County tc BY RAIIN ADAMS Brunswick County officials will consider a request to take over the water system now operated by the Boiling Spring Lakes Water Corporation. Matters involving the county's expanding water system dominated Monday night's 4l4-hour Brunswick County Commissioners meeting in Bolivia. The full board was present for the meeting which included a 2l4-hour executive session?the second closed-door session held by commissioners this year. Monday's meeting had been rescheduled from March 7 due to the commissioners' trip to Washington, D.C, for a national legislative con ference. Request For Water During the public comments period of the meeting, Earl Tharp of the Boiling Spring Lakes Water Corporation asked commissioners to indicate whether or not the county would accept dedication of the corporation's water system. The water system, which is located within 'Pmim of Rniiinu .Qnrincj "M,w *" ? "o Lakes, is owned and used by 34 residents, Tharp said. Due to the high cost of operation and maintenance, the corporation contacted the county several months ago about taking over the system. Tharp informed commissioners that the corporation is in the process of bringing the system up to county specifications. But before spending $10,000 for the needed improvements, the corporation wanted an assurance that the county would accept the system, he said. Utility Operations Board Director John Harvey said the UOB suggested that the county proceed with discussions concerning take-over of the system. However, the UOB asked that fllf? Tnum of Rniiinu Cnninu wild ui kywiiiiig upllllg Lakes be represented in any negotiations, Harvey added. Emphasizing that the system is not owned by the town, Tharp pointed out that Boiling Spring Lakes officials last November adopted a resolution which supported the corporation's efforts to obtain water service from the county. On a motion by Commissioner Frankie Rabon, the county board voted unanimously to instruct County Attorney David Clegg to review the matter and make a recommendation for final consideration at the board's April 4 meeting. Positions Approved In other action Monday, commissioners unanimously approved a $140,301 budget amendment for five new positions and new equipment for the county water system. The money will come from the county's unappropriated fund balance. Water System Director Kenneth Hewett said the new positions would include an oner at or two maintenance mechanics and two maintenance mechanic assistants. Salaries and benefits for the five positions comprised $21,376 of the budget amendment. The remaining jii6,925 wiii be used to fill equipment needs throughout the department, Hewett said, including five vehicles and various other equipment. Accident Reports Absent This Week Even N.C. Highway Patrol secretaries need some time off from work now and then, and this week it was Ruby Oakley's turn to take a vacation. As a result, the weekly roundup of Brunswick County traffic accidents does not appear in this week's edition of The Brunswick Beacon because information on local wrecks was unavailable prior to press time from the Wilmington Highway Patrol office. According to a Highway Patrol telecommunicator, no one was filling in this week for Ms. Oakley, who serves as The Beacon's media contact at the Wilmington office. Brunswick Business Service 754-8300 z (Qua /as/ atfju/ is O s W *C | Competitive Prices Free Delivery g Main St., Shallotte ? Next to the Post Office 1 > Considor Suj Hewett noted tnat current water | department employees would get | first consideration for the five new ( positions, if they are qualified for the jobs. < Complaint Surfaces ; However, earlier in Monday's | meeting, a water department . employee appeared before commissioners to register a complaint related to seven new positions ap-. proved last month. Percy Kewett, a black man who said he has been training as an operator for the past eight months, told the board that he had a grievance which was "on behalf of every black that works at the water plant." He did not identify his concerns Monday, but said he had already discussed them with Kenneth Hewett. i Commission Chairman Grace Beasley advised Percy Hewett to discuss the complaint with Clegg and County Manager John T. Smith, in accordance with the county's person- i nel policy. The employee met with ' Clegg for about 30 minutes during the 1 commissioners' meeting. After the Gn \hi a V, JLJ At NCNB, free checking, Ifwemak we don't just n We pay y And this ( but to every N< Limit < >m u 'null >l/di i mix i n l jplying Wates private conference, Hewett declined lo identify the nature of his 1 grievance. i However, Smith said Tuesday that l some water department employees 1 apparently were "upset about some ? aromotions" that resulted from the i seven new positions approved last nonth. Kenneth Hewett was i unavailable for comment Tuesday. ; Said Smith Tuesday, "I'm just go- 1 ng to talk with the management of he water department and with the jeople who have a complaint, and 1 rcat it as a grievance." He added :hat if the employees are dissatisfied 1 with any decision he makes, they can ! hen appeal it to the commissioners. ' Other Business < In other matters Monday commissioners: i Adopted a $147,292 capital pro- I jects ordinance for construction of 1 water transmission lines in Special I / c* a r\\ o i?j naocoaiucia L/U)iiici (O/vui o tutciicu in the Seaside area, and approved a i UOB recommendation to give con- < tractors notice to proceed effective i March 15: ! THIS NOTE IS LEGALTEHOEK TOR ALL DEBTS, PUUUC AND PRIVATE 1 A 79967010 A - 4, >:?,!<,/ V/?V ? rrrr'-r rwl n.E Ch< torn our people are so commi we're making the followin e a n listake (>n your check lake it right. ou $10 for the inconvenier iffer applies not to just a fe CNB personal checking a i'lll/h't (in imnli>i7 statement I'civhI elle( hicSc " To Boiling S Rejected a UOB recommendation >y voting unanimously not to apply or a $93,000 N.C. Clean Water devolving Loan, after Commissioner 3enny Ludlum stated that the county should "forget this trying to borrow noney when we don't need it;" Approved tax releases and -efunds for the month of February, as recommended by Tax Administrator Boyd Williamson; Referred an unspecified complaint from Charles Tew to the Brunswick County Airport Commission concerning the airport commission's contract with its fixed-base pperator; Took no action after hearing a request from Iceland area resident Preston Dale concerning the need for a stray dog ordinance in the county, but referred the matter to Health niro^tnr MinK 1 D ?* m I ? L/UVV.WI tiii\.ildCl Udi 1CU*I\I1UUU5 lor Further consideration; Approved the health board's request for two new positions including a temporary maternity care coordinator and reclassification sanitarian specialist Gary McDonald r:r lall) ate( rthr n /_ n [Car rroi mlr lN( itted to error- checking g guarantee, withdrav ing account, The euarante ice. And jw accounts, people a ccountand best ban! I>IciiiIhv2fi. i'>S7 nhn THE BRUNSWICK BEACON, ipring Lakes R to an environmental health supervisor; Granted a request from Public Housing Director Perita Price to advance Vonnie Grissett 40 hours of sick leave; Approved budget amendments involving a $7,555 increase in the Community Based Alternatives (CBA) Grant for in-school suspension, a $500 increase in the CBA Grant for Cape Fear Substance Abuse, a $1,787 increase for CP&I, energy assistance funds, a $9,208 decrease for lowir.coir.e energy assistance and crisis intervention funds due to a 16 percent federal cut, a $5,187 increase in Jordan Adams funds for the Health Department, and inclusion of a $1,927 Governor's Highway Safety Pro gram grant 10 me Heaitn Department for infant car seats; Adopted separate resolutions to urge local legislators to support N.C. Senate Bill 109, which is an act to permit pensioned firemen and rescue workers to perform volunteer duties, and to proclaim March as "Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear Month ISpIS A 79967010 A fetaHiNnrnv P n > ^ ' t,A ;Th Ihe * ?. tint -Ere ; transaction, including ATI /als, service charges, and < NCNB $10 Checking Guar; e you can take to the bank it's just one more example re working to be the JJJ k in the neighborhood. M Hit!ill i!!!V 1!('!!l!)('! h'l'/' ' '/ } 4 Thursday, March 17, 1988? Page 5-A tesidents in Brunswick County;" Designated the Brunswick County Community Drug Task Force as the focal agency in the "Challenge' '88" drug awareness program: Reappointed Van Clark and J.W. Robinson to the Resources Development Commission, and appointed Nelson Adams to the RDC seat formerly held by Walter Johnson, whose term on the board recently expired; Took no action following a n i t * _- - ?-4-nour executive session requested by Clegg to discuss possible litigation, personnel, attorney-client matters and individual contracts; Canceled the county commission's March 21 regubr meeting,and recessed until Friday, March 18, at 5 p.m., when commissioners will interview at least six applicants for director of the Solid Waste Department. Commissioners also will meet March 18 at 8 p.m. in joint session with the county Parks and Recreation Department advisory committee and department officials. ats t ?Cl e B. Vis, deposits, itatements. iiitee. Its one i of how our !C^SB 'AV; V < > ?/ ? ??' ifu tri