SUNDAY TRYON O. ATLANTIC ?, VISION ? II INF 9(1 m 1 ' <D 1993 TV Oaf T?chnoioyv LP Ft Worth. TX U U 11 L fcU Pad Program 12 PM 12:30 0 Bnnkley PGA Golf 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 PGA Gort (Com 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WECT OP P 1*3 Pad Program Mamas Family m Wnstori Ctp Pad Weekly Program Mamas (Pad F amtly | Program NASCAR Racing NHRA Racing l|nx>"^n Triathlon |AVP Pro Beach Volleyball TNs Week With Daw! Bnnkley PGAGoll Mow Side Oul C "llamas Hnmeti A student workng tor his mde beys playing pto volleyball PGA Golt (Cont I <U) WUNJ ' (B J 31 Frmg Line M Rawns Heroes Rfi i iup' ?? Group TNs Week Dumna Women NASCAR Racing ITony Bfowr IMaroa ILap Quitmg I Collectors |H I 1 L Floyd Amer Ij Wlson |Amencan INorih Caro | | Vacations | Ira People To Be Anna/**) ffiF' M"? Ow LMe Girt S Temple [Mow Splncert Mountain H Fvrxti A mountain boy s paents give | up a dream home to send inn to college Mom Roam to Ow Man C Grant A softhearted couple can I resist adopwig needy lads M (1100)1 SM Pad Otfaws iHgh ChaparrallAhas Smith and Jones Vrg**an Pad Program (1100) Mow Returns M Keahjn (15) Mow See You in the Morning j Bndges Two divorced people|Mow Hanky Panky G Wilder A rnrtd mannered try to forge a relations hy w*h each other [ achitect stumbies mto a web o< murder and fitngue Mr Bean jj (1100) Movie Rage at Dawn R Scott Mwe Savage Season R Htrpei Treasure hun'ers search for a fortune m platinum Mow SuQariaM) Exprra G rtmn A poice offoal becomes involved *1 the pursuit o? a couple In Search Of !n Search Of 11 X) Sports Stfler Horseshow Jumping Amenca s Horse Cross Over iRoad Race Sports I Auto Raong IHRA Racmg Top Rank Boxing Clanssa Ex HWami plans ft to freshmen 10 35) Mow FsVwr of the Bode > Tracy W?S?Je Frfteen To Be Announced 'Can't on TV Nek Arcade Wid Sade Fifteen ID?! 105) Andy Griffith Matof League Baseball Happy Days Tom & Jerry |3SlCapt Planet Movie Anna and Vw King ot Stem I Dunne |( 15) Mow FaMng From Grace J Mellencamp Mow R?*o Flyer E Wtotf Two brothers try to cope I with the? aousrve stepfather m in 30i Mow Filler oi the Brides Martin |( 35) Move Great Escape 5 McQueen Prisoners ol war plan a breakout trom a I Escape IReady or Saeerang | German camp diffig Wortd Wat II | | Noi Chris Cross S Fennn 3BW Street Justice H?)hlandetIMafx League Baseball TwilqM ? Zone Movie Ule Stinks M Bronte|( 35) Mwe Audrey Rote V Misr A couple s 12 year Movie Loot Who's1(55) Movie MRtatJ Wayne | old daughter is possessed by anothei g?ts soul Tafclng Too K Alley ?0H Mow U Robin Crura. U.S.N 0 Van D&e Mow Rtfng WMh OoaVi B Murphy IMow tmpuSaa T Russell An under cove< poicewoman " sets out to :apft/e a drug dealer CI or NewsDay Science News /Week m Review News Moneyweek Matters Earth News "World Report EartyPrime Newsmkr Sun Medione Fam Practice Internal Med F?hysician Journal fetology Update I vda ion Update Dentistry Update Internal Med |Infectious Disease 93 Internal Med Fam Practice To Be Annouxed Di: South/E?st 5 Danger Bay Zorro Mow My Frtend Haa R McOowali Mow Wtz O Ross A shy schoolteacher finds hersef m 0/. a magical urban wonderland fa from her native Harlem TNN h Fisherman Bill Dance Television Outdoors Bassmastws Har.k Parker American Sports Cavalcade NHRA Today Wxiston Cup IWnners Champcnsho Rodeo (? WWF All American Wrest ling MacGyver Mow Rambo RnJ Kood. Part B S Stallone Mov?c Rambo IH S Stallone Rambo is called out of retirement to rescue his mpnsoned mentor (1000) IMovie Clash oi tie Ttaw L Olivier Perseus faa-s many challenges IMov^. Conaghor 5 fMoff A widow with two ctwldren fwids her Fnnken | n his attempt to slay the e\H Krakcn complacent life challenged by a tough but honest cowboy ??T[ra] Katharine Heptxn 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 5 Goes On Amer Videos Funny Peo pie Mrr.if Bind WRness V Prmopal A bimd woman ^resolves to avenge ^<r husband s brutal murder News Pad Program Pa?d Program NBC News NM BMkSfei p/fldAhoir I Quantum 1 You ' News Jack Van Impe Wheel of Fortune CBS Hem 60 Minxes Murphy Brown Movtc Parenthood S Martin Fnur generahor.s learn the |oys and ^distresses of rag>ig a tamrfy News Pad Program WTVD 01] ABC News i Amer Videos Fumy Peo P?c Mow BM WHness V Pnnopal A fcknd woman resoles to avenge her husband s brutal murder News Mach IF'O'vf |A 1** L WUNJ MIBtES All Deatues Great and Small NawCx- IWld pkxers I Amerca Nature Mast^rp?ce Theatre [French |Appearances Bemg Served EastEnders WJKA (400) To Be Announced 60 Minutes B<j Brother IThat's My Jake | Dog Mirphy Brown Mow Parwtiood S Martm Far generations team the toys and distresses of raismg a family Twilqht Zone Untouch abies Rr Tm Tin. AJncan K 9 Cop Slues Blk Stailon Maniac Mansion Father Dowlng Mystenes In Touch With Charles Stanley Ben Haden John An kerberg M Amerca s Most Wanted Parker Lewis Sfwky Ground In Livwig Color Roc Mamed Hermans Head Movie Dutch 5 0 HeiH A man shares a cross-country tnp with hts girtfnend s obnoxious teenage son Flyng Blmd (Edge Whoop- Goldberg <ai&0m Mow Juke T Shakur Mow Baknan Returns M Keaton Batman battles the Penguin. Catwoman and a power-hungry businessman (40/ BlackbeK E3c Real West Jewel m the Crown (Pt 2 ot 15) P Ashcrutt Movie Local Hero F Hegerl An oil eieuitive attempts to purchase a Scottisti listing village Miss Mart* Evening at the Improv S?rtsCentet (500) Top P-yik Boxing |guTs {20) Baseball Tonight Major League Baseball Nek News (Father's Day Event ?NJ Fainily Double Dare Looney ILooney Tunes I Tunes Dragnet Hitchcock IB a) r |05)WCW Mair, Event Wrestling Movie Peny Mason: The Case ot Vie Sinister Spirit iNdiiomi Geoo-Kibic Eupkrer fl Burr Network Earth Pad F*rogram Ml Movie Big Girts Don t Cry They Get Even H Mew While Men Cant Jump 1(55) Free W Snipes I Preview (05) Mov* Mississippi Masaia 0 Washington SHOW Movie Oscar S Stallone A gangster trying to go straight tinds enme was much easier Movie Father ot the Bride S Martm Movie F>ackage G Hac*man An Army sergeant learns ol a plot to assassinate the Soviet premier WGN 3t (D 3/j Movw Francis Gary Powers Tnie Story ol U2 Spy Incident L Ma/on Street Justice koia* News 1 (40) Instant Replay Krow Bull Pad Program TMC ?CE ? Mow Red I J Wayne 105) Mow Hang tm High C Eastmxxl Mow A Fisttul ol Dotan C Eastmxx) Two gangs light lot control ol a Mexican border town Mow Anodai You R Pryor V0R Bainaby Jones Snon and Snon Mow Ule With Father W Puieil A loving but eccentric tattler complicates the Irves ot his sons News IGmme a Break! Pad Program ?C" World Today ITtm Week in the NBA News /Inside Business Spoils Sun PnmeNews News/Week in Review Worid News Sports Nrte (News lnside I Business (H)^ (5 30) To Be Announced Physician 0B/GYN Update Mediane iFam | Practice Cardology I Internal Med Update OB GY'. Update Fam Practice Sell Improvement Gude 0ISN J?j S3 M Avonlea Movie Supardad fl Crane A middle age lathe: teels out ol lomn with his teenage (laughter f.'.i-.t- Bit Cosily Him sett Mme tack lo Bataan J Wayne Road Test I Truck Pov?r" MagAnne | Renwdetoig |Shadetree Mechanic (05) American Sports Cavalcade iRaceday Fistim R Martm Bassmasters Celebrity Outdoors USA .5) am Gosst)1 My Tv ?ads Two MacGyver Mow Black Ice M Noun A tan driver escorts a framed murder suspect cut ol the country Counterstnke Si i SB S ?" (S! (QT[VJ] 15 301 Katharine Hepburn All About Me Bugs Btfwy & Pals Mow llntogiven A Hepburn Two pioneer families come into contkct with a warlike Indian tnbe (35) Movie Gun ol Fori PeOcoal A Murphy MONDAY TRYON O, ATLANTIC ?, VISION ? II IMF 91 "? *? I ^MM^^^at^echnokxjieSj^^F^ortrOX UUI1L L I 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (S News ABC News Cheers Married Day One Movie Dead Bang D Johnson A lonely home*Je detective is assayed to find a cop killer News (35) Nght 'ne WEPL, (DOS! News NBC News Pad Program Roseanne :resh Pnnce of Be! Ajt Blossom Movte Double DecapMon J fosso A beautiful woman asks a private investigator to fr>d her husband News jlnvff * War"p (35) TonKjht Show m News CBS News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy* Evenng Shade Maior Dad Mi/phy I Love & War INorthern Exposure Brown News Sweating Bullets wtvd News ABC News jNpnil Wheel ol Fortuw Day One Movie Dead-Bang D Johnson A lonely homode detective is assyied to find a cop loifer Center Stage Rough Gude i*tfWb (35) Nght WUNJ 05?ni MacNal.lehrer NewsHour Bus Repon North Caro linaPeople Ove James Fame m the 20th Centuy Bring Served Cm mm WJKA Mftj; ?: Designing ICBS News Women | Iffe Goes On Ent Tonight Hard Copy Evening |MajoTDad Shade 1 Murphy Brown Love & War Northern Exposure COPS 700 Club With Pat Robertson Sweating Bdiets Waltons Young Riders Father Dowfing Mystenes Scarecrow and Mrs King Monsters iMunsters ]_Today Saved by I Paradise the Bell | Beach (500) Movie SI* Trek vT W Shatner Black Sheep Squadron Movie Bad* J Goodman Baseball legend Babe Ruth laces personal crises m his nse to tame Move GodMher. Pert HI A Piano A Mats cnme lord tries to legitimue the lamity busress Whooo I Infatuation Goldberg | ?o?;5] Wmbiedor, 93 Highlights h Search Of" New York Night Live |Sherkx? Holmes j1. 5?03( E Rockford Files In Search 01 Oawd L. Wolper Presents I Sherlock Holmes iLovejoy Evening at the Iniprov Mai Out Up Close SportsCenter Wild & Crajy Kids Pro Jet Skiing Maior League Baseball I Dick Van iDragnet iLucy Show iMary Tyler Dyke | I | Moore Baseoaii Tonight SportsC enter NICK MCE : What Would YouOo? Looney Tunes Bdlwrtde Get Smart Mary Tyter Moore Hitchcock Superman ?TBo (OSIJetler (35) Andy Gnttith sons 061 Beverly Hillbillies Maior League Baseball Movie Torrid Zone J Cagney Movie Gator B Reynolds A moonshmer ex con and a |tederal agent n?n forces to baltle corrupt politicians Mow Memoirs ol an Invisible Man C Chase <45) Move To C Thomas Ho*H! 115) Movie Out on I ft Only (4 35) Bed I Movie Fadno Man S Aslm ol the Best | To Be Announced I Dugout Show Movie LA Story S Martin (35)Mking IMovieFltag ol FH OW/sw^>re|udice ?Jjeadsn?iiuAto[er^^atl^? (45) Eye o) Die Tiger 124 Man* League Baseball [News Kotak Mane WarGamet M Brodm* A computer whu breaks into Ihe country s missile-defense system Gmme a I Gloria Mow ComrlcH fl ftjvaII A boy learns about death and diy?ty m 1902 Texas Movie RaptoraM togas A woman becomes convmced the end ol the * t world is approaching V0R Whn s the IWhos the Boss? I Boss' Break! S?ron and S?non Bamaby Jones Streets ol San Francisco CNN (T><D34 World Today Moneyline Crossfire PiinieNews Larry King Live! World News Mone Site Knows Too Mudi M Baxter- ftmey S|?rK^ | Moneyline Supermarket IShop Til Sweep I You Drop Unsolved Mystenes LA Law ttwtysomethmg ?DJ Movie OH Yefcr F Parher I Noah s I Animals Avonlea Movie Titanic C WeUi The Titanic departs from England m 191? with 2.200 passengers John and Yoko s Ima^ne TNN JBHffi Lrc (5 30) VideoPW Crook and TTexas Chase I Connection Nashville Now Cheyenne Frontier Days With Charlie Dands Club Dance MacGyver (3)1 USA Gl Joe Real Ghost busters Capt Planet Quantum Leap Mi*der. She Wrote WWF Monday Night Raw Silk Stalkmgs (5) (EMH) b.kj-. Buny & Pals fiixj-, Si , & Pals Movie North by Nocfwml C Grant An advertising agent finds hmseff waited by both the police and sp*s. Alfred Hitchcork drects Mov* long Good Frtday B Hustons ? Little Professor Book Center NEW SUMMER HOURS MONDAY-SATURDAY 10 AM-8 PM SUNDAY NOON-6 PM Your Locally Owned Family Bookstore River Run Shopping Center, Southport 919-457-9653 We Solute the St James Plantation Lakeside Commons We're proud to have provided paving services for your development. Helping Brunswick County Grow! Grading And Paving Contractor 754-7177 Asphalt Plant-2 miles north of Shallotte on Hwy. 17 ITIIF^IIAY TRYON O. ATLANTIC ?. VISION-n II INF 99 I I ULUUn I j) 1993 TV Data Tachnoioy^ L P Ft Worth. TX UUI1L. t-1. 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY I O ?0~ News ABC Vws Cheers Man?d Full House Hangn With Mr Goopc Roswme Room for Two Jacks Place Datekne NBC (35) N^ht Ime WECT if O ID NflC I Cosby Show Oeat Ones The National Sports Awards ' 35) Tomght Show CBS Nms Whee< oI ForTine Jeopardy* Rescue 911 Mov* Liar. Liar 4 Aint?e A seemngfy normal famrfy Wc is torn apart by allegations oI mcest forever Kr*gN WTVD MarNetl lehrei NewsHour KB mm Jeopardy* Wheel of Fortifie Hang*i With Mr Cooper |Rw" 'i* Two Jacks Place News (35) Night hne Til WUNJ p cd yi iHjpj jj Legisiatrvf Report Front! ne POV B?ng Served Charlie Ros* s Oesgranq Women CBS News Ent Ton*jht Hard Copy Mov* liar. Liar a Hnde A seemngty normal famrfy life is torn apart by allegations oi incest COPS Forever Knight L2a 11 ? i S Waltons Young Rulers Father Dowtmg Mystenes 700 Club With Pal RoMW Scarecrow and Mrs King M Sjvrdby I Paradise the Befl I Beach Munsters Musters Today Beverty H#ls. 90210 Key West Pnme iFmergency Suspect I Call Go dbwg <Ha<SPm (5 15) Mow Clan AO C Rod Wimbledon 93 HigMights Move Prelude lo a Kits A Bal&mn A strange ewnt tota8y alters a new bnde s personality Movie Blackball O Wr/sarc I 35) Spilt Second a ttV. Roc Word Files in Search Of is i Search 01 George Bush His World I Salute to Symphony Wv II Years Red Star Red Army Chons |Ewmq at the Improv & Dance Ensemble Max Out Up Close SpoftsCentei Water Stang Four Woman Pro Beach Volleyball Womens Suing iucy Show M Tomght Major l mq* P?s**a'! Mary Tyler iHitchcock ISuperman Moore I What Would You Do? WM & Oa/y Kids Looney Tunes BuHwmMe Get Smart Dck Van | Dragnet Dyfce 1 Mary Tyler Moore (05) Jefter isons (35) Andy Griffith (05) Beverly |Ma** League BasebaJi HnloillieS Movie LMt Bto Man O HOrnM MAX (5 45) Movie Rain the Red Lantern G U Movie Platoon T Bercnger An American platoon (Move Lower Laval f Grsceo Vietnam faces a darfy fight for suvrval I Movie Notes OH C dumeri Chaos rwgns behind the scenes of a traveling stage farce Mew Bugsy W B&ry Gangster Ben Swgel tafis tor a dangerous woman dunng the 1940s Red Shoe Oianes Mov* Taking tie H?at L Whitfield g?a?wtm (5 .XI To Be Announced Major league Baseball News I Comedy | Club Movte Death trf a Sokfcx (5 X) Mow Aprtneal J Lemmon (35) Ray s iMow House F?arly 2 C Martin 1(35) Movie Doctor Madrid J Combs J Cobun Who s the I Who s the Boss7 I Boss7 World Today Gtnme a Break" Maior League Baseball iNews Streets of San Francisco CNN qpcoa Moneylme Crossfire Supermarket IShop Til Sweep |^You Drop PnmeNews Larry! ng [ vl iWorvj News Moneylme Movie Original Sin A Man A husband s deadly secret IS revealed when h? son is kidnapped Unsolved Mystenes LA Law tfwtysomethmg DIS Damd Boone (Pt 1 cM) D Marltn Movie Tom Sawyer J Wyart Snow White Medal of Honor Vietnam Mov* Amelia Earhart S Qar* In the earty 20th century. Ear hart becomes a poneer ^ aviation (5 X? VrfeoPM Rea' Ghost busters Crook and Chase Nashville Now Amencan Muse Shop m 2 Dam USA (DttSB GI Joe Quantum Leap Mi/der. She Wrote Tuesday N^ht Fights MacGyver Bugs Btjnny & Pals Capt PUnet Bugs Bcn-y & Pals Mrw WHness lor tie Pnnacuton M Oetncfi A tTx*der defendant s wife suddenly turns agamst hm Movie 12 Angry Man H Fonda IWFnNF^nAY TRYON-O. ATLANTIC-*, VISIONII INF 9^ I ?? kUllLUl/n I ^^^993^n/^Dat^^echnologi0s^^^^^^1JWortti^rx^ JUI1L fcU 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY CPPga News ffl MM Cheers Marned Wonder Years ?sr Home Improve Gok h Scens (35) Night hne WECT VOW N9C News Cosby Show Roseanne Unsolved Mystenes NBA Basketball News WBTW '?n n: BS News Whee< of Fortine Jeopard/ Famify Dog Famrty Dog In the Heat of the Nqht 48 Hours News Dangaroui Curves ABC News Jtmaidyt Wheel u? Fortune Wonder Years DoogM MO Improve Coach Srens News (35) Night hne MacNeil tehrer NewsHour Bub TMport Legrsiative Report Space Age Am*stead Maupm Is a Man I Dreamt Up Larry Kramer 48 Hows Being Served Charlie Rose Ma Designing Women CBS News Ent Tonight Famify Dog IFamily Dog In the Heat & the N^ht COPS Dm jui Curves CD tax I ile Goes On Waltons Young Riders Father Dowfcig Mystenes 700 Club With Pat Robertson Scarecrow and Mrs King c&x: Saved by It* Bell Paradise Beacti Minsters Minsters Today Beverly Mils. 90210 Melrose Place Catwalk Dream On Whoopi old berg Tales From ttie Crypt Infatuation Baknan d?V:>: (5 Xi Mov? DMng M M Adlet Wimbledon 93 Highl^hts Mow CnuiMei of War A# J far Am*J the honors of Vietnam, a corporal faces a gnm ethcal decision Larry Sanders MOB Rockford Files In Search Of In Search Of Ou Century A* Combat lAmencan[Spies Justoce Frst Flights First Flights Evenrvg at the Improv TO Ma. Qui Up Close Sports Center V?ixv League Baseball DO Van IOagne! iLucy Show Dyke Basebal Tomghl SpnmCfrlrr NICK What Would You Do' WtW & Cra/y Kids Looney Tvnes Bui twinkle Gel Smart Mary Tyler Moore Mary Tyler Moore Hitchcock I Superman (051 Jefler sons (35) Andy 1051 Beverly (35)San!ord (051 Mm* Cytorg J Van Damme A lone wainot Griffith Hillbillies & Son attempts to save a captured lemale cytxxg '?ovw Bkxxhpoil J Van Damme An American competes it an international martial arts contest (500| 145) Movie Cannonball Run B Reyrulds A large group I Movie AmUyirlt 1982: If! About Tkne ol people participales m an illegal cross rxuntry race | S Macfit Movie Onh You A McCarthy I Final Anaty sis R Gen Movie Audrey Rose U Mason A couple's 12-yn-oU daughter s possessed by another g?Vs soul Movie Pandka D Johnson A boy is sent to live wtti tnends during his parents separation Movie Thundertiearl V Kilmer An FBI agent and a Native American lawman investigate a nx/der (5 30) To Be Announced 1993 MTV Movie Awards News Night Court [Renegade <?& (5 25) Mow They Came to Cordura G Cooper Mow Straight TaBi D Parlon Movie Huthon Hawk B WiHis A crafty cat burglar finds himself combating a global cnsis Movie Do c? Oie U Speir V0R Who's the IWho's the Boss7 I Boss7 b*nme a Break' Temp R a ? Smon and S*ron B*nahy Jones [News Streets of San Francisco CNN World Today Moneyi-ne Crosslire PnmeNews Larry King Live* 1 World News Tonql onight Moneyline M Supermarket Shop Til Sweep You Drop Unsolved Mysteries Mov* Alice Dotsn't Uve Han Anymore E Bumryn thrtysomtti ng Mow A Spaceman in King Arthur s |( 35) Movie A Connacttcul Yankee ITnbute to John Lennon Court D OuQjn | W Rogers ?1li Damel Boone (Pt 2 of 4) D Starttn On Stage Club Dance ?55)0321] (530) VdeoPM Reai Ghost busters Crook and Chase Nashville Now US GDI GI Joe Quantum Leap Murder She Wrote Mow Forty's D Moruhan Six mischievous teens decide to invade a brothel MacGyver Bugs Bunny & Pais Cap! Ptnet Jetsorc Movie Mat www J Gamer Private eye Pnrtp Manowe is heed to find a woman s mis&ng brother Movie Thto Man W Powrti Nick and Nora Charles seek a missing scientist rfJmKWomT) We have some GREAT BUYS in our 50% Discount Box. Don't Miss These Specials! Located at the bridge to Holden Beach 842-7380 Hun-Sii. 10-9, Sun. 1-9 FAX AND PHOTOCOPY t Surf Cinemas Coming Friday... HOT wm Mb* ASTEVEN SHOTS! ? SP1 fIERG SeSI B JURASSIC ?"m Park 2:00 ? 4:00 ? 7:00 ? 9 00^^_ KMWIV ^ Cliffhanger (R) 4:00 ? 9:00 Life with Mikey (PG) 2:00 ? 7:00 A Matinees Every Day-$3.00 before 4:30 pm | 4836 Long Beach-Road, Southport ? 457-0320 t? Un,? Wru >um1 mmmt L? J I Guarantee insurability for your children Life insurance now for your children guarantees cover age for life. No matter what. Junior Protector Plans ?One of the MODERN WOODMEN SOLUTIONS Glenda J. Barefoot, FIC P.O. Box 2963, Shallotte, NC 28459 919-754-5454 HuWHjTofw/lef'fap&teX/ MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA A fRAftRNAl 1 If I INSURANCI SOCKIV H< )MI OffKt ? R<XKfS?ANt> III INt MS LIFE ? ANNUITIES ? IRA'S FRATERNAL PROGRAMS Your ALLERGIC or SINUS Condition... Is Not Child's Play II you suffer from a serious We sinus or allergic condition ; that reacts whenever the weather changes, you hardly need to be told's not child's play! At the office of Mark A. Lizak, MD, a staff of experienced professionals will take your call very seriously. We have blended modern medical know how with years of training and experience. This allows us a real opportunity to provide you with our unique kind ol quality care Could you accept less... for your family? Mark A. Lizak, MD Board Certified Specialist: EAR, NOSE & THROAT Conveniently located in the Doctor's Office Complex at the Brunswick Hospital, Supply, North Carolina. For Appointments Call: 754-2920

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