Holden Beach Committee Investigating Alleged Coastal Management Violations BY DOUG RliTTER The Holden Bcach committee in vestigating alleged violations of coastal management rules by an is land business plans to report its find ings at the May 2 town meeting. Commissioner Jim Fournier, who is chairing the fact-finding commit tee, said this week he hoped the group could finish its work before the meeting next Monday night. Holden Beach Commissioners formed the committee last Wednes day to look into alleged violations at the Coastal Development & Realty office at 131 Ocean Blvd. West. C.H. Osborn, who owns property next to the business, made the allega tions in a Feb. 28 letter to the N.C. Division of Coastal Management's regional office in Wilmington. Osborn said in his letter that the building violates the town side-yard setback and the state oceanfront set back requirements. He also alleges violations of the county septic tank permit and claims that unlicensed contractors constructed the office. Mark Saunders, owner of Coastal Development, has declined to com ment on the allegations during the investigation. Mayor Gay Atkins and Commissioner Marlaine Thom as work at the real estate office. Commissioner Dwight Carroll, who was Holden Beach's building inspector when the office was con structed, also refused to comment until the findings of the committee are released. Fournier said the fact-finding committee was expected to hold its first meeting Tuesday. "I guess what we'll do is review all the paperwork and set a course of 7 guess what we'll do is review all the paperwork and set a course of action." ?Jim Fournier action," he said Monday. Island resident Don Burke also is serving on the committee, which is working closely with Building Inspector Claude Spellman. Holden Beach was notified of Osborn's allegations in an April 7 letter from Bob Stroud, district man ager of Coastal Management's Wilmington office. Stroud wrote that the CAMA Local Implementation and Enforce ment Plan in the town code requires the local permit officer, Spellman, and a board-appointed committee to investigate and respond to the al leged offenses. Osborn made the following alle gations, which are excerpted from his complaint: 1)1 was not notified that Coastal Development And Realty was erect ing a building and elevated parking lot that was extending right up to my property line in violation of local building codes which require a five foot set back. 2) The building erected exceeded 5,000 square feet, but the set back was only 60 feet from CAMA line in stead of the mandatory 120 feet. 3) Portions of septic tank area have been paved over. The ground underlying the paved area leaks wa ter directly into my yard. Septic tank permit was issued for nine occu pants, but a staff of thirteen was ad vertise J in December, 199.?. 4) Neither the general contractor nor electrical contractor was li censed for commercial building. Fournicr said the committee is on ly investigating three specific points of interest to Coastal Management: the size of the building as it relates to the occanfront setback, whether a paved parking area covers the septic system and whether adjacent proper ty owners were notified of building plans. "They're concerned about the complaints by the neighbor, but only up to a point," Fournier said. Osborn said in his letter that water runoff from the commercial property has caused damage to his house at 129 Ocean Blvd. West. Once the town committee com pletes its investigation, it will report to the full board of commissioners and pass along its findings to the Coastal Management office in Wilmington. If the allegations are found to be valid, Holden Beach code says that town officials must notify the state within 30 days, correct the situation and show how the town intends to avoid similar violations in the future. If the town investigation con cludes that the charges are not valid, the board of commissioners also must notify the state. If the state disagrees with the town's findings, Holden Beach offi cials can request a hearing before the N.C. Coastal Resources Com mission or take other action within 90 days to work out a mutually-ac cepted solution. The Little River Swim 0 Fitness Club THREE MONTH SUMMER SPECIAL Come by & see what we have to offer! 6 am-9 pm Mon.-Fri. 9 am-6 pm Sat. Includes: Additional Outdoor Swimming Pool w/Jacuzzi Services: Indoor Heated Swimming Pool ? Massage Therapy Sauna .. Steamroom *Yoga Jacuzzi ? One-On-One Nautalis Fitness Equipment . Swimming LeSSOnS Life Fitness Cardiovascular ? 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In the 1990 Census, 18th District coun ties had as many as one-fourth of the people and nearly 28% of its children 5 to 17 years old living below the poverty level, more than the state or nation. Taylor calls this level of need "unacceptable" and has vowed to actively pursue new business develop ment for the District. In his talks, Taylor states that, as a hus band, father, worker and employer, he bri ngs a better understanding of the needs of the District to the office of State Senator. President of a firm that produces farming equipment, garden cultivators, outdoor sM ?<:r. ? * i'* - $re*rat4HVS *7- ??* -???.?*.-.* ..... ? Ron Taylor and AlFulford, share the challenges of small business owners. water furnaces, recycling bins and boats, Taylor deals with all aspects of business and industry. "We sell our products across the nation and internationally, says Taylor. "I'm in contact with companies in all locations, I speak their language. I know what they look for when they consider relocating or start ing up new ventures." Taylor believes improving public schools is necessary to attract business. Endorsed, over the incumbent, by the North Carolina Association of Educators, Taylor is active in the Taylor Reading Gator pilot, a Busi ness Partnership with Education, and other programs. Paid Foi By Ron Tayloi Foi N C Senate Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep, Eagle, Inc. Business 17, North of Wal-Mart and Across from Joe's BBQ in Shallotte 754-2811 or 1 -800-754-2811 1994 Dodge Caravan i 1994 Dodge Intrepid rt buck*, r pewngw I 4-Door Sedan . luQQAQe rack. *mw 1> I I i ijl > ? II * ?Auto?n*e trwsmasion. V? eng?w asMtl*. VALUE PACK and W* "*** ^|EiMl^5HE3fclI lylORE" ? * ? ?po*?? **vlo*rt an condtonvtg $^|g 29582 fc?M"rt,wcH $17 443* 7994 Jeep Cherokee i 1993 Chrysler LeBaron Km oorrttKl^g *MTM cauMta ^ t \\~\ ? Convertibles! rMsr-sr-- I ^sssssra. ^? H c?svn? sle*eo. po^pi v>