Primary Incumbent .Mayor .Johnny Vereen will face Coninii.s.sioner Michael Ox ford in the Nov. 8 Long Beach elec tions. Mayoral candidate Doris Werner and three of nine candidates for com missioner were triiiiined from the field in the town’s (XI. (> primary. According to the Brunswick County Board of Flections. Werner was eliminated from the race when she received only 2T.) voles last week. Oxford advanced to the general elec tion with ’258 voles along with incum bent .Mayor John Vereen HI, who received 418. Commissioner candidates eliminated from the general election were Jean Beard i221i, Paul Mid dleton (2601 and Harold Watson (128). Still in the running for tliree seals on the board and their votes in the primary are Kevin Bell iMO), Jean dray (380), David Drummond (297), Robert Miller (298), Ben 'Thomas (298) and David Ford C287i. Nearly 45 percent, or 879 of the town’s 2,025 registered voters turned out for the primary. •Daily Lunch Specials—$2.95 up •Nightly Seafood Specials •Sat. Nights—All-You-Can-Eat Seafood Sljriitfp & Sub MONDAY-SATURDAY 11 -9 754-5177 NOW OPEN IN RESORT PLAZA, HWY. 17, SHALLOHE 1907 1H( BRUNSWICK BEACON rT Thinking About Life insui’GinGG? Consiider an established North Carolina company such as... .lelfep! BSh5 AN niui uJliT |farsim’a ®ablp Early Bird Specials Monday-Friday 5:30-7 PM...$8.95 ('luiosc from 4 special dinner entrees: Chicken. Seafood, Prime Rib or Beet Stroeatioff Dinners iiulmtc our t.itmuis cliccsc spread and iinpiiricd crackerN. iinu’d ^reen saiad. >oiir klioicCtd ilrcsMn|!. Inmicmadc iioi i'icad. v«.^ciah!v id du' da>. .ariwi pntaliK’s oi riLC pilal. woMcc. tc.i or ^dass nl hiKisc wiiK* and ol cmirsc. our Iricnd l> scrucc' Kl SI K\ Allo\S II NOl WISH «Kktaih*( asiial Dii’ss UU r til AC I sV'd B / ii\ i There’s no secret here! Vc£c llw>. 17. Lillie Riser. S( •(N0.8)24'>-.8702 .5:.8t)-9:.80 Dulls. Closed Siiiidus. Live entertainment with the group “2‘/2’ and exceptional cuisine beginning at 5 P.M. UiVEf Ub 1 Cflll lo! bJJCLUii c:cCriau».jS ^ Tl uintvbyivm^ Dinner Lounge opens at 4 PM with all ABC permits Live Lntertamt'.u-ni Tluirs -S.it . D PM-i AM.'.Vule Screen TV Jn the Caiisev/ay, Ocean Isle Beach c /o PORTUGUESE • VEAL • SEAFOOD . CHICKEN *' BEEF