DRIVERS FOR SALE OR RENT You Can't Buy Distance John Daly and Freddy Couples arc contributing to growing sales figures for bigger and longer drivers. These two professionals and an ever in creasing number of other PGA mem bers are blistering the ball farther and farther. Most of them attribute their added length to some kind of new driver. The variance in the field of BY available materials used to propel the WILL I golf ball for long distances is swell- WVD[: , , WILLGOLF frv" ??jmhivvo PHPtfOET! I ing almost by the day. Some of the luiNncLL I warclubs feature large to jumbo driver heads made with new light materials. Others arc designed with a variety of slots and humps in the driver heads. Most of the new heads for drivers are sonic form of cavity club that also proclaim special secret formulas for the substance used to fill the interior space in the clubhead. Others reserve their special concoctions lor insert ma terials. Their specialty is to hold the ball on the clubfacc longer in order to increase the compression of the ball and produce more spin to stabilize its flight. If you believe that, I would like to sell you a place on the Democratic ticket this fall. Club Shafts Are More Diverse Next comes the most frustrating and confusing aspect of modern club designs. The shafts used in golf clubs today must number somewhere around a hundred. You can get lightweight shafts, countertorque shafts, shalLs with a dozen different flexes, and shafts of all colors and descriptions. Somewhere there is a firm which makes money just thinking up the names for uolf shalts. There is the Boomer, the Bomber, the Big Bertha, the Big Gun, the 747. the Super Suck, the Fire Stick, the "J." the "J:;" an;! the Cryptonite. Those are some of the less creative names. I think someone should write down the names some of us call those same ch. and Betty (ieesey had 55. 1 bird flight winners were Pam Allen with 46 points, Jerri Moore with 45, and Marie Blanda with 44. Birdies were carded by Rcid at the I irst hole. Rick at the seventh, Joan Llewellyn at the 12th, Nin n ? ? t. , t g_ . | I if if in uiv iv?ui uhvj . .alio ran ui the seventh and 12th. Brierwood Men I w o teams tied for first place in the Brierwood Men's Golf Asso ciation two best hill tournament last Thursday. Dave Harper, Jerry Lula, John Majtocci and Paul Kcclcy fired a 24 undcr-par round of 120 to tic the foursome of Jim Bryant, Don Redding, Burley A than and A1 Hicr man. On Wednesday, the team of Jim Roach. Ann Causer and Ncarle Eillstein shut a 33 to win the nine hole mixed scramble at Brierwood. Finishing one shot buck in place w as the foursome of A! Hicr man, J i in Bryant, Marilyn Athan and Marje Roach. On April 13, Jim Vermccrsch won the points tournament with sev en points. Dave Harper and Jim Kellcher lied for second with five points each Tied lor third with three points apiece were Jim Pulliam, Don Red ding and Bob Warchcim. Carolina Shores Ladies Ginny Dorshimer shot net 38 to lead the I irst flight in the Carolina Shores Ladies Golf Association tournament last week at Cypress Ba> . Golfers countcd scores on holes starting with the letters "T' and "F" and used hall of their handicaps. Pal Reardon finished second in the top I light with net 43. Second llight winners were Joan O'Neill with 28.5 and Marylin Scarby and Edith Gricc with rounds of 30. Ruth Ricc won the third flight will1, a score of 28.5. Second place went to Pat Soulc with net 3 1. In the fourth llight, Helen Tyson ux>k first on a match of cards over Cynthia Omundscn after both wo men shot 31.5. Dorshimer had low putts with 28 and chipped in for birdie at the 12th hole. Gerry Burdick chipped in for birdie at the fourth, and Doertha Ncedham chipped in for birdie at the eighth. Other birdies were carded by Ann Hicrman and the fifth hole and Dorcen Spearin at the sixth. Chip ins were recorded by Scarby at the second hole, Ducky Rice at the 10th and Dot Meaderatthe 17th. Sea Trail Men Dick Zinscr fired a net 62 to take first place in the Sea Trail Men's Golf Association tournament last Tuesday. Second place went to Winston Stephens with net 64 on the Maples r BRlERwdoD^l gdlf'cluri Oldest Course in the South Brunswick Islands I SPRING PRICE BUSTERS" c< I SO A GOOD ALL DAY OHh green fees & cart Caii 754-4660 for starting times Locals & Senior Citizen Discounts Available Anytime Afternoon Special (After 1 2 pm) $24 (green ! \irrnu K Jut.iMc finish 12 u i: Uiur.mtrt' on iua uinkI w.iur v U hi up 17; 99 Price good thru May 2, 1992 Little River Paints & Hardware Next to Food Lion in Little River Village Little River, SC (803)249-3875