Development Board Criticized By Member ? (Continued From Page 1-A) much," Myrie said. Monks also said he had contacted prison officials and learned that the state would not consider building a correctional facility in the county unless there was a significant show of support for the idea. He said he had asked the RDC members to dis cuss the idea with their county com missioners. After hearing their responses. Monks said he determined that the idea of building a prison "was not something the group felt it wanted to pursue." He said members indicated that a correctional facility would be "too controversial" and would hurt tourism. But Myrie insisted that the pro posal was not given a fair hearing. He said the RDC should have thor oughly researched the idea and pre scnted its findings to the county commissioners. He also dismissed claims that a prison would harm the tourist industry. "You would never know it was here," Myrie said Tuesday. "This is one of the biggest counties in the state. We could put it out in the Green Swamp and have the alliga tors guard it." At the urging of several board members. Monks said Monday night that he would include the prison pro posal in his quarterly report to the county commissioners next month. In other business, the commis sioners chose Don Hughes to serve as chairman; John Ramsey, vice chairman; Arthur Clawson, secre tary; and Elizabeth McLean, treasur er. Ralph King and Vernon Ward were welcomed as new members. Holden Beach Rental Agents Under Scrutiny (Continued From Page I-A) "Real estate agents, under state said the town would send a follow- law, are not allowed to misrepresent up letter informing the real estate a property for sale or rent," Brogden commission that Swans' letter was noted. 'The agent has a duty not to not intended as a complaint. misrepresent facts they can verify on Swarts said he was seeking infor- their own." mation from the real estate commis- Town officials say they're con sion on how to deal with the over- cemed about overcrowding because crowding of rental units, an issue it can lead to septic system failure that has been debated at Holden and pollution of ground and surface Beach for years. waters. Despite the lev... fecmp. "The consequence is if the system to distance itself from Swarts letter, ^ . . ? We ^ Brog