SUNDAY MORNING AFTERNOON 1V91 tV L.n JUNE 23 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 D ftinMry Beat.*' "Ajs*. Ma* Mg Snal AM An innocent 16 year olC photoqiaphei tails lo< one ol his s-jbiects J Ow Soorts '?V.* Say AnyWn#. J CUsac* (15) Mrtt b|Mi An eccentric millionaire invites iMure Stag L frzxv hve tamous deleaves to his t-.ome f Bmrm 1 45) Ob Wow JEL WBTW Mara s Fanv ITBA At /to Raong PGA Gol lASC^ RaariQ C8S Scots Sim?, TBA Ftoywnpts Thtr Comcty on fr RtaC Mwe Una oppqms r 1m V Hfir German attack ships elude World Acton IVrtory Sec WTVD q Pnmelne ICnme 000 |TJ hooker Mwe Same Time, Ned Year Two lovers annually reunite at the inn where they first met E ft/siVn Tony Brown iMtrwfc 91 |Wood |Hometo? IVWson Cooks iGtotewafch |NC Pecc* NASCAfl Raang CBS Soorts Sirday TBA ESPN a ^ CraryKrts Miwe Com Qanssa f 50) Happy Fifteen ( 10) Haopy Uiivi (40) Happy Sena PGA Golf CART Ranng Afcce 105) Major leagpjp Basebaf ^TTptestfl Pardon Me Can t on TV Out Contra Ffaen (50) T & J OouMe Dare (35) Ram* M^x Mow Prtrm RUt J Hjdson sr VGN Mowe Cont |Mcn* Women of Brewster Ptece A Southern woman becomes a role model for women in a ghetto O Wiiy |Move Gtam Mfer Story The We of bandleader Glenn iMcwe ANrays A man s sptnt returns to earth to provide guidance tor ? l-*jss ( 15) Motady'i Pawn G Kaplan Move Brteratoin C CX>?s ol Hacard Basebal WW lleadofT Man iMap league BinM 1(1100) Lcwe at large I Berenger Move ftoodiuort An American competes in an international martial als contest J Oormie Move Led Wvrtar An American battles three Japanese!^* SM soidiers on an island in WWII J Kttw I F,fld Sawman USA M*or leat^je Baseball Kr ffcler NewsOay NewsQay Moneyweak V?k n Rfwvs News World Report EarV^*ne News makers! Nemal Mad 106. GYN Physcan ICartk otogy Dertetry Nemal Med Ihfectous Arwefy Endocme CmMat ( 10) Rory Story ( 10) Best of Osney Sumner S**cfi R fOor Mwe D toy* McMe I Chanponshp Rodeo Bassmasters Outdoor Mag Bi Dance [Speed World lAmencr Sports Cavalcade NHRA Todiy |\Mnston Cu> iRrnd Test Wesftng MacGywr Mwe rtoorterj A coach tries to revive an ailing h?h school basketball team G P?1 iDog Haee Swamp Thng Httra* (16, Wafcxa The $on of a famous explorer continues hj^athe^juesno^^ j'-V-.f Lagmd ol Lteta ( ? f Montgomery Mcwe Daad on N Money An actress gets involved in myrdgr by marrying her lover s cousin SUNDAY ?" EVENING *" JUNE 23 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 ! ABC News Lie Goes On Frnv VOeos Fimy Pwne ECT Mama s Fam fJBC News C Evereci Koop Ejwee Real Lie Mtwe fatan Angoi A man searches California for his missino daughter W Shatter News Pad Mcwe MUjui A clergyman and a swordsman jotn forces aoamst two miohty empires J hns News 1 Fqr? Baric' C8S News 60 Mnutes Sin Dmer A* Farnfy Mutier She Wote IT ra*s of Row ( 15) News Roggns vmm A0C News L#e Goes On Ftn?y Vdeos iFtnny People Mwe Bra missing daughtei A man searches California for his rr W Stetvr INms Mdway (PI2 Al Crefltnes Road Rantoow lAnmats Naue Masterpece TTe No Job lady Faulty Tower Bang Served Savlf Sl/l (500) TBA 100 Mnutes Sm Omar Al Famrfy Mider She Wote Tnals of Rose Amencas 10 liestyies of (545) Kjfcr Ktowns S Snydn ( 15) Snantofc A planet s ruler plots to rod a peaceful world of its atmosphere M foots Mcwe fern an to Run f k*e N gfi Rap Mwe Anofor 48 fc*. ? Murphy SoaoetlgH 'Of Certify W Rstfi Art Lie on Earth no Canines Comedy ESPN -OIL. Program Com Sports Center Bbai ragnt M*r Leagje Baseoal 5onr?..>5t>? & Crary Kjds iQanssa hsp Gadget [Looney Tires looney Tines Bewfched Get Smart I Dragnet HWra* Green Acres [Best of SNL IFemwoud UD (05) Wresting Mwe F-xplorer World d Audubon Nerwk Earth Pad Program (5 15) Nobody's Pert* G Kapijn Mom& Summer Schod A delinquent gym coach gets 1 stuck teaching * remedial summer class M fanrm Mow* Grsmfcw 2 The NmM/ Gatqan Move Fiifier Mv, Buck D Keith S$)W (500) Tn C HUton I GN CD (400) Basetuf Mcmc Gross Anatny A student s attitude in medical school quickly brands rum a rebel M Mbctne ; Zone Twite tone Mcmb La* d l> Fhddl DetdCtim uncover a Otug ring with political and ludigal overtones fl Dennett/ 1Mn? Sajda A salsa dancer prepares foe an important iNews contest n /tea Mow Kiss of to E Fenn (40) Replay Monsters I Medea Story TMC (500) SM 5 fad Mow* Turner and Hooch A compulsively neat detective is paired with a drooling police dog / Aimte Mcwe J Damme i 35) Law al largt 7 Qercngn wf OR A Team Mc we Btood Vow* The Stay of a Mafta Wtoe M Gdxrt I Takes a Thef News Pad Program SportsWeek tn Bjsness World Today Sports Sin PnmeNows VSfc n ffevew World News jto Busness I Sports Nte TBA GUSTO Tn* Mte stones IM* stones hntema Med |Fam Practice kKfttt Oavy CrodceR (Pt 1) I LXngan Cacology Internal Med 106 GYTJ Fam Practice Ftyacan Presenting Wd Wovue ^Hw^V^The British king goes to battle in an effort to capture France i Trudon USA iMotorsports American Sports Cavalcade MHRA Today Wnston Op IB* Dance Bassmasters Cei Outts Speed World Truton USA MmJer She Wrote Mow* l ootaace A grieving woman sees a girl who looks like her dead daughter M Qtoert CoiriBrsSnte Eqjafezer Mam Vce Cosmos j Reacting for SkteS |Mow Lad Camra Al Capone laces the only man money^arn^ujMii^jiotlie^imm Mwe HmI Wm A reporter moves to California ana tinds racial tendons S lAtnnH MONDAY C>1991 TV L 'Si' EVENING JUNE 24 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 M VECT ABC New;: Wheel Jeooany MacGyw IMmk DnM A sinole mother s e? husband tries to burn then voono son to death fl Petti News lArsaw Ha NOC News Cosby Wbs Boss' fresh Pnnce [aossom Qiartu Lem News Tonsil Show More Hondo A Cavalry scout meets an unusual familv on an isolated ranch J ttone n Ewng Shade Brwnp^ng Shade iNorthem fjconr. News S Mta Bidets ABC News Jeoparty VMwei MacGvvw Mtwe O wM A single mother s ex husband tries to burn their young son to death fl fttas News MacNerf lehrer Bus Report NC People Aaortue Chefucrth Bate Raojem No HonesJJy Lew Conned IC8S News lEnt Tor*/i Hardcopy Map Dad |Fam#y Man Miphy BrownlEveng Shade Northern Lxpcrup i Zone Sweating Botets JUL (500) Wmbtodon 91 |\Mrrtiedon 91 Mowe Hwd to KB 5 Mcn* Wrnvtop The James Brady Wmhledon 91 Aengsrs Suwal Wd (A?de Oawdl Woiper ^nta by to Book / H*n Cal to Glory Evemg at Improv Up Close Sports Cereer Iter rabonaf World WOrStaq Beacii VoAeyba* ?f'M. Sulff Mag ibafNght Sports Catu hsp Gadget Looney Tines Mort & Mndy Bewrtrted [Get Sman iDrayet Htocod Green Acres Best of SNL Mr Ed (05) Bwfcti 1(35) Af*jy 1(05) Jeffersord(35)Newt?l i06) M i o I A suburban couple decides to put an end to their 15 year marriage f Mntgoniay W SHOW ( 15) Worti vWnng A bKhelor finds himself involved with three beautiful women M " A group o* black sotdiers lorms a combat |Mm I unit i)urmo the Civil War M Bain* D HtseM Mky 13KPI Damn A world lamous dancer finds himselt anracled to a na:ve qui M Brvsfnlt* Owge Jsme A. GrrtOi iBewached MM Odd A middle age man is called on to care tor his ailing, elderly lather J Lmrrai ? Maw Lbbqie Bwoal Mwe Onptaa A detective talis tor the seductive widow of a murder victim H ftmtn News Mggrun pi Mow* FatHdan Dance A Brazilian princess visiting Ai-ierica teaches a tnend tre lambada L I' Mwe tad Gov Earl Long creates a scandal bv courting stripper Blue Starr P Hynw 1 |Mwe Ddty Oancdq A girt comes of age During her Tiiiy s summer vacation J Gny W?0R m: Cosby s Bo ?"> Kate & Afee Comedy Wwm Npw Yort Pnme '#v, Sw?rh World Today Morey^re Ooss#re PhmeNews Larry KngUe1 World News Mcneytr* Sports N* J! &CB matW ISuoa "larwt |TV Pt* DM LA Lwr Mcmb Cdda d t? HHda Shnfn A detective hunts down the Hillside Stranglers R Ctonm Mofy Dodd Move Sesame Steal Bdd 5 Mtman Felow^dl ( 35) FUnrt AwHl Mf* "f!** - *?? f"* A Jewish lamiiy hides trom the N?is m Holland World War II J StfdMnU (SOOi VdeoPV Be a SO On Stage [On Sage NasfefeNbw Croc*. Chase On Stage 0- Scat* iBL Ca^onns \Ui ?Afdor. She Wbte hAMF FYme Tme V^Awang MwnMoe G^gar Bugs Bmny and Pas **?* 0"*S 41* Ge,mJn soy Irrts to seduce an Allied flier to o?a.n fwonnabun J Anctovs Mcwe Canto L OKw I TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 25 730 8 PM 8 30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 HS d Ok . -. i ?? uati Owv B?/ Atsrk) hm WTVO a I joi -?!L M. _slL MAX j? SL. Q^njr iwp C8S News ABC '??*?> [WM JbdchtV Jeopardy1 Rescue 9ti W*os Bass7 I ho <* Ctes 'on^t Show [Marfterf lehny 9u^ Report S&Mne ^>?^te?ITTeoo7 1 H Pofce Academy s Guflrrtxrrj * *? ?Wk)m |Mapr Leagje Basebal h% Fd c>nnoni A COO s new par'nff ' as a muU.pie personal ;y c sect' 15 Kanfcdry Wo nun C Lidd 36^r Mow Armed and Oangerous J On* A syj*11? l*?? ?**? ? rooocqo ? pmeo ?mn?5Sh r _, . p s ?o oe ine world s best rider A focAttv | cyborg designed to t>e his equai P nfciy Wond Tgday K* & Afe |Mamr leap* Basets* [WiieyVv Crossfire |(35) Stew Da* iMtwe ? Tha Twer Ftem Beyond Sqeoe M I i nompson fFvT*fy*?M^. [lary Ktq Iwe1 [Worio '*ws iMuneytr* ISoots N(te Shfl Magrun pi Goee.Jal JE _^L l A l?? Mow of Mlo and Oh ftdit<>) Son ot Omars |Mwr 0m? Dramt When , coupH s (Hug'^e lltOW-S ttlt title- j-j f- ? t, a,, Q "?BKT *??<; U4? (SCO) .'<>. Chase On Stage ICfutJi Si iMbtti Vce *A'.v Hortow An Afghan tribesman tries to prove hWi ft? ?.* ?? ?.,A. ^ . . " his manhood to nther 0 aw daug^Til ^wSwifiS^ FotSS? WEDNESDAY EVENING ?) 19^1 Ty . s. JUNE 26 WWAY P? VECT 6 PM News 6:30 ABC News 7 PM 7:30 J snqarV 8 PM Wonder Years 830 Gro*g Pans 9 PM Doope M0 9:30 iMan,fan#y Eofll Juste? 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Vseno Hal Cosby Wws Boss7 Unsold Mystenes f*qtt Coui Sartefc Qiartu^ leap Ttn^fi Show WBTW ?'*.? v BJlvwnMe Fam#y Man J*t & the fa^nan 46 rtars Snene of ew Cnme WTVO ill NJ JeoparxV Wondw Years Grrwrg Paris tooge MO |MviT*r*y Marfte' lehrer Bus Report Stateire Owfi Frost Mart F^ssefl Eaua Justce Npes Ms Feiwrt Oil and PtuJ Star Cops WJKA (P 3* NICK Love Corned ICRS News |Frt TonqN Hard Copy IFarn^ Mar iJate & r? F?nir 48 Heirs (500) Wlntitedon 91 i'.V'.t- GremSre 2 The New Bald) / G*qr A-/p?igers In PGA Tou I Up Qose Siiwa Wld Crusade Sports Certer Map leagjp Basetjal P^Cert^Y B^teine |Oi Cer*ry Spacrtpn T??lte Zone |Scene di ff* Cnme Oryul Tjes I HBO Comedy Hoi Bbaf Ikft IWmoiedon 91 iF^enriq at Imprtx Spi MAnto hsp Gadget Lonney Tines Mort & Mrdy Be*^tf*d Get Smat Oragnet Htchcock (05) Top Gins & Wfltes (05) Guyane Tng^r. The Story of An J Green Acres Best <* SNL Ed TBS CD 1* (05)Bw*ch If 35) Andy 1(05) Jeftersord; 35) tewhai T SHOW " *" J?nK ?he **** ?' 1 ,e"? rttn a sUtnw mm G Hmti Mow Summer Jab 5 fase Mtwe Exteme Pr+j&x The g rUriend o' a Te?as Ranger is fc.flnappec by a drug Ceaie- N fate Angush iav Bear An orphan beai cub is befriended by a wounded Kod'an bed' J [Mow Emeti Sim Otttms j VSrvy |M MacOonatd |Mpw Loal a troubled A psychiatrist struggles to reconcile " SiMwtina Bewfched Mow Hondo A Cavalry scout meets an unusual family on an isolated ranch J Wayne News jNqtt Call Mayui pi J3K OR Mwe Penrees From Heewan An unhappy man sells i'ee'\. sheel Gu< :q 'he Depression Cosby jV^os Boss7 Kale & AHe lOnwdy Wheeil |Mow PwflrtraJ Four generations learn the toys and distresses of raising a fam.iy 5 A*r? "Av? Hondo A Cavalry scout meets an unusual family 1 on an ispiated -anch J ?V5pp (05! Cadtec Mn A womanizing car dealer is taken Hostage by a icaious husband R Wftjrrs News Swetf J! ?Arcylrc Ciosfn Pnrr*f*!ws Sob market ISiro ntartd tvpbi Duel LA Ljw Lary Krg Lw1 VVbrtd News '.Vrir^?? Swm to Stann lawyers tace their consciences wnen i c1 en coi^esses jn cpgjijBCT P Cjtor Scots Nae Moiy OodO |0ang? Bj? I Mow Stay A mysterious Ooofc takes a to the magical lana pt Fantasj H r - j IHgrmayiiai LiW Parent Tnp I Be a Sa p*4i OITsBge XI Masfvfc No* Crook. Dm CXeB Otsage xi MacQyw Wrtei She Woe Wow Parted Mda A woman investigates her brother si iVe-.Q^s tia-cee S ttec Mam Woe [Bugs Bmy NBA BaswDtf Draft Mow Heal Wave 9 Underwood SOUTH WIND SIGNS CUSTOM PAINTED SIGNS ANY SIZE SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM ELECTRIC SIGNS INSTALLATION & REPAIR 754-8439 HOLDEN BEACH ROAD^ COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE ? Carpet ? Vinyl ? Blinds ? Wallcoverings Ruby Floyd Ocecut IvCe Hwy. 904. #3 Seaside North 579-6091 eietotNC towMSwc* v acon WANT TO STOP SMOKING? Smoking cessation classes starting soon. call 754-5581 and sign up today. Showing June 21 at 10 p.m. Order your best entertainment value now. Call Vision Cable. /j&Sh. (919)763-4638 or, (800)222-8921 L ?5C cmemax, THE MOST MOVIES ON x&TQfy. ^ LAWN & GARDEN W AND SUPPLIES We have everything squirrels and birds need... ?Feeders ?Corn on the Cob ?Peanut Butter 'Bird Seed ?Houses and more! 20% OFF A PLANT OF YOUR CHOICE With This Ad ? Expires June 26 Filter sand for swimming pools in stock! 842-7727 Open Mon.-Sat. 7:30-6 ^HWY. 130, HOLDEN BEACH RD. (1/2 Mile From Causeway)^