Grade 4 Writing Scores Exceed State Average ttr* ? 4i ? - j ??? I, , n.. ? 4 v msuuum riwu* ? ?-m; support of their argument and to explain those reasons. Scores were on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 indicating the composition exhibited "a lack of command" of the writ ing form, 2, "exhibited a weakness." 3. "exhibited rea sonable command," and 4. showed a "strong command". A 2.5 Ls considered standard or average by the state and the Brunswick County Schools, said Talley. "If my child got a 2.5 I wouldn't worry about his writ ing ability," said Tallev. "All of us want our children to get d ?! ? student at that level is vcr? ?cl! c*juipped The tests were scored by teams of trained readers who read the compositions once using a method called "fo cused holistic scoring." fheir focus was on how profi ciently the student integrated composition elements such as main idea, supporting details, organization and coher ence. or logical flow, as they related to the composition type. Readers did not know the identity of the student writer or where the student went to school. The readers also rated each student's proficiency in conventions such as sentence formation, usage, and me chanics such as spelling (errors in common one-syllable words of six or fewer letters), punctuation and capital ization. A plus sign means the composition showed evi dence that the writer has a "reasonable and acceptable" level of proficiency, a minus sign thai the writer dors not have that. In addition to the state-administered tests, this year, for the second consecutive year, Brunswick County ad ministered its own writing test to third, fifth and seventh grades, using prompts from ok) state tests for the next grade level. This testing gives students experience taking the writ ing test, and helps teachers identify weaknesses in their language instruction. Talley said the school system doesn't want its teach ers focusing on bringing up the scores of just a handful of students, which would be one way to bring up the county's overall writing scores. "Wr w?n! !o brif!C ?H r?f the students nn " chr ?i<i V v * ? - - r * "This year we gave the writings back to the teachers so they could see what each child needs to work on in their writing." Those compositions will become part of the portfolio passed on to the student's teacher next year. This year local teachers learned to score the tests themselves using the same technique the state employs. The experience increased their respect for the process and the accuracy of its results. "We felt really good about it," said Talley. "We plan to train a new group of teachers this coming year and will expand it to include principals." Talley said she is also pleased with the ways princi pals and tcachcrs are "looking deeper" at their school's rlata anrl a?lring mw questions. "The V 'rc using the feedback in the right way, to improve instruction. They arc trying to identify things that are happening in class rooms that produce results." Brunswick To Consider Power Generating Garbage Disposal BY ERIC CARLSON Brunswick County will consider joining three other area counties in a regional high-tech garbage disposal system that would eliminate the need for a local landfill while sort ing recvciabie materials and burning most of what's left for fuel. After hearing a presentation on the waste disposal system, the coun ty commissioners on Monday asked representatives of the Vedco Energy Corp. to return with a detailed esti mate of what it would cost for Brunswick County to join Bladen. Cumberland and Hoke counties in their "BCH Energy Project." The waste -to-cnergy system un der construction outside hayetteviiie will remove plastics, aluminum and other metals from garbage hauled to the site from participating counties. The combustible materials ? mostly paper ? will be burned in a high-ef ficiency boiler to generate electricity for a nearby DuPont plant. Only 10 percent of the solid waste will have to be buried in a Cumberland County landfill. Vedco officials told the board. Brunswick County must find a new place to dispose of its garbage by 1998. It will also be required to come up with a plan to reduce the amount of landfill waste through re cycling. County Engineer Robert Tucker on Monday presented a comparison Brunswick County must find a new place to dispose of its garbage by 1908. study of three solid waste disposal alternatives currently under consid eration. The first ? and least expensive ? option would be to develop a re placement landfill. Tucker said. However, the county's efforts to find a new dumping ground have already raised concerns from people who live near the proposed sites. More intense poiiticai pressure is certain to arise as the choices are narrowed toward a final selection. Option "B" would be to sign a contract with ARS Waste Man agement. Inc.. to dispose of county garbage at a regional landfill pro posed in Columbus County. Unfo rtunately. a suitable location has yet to be found for the operation and public opposition has already scut tled one proposed site. The third possibility would be to enter into an agreement with Vedco to join in the BCH project. This op tion "would get Brunswick County out of the landfill business," Tucker said. But it would also cost more than the other two alternatives The estimated fees that would be required to pay for an in-county landfill amount to about $38 per ton for the first year, climbing to $48 af ter 10 veais, Tucker said. Option "B" is projected to require a $40 tip ping fee the first year, increasing to ._i.- rn ? tses?ly ^'/ VSii ;C?U3 MNCff. Paying Vedco for waste disposal would cost about $44 per ton the first year and more than $62 per ton after 10 years. Pucker said. But he also noted that this option might save the county money in long-term recycling costs. The state has established the goal of a 40 percent reduction in waste by the year 2001. "Option 'C* provides for a simple and ettective means to provide uni form recycling opportunities to all of Brunswick County citizens at a reasonable cost." he said. "Use of either Alternative 'A' or 'B' will provide for disposal of wastes, but will nut cuiuutcc the county's recy cling system." Vedco representatives said they believe that the county might be un derestimating its cost for construct ing a new landfill and operating it in compliance with new recycling re quirements. They offered to return and make a more detailed presenta tion of the company's program at a future meeting. The commissioners voted unani mously to meet with the company and consider its proposal. Assault Suspect Held Here Fits Serial Rapist Profile, Police Say (Continued From Page i-A) leged method of attack. "I believe this guy fits the profile of a serial rapist," Mason said. Acting on information provided by the victim. Mason and Detective Ken Messer obtained a warrant for Kirk's arrest But when they went to his trailer to pick him up, the offi cers learned that Kirk had been ar rested in Jacksonville on a charge of first-degree rape. Mason said Onslow County au thorities told him that Kirk went to a local massage parlor and raped one of the employees. He was being held there in lieu of a Si 00,000 bond. In a search of Kirk's residence and pickup truck. Mason said he and Messer found evidence linking the suspect to the Brunswick County case, including a razor-blade type box emitter Believed to be the weapon used. The victim was able to identify Kirk and his pickup truck in photo graphic line-ups. Masons said. Photos for the line-up were provided by authorities in New Hanover County, where Kirk was released on $5,000 bond after being arrested on a charge of armed robbery for al legedly holding up a convenience store with a blue steel revolver. Mason said. The detectives brought Kirk back to Brunswick County, where he made a first *ppearwrt*** ift (iisuiCi court Friday. Bond was set at $1 million. Since then. Mason has learned that another Brunswick County mnman hat ainml If irlt nf vtalkino her and raping her twice while chok ing and threatening to kill her. "She didn't come forward earlier because she was scared She knew him and was afraid that he would hurt her," Mason said. "She said he stalked her like she was prey." The victim of the more recent as sault says Kirk picked her up in Wilmington at about 3 p.m. and of fered to pay her for sex. Mason said. Kirk drove to a secluded area of Navassa. where things allegedly got rough. Mason said Kirk allegedly pulled out the razor knife, forced her to perform numerous sex acts against her will and then cut her. "When she told him she needed to go to the hospital, he said he would end it for her right now," Mason said. "She thought she was going to be killed." Kirk then told tuC ivcnisri he wanted to mane a viaeotape ana forced her into his pickup truck. Mason said. He allegedly gave her a shirt to stop her bleeding and threw her clothes out the truck window on the way to Leland. After stopping the truck in a cemetery on Lincoln School Road, Kirk raped the woman and left her there with nothing but her shoes and a pair of stockings. Mason said. She escaped on foot to a nearby church. A woman there gave her clothing and called 91 1 at about 7: 15 p.m. The victifis W3S at New Hanover Regional Medical Center, where she was given tests for sexual assault and was interviewed by a rape counselor. Mason said. After the 2s*2ui!, Kirk is believed to have returned to his trailer in Leland. The next night he drove to Jacksonville, where he went to a massage parior ana paid for "a 15 minute session" with a female em ployee, Mason said. After his time was up. Kirk allegedly raped the woman twice before another em ployee realized what was happening and called police. Investigators say Kirk walked across the street to a bar, where he was in the process of selling his pickup to a man for $150 wtwn pry licc arrived and arrested him. Kirk is currently being held in Onslow County Jail. If convicted on all seven counts in Brunswick County, he could face six life sen tences plus 10 years in prison. The two-day investigation leading to Kirk's arrest was "the hardest 48 houn of my life," Mason said. "Ken and I really busted our tails on this If one. Mason is trying to identify other potential viuinis aod asks thai any one who might have had problems with Kirk in the past to call him or Detective Messer at the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department by calling (910) 253-4321 or 1-800 672-6379. Kirk is described as a white male. 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing 185 pounds, with reddish-brown hair, a mus ache and blue eyes. He has a wwss iaiioocd wi his upper left shoulder and a "Zig-Zag man" tat tooed on his upper right shoulder. Kirk also has a mole below his navel. Mason said. Testimony BY ERIC CARLSON As a first-degree murder trial opened in Bolivia Tuesday, the pros ecution set out to prove that David Gillcy of Shailottc was looking for trouble when he and two friends went to the Junction l^ounge in Ash on Jan. 30, 1993 Gillcy, 26, of Route 7, is accused of fatally shooting Tabor City auto mechanic Juan Perfecto Hernandez, 28, at the roadside bar on N.C. 130, about two miles east of the Columbus County line. Witnesses to the shooting testified Tuesday that Hernandez were at the lounge with his wife and stepdaugh ter when Gilley and two other men came in at about 9:30 p.m. The victim's wife, Sylvia Hernandez, said her husband was Begins In Murder Trial playing pool when Gilley ap proached him from behind and snick a 380 caliber semi-automatic pistol to his head. She said she reached for the gun and was pushed to the side moments before hearing a gunshot. Hernandez told the court that she and some other friends struggled with Gilley as the group stumbled out hack door _.k! removed the gun from his hand. Juan Hernandez was put in the bed of a friend's pickup truck and taken to the Brunswick Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival from a single bullet wound to the chcst Gilley allegedly ran from the scene and was later picked up by Leonard Wayne Faircloth, 37, of Shallotte, one of Gilley '% compan ions at the bar that night. The two were arrested four days later in Baton Rouge, La., after they were identified as fugitives during a rou tine traffic check. Faircloth was charged with being an accessory after the fact to a felony. If convicted. Gilley faces a maxi mum sentence of life in prison. Assistant District Attorney Lee Bollinger said Tuesday that the state cannot seek the death penalty in the case because there are no aggravat ing factors on which to base such a sentei^e. Gilley has no record of previous criminal convictions. Bollinger said. Prosecution testimony was ex pected to coaiinuc Wednesday morning jwf muiu it i An Official Appearance Interim County Manager Charles Donald McGinnis hears a presentation from Miss Brunswick County, Ashley Summcriin, just minutes after he was officially hired as a temporary replacement for County Manager Wyman YeUon at Monday night's county commissioners meeting. Problem With Oceanfront Office Is In Hands Of State Regulators (Continued From Page 1-A) Gus Ulrich to send a written re sponse to the Division of Coastal Management. Commissioner David Sandifer said he didn't think the town board would be able to vote on an official ?own rcspoitac since the situation posed a conflict of interest for at least three commissioners. Mayor Gay Atkins and Com !!!!??!On?r Msfisint TKnmn* tunrjf j?J Coastal Development, Carroll was building inspector when the office was constructed and Sandifer owns a COiupciiiig TCdi cSitfic uiiSifiCSS. Shallottc attorney William "Bud" Powell, representing the Osborns, said Monday that the couple filed the complaint because water runoff from Consul Development's proper ty is damaging their home. "Their wallpaper is coming off the walls because of water. They have mildew all over the house...," Pnur#l| cai/J MUL /v>n Afijy omuhm the moisture is a direct result of what has happened." Coastal Development owner Mark Saunders said there's no proof that the water problems arc related to the construction of his office. He said previous owners of the home have experienced similar problems. Powell indicated that the Osborns tried to get Saunders to do some thing to correct the situation and on ly complained to the state as a last report out of frustration. Saunders contends that he did three different things in an effort to Two- Cent Proposed , Holder. Bcach Coamussioaeis will meet Tuesday to start talking about the town budget for next fiscal year. On Monday. Town Manager Gus Ulrich presented his proposed 1994 95 budget that features a two-cent decrease in the current tax rate of IS cents per $ 100 of property. wi!! hold the first of what is expected to be a series of workshops Tuesday from 8 a.m. un til noon. Ail budget workshops will be open to the public, and commission ers said Monday they want input from residents. A copy of the pro posed budget may be reviewed at town hall. Ulrich said in a budget memoran dum to the mayor and board of com missioners that the two-cent tax rate cut is possible because of the recent revaluation in Bruaswick County. Combined with new construction, the revaluation has added S60 mil lion to the Island's tax base, which now stands at S29S million. Proposed general funds expenses for next fiscal year include $224,184 for police. $190,731 for administra control water runoff from his prop erty. "We have got a lot of violations here...," Powell said of the business. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn only want the water situation as it affects their house corrected." In a written given to The Brunswick Beacon following Monday's special town meeting^ Saunders said: regret these unwarranted alle gations and unfavorable insinuations were directed towards the honorable business of Coastal Development and Realty. Ml ? - -??_ . J 4 i ucciiucu iu cunimcni at ihe on set of the accusations because I knew they were without substance and unworthy of a reply. My only response now is to say that I appreciate the investigative committee for doing a thorough and intelligent job in exonerating Coas tal Development and Realty of all implications of willful wrongdoing." O *!o!dcn Bsscfe iwucui Dun Burke served with Fournier on the committee, which also worked clo sely with Building Inspector Claude Spellman. Commissioners did not address a series of committee recommenda tions aimed at preventing rules vio lations from occurring in the future They include the following: ? Ask the N.C. Division of Coastal Management to improve its training and certification of local permit officers or allow Coastal Management to handle all of its own local permitting. Tax Cut At Holden tion and Si3o,i70 for buiiaings and grounds. The water fund totals $405,800. Major expenses in the $311,000 occupancy tax fund include >100,000 for town hail renovations, $65,000 for police salaries, 530,000 for sanitation, $25,000 for beach re nourishment. $20,000 for adminis tration salsris: aiul S! 7,000 for street lights. Ulrich said the budget includes funds for 2.5-percent pay raises for all employees. $6,000 to upgrade the computer system and $28,520 for a topographic map of the island. The manager said the county is expected to increase water rates 10 ?o 15 cents per 1,000 gallons To ab sorb the increase, he proposes a $1 hike in the monthly flat rate and a 5 cent increase for water in excess of 6,000 gallons. Ulrich also has recommended re serving $50,000 to improve water pressure at the west end of the is land. * P^'ic hearing on the WJ4-95 budget is scheduled June ? Ask Coastal Management to "sign off" on all ocean front develop ment. ? Ask Coastal Management to be more timely in forwarding com plaints that call for investigation by the town. S Ask i he county health depart ment to advise the town of any de partment investigations, especially those that may cause a certificate of completion to be revoked. ? ? ? -ii (L privilege) of all firms operating on Holden Beach. ? Set up a procedure involving pcupie other than town Sum fur re view of all permits issued by the town. Cooler, Dry Days Ahead Cooler and dry weather is expect ? m ?< r ill i ??? I CWail VU VTWI UIV OV*V?a< tMMM lotte Point meteorologist Jackson Canady said Tuesday. He anticipates below normal tem peratures, averaging from the upper 50s at night to the upper 70s during the daytime, with less than a half inch of rainfall. For the period May 10-16, he recorded a high of 86 degrees on May IS and 16, and a low of 49 de grees the night of May 14. A daily average high of 83 de grees combined with an average nightly low of 60 degrees, for a dai ly average temperature of 71 de grees, about 1 degree above average. He recorded no rainfall for the pe riod, as the local dry spell length ened. The Beacon Has The Rfftf Frftirtf You're Lookmg For! IK NUNSMKKtUKM Established Nov. 1, 1962 Telephone 754-6890 Published Every Thurauay At 4709 Main Street Shal lotte, N C. 284S9 SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY One Year .$10.36 Six Months $5.55 ELSEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA One Year $14.86 Six Months $7.90 ELSEWHERE IN U-Sj*. One Year $15.95 Six Months $8.35 Second class postage paid at Shallotte, N.C. 28459. USPS 777 780. Postmaster, send address changes to: P.O. Box 2558, Sittiioae, N.C. 28459-2558

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