PHOTO BY Bill FAVER WE CAN ENJOY the blue skies as well as the blue flowers and birds like the Blue Grosbeak. Autumn's 'Fragmentary Blue' BY BILL FAVER One of the good things about late fall and winter is the rich blue skies we find on days that are clear. Usually there are no white puffy clouds and the haze of summer has gone away. We are given a trans parent view of deep blue and far away. So often we take such beau tiful skies for granted, possibly be cause we have so many of them. Many of us seldom notice them as much as as we do a flower or a bird or some other thing closer to us. Those kinds of days make me want to get outside and make the most of what nature has to offer us. Maybe take a stroll in the was or along the beach. Or take the binoculars and camera and head FAVER for a familiar birding spot. Or at the very least get in the car and go somewhere! Those days also remind me of Robert Frost's poem "Fragmentary Blue": Why make so much of fragmentary blue In here and there a bird, or butterfly, Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye. When Heaven presents in sheets the solid hue? I don't think he means for us to look less at the birds and butterflies and flowers and stones. 1 just think he is telling us to notice the blue skies above us more. Or maybe he is telling us to try to see the big picture as well as the smaller parts, so we won't be satisfied with something less than the whole. Whatever the "message" of Frost's poem, we can count our own blessings that we live in a place where we can enjoy the "sheets of solid hue" and the "frag mentary blue" just about every day of the year. MORE LETTERS 'Informed Common Sense ' Says Quarry Inappropriate For Area To the editor: The Brunswick County Economic Development Commission's glow ing, but ludicrous, cost/benefit anal ysis of the Martin-Marietta project would lead us to believe that we shall all soon bask in the economic glow of a quarry. And surely it must be true since Martin-Marietta sup plied the commission with the perti nent numbers. In a country where mistrust of government is ripe, the temptation to substitute supposedly impersonal economic calculations for personal, responsible decision-making and to rely on distant experts rather than size up the situation for oneself, can only be exceedingly strong. One must not forget, however, that pure economics is a matter of logic, but applied economics is a matter of informed common sense. Informed common sense is not to al low a huge, open pit mine surround ed by salt marsh estuaries, between a nuclear plant and a munitions de pot, and next to residential commu nities that depend on tourism real es tate sales and home construction. If our elected officials and ap pointed boards wish to bury their political futures at the bottom of a quarry, and try to take our quality of life with them, then sadly, that is their prerogative. Fred C. Schumacher Boiling Spring Lakes New Second Class? To the editor: Mow, what about NAFTA and Congressman Charlie Rose? According to the editorial page of the Charlotte Observer Nov. 22, "The Fayetteville Democrat was so hostile toward NAFTA that the Charlotte Observer (had) called him 'the delegation's NAFTA oppo nent.'" The Charlotte Observer quoted Congressman Rose Nov. 16 as say ing NAFTA "was negotiated by the corporate elite friends of George Bush with the corporate elite Mex ican companies. It's about getting la bor for $1 an hour.. ..At a time we should be worried about stimulating new jobs, we are giving jobs away." "Then came the vote, and in the greatest transformation since Saul's en route to Damascus, Congressman Charlie Rose supported NAFTA without a word of explanation. We can't wait to hear his story." In my opinion, NAFTA will create a new democracy in l-atin America by helping our Southern neighbors cre ate a second class! In Mexico, the ruling class re mains fully entrenched and richer than ever. Television coverage of NAFTA hearings never brought up land ownership in Mexico. Land deeds of trust do not exist in Mexico! U.S. corporate companies do not own the land that their factories are built on. They are given a beneficia ry deed by the Mexican government, but the Mexican government owns the land. ! am a beneficiary deed holder at Ei Dorado Estates near San Felipe. The Mexican poor will remain poor. The ruling class in Mexico will be in jeopardy as the working class accelerates its economic influ ence. Years down the way, NAFTA will be responsible for revolting sec ond-class Mexicans ? another Span ish-American war with all Latin American countries! Bob L. Johnson Ocean Isle Beach Clean- Up Questioned To the editor I have four questions concerning the authorization of Mr. Yeltzin (Brunswick County Manager Wy man Yelton) to clean up the property of (Bennie) Ludlum. Would County Manager Yeltzin have authorized the clean-up if Mr. Ludlum had not been a prior county commissioner? Would he have authorized the clean-up if he had had to pay for it out of his pocket? Is it legal to use public funds to clean up private property. If so, what law governs this sort of action? Norman Home Shallotte Where's The Card? To the editor: On Nov. 6 I mailed a birthday card with a check in it to Way nesville to my son from the post of fice in Seaside. I dropped it off my self. This is Nov. 22, and same has not arrived here in Waynesville. i put an Elvis stamp on this letter, and I believe it was lifted by some one, probably before it was stamped, and never left Seaside. Who would want it if it was stamped? 1 mailed other mail in Calabash, and it came in the usual time. Just how far is it from the mountains to seashore? We welcome your letters to the editor. Letters must include your address and telephone number. (This information is for verifica tion purposes only; we will not publish your street/mailing ad dress or phone number.) Letters must be typed or written legibly. Address letters to: The Brunswick Beacon, P.O. Box 2558, Shallotte NC 28459 Anonymous letters will not be published. Emily M. Bradley Waynesville Write Some Choice Programs for Grange Members* North Carolina State Grange and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina are names you can trust. Send us this coupon, and our agent will contact you about special programs for Grange Members." ? Individual ? Family Name Address City Slate Zip T elephone im. Bfcje Cross Mail to: Coastal Insurance & Realty MftlvflV Shield P.O. Box 1238 Shallotte, NC 28459 754-4326 A /on members may apply by making application lor membership ? 19bB Blue Crosi ami Blue ShtpM ot North Carolina nondly Divers'?nS wal ^dionS Judging from recent news ac counts, some folks seem to be hav ing a real love-hate relationship with death and dying these days. For example, the city of San Francisco (home of the Grateful Dead) is looking for a way to clean up the image of its number-one tourist attraction, the Golden Gate Bridge, which also happens to be the most popular suicide spot in the Western world. As of last week, 938 people had jumped to their deaths from the 220 foot-high span. That doesn't include the 422 "possibles" whose bodies were never found or the handful who survived the leap. The first Golden Gate flier took the plunge three months after the bridge opened in 1937. And they have been flinging themselves off up at a rate of more than one per month ever since. Why? One of the survivors called it "a romantic thing to do." Another described his unsuccessful attempt as "the only way to go." For years, city officials have talked about ways of dissuading people from jumping off the bridge. Proposed solutions have ranged from the silly (signs that say "Think Before You Leap") to the serious (electric fences and safety nets). But the obvious preventative ? an 8-foot-high barricade along the en tire span ? has been repeatedly re jected because such a fence would cost too much and spoil the bridge's appearance. Instead, Mayor Frank Jordan wants to install emergency tele phone lines wired directly to suicide prevention counselors in hopes of convincing would-be jumpers to step back from the brink. I've got a better idea. Why not connect the telephones to another bridge located in Poe, California, where the Butte County Sheriff's Department is trying to stop people from tying rubber bands to their legs and diving off the 185-foot Feather River Bridge. For the past three years, entrepre neurs have been attaching rubber bands to the narrow railroad over pass and collecting $50 apiece from idiots who want to use them to jump off the bridge. Authorities feel it is just a matter of time before one of Eric Carlson them splatters on the rocks or gets squashed by a passing freight train. As one deputy noted. "People who are crazy enough to throw themselves off a bridge are certainly crazy enough to stand there while a train is coming." Personally, I don't see the prob lem here. The laws of evolution sug gest that organisms that stupid should be filtered from the gene ptKil before they reproduce. Unfortunately, some of them have already borne young and are foolish enough to bring their children out on the tracks "to watch daddy fly." So I guess the Poe folks of Butte County deserve credit for trying to protect the innocent. In what has come to be called the "bungee wars," the district attorney and Union Pacific Railroad police are using sophisticated surveillance equipment, helicopters and signifi cant manpower to ambush and arrest the jumpers. I think a cheaper solution might be to install a row of wind-powered whirling helicopter blades with ra zor-sharp edges just below the bridge. Or why not kill two birds with one phone? Just set up a bridge hot line between the Golden Gate and the Feather River. Bungee jumpers could talk the suicidally troubled in to to attaching a lifeline. And those about to embark on their final flight might convince a few bungee jumpers to try the real thing. Another story on the dead beat comes from Salt Lake City, Utah, where a guy named Claude "Corky" Nowell is offering a unique service for people whose vanity reaches be yond the grave. Now, thanks to his modern "mummification" process, those unable to walk like an Egyptian can at least be buried like one. For a mere S32.000. Corky will inject a chemical into your (prefer ably dead) skull and convert your brain into a lump of plastic. Then he will pickle your body for 60 days in a giant vat of preservative, wrap it in gauze and plastic wrap, dip it in fiberglass and weld it up in a bronze casket carved to look like you imag ine you did in your better days. Or so he claims. The article did not say whether Corky (who has re named himself after the sun god Summum Bonum Amon Ra) has ever performed this service on a genuine dead person. But he has signed up 137 live ones. Which by my calculations adds up to a cool $4.3 million. Not a bad take from customers who won't be able to sue Mr. Ra for breach of con tract after they wind up decompos ing in some tar pit next to Jimmy Hoffa. As a lifelong organ donor, I feel these people should consider a more generous use for their mortal re mains. Why spend all that money on a stupid sarcophagus that's just go ing to clutter up somebody's attic until it gets sold at a yard sale? Instead you could donate your body to Heidelberg University for research. Since 1975, those kooky Germans have been stuffing cadav ers into Volkswagens, Audis and BMWs and crashing them into walls to see what happens. The news account I read failed to indicate whether the Germans also use their "crash dummies" for hu morous buckle-your-seatbelt com mercials like we have in America. But I doubt it. In fact, the German people have raised loud protests over the practice of buffeting bodies in tumbling fender blenders. "This is a completely normal mat ter for the researchers. But apparent ly some people don't like thinking about life and death," said a Heidelberg University spokesman. "I suspect this sensitivity has some thing to do with Germany's past." But the Catholic Church is also upset. A statement from the Vatican called the experiments "repugnant to the conscience." So while there will continue to be questions about the scientific value of these "crash corpses" in the study of vehicular motion. You can be sure they will continue to have an impact on the windshields of public opin ion. GUEST COLUMN Church Belongs To All ? And None BY FRAN SALONE PELLETIER The letter written by Harry Quick, published Nov. 24, caused me great upset for many reasons. Ail of us have had difficulties with church matters at one time or another. However, I felt it was inap propriate for such a parochial matter to be submitted to the public forum. Additionally, the writer presumes the accuracy of his information re garding both the history of kneeleis as necessary to proper worship and the desire of the majority of St. Brendan parishioners to have them in the planned church building. Some education in the areas of church history and the evolution of liturgical practices would certainly help to modify one's vehement ad herence to a single idea of what is right and good. To build a church facility without kneelers is neither unheard of nor disgraceful. In fact, prayer said standing "was the most common posture for prayer in antiquity and even to this day is regarded as the most solemn manner of praying known to the liturgy.... Prayer on the knees was introduced very late. Standing expresses the idea of atten tion, watchfulness, and respect and brings home an awareness of our dignity as children of the Resurrec tion." {The Worship of the Church , William O'Shea. S.S. D.D., p. 80) The underlying anger apparent in the ietter and the appeal to write to the Bishop are not matters easily dif fused by information. No church group is perfect, nor are any of its individual members. Change frequently causes pain, and personalities come into conflict. We lose sight of the fact that all of us are called to be compassionate. Most of all, we forget our need to be forgiving people. We do have a scriptural "recipe" to follow whenever there are prob lems in or with our churches. It is the command to go first to our bro ther and speak with him. If that proves ineffective, we then bring one or two others from our ecclesial community to assist with communi cation. Only when failure occurs there, as well, do we seek the judgment of au thority. When we allow an argument over kneelers to become of para mount concern, have we not lost our sense of what it means to be people of God? Lastly, in response to the ques tion, "Does our church belong to him or us?" I would say that it be longs to all of us ? and to none of us. The church belongs to God and is given to us as a means fot us to grow closer to Him. When any of us seeks to have per sonal desires or wants ? or even needs ? completely met, we miss the whole point of Christianity, the reli gion of the Suffering Servant of Yahweh. The writer is a member of St. Brendan Parish. Try our daily 1 1 am-3 pm LUNCH SPECIAL choice of entree and 3 vegetables *4.25 lea or coffee included SANDFIDDLER SEAFOOD RESTAURANT HWY. 130 EAST ? SHALLOTTE ? 764-8168 BREAKFAST BUFFET Sat. & Sun. 7-11 am SUNDAY LUNCH BUFFET 1 1 :30-2 pm ? $6.95 Lr MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 1-Ham Steak 2-Lasagna 3? Grilled Chicken Breast (barbeque or teriyaki) Choice of 3 Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Potato Salad Field Peas Rice and Gravy Corn Green Beans Broccoli Sliced Peaches Vanilla Pudding TUESDAY & THURSDAY 1-Meat Loaf 2-Smothered Pork Chops 3? 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