Team Shakes 11 -Pound Jinx By Catching...Zip! BY JAMIE MILL1KKN The black cloud that has rained on the parade of ihc Caribbean Soul Fishing Team in cach Sun-Fun King Mackcrcl Tournament certainly has not lifted. As 1 told you last week, we were determined to shake the 11 -pound jinx of tournaments past. Guess what? M CAPTAIN we shook it all right. We didn't catch a j^ JAMIE'S single pound. I was "tickcd to the high ? rjFFQHnRF cst P03^ tickativity!" ? Friday morning Brant McMullan, \ FISHING Eric Carlson and I checked out of REPORT Lockwood Folly Inlet, and wc were greeted by some nice three-foot south west swells. I knew this was going to be fun. To make a long story short, wc didn't have a strike all day. Nothing! Saturday morning was even rougher. The sea had built to 5 to 6 feet, and an occasional 8-footcr would come along just for entertainment. However, wc managed a nice fish. A nice 30-pound cobia fell victim to one of our live baits. Boy, was 1 glad to see him! He will at least provide some great meals at the McMullan and Millikcn homes. The Brunswick County fishermen were saved as one of our own mus tered a nice fish to place in the top ten of this even. Dr. Mushtaq Khan and Gerald Brown teamed together to land a 21.90-pound king on Saturday. Their two days of fishing were similar to ours in that they were not having any action either. At 12:35, their luck changed. I heard that Mushtaq was so excited after Gerald gaffed the fish that he was purely doing the war dance on the deck of the Mirage. I know the feel ing, Doc. It's a great one! Their fish not only won them sixth place, but also won the Hydra-Sport Manufacturer's Award. Way to go. Mirage] m m u The Gulf Stream fishing is still extremely hoL The Wrightsvillc Beach Blue Marlin Tournament was held last week, and some mighty big blues were landed. There were several in the high 300-pound range, and the win ner was over 400 pounds. There were scores of ycllowfin tuna landed all week long. Most of the hot spots were in the "Steeples" area 15 miles beyond Frying Pan light tow er. ? ? ? The next king mackcrel tournaments arc scheduled for July. July 9-10 will be "Cap'n Jamie's Jolly Mon King Classic." The captains' meeting is Friday, July 9, at 6 p.m. at Sharky's Pizza on the Causeway at Ocean Isle Beach. The 14th annual Carolina Beach "Got-'cm-on" Tournament is sched uled for July 23-25. The captains' meeting is at the boat harbour on Friday, the 23rd, at Carolina Beach. Well, that just about wraps up this week, and my blood pressure is slowly getting back to normal. So until next time, good fishin' and good luck, "Jolly Mon." Tire Removal To Resume Off Yaupon Efforts to retrieve tires that broke loose this spring from the Yaupon Beach Reef and floated into local shrimping waters will resume next week, state officials announced Monday. The N.C. Department of Environ ment, Health and Natural Resources said Tuesday that it has committed S50,000 to tire removal. The tires were used to construct the reef in the late 1970s. At the time, tires were considered an excel lent reef building material. How ever, experts now realize that the tires pose major problems and are no longer used for artificial reef con struction in North Carolina. As the Legal Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 93 SP 78 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Daniel E. Martin and wife, Patricia A. Martin to Michael T. Co*. Trustee, dated September 19, 1986, and recorded in Deed Book 667, Page 256, in the Officc of the Reg ister of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina; and under and by virtue of the au thority vested in the undersigned, as Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, and the Holder of the in debtedness thereby secured having demanded a forrclfwurc thereof for the purpose of satis fying said indebtedness the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of the Brunswick County Courthouse, Bolivia, North Carolina, at 12;00 Noon on the 17th day of June, 1993, all th property con veyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Shalloltc Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEING all of IxX Eight (8). Section One (1), Greenbnar Subdivision, according to a plat dated May 6, 1985 by Robert D. Inman, R.L.S., said plat appear* of record in Map Cabinet P al Page 215 of the Brunswick county Registry, to which map reference is hereby made for greater certainty of descrip tion. together with any improvements there on. This property is to be sold subject to any prior liens, unpaid taxes, restrictions, and easements of record and any spccial assess ments thai area a lien against the premises. The record owners of the above-described property as reflected on the records of the Brunswick County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice are Daniel I: Martin and wife. Pa tricia A. Martin. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes section No. 45-21.10 (b), and the terms of the Deed of Trust, any suc cessful bidder may be required to deposit with the Trustee immediately upon conclu sion of the sale a cash deposit of ten (10%) percent of the bid up to and including $1,000.00 plus five (5%) percent of any ex cess over SI,(XX). Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance pur chase price so bid in cash or certified check at the lime Ihe Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or allcmpts to lender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay She full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as pro vided for in the North Carolina General Statutes Section No. 45-21.30 (d)and (c). This the 10th day of May, 1993. Michael T.. Cox, Trustee P.O Box 2439 Shallouc, NC 28459 (919)754 8820 June 17 tics that hold the tires to the reef cor rode they tend to break away from the reef and move toward shore. The severe March 13 storm caused hundreds of the tires to break away from the Yaupon Beach Reef and float inshore, making it impossi ble for local shrimpers to work a prime trawling area off the reef. The S50.000 will be used to hire local shrimpers to clear approxi mately 10,000 tires from this area over the next two to ihrcc weeks, opening it to trawling and reducing the numbers of tires that wash ashore on local waterfronts. Rep. David Rcdwinc said Tues day that he contacted the N.C. Divi sion of Marine Fisheries and its par ent agency, the Department of En vironment, Health and Natural Re sources asking them to "find" more money for tire removal. He had been contactcd by several local shrimpers concerned about the tires blocking use of the trawling area. There are still thousands of more tires attached to the Yaupon Beach Reef, he said. Legal Notices NOTICE OK FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AM) WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION The Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources hereby gives public notice as required by NCOS 113 A -119(b) and 143-215 3(aXlX<0 that Cecil Holden & Wilbur lloldcn, of Brunswick County, filed an application on April 29, 1993 for a permit from the Division of Coastal Management to develop in an Area of Environmental Con cern that a discharge of fill material in pro ject wetlands will nut violate applicable wa ter quality standards. According to said application Cecil llol dcn & Wilbur lloldcn propose to construct a boat ramp, and maintain their existing shore line erosion cuntrol structure by the addition of rip rap and/or repair of failing sections of the existing bulkhead at the end of S R. 1119 at Lockwood l olly Inlet. A copy of the entire application and addi tional information may be examined (or cop ies furnished upon request and payment of reproduction costs) during normal business hours at the office of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, the Division of Coastal Management and/or the Division of Environmental Management, located at 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405,919/395-3900. 'Hie Division of Environmental Manage ment proposes to take final action on th'S wa ter quality certification on or before June 27, 1993. "Die issuance of the CAMA Major De velopment Permit and the Section 401 Certi fication may deviate from this projected date depending upon the nature of the comments submitted find subsequent hearings that may arise. All persons desiring to make comments should do so in wnting to Mr. Roger Schec tcr. Director, Division of Coastal Manage ment. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Car olina 27611, prior to June 23, 1993, for con sideration in the CAMA permit decision, and to Mr. John Domcy, Division of Environ mental Management, P.O. Box 27687, Ra leigh, North Carolina 27611 prior to June 17, 1993 for consideration in the water quality certification decision I-ater comments on the CAMA application will be accepted and con sidered up to the time ol permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on re view and comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. June 10 Anglers Pull In Spots, Flounder BY DOUG RUTTER Local fishermen enjoyed decent catches of spots and flounder over the weekend, but windy conditions spoiled a lot of plans for offshore angling. "The weather didn't cooperate re al well," Jesse Hayes of Captain Pete's Seafood at Holdcn Beach said Monday. Strong winds created rough seas most of the weekend. Before the winds picked up last week, Hayes said fishermen had been catching a lot of king macker el. Most of them weighed about 8 to 12 pounds each. "Seems like the whole world's turned to dolphin," Hayes noted. Anglers caught a lot of dolphin about 30 miles offshore. A 25 pounder was brought in last week. Inshore, Hayes said fishermen have been catching mostly spots, croaker and flounder. FISHING REPORT "We've never really had a good run of spots," he said. 'They've been pretty scattered." Hayes said anglers arc staring to pick up flounder in the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, but many of the fish arc under the legal size limit of 13 inchcs. "They'll catch six and be able to keep two, something like that." Sea Mist Camping Resort Barbara Scott of Sea Mist Camp ing Resort at Brick Landing said fishermen caught lots of spots and flounder last week. Spots were caught using red worms for bait. Duncan Ivcy of Wilmington also caught spots, blue fish and Spanish mackerel on shrimp and minnows. Some of the flounder were caught *?.? I PHOTO CONTRIBUTED ROGER STEVENS of Danbury landed this 11-pound dolphin dur ing a recent trip aboard the Alice E out of Holden Beach. Legal Notices CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant lo N'CGS 113-119(b), ihc munici pality of Occan Isle Beach, a locality author ized lo issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NO TICE that on June 3, 1993, applicant Randall K. Moon, applied for a CAMA minor devel opment pennit to construct a single-family dwelling at Lot 16, Block 12, Scction B., 92 E. Second Si. The application may be inspected at the be low address. Public comments received by June 17, 1993 will be considered. Later com ments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifi cations may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written re quest. T. D. Roberson l.ocal CAMA Permit Officer 3 West 3rd Street Occan Isle Beach, NC 28468 (919)579-2166 June 10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK NOTICE OF SALE FILE 090CVSI2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EX REL WILLIAM W. COBEY, JR. SECRETARY, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATU RAL RESOURCES VS RIVER RUN UTILITIES, INC. You are hcrby summoned and notified that the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department will hold an auction for Ihc sale of all rights and titles of interest in River Run Utilities, Inc. This property more particularly described in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds in deed book 628 at Page 974 and being lo cated in Smithville Township. Sale will be held on the 25th day of June, 1993, at 12:00 Noon at the Brunswick County Courthouse in Bolivia, N.C. A deposit of 10 percent of the first thou sand dollars and five percent of the remainder will be required at the sale. Deposit must be cash or certified check. Authority, Lt. Liston Ilawes Brunswick Co. Sheriff's Dept. Civil Division June 17 Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 93 SP 67 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed(s) of Trust exe cuted by Charles H. Houser, Jr., to Thurman E. Bumette, Trustee, dated the 1st day of April 1982, and recorded in Book 495, Page 575, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and failure to car ry out or perform the stipulations and agree ments therein contained, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demand ed a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, and the Clerk of Court granting permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Bolivia, North Car olina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 22nd day of June 1993, the land, as improved conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Smithville Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING Lots Nos. 15 and 16. Block 245, Section 16, I>ong Beach, North Carolina, as shown on a map recorded in Map Book 7 at Page 34, Brunswick County Registry, said lots having the metes, bounds and location as shown upon said map. Subject, however, to the property taxes for the years 1993. The record owners (s) of this property as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds of this county is/are Charles H. Hous er, Jr. Terms of the sale, including the amount of the cash deposit, if any, to be made by the highest bidder at the sale arc: Five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending confirmation of the sale. Dated this 19th day of May, 1993. Thurman E. Bumette, Trustee By: Mark A. Lewis. Agent for Trustee Ramos & Lewis P.O. Box 2019 Shallotte, NC 28459 (919)754-7557 June 17 SPECIAL AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 12,10 AM Highway 130 (Holden Beach Rd.) 3 Miles West of Holden Beach-Look for Signs Hoosier cabinet, upright piano, piano stool, antique dressers, end tables, beds, maple cabinet, French provincial dressing table, mahogany china cabinet, carousel horse, iron wash pot, electric organ, old tools, chandeliers, shelves, lamps, lots of depression glass, coke collectibles, other collectibles, iron laundry stove, cookie jars, oil lamps, old clocks, box cameras, linens and much, much more! Bill Carder Auctions, NCAL #4356 For more info call 842-6959 A '.'Thmu , ? '? v ^ %*? . *v V *HOTO CONTRIBUTED BRUCE BRYANT of York, S.C., caught this 8-pound triggerftsh recently on the Super Salty I. by unconventional means. A Chadboum youth caught a 15-inch flounder in his crab pot. "His daddy went out on a boat to fish," Scott said. "He caught more than his daddy did." Ocean Isle Marina "The fishing isn't too bad right now," Adam Colangclo of Ocean Isle Marina reported Monday. "It's starting to pick up a little bit" Anglers have been catchifig Span ish in the surf and flounder inshore. King mackerel have been caught about 8 to 10 miles outside. Pier Fishing Pier fishermen caught spots, blues and whiting last week, but there's not as much activity at the local piers as there was a few weeks ago. One young angler caught a 2 1/4 pound whiting Monday morning at Sunset Beach Fishing Pier. Fishermen landed lot of spots last week at Sunset, but no king or Spanish mackerel were reported. "It's been awfuily slow," Curtis Williamson of Ocean Isle Beach Fishing Pier said. "It did a little bit on the weekend. They caught a few blues and spots." Williamson hopes the fishing im proves. "I don'i know whal the pro blem is," he said. This Week's Tide Table JUNE HIGH LOW Day Date A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Thursday 10 1148 1:14 7:01 7:11 Friday 11 1:33 2:05 7:46 8:04 Saturday 12 2:18 2:54 8:34 MX) Sunday 13 3:08 3:44 9:24 9:58 Monday 14 3:59 4:35 10:15 10:55 Tuesday 15 4:51 5:25 11 :(M 11:49 Wednesday 16 5:44 6:13 11:54 ADJUSTMENTS SHALLOTI"E INLET?add 17 mm. high tide, add 32 min. low tide. LOCKWOOD FOLLY?subtract 22 min. high tide, subtract 8 min. low tide. BALD HF.AD ISLAND?subtract 10 min. high tide, subtract 7 min. low tide. SOUTHPORT?add 7 min. high tide, add 15 min. low tide. LITTLE RIVER?subtract 11 min. high tide, add 18 min. low ude. Yaupon Teen Wins Sun Fun Wally Trayah, a 15-ycar-old from Yaupon Bcach, caught the winning fish in the Sun Fun Natural Light King Mackerel Tournament last weekend. The 35.65-pound king was caught aboard Easy Times, captained by Charles Wilson of Yaupon. The fish was worth SI 3,000, including S3.000 for the youth angler and ear ly entry awards. Other local fishermen finishing in the money included Khan Mushtaq of Supply, who placed seventh with a king weighing 21.9 pounds. He won S750 aboard the Hydraspori, plus a S500 boat manufacturer award. Harold J. Matthews of Leland fin ished 12th overall with a 20.9-pound mackcrcl landed aboard the Sun dance. Matthews won S750, plus the S500 award presented by the Oak Island Fishing Club. Also winning S750 was Charles Shore of Long Beach. Fishing on the Team Reaction, Shore placed 25th with a 12.75-poundcr. Gary Tatum of Southport was 38th overall with a king mackcrcl weighing 11.40 pounds. He won S500. , Wayne Hill of North Myrtle Beach, S.C., won the S500 Bruns wick County Fishing Club award for a king weighing 10.9 pounds. The annual fishing tournament was held Friday and Saturday out of five area inlets including Southport and Lockwood Folly. On Vacation? Don't forget to eat breakfast! Stop by for fresh donuts, breads and pastries. Convenient to Ocean Isle & Hoi den Beach MICKIE'S DONUT SHOPPE & BAKERY 6 AM-6 PM ? Shallotte Plaza. Shallotte (across from Sizzlin Sirloin) ? 754-2996 PUBLIC NOTICE The Division of Highways of the N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing with the Brunswick County Commissioners and other inte rested county residents in regard to expenditures of secondary road construction funds for improvements of secondary roads in Brunswick County. This hearing will be held on June 21, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in the County Commissioners meeting room in the Bruns wick County Complex in Bolivia. Recommendations for expenditures of the secondary road construction funds are posted on a map at the Brunswick County Court House. PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF SHALLOTTE BUDGET HEARING The proposed budget for the Town of Shallotte for fiscal year 1993-94 has been presented to the Town Council and is available for public inspection in the Town Hall from 8 A.M.-5 P.M. weekdays. There will be a public hearing on the 1993-94 proposed budget on June 15, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Citizens are invited to make written or oral comments. BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND $715,335 WATER & SEWER FUND $563,475 TOTAL FUNDS $1,278,810 Mary Etta Hewett, Town Clerk

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