Woman Admits Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Boy A 36-ycar-old Southport woman, charged with taking indcccnt liber ties with children, pleaded guilty in Brunswick County District Court last week to a lesser charge. Martha Janice Griffin of Racford Road was accuscd of taking "im moral, improper and indecent liber ties" with a boy under the age of 16 "for the purpose of arousing and gratifying sexual desire." The of fense was alleged to have occurred on Aug. 30, 1992. Griffin pleaded guilty to the mis demeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Prayer for judgment was continued on the condition that she pay the cost of court, that she continue counseling and that she not have any contact with the prosecuting wiuicss or any mnmkAr r?f Kip IIIVMit/V* \J ? iiuuuj. Other defendants who appeared in district court last week, with their charges, pleas and judgments in clude: Arlarn C. Atkinson, two counts of communicating threats, voluntarily dismissed. Bret Keith Barth, possession of stolen goods, voluntarily dismissed. Shawn Bennett, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, voluntarily dis missed, no plaintiff. David Leon Caison, injury to per sonal property, voluntarily dis missed, no plaintiff. Tammy L. Canfield, simple as sault, voluntarily dismissed, at re quest of plaintiff; injury to personal property, communicating threats, both voluntarily dismissed. Judith Ann Cannan. unsafe move ment, voluntarily dismissed, insur ance accepted. Donnic Diclcmentc, larceny, first degree trespassing, voluntarily dis missed at request of plaintiff. Debbie L. Guadagnoli, assault with deadly weapon/serious injury, voluntarily dismissed. Mark Guin, second degree tres passing, injury to personal property, communicating threats, consolidated judgment, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs remitted-upon pay ment of restitution directly to plain tiff. Daniel Ray Hardison, possession marijuana greater than 'A oz. but less than IK oz, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, not pay any additional super vision fees for this, not use, possess or consume any illegal drugs unless prescribed by licensed physician and remain in original container, not as sociate with or be present of any previous users, possessors or sellers of illegal drugs, submit to test, costs and S25. Kathy Melvin Hewitt, registration documents fictitious/canccllcd/etc., voluntarily dismissed, complied. Richard Wade Jennings, driving while license suspended/revoked not permanent, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, $200 and costs, no supervision fee ordered, once mon ies arc paid in full be transferred to unsupervised probation, not operate motor vehicle until valid license. James Lee, a/k/a Jessie J. Lee, simple worthless check for S750, voluntarily dismissed, monies paid to plaintiff. Billy J. McKinley, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of first degree trespassing, one count of injury to personal property, all voluntarily dismissed at request of plaintiff Wayne M. McMillian, unsafe movement, voluntarily dismissed, insurance accepted. John Albert Messick, expired reg istration card/tag, voluntarily dis missed, complied. Christopher M. Ray, injury to real property, voluntarily dismissed at re quest of plaintiff. Linda B. Richardson, no drivers license, voluntarily dismissed, hit/ run failure to stop/property damage, voluntarily dismissed; DWI, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, su pervised probation two years, 24 hours community service within 30 days to Iredall County, assessmenf Iredall County, comply with our rec ommended treatment, S100 and costs, not violate any laws for two years, not operate motor vehicle un til valid license. Gerald Smith, simple worthless check for S26.74, S58.83, S25 to Wilsons #8, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, sus pended sentence two years, super vised probation two years, costs, restitution, not issue any worthless checks for two years, not violate any laws for two years; simple worthless check to wilsons #8 for S35, S25, and S40, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 29 days to run at expiration of previous sen tence, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, costs, restitution, not issue any worthless checks for two years, not violate any laws for two years; simple worthless check to Wilsons #8 for three for S40 apiece, S55 and to Jones #40 for SI 1.76, consolidat ed judgment, Brunswick County Jail 29 days to run at expiration of previ ous sentences, supervised probation two years, costs, restitution, not is sue any worthless checks for two years, not violate any laws for two years. Chiwale A. Thomas, failure to re duce speed, voluntarily dismissed, insurance accepted. Albert Larry Vaugn, assault on a female, N.C. Department of Correc tions two years, suspended sentence three years, supervised probation three years, obtain a substance abuse assessment-comply with any recom mended treatment, participate in any programs available at Menial Health to control his temper, comply with counseling and successfully com plete same; Brunswick County Jail 24 hours to be served under discre tion of probation officer, costs. Appealed Colston M. Woodard, second de gree trespassing, voluntarily dismis sed, plaintiff, deceased. Christina F. Woodcock, DW1, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, sur render license, 24 hours of commu nity service, assessment, SI 00 and costs, once monies paid community service and assessment completed transferred to unsupervised proba tion. Franklin R. Rutherford, failure to return rental property, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended sen tence one year, supervised probation one year, costs, restitution SI 72.50 to plaintiff, oncc monies are paid in full he is to be transferred to unsu pervised probation, not go back about Video Voltage for one year. Brian Ncal Allen, DWI, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, sus pended sentence two years. S100 and costs, surrender license, assess ment, Brunswick County Jail 24 hours to begin 8-1-93 at 5 p.m. in lieu of community service, not vio late any laws for two years; failure to stop stop sign/flashing red light, voluntarily dismissed. Steve Barnes, reckless driving/to endanger, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sentence two years, costs, not violate any laws for two vcars. Robert O. Bernard, possession with intent to manufacturc/sell/de liver cocaine, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff; conspiracy to sell/deliv er cocaine, voluntarily dismissed. Joseph John Bezek, speeding 64 in a 55 /.one, S10 and costs. Joshua Eugene Bolton, speeding 78 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment continued and costs. Andrew A. Bopp, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs. Ronald Gay Bradshaw, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. John Dudley Bryant, two counts of alcohol/cmploymcni/eniertain ment/violation, voluntarily dismis sed. Benjamin Alan Canon, exceeding safe speed, costs. Joseph Francis Cipot, speeding 74 in a 55 zone, driving license re voked/violation limited driving priv ilege, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence two years, S200 and costs, not violate any laws for two years. Yema G. Coker, worthless check /closed account for $439.90 to Au dio Express, simple worthless check to Jones #40 for S53.30, consolidat ed judgment, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years. Christopher Conely, simple worth less check for $51.92 to Lowes, sim ple worthless check for S21.37 and S192.29 to Wal-Mart, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years. John Robert Cuff Jr., worthless check/closed account to Wal-Mart for S3 1.73, simple worthless check for SI 7.63 and $38.85 to Wal-Mart, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sen tence one year, supervised probation one year, costs, restitution to plain tiff, not violate any laws for two years. Kelly Holden Darr, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Harley Bellamy Dunbar, speeding 72 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Vincent Fitzgerald, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs. Wilson Arthur Garrett, DW1, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assessment, 24 hours of community service within 30 days, not violate any laws for two years. Jenine Glasscock, simple worth less check for S26.63, SI 7.29, S20, to Joan Kinney, consolidated judg ment, voluntarily dismissed, checks paid. Gerald Lee Graham, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Myron A. Grissetl, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Daniel Keith Harbin, misde meanor larceny, N.C. Department of Corrections two years as a Criminal Youth Offender; probation rcvoked de fondants request N.C. Department of Corrections two years as a Criminal Youth Offender to run con current with previous sentence. Robby Wayne Hcwclt, owning and operating vehicle with no insur ance, vehicle not registered/titled, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sen tence two years, costs, S50, not vio late any laws for two years; motor cycle/moped helmet violation, vol untarily dismissed. Timothy M. Hcwclt, misdemean or larceny, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, costs, SI 00 attor ney fees, testify truthfully for the state against William D. Hewett, 48 hours of community service within 90 days, not violate any laws for two years. George R. Johnson, simple worth less check to Lowes for S92.43, sim ple worthless check to Hewetls Trucking for S6 14.77, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years. Joel Stanley Kuhnuman, no dri vers liccnse, voluntarily dismissed; unsafe passing/yellow line, costs. James Travis Lanier, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, costs; no drivers li cense, voluntarily dismissed. Kyle L. Mackown, speeding 77 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sentence two years, $10 and costs, not operate motor ve hicle in N.C. until driving privilege restored, not violate any laws for two years, judgment effective 5 p.m. today. Richard McEcachcm IV, speeding 73 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sentence two years, costs and S10, surrender license, not violate any laws for two years. Michacl W. Posnanski, breaking and/or entering, possession drug paraphernalia, both voluntarily dis missed; simple possession of mari juana, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, S50 and costs, SI 00 attorney fees, testify truthfully for the stale against any co-defendants, not violate any laws for two years. Shirley M. Potts, worthless check fourth subsequent offense for SI 6. 49, S37.16, SI 5.67 all to Joan Kin ney, consolidated judgment, Bruns wick County Jail 30 days, suspend ed sentence two years, costs, restitu tion, not violate any laws for two years. John A. Price Jr., worthless check /closed account SI 5.55, S20.76 to Wilsons #8 S84.77, to Lowes, con solidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail five months to run con secutive with any sentence presently serving . Debra T. Reed, worthless check fourth subsequent offense, S89.15, voluntarily dismissed paid to plain tiff; worthless check fourth subse quent offense, $69.64 and S20.64, both voluntarily dismissed. Suzane K. Reeves, simple worth less check for S50 to Wilsons #8, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, sus pended sentence two years, restitu tion, not violate any laws for two years, costs remitted. Debra Reed Riddle, simple worth less check to Bryans for S68.79 and Kirby Department Store for $90.62, both voluntarily dismissed. Frank Russ Jr., assault on a fe male, N.C. Department of Correc Jons fwo years, suspended sentence two years, costs, N.C. Department of Corrections six months, receive treatment for substance abuse, not violate any laws for two years. Ap pealed. Sherry Ann Shaver, second de gree trespassing, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence one year, supervised probation one year, costs, restitution to plaintiff for dam ages to trailer to be determined by probation officer, 24 hours of com munity service within 60 days, not violate any laws for two years. Karl R. Snyder 11, speeding 70 in a 55 /one, 510 and costs. Kelly Lynn Stepp, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. David Edward Tolle, speeding 79 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sentence two years, $10 and costs, surrender li cense, not violate any laws for two years. Milton Wilson Tripp, improper equipment, $25 and costs. Larry Wayne Victory, speeding 83 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sentence two years, S10 and costs, surrender li cense, not violate any laws for two vears. Teresa W. Wcathcrly, simple worthless check to Wilsons for $22.63. $24.71, $23.18, $32.69, S23.28, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, sus pended sentence two years, costs, restitution to plaintiff, not issue any worthier tuccloi ioi yc?*! s, not violate any laws for two years; sim ple worthless check to Wilsons for $23.35, $23.04, $24.03, $20.83, S23.17, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 30 days to run at expiration of previous sen tence, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years; simple worthless checks to Wilsons for S22.59, $23.17, $23.07, S25, S24.49, consol idatcd judgment. Brunswick County Jail 30 days to run at expiration of previous sentence, suspended sen tence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years. Jeremy Dean White, no drivers li cense, voluntarily dismissed; motor cycle/moped helmet violation, $25 and no costs. Sandra L. Wilde, worthless check fourth subsequent offense for $18.88 to Wal-Mart, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not violate any laws for two years. Martiney Lamon Wilson, speed ing 75 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 10 days, suspended sen tence two years, $10 and costs, sur render license, not violate any laws for two years. Joanne V. Wisowaty, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Lawrence T. Rouse, worthless closed account to Brunswick Build ing for S90.58, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, costs, restitution, not vio late any laws for two years. Mcrardo Gomez, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, costs and $10. Jeffrey Kim Barnes, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Kimbcrly Joan Bullard, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, $40 and costs. Brcnda Yvonne Burns, speeding 54 in a 45 zone, S10 and costs. Kevin Anthony Busby, speeding 69 in a 55 zone, driving while li cense suspendcd/rcvokcd-not perma nent, consolidated judgment, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, not operate motor vehicle until valid license, S200 and costs; no drivers li cense, voluntarily dismissed. Robin Andrew Bycrs, speeding 76 in a 55 /one, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Mildred Little Canady, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Kevin Craig Cokcr, speeding 68 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Torrencc Lamont Dixon, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Anthony Ray Evers, assault on a female, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, both voluntarily dismissed at request of plaintiff. Dcwayne Fairfax, speeding 72 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. Andrew Frank Ferguson, speed ing 74 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment continued and costs. Aaron I. Formyduval, failure to stop for stop sign/Hashing red light, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Amy Nicholc Gaddy, DWI, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, S75 and costs, surrender license, assess ment to New Hanover County, 30 days of non-operation in lieu of community service. David Thomas Gale, reckless dri ving/to endanger, prayer for judg ment continued and costs. Hemry Herbert Gales, speeding 76 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Debbie L. Guadagnoli, failure to yield stop sign/flashing red light, owning and operating vehicle with no insurance, consolidated judg ment, N.C. Department of Correc tions two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, costs, SI 00 attorney fees, not operate motor vehicle unless proper ly license to do so, once monies are paid in full-transferred to unsuper vised probation. William Mack Hanna Jr., speed ing 64 in a 55 zone, $40 and costs. Larry Harrison Jr., speeding 59 in a 45 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs. Rose Faircloth Henry, allowing unlicensed to drive, voluntarily dis missed. Heather K. Hcyncn, speeding 93 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended sentence two years, S93 and costs, not operate motor vehiclc until valid license. Christy Ann Higgins, failure to yield to stop sign/flashing red light, voluntarily dismissed. Paul Richard Hosford, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Rickcy Hoss, three counts of mis representation to obtain employment security commission benefits, con solidated judgment, N.C. Depart ment of Corrections two years, sus pended sentence two years, super vised probation two years, restitu tion S3 62 to plaintiff, 48 hours of community scrvicc within 90 days pay fee, transferred to unsupervised probation whenever monies arc paid in full and community service is completed; two counts of misrepre sentation to obtain employment se curity commission benefits, consoli dated judgment, N.C. Department of Corrections two years to run at expi ration of previous case, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, 48 hours of com munity service within 90 days-fee waived, costs. James David King, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs. Willie Clifton Lowcry, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Scott T. McCuIlough, speeding 68 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Paul D. McKeithan, reckless op eration, Brunswick County Jail 30 {Jays, suspended sentence two years surrender license for three weeks (8 18>(do not mail to DMV), Si 19 and costs. Vclma Terry McKinnon, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Lloyd Marcus Mcalor, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $40 and costs. Kelly Robert Meyers, speeding 71 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Brian Wayne Mintz, hit/run fail ure to stop/property damage, NC Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, unsupervised probation two years, SI 00 and costs. Mark A. Palmaticr, vehicle not registered/titled, owning and operat ing vehicle with no insurance, con solidated judgment, N.C. Depart ment of Corrections two years, sus pended sentence two years. Si 00 and costs, not operate motor vehiclc un less properly registered and insured. Michael D. Peterson, speeding 54 in a 45 zone, S40 and costs. Valerie Ann R. Purdic, fictitious information to officer, driving while license suspended/revoked-not per manent, resisting/obstructing public officer, consolidated judgment, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, S200 and costs, S240 attorney tees, not operate motor vehicle until properly licensed to do so, 24 hours of community service within 30 days-fee waived-Robcson County speeding 75 in a 55 zone, voluntari ly dismissed. Faye Redwinc Rhodes, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Narine Peterson Russ, failure to stop-steady red light, voluntarily dismissed, insurance acccptcu. Kurt C. Schumakcr/DWI, Level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, S 75 and costs, 24 hours of community service within 60 days to New Hanover County, assessment to New Hanover county, surrender license. Daniel Lee Simmons, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $40 and costs; registra tion documents fictitious/cancelled/ etc., Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, S50 fine, not operate motor vehicle un less properly insured and license. Mary V. Slack, speeding 54 in a 45 zone, S10 and costs. David Andrew Smith, improper equipment, S25 and costs. James Joseph Wilkcns, no drivers liccnsc, prayer for judgment contin ued and costs. Richard M. Wilkcns, no drivers li cense, prayer for judgment contin ued and costs. Charcls J. William, no drivers li cense, voluntarily dismissed; ex ceeding safe speed, S10 and costs. Ronald E. Williams, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Thadeus Williams, DW1, Level 2, N.C. Department of Corrections one year, suspended sentence two years, unsupervised probation two years, Brunswick County Jail seven days to begin 8-6-93 at 7 p.m. until 8-8 93 at 7 p.m. next 2H weekends, as sessment, submit to jail in sober condition, surrender liccnsc, S100 and costs; no drivers liccnsc.volun tarily dismissed. Rocky C. Williamson, speeding 76 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued and costs. Mciusian R. Wright, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Paul S. Wucsthoff, speeding 74 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued and costs. Debbie L. Guadagnoli, fictitious registration, driving while liccnsc revoked, no insurance, consolidated judgment, N.C. Department of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, S200 and no costs, SI 00 attorney fees, transferred to unsupervised probation when mon ies paid in full, not operate motor vehicle until valid liccnsc, not oper ate motor vehicle unless properly registered and insured. Larry D. Grisham Jr., reckless op eration, prayer for judgment contin ued and costs. Terry Moody, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, S40 and costs. Jason Hakooz, speeding 72 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment contin ued and costs William Baker, DWI, speeding 81 in a 55 zone, consolidated judgment. Level 2, N.C. Department of Cor rections one year. William Dean Hewett, civil con tempt (order to show cause), viola tion of court order willful criminal, Brunswick County Jail 30 days. Appealed. #<l * W WW* f t BIG $$ AT THE GROCERY STORE.. .CALL 754-1817 TO FIND OUT HOW. Auto Accidents Disability Job Injuries ARE YOU A HARD WORKER NOW INJURED OR DISABLED? 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