Pase 8-H?THK BIU NSWICK UK..CON South Brur Marked B\ IIV HA I IN ADAMS ? A hush fell over the South d Brunswick Hii'.li School football stadium dnrinu ;in otherwise festive commencement program last ! Wednesday night, as tin* overflow a erowd observed a r.ioinettl of silence t for one of the school's "200 graduating d seniors. Sitting quietly with faculty u members and other special guests c r?i*ur the podium. Msirv Mnu* .S gard mother of the late Hubert 1 Horace Hlanton watched as seniors I' Hunt and William Sullivan ac- 1 cepted her son's diploma from Principal Mose l.ew'is A The two young men. in their navy J", blue caps and gowns, somberly carried the diploma to their friend's ,. mother, embraced her and returned ^ to their places in the long line of ^ graduates. Minutes later, as South Brunswick HighSchool's Class of HW1 filed out of the stadium. Mrs. Maggard reflected on the ceremony that would have IlllllM f.vt' li-.n .f f-.~ a vii miivii iui|j|'ivi i'' i mi. 11 uiJI MM the tragic automobile accident that claimed her 17-year-old son's life in March. "I think it was nice." she said of the school's decision to award Konert's diploma posthumously. It the graduation ceremony i was sad but joyous, too. for the other ones. And 1 pray that the l.ord will go with each and every one of them." Joyous" was. in fact, the best way to typify the hour-long commencement exercise. Brunswick County Commissioner Jim Poole opened the program by presenting the school's championship baseball team with resolutions of appreciation from the county. Meanwhile, the threat of thundershowers added an extra element of excitement to what was already an exuberant occasion on the whole. "A long, boring speech is another graduation tradition, and I was going to give you that speech." said School Superintendent John Kaufhold. "But as I look at the clouds. 1 change my mind." "Thank you!" a man shouted from the grandstand. Instead, Kaufhold briefly encouraged the graduates to consider 1 their "commencement" program as a new beginning, despite their success or failure in high school. | "If I held a glass." Kaufhold concluded. holding out his hand to the seniors, "I would make this toast: To new beginnings make the most of them." Another commencement speaker. Board of Education Chairman James Korstner, also encouraged the graduates always to do their best, no ( matter what occupations they j choose. "The world will know you by i your work," he said. i And in the class's farewell address, t Valedictorian Maria Ward compared i Spotty I OCM Gifts he 'II enjoy all sumn Shorts, casual slacks, spc more in lots of colors ant every size. Knit shirts by...Arrow, J.. LeTigre and Ocean Paci Underwear by...Munsinc Hanes and Fruit of the L Dickies workpants, shirt: and coveralls Jeans by...Lee and Levi Shoes bv...Dexter Nunn t * ? / * 15%-25% OFF Group of Shirts by Arrow & JJ Cockron P^/Wapped ^ /FREE IVflfl THE B0UNSW1CK BEACON . Ttiurs(la>. June 16. 11?SS tswick Gr( ' Joy And iraduation to stopping through ; loor into tlio future. 1 wo can accomplish so much n oui vcats. think of w hat we can do n i lifetime." she said. It is time fo he i'lass of 'HH to let no of till loorknob and leap into the dark." Others participation in the com nencenient pronram included senioi lass President Patrick Bryant lalutatorian Hobin Vivitoc. Assistan 'rincipals Tubb and Bolaru Inulish. and the South Brunswicl hull School Band Presidential Academic Fitnesj > wards were presented to honoi radnates Charles Baldwin. Davii lean. Carolyn Basse. Tiffany leinents. Bernard Flytlie. F.ddii irh\. Dawn Bolide. Hobin Vivitoe >'ood\ Wall-. Maria Ward and Amy 'mint Other honor uraduates included ulie Allen, .toolion Rest Matthew ssSEuij OUGAR RASKRALL STAR WY\> ireciation from Brunswick County I ncnccmcnt program last Wednesd lu mbers of the championship teal ured arc Principal Muse I.ewis | English. Classic I tm c? ler? -; H >rt shins and .J, .! /> ~~ 7W / almost ' J.Cockran, /vs^<5=rjwear, < j ooin ] i s, overalls Bush, Converse, Wolvei 25% OFF Sportcoats by Haggar & JJ Cockran Main Street, Sh f nduation Sadness i Make. Karen Bogart. Shan Bogart. Zachary I'athey. Bryon Chandler, lilenda Creech. Raymond Englerth. 1 Amanda Holland. Tracey Howard ' and Hunt: r > ,\|. HHr By ' I ||y& -1 ^^ "'/v ^yBMPPg' jmSHL ^jk ' | v. * I HES01 -.-Vi * si i| Bla&s^- v'*l ^ KfisF-' '-2& I The Brunswick Hospital he FINDER SERVICE to help yoi your particular needs. All you have to do is call. T Brunswick Hospital "Physiciar lifetime! 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