SUNDAY TRYON-?, ATLANTIC-?, VISION-? DECEMBER 18 Wmwnght Qotf Johnny Wtfkar World Champiooship - Fintf Round From Montapo Bay. Jamaica (Uvj) (CO NFL Footb^l Houston Chiefs at Kansas City Ch?efs From Arrowhead Sladkum (Uw) (CC) WUHJ CBS CD x ? 5SS? ^ (1991) Adults young boys (CC) CUocy (1960) ITim? Machine (R) [Fraehmen U? t?i ?c,?** Sneountere of tHa TMrt Mod (1977). M?HU OiBnn I SWAT Charlie Brown: (1977) (199? ) Bud on jLrfeafyiei H ? * Ctvtatmaa Com | to Willow Creefc (1967) ? <ln (1993) (S) ( 25) Mowie Nothing In Common 1 19661 An ad aicaculiva a pa/ma fx] ih^r year marriage Movie ? ?*v, Empire ot the Sun (1987. Drama) Cfmban Sale r<erry*)e(. ?wTodav Moxt* The Bad Mewe Bear* (1978) puryan '?v?a>je a una Laagre bee Mw? aa'tMbeclelntheWIMerrv Mo?a Teenage Mutant Nlnja Turflee (1990) Four martal-arK lurflet Oaan up New Yor* (S) 222 1^^ Chrwnaaon lea (R) ? The Gathering (1977) A (King ja^m^t^rje^v^arrw^ogtha SUNDAY DECEMBER 18 TRY0N-?. ATLANTIC-O, VISION?] [?#"1 * oofca* Oiars at Mowa A Chrtstmaa Romance (19*4 L>vna) Owe Ai^aaii-Jtahn Primar* (?) (CC) Mow# A Onatmaa Romano Prsrraers B5"r Unkrtjrji toe*** Loa ' - ?? ?rw?? praK?# oogs (W |Eartr [Program ma<>c |( 15) Mo*e ? MMlon Way* to Dte (1986) An ex m acbor |cop snd a pfoamxa mweatigste a hooker s murdar Mov* ???' , Fatal Atfrectton (1907) A husband U'.WMd comae >o ray at a ffcng arth an unaiapta woman |Cactua (S) (1050) Move Carolina at ? (1993, iS) |S?mor> ft (?S) Mowa eee Operation Petticoat (-959) CaryGitn A oommandar anuna regjiaDona to jet rve *jt> bee* I n action MONDAY TRYOWi 9, ATLANTIC-O, VlSJOfKo] DECEMBER 19 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM | 9:30 | 10 PM | 10:30 | 11 PM | 11:30 WWAV |CC| N8C Nww Ft* MOUM (S) (CO ?oac*(S) ICQ Coacn (R) (S)(CQ Of Fo Jeopardy (CQ Fresh Pnnoe iNFLFootba* OMaCoMartaDMrCMtmSm FromHeLi Supatdmiie fS Live) (CC1 (CO Movie One CMMua <1994 Oram*) A sny you*i mi s to |Q?i ha estranged dad tor Chnsmies (CQ Tornpn Snow (S) W1TW ces v*ieeio * fo Htfia (CC) Nanny (f Is' Eg (*> Daves icq M>*p#iy (S) Tin (S) (CC) IS!.1 (S) ill {CO |ABC World ??* |Wheel of p Mm Coach (S) (CC) Coach (R) (8) (CO f#L Focsbes [luu Cowboys m New Ontn Saints Fmn >w louswia 1 (SLivtl (CC) MacMa?lahrar (CO North C Naaonal Geography on CHS Ed?on Htrry fR) |Dm ? (S) (CO Tinriwn wontm Orpheus of me Amancan Stage (CC) Wow ICQ Murphy (Ti Brown (S) \ (S) (CC) Keeping Up (S) **n Tin T?i Tnm KtCop |(S) ??wio ?hedeTSi Ev*r?rvg Shade fS) WaAona TheFae&doue 911 (S> (CO 700 Club Fatal Confession A Fa*?er f r Dowbnq Mystery Beverly H*s, OQ01O The Fast Tane (S) Top Copt Wi on lea (S) (CC) BevarfyFKe 90310 (S) Mmt Help us The Farewei' (R) (S) Divorce Cou n Mane ee'i Weyne'e Wortd 2 . (law. ComaOy) trnt Uymri (S) (CC) |women 003) Ana I with the < Talae From [udm witch Hunt (1994 Mysieryf ihe Crypt | Owing Hopper (S) (CC) JS. [Paaee Ssory T Comrrxxvfy of Vlcama | Roc*?ura Fsee (Pan 2 of {Biography Sarta l?) (CO jciaua Sharioc* Hoknee Mjgaartaa Cgtunrta lovsjoy Myitenee Tha |Law ? Order Ceneure Prague Sun" *S_ NFL Pnme Monday [Figure Skating Wortd Pro Amazing Gam#* Sky Ovng TSportscen F'~? V Doug Ran A 22QL Rocfco ? U% I Oaam of I Bewitched i love Lucy I Mary Tyler I Moor a I Taxi Bob Neiwharl Did* Van D?e Oiaang Para Gar* (OS) Who a lha Boa*7 1(39) Whoa lha Boas'* ( 09) Fig^e Skaeng U S Open Champmnaft^je Man ? and Pan Competmone (09) Movie ae* An Eerfy Froet (1985) A (amily ?wh lha tact thai jw eon isd^in?of aids 151 Movie ??? (1980) IMnontRyO* (S) Rosy ? (CO Movta ? a Tha Beverfy m:? ( 1 003 Carr*m>f) Jvn barney (S) (CQ Movie The Age of Innocence (1903) Dan* D*y Ltwis I falls under lha tpaa d hM fiancaa a couam (S) (CC) Mov<a Olaeeler In Time (1965) An innkeeper Saved by lOmaan kova no Be? fS) lOiay |Conoecaon ilL Move ?tV, IComoOy) ftotm "l'?0 1(49) Movie Love. Clteal and Stetf (1993 g) (CQ |Suapenaa) Madrhen A/nck. Enc Roberta (S] (CQ Red Shoe Dianaa (S) ffl. Mowa aaaa \2) Sanan racaia tha Ma 1964 Drama) (Part 1 of of hia brfta* oval. Mowi |n?w (CC) N?ght Court Simon & Simon J3l M 96) Mwe eeeV, The HaNelufah rrall (1969 Coma<V) Bun LtnclM* [(25) Mom Cote JuaMee (19M Duma) CxawthoMmew (S) I Movta eaCrtatalntheKfemlln (19B8. Drama) Woftert fluaier J |Mov?a aa'? Undarcovar Bkiaa (1993 Comeoy) KatfXaan Turnar (S) S?mon A Simon Don x Em Eddtea Fa IThai Gal Mod Squad (CQ Kqak JL M World Today Monaytma Ooaaftra (CQ Larry King Uva (CC) ollr2 M S<<>annar Yaer *i Review 1 994 ?i Pictures Shop ft You Prop TorlisHoKa (CQ PtiflninQ Woman DM^nma Woman |S) Unsohrad Myataoaa (S) Mov?e Murdar Tlmaa Savan (1990) A New Yortc detactive daanaa amh a >paoai ta?k torce Sports ~oo?gM jMooeyline Unsolved Mystenes (S) Lit m ac Oarba Brown Smbad (CC) lOoatoOtrl (CQ lAvontaa Momaoto Mori (R) (S) (CC) Movie aa# Remember the Night (1940. Comedy) Sa/bara Stsnwyck Dianey I Love Lucy The Very First Show (R) SB Dance (S) lAhen Soance (S) |F>ghtar? American Skykne (S) Country Newa (S) Christma* Z&. Music Oy Tonight (S) Club Dance (R) (S) Country News (S) W?noa(S) jWWiga (S) (CQ l(CQ Murdsr. She Wrole Ever Alter (S) (CQ WWF Monday Mght Raw S*Si Ithe P itafkmgs GN est (^(CC) Ghoats of Iwinga (S) (CC) Mnai (CQ_ (S) Buga Bunny Buga tk<nny. Rah' Wah> Rah' Kung Fi BfOtSer Fu Blood Movie LHlea o> the none build a chapel m a (1963) A man helpa f barren weateland Movie ?*? The Bishop's Wife (1947. Fantasy) I An angsl lends a hand in lunding a new church TUESDAY TRY0N-?, ATLANTIC-?, VISION-? DECEMBER 20 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 . WWAY L2L5LT (CO ABC World Full House (S) (CQ Freeh Fun House (3) (CO Boys (S) improve Grace UodarFire NYPO Blue From Hare to Eiarmty ' (R) (S) (PA) >(CC) (39) Nightlma [NBC Newa Wheel of P artuna I Something SI (Fraaler (pi) Hs) (Co John [Larroquette (S) (CQ I Tonight Show (S) t? CBS News [Wheel of Fortune M. (CO ABC World ar* Jeopafdyl (CC) Raecue911 (S) (CO |Whaei of Fortune FuW House (S)(CC) 'Movie A SUsnt Betrayal (1994) A detective is J on lo solve a grueoome murder case (CC) 35)1 Boys (S) Improve [Grace lUnder Fire ?(S) NYPO Blue From Hare to Eternity (R) (S) (PA) I (CO (39) Nightiine^ a MaCNeH/L ahrar (CQ Bu*moss North C Nova Journey to t I Sea fcC) Sacred 5 Last Tram Across Canada (Part 2 of 2) Frontline The Diamond Empire (R) (CC) North C ICBS News Edrtton Price Is Right Reecue 91 1 (S) (CC) Movie A Silent Betrayal (1994) A detective is caned on to solve a gruesome murder case (CC) (35)L show | <2L LSJ5LM Rin Tin Tin K-9 Cop ICS) :venmg Shade (Sj Mm Shade (S) [Wallona The Unthinkable Reecue 911 (S) (CQ Father Dowlrng Mystenes (CC) B. Beverly Hills. 90210 One on One' (S) (CQ Top Cope ? Movie Prelude to a Klee (1992) A stranger s kiss has shatis'ing lepercussons tor newtyweds (CC) High Tide Beauty s Onry Skin Deep" (R) Divorce Court l^'y Movie * * * And tha Band Drama) Alaflhew Modmm (S) Played M?L On Moula ??"> The (1994) Huaband and s betrayal (CC) In This Corner Boxing's Hatortc Battles Movie * * * The Laet of Ithe Mohlcena 1(1982) " *o Police Story Vice 24 Hours" Rockford Files A Different Drummer" Biography "Shan Lewis and Lamb Chop " Touch of Frost Not With Kindness (R) Law & Order Kids" , ESPN lliLSLM Perfect i Match Sportacanter College BashetbaD Texas Tech at Temple (Live) College Baaketbeii Louisiana State at Oklahona (Uva) Sporttcen MCK Htm b m Rugrats Doug U to U (R) Dream of Bewitched I Love Lucy |Mary Tyler |Ta? Moore Taxi Bob Newhart Dick Van Dyke res P M Growing Plena (39) Andy 1(05) Who s 1(35) Who's QrtfMh Ithe Boaa'> Ithe Boas? (0b) Movie *? The Beestmaater (1962) Utrc Sing* Rip Tom A medeval wamor seta out to avenge his father's mur I murder (39) Movie *ee% On Her Majeety s Secret Service 11969) LSI Movie *** Searching tor Bobby Flacher (1993. Drama) Joe Maniayia. Max Pomtanc (3) (CQ Movie The Good Son (1993. Suspense) Macautoy Cu?un (S) (CC) fMove salt Shadowhuntef (1992^ Suspense) Scoff GUsnn (S) Mov?a eeH Oust Devil (1993. Honor) Robert Bur\m (S) (CC) Movie All Tied Op (1993) Z*ct) Gs*gan Movie ** Double-O-KId (1992. Adventure) computer whiz kid matches wits with a madman On the Sat Speechless Montr esl Interneoonai Comedy Beech TUESDAY TRYON-?, ATLANTIC-?. VISION-? DECEMBER 20 WON ? ?D OS 6 PM iSSffo 6:30 Charles in Charge 7 PM 7:30 Lov? ^ Connection 8 PM 8:30 Movie **** AmadMM . 2) Saiieri recalls the life of 9 PM 9:30 t904. Drama) (Part 2 of hi* bitter rival. Mozart 10 PM i (CC) 10:30 11 PM 11:30 I N>ght Coul I Simon & Stmon TMC " CD WWOR (5 30) Movie You Cant Win %m AM (1070) ( 10) Movia *** Mermakfa (1990) Alaan with har first love and an unconventional mom (S) Movie ?* Father Hood (1993 Drama) Pair k* Sway/9 (S) (CC) |( 35) Movie # ? a V* The Might o# the 1 Mitcnum | Hunter (1955) Robert* <S) CD M Simon & Sfnon Don't Eat Eddie ? Father Hazel That Girl Mod Squad (CC) Kotak CNN UFE World Today Moneyfcne Crossfire Pnmenews (CX) Larry King Live (CC) I Yea/ in Review I Business Sports Tonight |(R) iMoneylme m Supermar ket Sweep Shop Til You Drop Designing lOesignmg Women fc) | Women (S] Unsolved Mysteries (S) Movie **'i Murder In Bleck and White (1990 [Mystery) Richard Crenna. Ckaham Carroll Anne Rice Birth of the Vampre (R) (CC) OtSN i ?> a TNN Chart* Brown Caspars Xmas Disney Christmas (R) (CC) | Winnie the P [Scenic America of Wonder Canyons c ( 06) Television Academy Halt of Fame (R) (CC) ii m M CJub Dance (S) Afiwrioan Skyfcne (S) Country News (5) Mfrangler ( Christmas (R) (S) Music City Tonight (S) Club Dance (R) (S) Country News (S) USA 1) Q M TNT Science (S) | Fighters Wings (ccf (S) Winga (CC) (S) Murder. She Wrote "tl Committee (S) (CC) MOV1? jvi vwyvu { ' executive learns the folly of his JWinos IS) tolly of tin ways (S) (CC) l(CCf IWings (S) (CC) (fs> IB [IS Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny. Rah1 Rah' Rah' Kung Fu "The Praying Mantis KAt NBA Basketball New J?My Nets at New Yor* Kmcks From Mactson Square Garden (Live) (CC) Twovie * ? ? Flight ot Black Angel 1(1991. Suspense) PWer Strauss WEDNESDAY TRY0N-?, ATLANTIC-O, VISION-? DECEMBER 21 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWAY aaw WfCT I o Fun House (3) (CO Fresh Wheel of Fortune Sister Sister (S) Aft American Jeopardy' (CC) Bermuda Triangle Secrets Revealed (S) Roseanne (S) (CC) Ellen (R) (3) (CC) I Turning Point (CC) News (CC) (S) (CC) jLaw & Oder Coma ' |(FI) (S) (CC) |(3S) Nightline iTomflht Show (S) WBTW " WTVD [4] i Wheel of Fortune Twas Nigfit Boys Are Back (S) Kathie Lee Grftord Christmas (S) (CC) 48 Hours (S) (CC) (35) I Show Late (CC) (ABC World WUNJ (JS) fe Jeopardy' (CC) Wheel of Fortune 8MV, Sister (S) AM American [Roseanne (S) (CC) Eden (R) (S) (CC) [Turning Point (CC) (CC) (35) Nightlme MacNeH/Lehrer Newshour (CC) Business Report North C Now Father Christmas Atlanta Symphony Gospel Christmas (S) (CC) Hungers of the Soul Being Served North C % Inside Edition Price Is Right Twas *S?1 Boys Are Back (S) Kathie Lee Grfford Christmas (S) (CC) 48 Hours (S) (CC) (35)1 Show FAM ) o a TO* SOU] ?Cop (S) Beverly Hills 90210 ?gher Education (S) Evening Shade'S) ' op Cope (S) Evening Shade (S) Waftons "The idol Rascue 91 1 (S) (CC) 700 Club Highway Patrol Beverly H.Hs 90210 (S) (CQ Models Inc Out of Control" (S) (CC) Robin s Hoods or Double Mysti r Dowlmg nes (CC) Nothing" (R) (S) (CC) |D?voroe Court Movie *** Talent for the Game (1991. Drama) Edward James Otmos Movie *** Under Siege (1992. Adventure) Steven Seagal (S) (CC) Richie Rich Dream On (S) (CQ Larry Sanders From Murder 9 to Is (S) (CQ IP 33 Pofcce Story Utile Boy Loaf ESPN T O Perfect Match Safute Shorts Rockford Files Paradise Cove (CQ Biography Soupy Salsa" Sportscenter Rugrats Doug Outside the Lines UtoU (R) AJiegras Window [American Justice (R) (Twentieth Century Cults/Hippies Law & Order Big BanJ i Bodybuilding Women s College Basketball California at Cincinnati (Live) USA Championship Eureeka s |l Love Lucy Mary Tyler iTaxi |Taxi (Bob Castle Love Lucy I Mary Tyler ITaxi lMoore Bob Newhart Sportscen ter Dick Van TBS o> re MAX J* century adventurer moves to the (19 72) Rocky Mountains ( 05) Movie ee'-i The StalkJno Moon (1968) An I Army scout settles on a New Mexico ranch ( 15) Movie Nothing but Trouble (1991) A yuppie motonst is haiMed into a backwoods courtroom (S) Movie Hold Me. Thrill Me. Klaa Me (1992) Adnenne Shelly (S) Movie * * Intent to Kill (1993 Drama) Tract Lords. Yaybet Kotto \Z Movie SHOW ? GB) WGN a cd w (3 15) Mane **** Ben-Hur (1959) (S) Ready o Not (S) Degrassi Junior High Movie ** For Love or Money (1993 Comedy) Michael J Fox (CC) 35) Movie **V> Ufe With Mlkey 1993. Comedy) Michael J Fox (CC) 15) Comedy From the (15) C< Danger Saved the Bell by I Charles m ? (S) | Charge Love Connection NBA Basketball Oscago Bulls at Indana Pacers From Mwket iNewslcQ Square Arena (Live) Night Court I Simon & I Simon TMC ^ CD WWOR jEKii; (5 30) Movie aaaH Green Card (1990 Comedy) Gerard Depard*u (20) Movie *? The Metsor Man (1993, Comedy) Robed Townsend Movie *'? RoboCop 3 (1993 Soervce Fiction) Robed John Burke Movie **' i Stone Cold (1991. * Brian Bosworth (S) Don t Eat Eddies Father That Gin Mod Squad News (CC) Koiak World Today Moneyline Crossfire Pnmenews (CC) Larry King Live (CC) Year in Review Sports Torvght IMoneylme I (*) fh :??; Supermar kat Swaep Shop Til Vou Drop Des^r*ng I Designing Women (s) | Women ^S) Unsolved Mystenes (S) Movie Horn* Flree Burning (1989) WWII events shake up an editor m a small Southern town Unsolved Mystenes (S) Famtfy Circus V09 Bear s Caper Tin Sokfrer (R) tTsr Club Dance IS) ? Amencan Slrytine (S) County fSTI? *11' n>*.S,or)' II#'. ICIaymatKXi | Steve Allen s Golden Drama) Jessica Tandy (S) [Chnstmas | Age ot Comedy ( Phyllis George [Chnstmas (FT) (S) Musk City Ton^jht Scheduled Ken '? (S) Mellons MR) Harry Conmck Jr I Christmas (R) Club Dance (R) (S) Country News (S) USA 2 ?P :*c: TNT Ward Soence(S) | Fighters Bugs Bumy. Bugs Bunny Rah' Rah1 Rah' Wings <ccT (S) Wings (CCT (S) W?** The Movie **'. Unda (1993) VirpinM Uadsen A Monte oarto Murders crafty adulteress frames her husband for murder I Wings (S) Wings (CC) (S) 9 <D X Kung Fu Alethea Chnstmas on Ice (R) Movie *** Spencer's Mountain (1963. Drama) Henry Fonda A Wyoming pa tn arch sacrifices to send his son to college SEE OUR INSERT IN JTHIS WEEK'S BEACON FOR BIG SAVINGS! 117 Causeway Dr., Ocean Isle Beach Mon-Sat. 10:30-5:00 ? 579-8800 SUN. 1-4 TIL CHRISTMAS BSC J W ALL STAR FLAGS 1-800-868-FLAG Flags ? Banners Pennants Holiday Flags & Banners Residential & Commercial Flagpoles Installation, too. FREE Catalog & De iverv ?' 101 Avialors Lane Burgaw, NC 28425 ksEm Catherine Moore, Owner Become the exception to the rule. For every ten people starting their careers, only one will be financially secure at age 65. Stand out from the crowd. Combinations of Modern Woodmen life insurance and annuity plans are the disciplined way to achieve a secure retirement. Call for details. BesfLife / IV Glenda J. 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