v Jjs*. ? ul PHOTO BY BILI FAVER DUNE PI A. NTS attempt to hold the small sand grains in place in an area of shifting sands. A Little More, A Little Less BY BILL FAVER Each grain of sand has he on a part of the Earth's 1 hose of us who spend any time along the shore are crust since the beginning of time. It might he quartz, or too familiar with the inevitable shifting of the sands, garnet, or feldspar, or mica. These grains of sand have Each wave does it. bringing some been moving for years and years and they will contin sand in anil taking some sand ue to move for many, many more. away. In her excellent book. The Edge Of The Sea. Rachel We hardly notice the action on a Carson reminds us about the movement of sand: calm day. and sometimes we are Today a little more land may belong to the sea, amazed at the gradual build-up of Tomorrow a little less. sand. Too often lately, we've no- Always the edge of the sea ttced how destructive waves can Remains an elusive and indefinable boundary. eat away at the accumulated sand We know this, but we don't want to believe it. it and take away our only seaward takes a big storm or an erosion-hungry ocean to im protection. press upon us again and again the need to respect the FAVER Those tiny grains of sand are al- dynamic line where land and sea meet. most indestructible. It may have taken years for one Our Coastal Area Management program and our grain of sand to come down the river from where it land use plans, though far from perfect, are attempting was worn away from the mountains by the weaiiier. Or to provide space between ocean and development to a grain of sand may have been shaped by the sea. the allow for this changing line. We all need to be pre hard core of mineral remaining after years of grinding pared for "Today a little more. . .tomorrow a little away in the surf. less!" No Winter Of Discontent Here "I just called to say how much i hate Eric," my sister said from her fireside in frozen Asheville. "It looks like Siberia here." she moaned. "What do you suppose the temperature is in Acapulco?" Later the phone rings and I pick it up to hear static over the operator's rapid-tire Spanish. I understand nothing except **..Senor Eric Carl son, por favor...." with accent on those rolling "R"s." Assuming she's asking me to ac cept a collect call. I say "si" mo mentarily sell-conscious about how that must sound in Southern drawl. My shamelessly unapologetic husband reports. "It's blistering out in the sun in the middle of the day, but once you get in the shade, it's like there's no temperature at ail. We're on the tenth floor overlooking Acapulco Bay and the Pacific. It's plush. The floors are marble. A housekeeper comes in and cleans every day and serves breakfast at 11 and dinner at 5. 1 can't describe it. You'll just have to see the pictures. So. I hear it's cold up there..." I tell him about the ice floe that extends from the Carpenters' dock to the end ot the canai. thai he dii! a good job wrapping the pipes before he left, and that at least once an hour I am grateful for the new double pane replacement windows installed in our house a few weeks ago. He says he went to a bullfight yesterday, an experience he des cribes as "intense." He says he's glad he did, but he probably wouldn't do it a second time. I tell him it was 24 degrees when I drove to the grocery story this ;;} ternoon. that I made chicken and rice for supper (but that we'll call it arroz con polio in his honor), anil that the humidity is so low I have two vaporizers running full blast in Lynn Carlson our small house. Even with mv husband away on tropical leave. I have a hard time taking the cold too personally, h'or one thing, it's rare. I've lived all my lite in the C'arolinas. and have no memories like Eric's, of winters in Syracuse when he and his college buddies would jump out second flooi dorm windows into the snow drifts, of winters when there was no ground to be seen from Thanksgiv ing until Easter. Even during our years in the North Carolina mountains, extreme cold was an anomaly and an adven ture. Once my car stalled on Green Mountain Road outside Hender sonville on a zero-degree morning as I was driving to work wearing a business suit stockings and heels. Within minutes a friendly stranger came along in a pickup truck and drove me to the I'ruitland Grocery, where I thawed out by a pot-belly woodstove and made small talk with the proprietor until my next rescuer arrived. My sister says it has snowed so much up there this winter that every one's annoyed with it, and I'm sure she's right. But still, every time I hear a forecast tor snow in the Blue Ridge?and that's been about every other day this winter, it seems?I'm just the slightest bit homesick for a little winter wonderland. My thoughts drift hack to those beautiful snow days on Bald Top Mountain, when there was no possi bility of getting down the hill to work. Might as well put on a pot of beans, stoke the fire and watch those fat heavy flakes come down until they bend the tree limbs. Every now and again, a magnifi cent pileated woodpecker would perch on one of the bare oak trees that made up our front yard. We could hear him at other times, too. but we never saw him except against a backdrop of white. The beach in winter has its own special beauty. Even if you hate the cold, you have to appreciate the stunning clarity of a day when the temperature is 24 degrees and the humidity is 31 percent. And it's kind of nice to look out the window and see absolutely no cars on the boule vard except the occasional police cruiser. Maybe I'd feel differently if I'd ever had to shovel snow or endure a month of relentless below-freezing weather. But I haven't and don't ever expect to. So for now, I'll go on appreciat ing the seasons and he thankful I have a a goosedown comforter, some flannel nightgowns, a cat and. yes, even a spouse on the Mexican Riviera. Woodmen s commitment to its members Id* led to <i century-old business str<itc(Q ol tin.iiu uiI strength find stability. To find out more .ibout Woodmen insurance, contm t. Jimmy Marshall Larry Heustess Brunswick Square Hwy 17 S, Shallotte 754-8400 rS Woodmen of the World I iii- lii*?iir?iri< o Sotit'ly llotm- Ollicc: Om.ih.i. Ncl>?.ish.i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 'We Have Filthy Highways' "Ib the editor: It has been my good fortune to travel in a number of states this past year, including Alaska and Florida. It is truly remarkable how clean these stales maintain their roadways. It is always nice to return to the friendly confines of North Carolina. I have, however, noted a flaw in our societal attitude here in the great state, and I would like to call that flaw to your readers' attention. We have filthy highways. As you and I ride between I iolden Beach and Shallotte. it is difficult to ignore the waste strewn roadside of N.C. 130. Everything goes out the window, including fast-food con tainers and plastic grocery bags, waste left to accumulate and give our numerous visitors (he impres sion that we are lousy housekeepers. My husband and I recently spent two hours picking up six 30-gallon garbage bags ot trash in one short stretch near our recycling center. That section of the roadway has been adopted by a local church, but apparently they feel little responsi bility to maintain it. Much of the rest of the road is unadopted. North Carolina has an excellent "Swat a Litter Bug" program, oper ated jointly by the Parks Department of Brunswick County and the N.C. Department of Transportation. Un fortunately. the program gets little publicity, and few people use the ci tation cards to report litterers. We cannot blame our tourists; they are not here now. We can only blame ourselves for insisting on tossing everything out the window. Maybe you can call this "attitude" to your readers' attention and get them to tefiain or get our elected offirials to increase the financial cost of lit tering. There is no litter in Alaska, where the littering fine is Sl.(KK) per fast food cup out the window. Florida looks clean, too. despite its current problem of violence. And just maybe we can get more people to adopt sections of N.C. 130 between Ilolden Beach and Shallotte and then act on the adoption. June P. Froehlich Molden Beach Pave, Don't Patch To the editor: Just want to tell you how much we like The Brunswick Beacon. It keeps us informed on what's going on down there. We have a place at Hoiden Beach. I have always wanted to ask why. oh why, don't they pave Kirhy Road and Seashore Drive'.' These roads are terrible. We live in Driftwood Acres II and use these roads a lot. Just always wonder why they don't ever pave them?they just patch them. Jack and Ruth McKenzie Seagrove No 'Word Tricks' To the editor: "What do you think of Hillary Clinton's government-controlled medicine proposal'.'" is a question that I'm going to ask all of my friends and acquaintances. I expect an answer to be a question such as. "You mean the president's health care plan?" When I hear that response. I will no doubt laugh and shake my head and then say. "No. I mean exactly what I asked. What do you think of Hillary Clinton's government-con trolled medicine proposal'.'" My goal will be to inform that President Clinton has successfully glued the public to those comforting words, "health care." and I for one am not going to fall into his word trap. When I start seeing and hearing "Clinton's socialized medicine" in stead of "Clinton's health care." I'll know that the charlatan's word tricks are backfiring, and I would suggest that the Republicans make this possible in their writing and speaking. James Robbins Fatontown NJ Session Can't Wait To the editor: In February the General Assem bly will convene a special session devoted solely to the issue of crime. Over the past few months, the gov ernor, the speaker of the House and I have met with dozens of North Carolinians to discuss crime, pun ishment and prevention. We hear many real-life problems and some real-life solutions to crime in our state. But over and over it was the same message from district at torneys, police, victims' rights advo cates and local government officials: we must act now. First, we must raise the prison cap. because the alternative is the wholesale release approximately 3.0(H) dangerous criminals onto our streets. Second, we must take a hard look at violent criminals and repeat of fenders. Life without parole should be a sentencing option for first-de gree murderers and rapists as well as for repeat offenders on the "three strikes and you're out" model. Another concern is our overbur dened criminal courts. The attorney general has developed an innovative plan to reduce the strain on our courts and make our criminal justice system more efficient and effective. The Senate will also consider in tervention programs to assist North Carolina's at-risk children in the middle school years. An after-school program can offer planned educa tional and social activities where children learn from positive role models and avoid the temptations of the streets. I don't expect the General Assembly to solve all of our prob lems overnight. However, we can begin to reduce crime with common sense approaches. It is time to take control of a dangerous situation be fore it becomes even worse. The price of inaction is simply too high. Marc Basnight President Pro Tempore N.C. Senate EDITOR S NOTE: Tlw following letters are in response to a letter in the Jan. I.i edition headlined 'The Wrong Paths. " They are from the mother and grandmother of a de fendant charged in connection with the death of Charles Wayne "Butch " Davis of Bolivia. Judge Ye Not To the editor: So it is written, as I'm sure you are well aware! Concerning our future generation that has no respect or decency, or has not been raised. I think it's im portant that we all realize this gener ation has never been ours to mold nor tame. The altitude and actions being exhibited by this generation was prophesied even before it could be read by any of us, in 2 Timothy Chapter 3: 1-5. As to four of the boys in question, each have been taught morals, val ues and respect. Unforeseen occur rences befall us all, do they not? (However, this quote is not intended to minimize your pain and grief.) No caring parent who has love for their child would ever knowingly close their eyes to their child hurrying to trouble. I say judge ye not. We are parents that care; I always have. Children will do foolish things as ours have. However, these types of senseless tragedies are not limited to, nor can be attributed to. the lack of parental training anil direction on our part. This could have happened to any one's child. Regretfully we are the sharers in this pain and grief, wish ing things could he changed. Judge ye not. My son. in addition to tvM) of the other boys involved, should be punished lor their wrong doing. not because you seek vengeance. None can claim to be faultless, inclusive, but not limited to. you and I. The question was asked. "Is it go ing to be said that human life does not matter?" I would answer simply by stating all life matters, even an unborn child, so it is written in Exodus Chapter 21: 22-23. In clo sure I'd say judge ye not for you shall be judged. Luenetter Young Bolivia Verbal Attacks Hurt To the editor: Is the "wrong path" right? Judge ye not. for you will be judged by the same judge, anil the same measure you measure out will be measured back to you. We will reap what we sow. Several bad statements have been made concerning our boys and their families. It hurts to be verbally at tacked wrongfully. However, it is comforting to know God judges un like any man. Men tend to look on the surface; God examines the heart He also says that it is better for us to have a millstone tied around our neck and be thrown into the sea than to offend the least of his. There are none without sin. Is thy worthy to pass judgment? Should we allow ourselves or others to bur den our neaiis with hate? The hfart is treacherous leading to many hurt ful things. Who can know it? May we all safeguard our hearts, which is the seed of all motivation. This has aided in my determination not to hurt or offend anyone in my speech or action. Realizing anything to the contrary would jeopardize my standing with Almighty God. Blessed be the pure at heart. Let us not be burdened down with ha tred upon our shoulders. Where there is no sunlight or life. Minnie Smith Bolivia Write Us We welcome your letters to the editor. Letters must include your address and telephone number. (This information is for verifica tion purposes only; we will not publish your street/mailing ad dress or phone number.) Letters must be typed or written legibly. Address letters to: t he Brunswick Beacon P.O. Box 2558 Shallotte NC 28459 Anonymous letters will not be published. I ALL MAK FLAGS I 1 -800-868-FLAG Flags ? Banners Pennants Holiday Flags & Banners Residential & Commercial Flagpoles Installation, too. FREE Catalog & Delivery ."s-v 101 Aviators Lane Burgaw. 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