I What Goes Around... ??? local law enforcement agencies find ways to benefit from the national military down sizing. Page 11-A ^ v mam ... _ Aaron Butler and Emily Gore are named senior athletes of the year at the WBHS sports awards reception. Page 10-B ?MMiiliBittr B1 ? I? II THr HOftlfc SONS.BOOK BINDERY F' 0 BOX lt'-i T * SPRIN6P0RT MI 49^84 Wet A Hook! till Local anglers are bringing in decent catches of spot and flounder as the water warms and the crowds gather. Page 8-C. Spiff' ~ . ? . nc m jcj-cn(j jjjh indicating that on the night of Oct. 12, they rode to- casings found at the scene were fired from a 9mm se Court on July 12. 1 gcther in a Honda automobile down a dirt rode and mi-automatic pistol owned by Hill. Both men arc charged with first-degree murder, kid- As in most cases that could result in a death-penalty stopped. Both defendants said Evans was ordered out The SBI is also analyzing fingerprints found on the napping and armed robbery in the shooting death of 20- verdict, the defense has filed numerous motions on of the trunk at gunpoint, led to the front of the car and weapon and on items recovered from Evans' car. year-old Ronald Everett Evans, who was reported miss- their clients' behalf. Lawyers have asked the court to shot twice from behind, according to police. But each Investigators have requested that highly detailed "ma ing after he left home to pick up dinner for himself and declare the death penalty unconstitutional, to allow the man has said that the other one pulled the trigger. jor case inked impressions" be taken from the hands of his girlfriend at a Shallotte fast-food restaurant on the defendants freed on bond and to prohibit the district at- Evans was driving his champagnc-colored 1986 both Hill and King. night of Oct. 12. He never returned. tomey from dismissing potential jurors on the basis of Honda Accord when he left Ash at about 7:30 that Both King and Hill could face the death penalty even Six days later, a horseback rider found Evans' dc- race, sex, religion or because they arc uncertain about Monday night, according to police. He bought dinner at if it is never proven who did the shooting, Bollinger composed body on a ditch bank beside a dirt road lead- imposing the death penalty. the Shallotte Burger King and took it to the Revco store said. A person convicted of committing a felony that ing into the Green Swamp. He had been shot twice Hill's lawyers have asked that his trial be moved to on Main Street, where his girlfriend worked. results in a person's death can also be guilty of murder from behind with a 9mm pistol. another county, claiming that Hill could not get a fair His car was found the next day in the marsh behind no matter who did the killing. Hill and King have been held without bond in the hearing here due to local news coverage of the murder Brick Landing Golf Course. Inside was a Burger King Bollinger has overseen the local investigation into Brunswick County Jail since they were arrested less investigation. bag with a receipt recording a purchase lime of 8 p.m., the Evans killing and is expected to be the lead prosc than a week after Evans' body was found. Both defen- "It would be exceedingly difficult to find someone in Oct. 12. cutor at next month's trial. He said he expects lhat dants have undergone psychological testing and expert the area who had not heard of this case, who had not Investigators say they believe King and Hill were District Attorney Rex Gore or another of his assistants medical testimony is expected at both trials. heard opinions concerning it and who had not been planning to steal a car that night; that they allegedly will help present the state's case.