?% v ? Ji*a~ ? ? ? ? I 1 \ - v M BEACON FILE PHOTO -4S WILLIAM VAN STEEN learned lost year, the Shallotte Christ mas Parade is usually a lot of fun for kids. Tree-Lighting Set For Dec. 3 The South Brunswick islands Chamber of Commerce and area towns will welcome the holiday season when they sponsor the lighting of the area Christmas tree on Friday, Dec. 3, from 6-7 p.m. The community event will be highlighted by Christmas carol performances by several local singing groups and individuals. Santa Claus will arrive on a fire truck, also. The event will take place at the intersection of N.C. 179 and U.S. 17 Business in Shallotte. The public is welcome. Chicken, Spots On Seaside Menu The Committee of the Seaside Community will hold a dinner Sat urday. Nov. 20, starting at 10 a.m. at the corner of N.C 17l) and N.C. l)04. The menu will offer a choice of fried spots or barbecued chicken served with fried sweet potatoes, coleslaw, hushpuppies and onion rings. Cost is $4 per plate. Proceeds will go to the Seaside incorporation effort. Another fundraising effort in cludes a 12-gauge Remington shot gun, an .870-caliber Magnum and a $50 cash prize that will be awarded in drawings Saturday night at the Coastal Auction House. m ^EVEREADY NOVEMBER SUPER BUY ? ? While ONLY... 3 Light Value Pack Includes 2 "D", 2 "AA", and 1 "AA" flashlights with krypton bulbs and Super Heavy Duty batteries. (MP1WB-S) TRUST UlORTHV HRRDUJRRE STORES SOMERSETT'S HARDWARE Open: Mon Sat 7 AM 6 PM Sun 10 5 PM, Hwy. 904 East, Gnssettown, 579 6006 ENTRY DEADLINE NOV. 26 Christmas Parade Is I Just Two Weeks Away The Shallottc Christmas Parade is just over two weeks away ? a sure sign that the holiday season is upon us. Clowns, horses, fancy cars and other entries will fill Mam Street lor the parade on Saturday. Dec. 4. at 10 a.m. As always, Santa C'laus will bring up the rear on a Shallottc Vol unteer Fire Department truck. Parade coordinator Phcbie Mc Lean had signed up 25 entries as of last week, including several beauty queens and Sudan groups. The town has already rented all 1 2 of the parade floats. West Bruns wick High School's football team will occupy one of them. t The parade will lollow the same Main Street route as last year, start ing at the snuth-end traffic light and proceeding north to the Smith Ave nue intersection. Non-profit groups such as church es and civic clubs may enter the pa rade at no cost. The fee for beauty queens is $25, while businesses may enter for a fee of $35. For the first time this year, all pa rade participants must fill out an ap plication at Shallottc Town Hall. Rules will be given to each partici pant at that time. The deadline for entering is Friday, Nov. 26, at noon For infor mation. call 754-4032. BEMC Offers Mini-Grants To Meet Classroom Needs Teachers in Brunswick and Col umbus counties can apply now for educational mini-granis offered by Hruns. Electric Membership Corp. Twelve "Partnership for Solu tions" grants of $250 each are avail able. The grants are awarded based on applications that communicate a specific need that cannot be met with conventional school funds. Principals at all schools will have application forms for those interest ed in applying. The deadline to submit applica tions is Jan. 15. 1994. Recipients will be notified by Feb. I. a BEMC news release indicated. This is the second year the mini grants have been offered. BOATS Affordable! 1-800-545-2293 919-457-9080 yyy mm mm HI r ] HI XV Ift /Si iUQ mi\ im mVat w.wr, a iiiiii ? wjmxTwbi^ ?cr Mia" JHSPbi You Can Afford! ...and still have money left over for Santa! CHOICENTER HOMES BY ANN Hwy. 17 N., Shallotte, 754-5147 More and more people are warming up to heat pumps. Thanks to changes in technology, the air that tc xlays high-efficiency heat pump bli )\vs ( >ut is warm. St > it keeps your home cozy and comfortable all winter. Those same technical advances als< ) mean that the heat pump is a mc >re efficient -and ecx >n< jmical? way u ) heat and ct m )1 yc >ur h( >me than ever lx.*f( >re. Nothing? not even gas? can keep vou this comfortable at such sav ings. Call CP&Lat 1-800-664-PUMP to learn mc >re about all the improvements made to u xlavs ^ heat pump. And ask about ( >ur new 1 leat M Pump Rebates that save you even more. If you've been waiting to warm up to the heat pump, now svour time. cm Wlxre Listening Generates Power Jid Ideas.