."WaKv.1 i i w, IYY4 O/B Mayor, Commissioner Differ Over Planning Board Expansion (Continued From Page l-A) asked Tuesday, questioning the ef fectiveness of keeping town mem bership .it just three people. Earlier he had cited a letter from the Institute ot Government supporting a larger-size board. Williamson defended the docu ment. describing it as a "worksheet only. II it's incorrect, we can change it." she said. Taking the role of mediator. Commissioner Kendall Suh proposed a compromise, pointing out that the planning board issue "had created a lot of undue contention which hasn't been go*>d for any of us." The Feb. 15 workshop was to have been a joint session, but only one planning board member showed up. Tuesday, saying he wanted to see "who was lying and who was telling the truth." Odell Williamson assert ed that Proctor and Building In spector Druied Roberson had changed the workshop date, and that was why only one planning board member came. That wasn't the case. Planning and Zoning Board Chairman De Carol Williamson attended the com missioners' Feb. S meeting He par ticipated in setting the lime and date for the Feb. 15 workshop. He mis sed the workshop, apparent I \ be cause of another appointment Since then iwo other planning board members who didn't attend the workshop have resigned. Tuesday, over Proctor's objec tions. commissioners appointed ar chitect Joe Johnson to replace re signing {own member Mill IJul lington. and voted to recommend Frank Williamson Jr.. the mayor's son. for appointment by the Bruns wick County Commissioners to re place KTA member Judy Yarbrough McHenry. who resigned tor health reasons. Proctor wanted commissioners to wait to make the appointments until after the new rules governing the planning board are adopted by com missioners. sa\ ing new members did not have the background needed to evaluate the rules. However. Mayor Williamson thought it would be helpful for new and continuing members to partici Ocean Isle Beach Board Considers Nighttime Work Sessions: Page 7-A pate in an Institute of Government training session for planning and zoning hoard and lnurd of adjust ment members March 1(> from 1 p.m. to 4:3l( p.ni .it I (olden Beach Town Hall. Proctor's fellow commissioners tilled the vacancies immediately. I'hev will also ask the newly-consti tuted planning board to review the proposed changes when it meets at 9 .' in next Tuesday. March 15. and make recommendations before the town board adopts any changes. "I think we ought to hear what they have to say." said Commissioner Debbie Sloane. Proctor had at first thought plan ning board review would delay adoption ot the rules. Since the changes need to he voted on during a regular commissioners' meeting. ?h;ii isn't the case. The soonest they can he adopted is April 12. If there are substantive changes from those proposed, adoption could take even longer. While Proctor has questioned the board's slowness is making planning hoard changes. Mayor Williamson disagreed, saying. "I don't think we've wasted any time dealing with this." Other than size and attendance rules, most other points of concur rence at the workshop are reflected in the draft planning board bylaws, including not requiring LTA mem bers to attend unless ETA matters are on the agenda. The board would meet at least monthly on a set day and time of its own choosing, act only with a quorum, serve staggered three-year terms, maintain public records and elect officers, with Town Clerk Daisy Ivey recommend ed as secretary. New Klcvated Tank Eyed Engineer l-inley Boney said the cost of a new elevated water storage facility could range from $750,000 to $1 million, depending upon its ca Sunny Point To Receive Spent Fuel Rods? (Continued From Page 1-A) a National Hurricane Conference this week, and with Hon Lggert, a county planner. At the planning department they asked for maps, population data, possible routes for transporting low level nuclear waste from Sunny Point toward the Savannah River Site at Aiken. S.C.. and their poten tial impact. "Thev said they were the ground troops, doing a general survey." said l-ggert. "They didn't indicate they were looking at other sites and they didn't give any indication of the sta tus of Sunny Point." liggert pointed out westbound routes from Sunny Point by way of N.C. 2 i i and N.C. K7. In his letter dated March 7. Hunt references a Jan. 25 letter from O'Leary announcing that Wilmington, Vtorehead City and Sunn\ Point are under considera tion. Hunt argues that none of the pos sible state sites meet the depart ment's own criteria and that Sunny Point and Morehcad City are "clear ly inappropriate tot further consider ation." To back his contention. Hunt rec ommends that DOh follow its own selection process, which did not rank Wilmington nor any other North Carolina port at the lop. He suggests that transport by truck would likely involve travel over "in appropriate two-lane roads along routes that are ill-equipped to re spond to a nuclear accident." If shipped through Sunny Point, the fuel would come into proximity with considerable quantities of ex plosive material. Oversight by the slate would also be more difficult on a federal military installation. Hunt suggests. He also points out that publicity over the movement of the spent fuel roils is likely to have a negative ef fect on efforts by the N.C. I.ow 1 A.'vel Radioactive Waste Authority to obtain permitting for a waste fa cility in the state tor use by member states of the Southeast low -Level Radioactive Waste Compact. "High profile nuclear waste shipments dur ing this critical period will unneces sarily alarm and confuse the pub lic...." Hunt writes. According to federal documents, transport is to be through a |*>rt ot entry that has "the lowest human population in the area surrounding the port of entry, is closest in prox imity to the Savannah River Sile. and has the most appropriate facili ties for, and experience in. receiving spent nuclear fuel." According to Howes, the federal government cited Morehcad CitCs greatest disadvantages as the eco nomics of equipment retrofits and variable traffic on surface trans portation routes. For Sunny Point, the greatest dis advantage was proximity to muni tions. Operated by the U.S. Army's Military Traffic Management Com mand. Sunny Point is the largest hazardous ammunition and explo sives terminal in the free world, and the largest terminal operated by the U.S. military. The Army 's standard response is to "neither confirm noi denv" whether the port handles or has han dled nuclear weapons, fuel or waste. Of the seven primary port sites, only two. Charleston. SC.. and Jacksonville. I la., have no expert cna' in handling commercial spent nuclcar fuel. Ports in Wilmington. N.C.; Newport News. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va.: and Savannah. <ia . have experience In semi-isolation, the terminal proper occupies 8,502 fenced acres along the Cape feat River, while its easements and buffer /ones occupy another 7. l?? acres in Brunswick and New Hanover counties. Its administrative offices are 17 miles from its three 2,2(H)-foot wharves, which are equipped to han dle containerized or break hulk car go. I'rov iding only short-term stor age for cargo awaiting shipment, the terminal moves ammunition and other danuerous cargo in support ot the li.S Department of Defense. Army shipping takes priority on an IN-milc railroad track that runs be tween I .eland and Sunny Point and also serves several industrial cus tomers. including Carolina Power & I .ight Co. Before any action is taken, the Department of hnergv must review all comments on its initial environ mental assessment and decide that there would be no significant im pact. or begin a lengthy full environ mental impact statement process. Other port screening criteria in clude economic feasibility, closeness ot the port to the storage facility, lowest human population exposure and distance from she port to the open ocean. Among the seven ports DOI- (iist listed. Wilmington ranks in the middle on most criteria. Railbed quality is similar among all options, l or trtkks, the federal government piei'ers transport over tour-lane controlled access roads, but may approve two-lane roads. Over weight loads haven't been ruled out. 'Phantom' Fraud Suspect Arrested (Continued From Page 1-A) ihc area to look al property. "That's what made me think this was more than |usi .1 house guest who ran off with some jewelry," Hunter said. "The fact that people were so taken in suggested that he might have done this before." It was the local land deal that gave Hunter his first break in the in vestigation. When the real estate agents took Hudgens to look at the hotse farm, one of them brought along .1 video camera to film the property lor other prospective buy ers. Without his knowledge. Hudgens was captured by the camera, leaning uii .. fcttcc. ;.:r.:!ing ant! chatting with the sales people. Hunter said he was in the process of distributing still photos from the film to other law enforcement agen cies when the big break came. Someone at an Asheville jewelry IKE BRUNSWICK ? BEACON l-.stabhshed Nov I. 19(i2 Telephone "754-6890 Published livery Thursday At 47IW Main Street Shallottc. N.C. 28459 SUBSCRIPTION KATES IN HRUNSWK'K (Dl Vh One Year $lo 36 Six Months S5.55 ELSEWIIKRK IN NOR TH CAROLINA One Year $1-1 86 Six Months $7.0(1 KLSKWHKRE IN U.S.A. One Year $15 95 Six Months $8.35 Second clas . postage paid a! Shallottc, N < 28459 USPS 777 7X11. Postmaster, send address i haliges to P.O. Itox 2558, Shallot li N.C. 28459-2558 store called the Calabash business der the name Michael Wayne where the card was registered to vcr- Hough lie has been charged with ify a large purchase. The owner took one count each of lelonious larceny, the call and notified Hunter. forgery, financial transaction card The store owner said he was sup- theft and financial transaction card posed to pick up the jewelry the next fraud. He was being held Tuesday in day and was staying at the Raddison lieu of S5.(KMI bond. Hotel, Hunter said. He immediately Hunter said Iludgens has only one contacted Ashcvillc Police Detectiv e prior criminal conviction, for a 14X4 Van Smith and gave him a descrip worthless check offense in Spokane, lion of Hudgcns and the car. Washington. He was arrested on two "He said he was across the street other charges in Washington, but did from the hotel and could see the ear not show up for trial. Hunter said, from the windo v. So he walked Authorities in the western states across the street and took him to s.tv they do not intend to extradite jail." Hunter said. Hudgcns Hut he may face addition Iludgens was brought back to al prosecution in Virginia. South Brunswick County and booked un- Carolina and Georgia. Hunter said. ?>>++++'* * 4* URGENT!! akfV* URGENT!! + + * J THE AIRLINES HAVE t J REDUCED PRICES J * All travel completed by June 15. "T' ^ Purchase tickets by ^ March 11, unless the ^ ^ airlines extend the special. ^ Certain restrictions apply. + FOUR CORNERS TRfiVEL SERVICE ^ 1643 SEASIDE ROAD SW X OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 ^ (910)579-7044 T" X 1-800-962-6648 X ^ ClWJ nu HHiJNSWKJt ULACUli * There arc significant differences in potential population exposure at the point of entry anil along the en tire truck route for the various ports. Hic shipment casks are designed to contain radiation during shipment and under reasonably predictable ac cident conditions. That suggests the potential for exposure is generally equal among the ports, except for differences in population density along the route. Potential impact of any proposed route on disadvantaged/minority populations is also taken into ac count. Monday was the formal deadline for comment on the DOl: plan. The project was not publicized by the agency in the potential port of entry communities, though local officials and U.S. congressmen serving each community were notified. As ot Tuesday. The Brun.swuk Bcacon did not know if officials of Brunswick County or the two local communities closest to Sunny Point?Southport and Boiling Spr ing Lakes?lud been notified prior to the Sandia Laboratories research stop last month. Junior Squad Member Makes, Donates Boards Coastline Volunteer Rescue Squad junior member Todd Pruitt made backboards for the squad as project for his Eagle Scout badge. Scoutmaster Butch Harrison and Troop 2(11. as well as Pruitt's family members, were present when he pre sented the hoards to the squad at its monthly meeting. During January, the Coastline squad answered hi emergency calls, according to spokesman Sharon Martin. I'wenty-one were mutual aid calls were answered, and 12 patients were transported for a total of l>4 runs and total mileage of 2,519. Families of the patients transport ed donated $1,170 to the squad. pacify. March 31 is the deadline to second tank and quality problems applv for a 5 percent interest loan associated with long-term water from the stale. storage. "If we don't have tt) have it. The state requires municipalities then I wouldn i necessarily lv lor to keep in reserve one day's supply building it." he said of water for firefighting purposes. Kate Tied To Tap Size During July and August, said Boney, In preparation for the March 22 usage .it Ocean Isle Reach some- meeting. Mayor Betty Williamson times approaches or exceeds one appointed Commissioners Debbie million gallons of water per day. Fox and Janet Sanders to work with fluctuating widely from the winter her and staff members to develop months. new basic water rales tied to meter The existing lank stores about size, not the number of units in a 2(KUMK) gallons, leaving a need for building. Most meters (1,463) in at least MtKi.tNN) and up to one mii- town .uc three-quarter inch, with a lion gallons of storage to accommo- few in si/es ranging up to S inches, date current and future needs, the The committee will also consider engineer suggested. raising Ihe minimum water service Utility Supervisor Odell Wil- rate. liamson questioned whether the Other fee changes proposed range town could not base its water re- from S25 for mowing a vacant lot to serve on the average water usage changing to v. n privilege license tax during a year rather than peak de- es to follow those in the state mand and avoid the expense of a statutes. Holden Manager Under Fire From Former Inspector (Continued From Page 1-A) doesn't think Ulrich enforces the town ordinances fairly. Ulrich, now in his second stint as manager at Holden Beach, took over on an interim basis last August following the resignation of Gary Parker. Ulrich was hired on a permanent basis in October. Contacted Tuesday. Ulrich declined to comment on his evaluation or rumors about his job security. Carroll, a first-term commissioner, said one of his campaign pledges last fall was replacing Ulrich as manager. He said voters told him Ulrich was not doing his job. "That was the word 1 got up and down the beach from the average citizen." Carroll said he doesn't think Ulrich is capable of doing the manag er's job "I try to get a dollar out of a dollar and he don't. I hope he can straighten up and start doing his job." "I think we need somebody qualified to replace him," Carroll added. "You need somebody qualified to do the job. It's a hell of a big job." Despite his ill feelings toward the manager, Carroll contends that he has not instigated a movement to fire Ulrich. "1 think he should be replaced, but I'm not the gung ho leader behind the movement to get rid of him," he said. "I'm not the ramrod, I'll put it that way. It may not be that any one individual is a ramrod." Rumors have been circulating for more than a week that Ulrich is going SO be fit'cd. A special meeting of the board of commissioners was scheduled Feb. 28 for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. However, it was called off about three hours before the meeting time. Commissioner David Sandifer declined to comment on Monday's Closed session or rumors concerning Ulrich's employment. However, he indicated that he supports keeping Ulrich as town man ager. "I'm very much in favor of Gus. I think he's doing a fine job," Sandifer said Tuesday. Fournier said rumors concerning the town manager were so wide spread that he received telephone calls from residents requesting that the town board return winch. "We seem to have a lot of that lately," Fournier said of the rumors. "We seem to be getting chewed out for things we haven't done." Commissioner Sid Swarts declined to discuss the closed-door ses sion or Ulrich's employment status. "There were rumors flying around this island something terrible be fore the executive session," Swarts said. "Rumors get terribly warped is the problem. There were no facts at the start of that." Ulrich was town manager in Garner for 17 years before moving to Holden Beach in January 1989. His first stint as manager continued through August 1990, when he resigned for "personal reasons." Wet Weather is Expected Normal temperatures and above- measuted 3.85 inches ol rain at average rainfall arc expected over Shallottc Point. the next few days, according to Thc daj, a c tcmperalure of Shallottc Point amateur meteorolo- % ^ > wjs :t|n)ut 5 ^ gist Jackson Canady. ahovc norma, T(k ;|V jallv Canady sa.d Tuesday area res,- high was ()8 tlcgrccs and lhtravcr c dents can expect at least three- niJht|y low was 44 d,.grccs. lourths of an inch 01 rain over the next week. Temperatures should Canady said the maximum high generally range from the low 40s at temperature during the period was night to the low 60s during the day. 75 degrees on March 7 and the mini I'or the period March 1-7. Canady mum low wa? 37 degrees on the 4th. NOW YOUR NEXT LOAN IS ON THE HOUSE Discover the cash that's buried in your home with a mortgage loan from lis and turn it into a dream vacation, college education or anything at all. For all the hearth-warming details, just give us a call. (910)579-0344 Coastal Funding 1-800-579-0344 Corporation rlwy. 179, Suite 8, Georgetown Centre, P.O. Box 4935, Calabash, NC 28467

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