Board Of Commissioners Approves Smoking Ban At County Complex BY ERIC CARLSON A ban on smoking in all public areas of county owned buildings was approved on a first reading the board of commissioners Monday night, while a proposal to regulate smoking in public buildings county-wide was relumed to the board of health. Because the policy was approved in a split vote, with commissioner Donald Shaw dissenting, the mea sure w ill have to pass a second reading scheduled for the board's next meeting. Health Director Michael Rhodes presented the coun ty board with two draft smoking policies?one for the county government complex and one for the county? endorsed by the health board earlier this month. He asked the commissioners to consider adopting one or both of the proposals. After declining to take action on either version, the commissioners instead chose to vote on a third policy read out loud by commissioner Tom Rabon. The approved policy would prohibit smoking "in all "I thought we ought to let everybody run their own shop. The sheriff has a situation that is unique to his department as do the health department and social services."? Don Warren public rcstrooms, all public assembly rooms, all hall ways and corridors, employee lounges and any other area as designated by the department head in any public building." Unlike the more restrictive proposal adopted by die health board, which bans smoking throughout county buildings and vchiclcs, the commissioner's policy leaves it to department heads to dccide whether or not to pro hibit smoking in employee offices. "I thought we ought to let everybody run their own shop," Commissioners Chairman Don Warren said in an interview Tuesday. "The sheriff has a situation that is unique to his department as do the health department and social services. Each one ought to be allowed to deal with their own particular situation." Department heads arc responsible for taking discipli nary action against any employee who violates the no smoking policy. The initial emphasis of an enforcement action will be on "informal counseling," but repeated vi olations "will lead to warnings and eventual termina tion." the policy states. While the health department regulations included no avenue for enforcing the no-smoking ban against visi tors to county buildings, the plan approved by the com missioners provides for a civil penally of S50 per viola tion. A misdemeanor warrant also could be issued that could subjcct a violator lo a fine of S50 or imprisonment for up to 30 days. In deciding not to act on the proposal lo regulate smoking county-wide. Warren noted that a policy adopt ed by the commissioners could only be enforced in unir, corporated areas, not in the municipalities where most retail businesses and restaurants are located. "The board of health had the power to abolish smok ing county-wide, from border to border. But i,