4 i rAi... , YVdJCillXil Published every Friday at The ' Perquimana Weekly office in the Gregory - Bunding, Church Street, jflertfonU N.Ja ; MATTIE LISTER WHITE -Editor Day Phone 88 Night Phone 100-J " . SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.26 Six Months r 75c Application for entry a3 second class matter pending. Advertising rates furnished by re quest. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1934. A BRAND NEW NEWSPAPER , FOR PERQUIMANS COUNTY Today we present the people of Perquimans County "The Perquimans Weekly." In making our bow today, although a new newspaper from scratch, we do not feel tfiat we shall be received a.a stranpers-necause the staff of the new newspaper is composed of old and familiar friends. In fact, the new newspaper in mak ing its appearance is accepting the Invitation of a large proportion of our citizenry, and we therefore feel as sured of a welcome from those. To others to whom we come a3 some thing of a surprise, perhaps we shall not be unwelcome. We bespeak at least your tolerance until we shall have proved that we merit more. The editor of the new newspaper who has for many years done news paper work among you, has long wished for an opportunity to give to Perquimans the kind of weekly news paper which we believe our people desire. The opportunity is here. It is the aim of the Perquimans Weekly to be a real community news paper. We shall not take on city airs. We do not aspire to be other than a country newspaper. But we tfjc expect to be a good country news paper, filled with news which is in teresting to our people. Our columns will carry stories of home folks and will discuss questions of interest to Perquimans County. To this end, we ask the cooperation of our people. fewTIL.-be necessary to have this cooperation if we are to make a success. We want a good Perquimans County newspaper. You want a good Perquimans County newspaper. Together we shall make one. THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY WANTS NEWS The Perquimans Weekly wants news. Send in the little items of in terest which come to your attention. We want our readers to feel that this is their own home newspaper, and we expect to carry the new3 which is in teresting to them. You may write or telephone, day or night If you write be sure to sign your name. Your name will not be ' published but we must have it be fore the news is published. Only three questions will be asked: "la it true? Is it interesting? Is it decent?" . These three questions are an index of the kind of newspaper we hope to give you. Belvidere P. T. A. Has Meeting: Monday Rev. M. C. Stevenson, pastor of the Center Hill and Anderson M. E. Churches, was the speaker on the pro gram of the Parent-Teacher Associa tion meeting at the Belvidere School on Monday night of this week. Mr. Stevenson made a strong argument against war and a most impassioned plea that the eyes of his hearers might be opened to see the horror, the tragedy and the utter uselessness of war. Proceeding Mr. Stevenson's ad dress, Mrs. Hugh White, president, presided at a short business session, and Miss Bertha Smith, pastor of the Up River Friends Church, led the devotional exercises. This was fol lowed by the first part of the pro gram which included readings by Mrs, T. P. Layden. Mrs. F. C. White, and Mrs, W. E. White. Miss Elizabeth White, of Tyner, sang two solo num bers, "Rose of No Man's Land" and ?Just a Baby's Prayer at Twilight" Little Mist Lois Asbell read a paper on Peace, and one ox the most de lightful numbers was a song by fifth grade children, "Sleepy Town Ex press." Dainty refreshments were served by : Mrs. Herman Winslow and Miss Lucille White after the program. rT7T trTTM7(TT71 VWIITD 'Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Sarah Layden included Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Winslow and family; Mr. and Mrs. ' mtd -I ni i :ATtAinfin jinn Tflmi Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Layden and daugh ter, Lulu Mae; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lfcyden, of Elizabeth City; and Mrs.' 8. M." Winslow. - . . Mr, John Chappell is very ill at his ' home. .-1 Mr, Henry Perry, of Pennsylvania, ,ia visiting his mother,' Mrs.' Bragg Funeral Services Held For Mr& Whedbee ; Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Skinner Whedbee," widow of the late James Monroe Whedbee, and a mem ber of one of the oldest and most prominent families of Eastern North Carolina,' were held on Wednesday afternoon of last week at Holy Trin ity Episcopal Church, with the rec tor, the Rev. E. T. Jillson, officiating. Burial took place in the family plot in the church yard. Mrs. Whedbee, who was 90 years of age and the oldest resident of Hertford, had been in failing health' for a long time. The end came quietly on Tuesday. Surviving are one Bon, Hon. Charles Whedbee, prominent Hertford attor ney, and two daughters, Mrs. Sidney McMullan, of Edenton, and Mrs. Samuel Watkins, of Henderson. An other son, Judge Harry Whedbee, of Greenville, died several years ago. Mrs. Whedbee was a sister of the late Hon. T. G. Skinner, of Hertford, and also of the late Congressman Harry Skinner, of Greenville. The pallbearers Included three grandsons of the deceased, Silas M. Whedbee, of Hertford; Phillip McMullan, of Edenton, and W. L. Whedbee, of Greenville; the husbands of three granddaughters, Buxton White of Elizabeth City, J. R. Ed wards of Greenville, and Heinie Bos, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Dr. T. P. Brinn and Loui3 Nachman, of Hert ford. Out-of-town people attending the funeral included Rev. C. A. Ashby, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMullan, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McMullan, Mrs. Sidney McMullan, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sum merell, Mrs. J. C. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore, Misses Mary and Margaret Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. Gra ham White, Mr3. John G. Wood, Mrs. Oscar Elliott, Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Mrs. W. A, Graham and Miss Jessie McMullan, all of Edenton; Mrs. H. W. Whedbee, Will Whedbee, Charles Whedbee, Mrs. Myra Ficklen and Mrs. A. M. Mosley, of Greenville; Mrs. Oscar McMullan, Mr. and Mrs. Buxton White, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Skinner, Mrs. T. G. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Foreman, Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep, Miss Margaret Foreman, Mr3. J. G. Fearing, all of Elisabeth City; Mrs. C. H. Turner, Mrs. Samuel Watr" kins, of Henderson, and Mn and Mrs. Heinie-Bos, of Cleveland, Ohio. 1 BALLAHACK NEWS SANDERLIN-HARRELL Miss Pearl Harrell of this com munity and Mr. Mack Sanderlin, of Currituck, were quietly married at the home of Rev. A. A. Butler last Saturday night, November 3. Both young people have a wide circle of friends, arid they expect to make their home at Windsor, where the groom is employed. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reed visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sutton Saturday night. Mr3. F. T. Evans and children, Mildred, Velma, Joseph and . Louise, called on Mis. S H. Lane Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paylen Skinner and family visited friends in the com munity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Asbell visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. R. Stallings visited her mother, Mrs. F. S. Dail Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogerson visited Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Perry Sunday. Mrs. M. B. Dail and Mrs. Singleton Lane attended the P. T. A, meeting at Hertford grammar school Friday night Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harrell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Har rell. mr. ana sirs. u. v., juansneid vis ited relatives at Yeopim Sunday. Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs. A. J. Parrish and Mrs. C. S, Layden are ill. Caswell farmers report excellent corn yields following lespedeza. Three growers secured an average of 40 1-2 bushels an acre on land that formerly produced not over 21 bush els. FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper ance; against such there is no law. Galatiana 6:22-23. Perry. Mr. Eugene Byrum, of Swan Quar ter, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs: Charlie Chappell. Miss Burnett Winslow. of Whites ton, spent the week-end with Miss Thelma Chappell ' Miss Cora White, of High Point, is visiting at the home of Dr. E, S White and sister. Mrs. Paul. Whedbee. of Washing ton, D. C, spent the week-end with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith. ; Miss Alma Leggett, of Winfall, Was the week-end .. guest of . Mr, and Mrs. W T. Smith. " T. . Miss Syble Byrum spent Wednes day night with Miss Edna Winslow at Whiteston. - :- . Mr. and Mrs.. L. E. Winslow and family were Sunday visitors- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White Miss Marie Cassel, of Freemont, Indiania, spent the week with Miss Bertha Smith. (Handbook About 'Soil j&noon .jusi mined Soil Erosion ? control and land-use program as being conducted by the Soil Erosion Service in cooperation with the landowners , of the Deep River and Reedy Fork Creek water sheds of Forysth,. Guilford and Ran dolph counties is the subject of a 32 page handbook just off the press. Answers to pertinent questions re garding the benefits to be had from the government in helping landown ers to prevent the serious washing of their lands are contained in the pub lication, as well as detailed informa tion pertaining to the scope of the work. Also complete directions for seeding and use of crop3 for erosion control purposes are given. Copies may be had by writing to the Soil Erosion Service, High Point, N. C. Legal Notices NOTICE Sale of Valuable Real Estate in Hertford, N. C. By virtue of a decree of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, entered in that certain suit therein pending, entitled: "Davison Chemical Com pany vs. Eastern Cotton Oil Com pany," the undersigned will offer for sale at the Court House door in Hertford, North Carolina, on the 10th day of December, 1934, at 12 o'clock noon, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Bounded on the north by Grubb street; on the west by lot of G. R. Tucker; on the south by lot of Nor man Elliott; on the east by lot of Mary Picard Brown. Beginning at a point on Grubb street at the northeast corner of the lot of G. R. Tucker and running thence S. 37 degrees 30 minutes west, 139.6 feet along said Tucker line to the line of Norman Elliott; thence S. 52 degrees 30 minutes E. alone said Elliott line 64.5 feet to the Mary P. Brown line: thence N. 37 degrees 80 minutes E. along said Mary P. Brown line 139.6 feet to Grubb street: thence N. 52 degrees 80 minutes W. 54.5 feet along said street to the G. ft.. Tucker line, the place of begin ning, being the. same Jot conveyed-to Ad:lli II. Tucker by H. C. Stoker. mortgagee, by deed dated Dec. 17, 1930. and recorded in Book 21, page 4. and by W. H. Oakey, Jr., trustee, to Eastern Cotton Oil Company by deed of May 19, 1930, recorded in Book 21, page 227, and being the same lot as covered by plat made lv David Cox, Jr., registered surveyor, dated October 8, 1934, and now on file with Home Owners' Loan Corpora tion. Washington, D. C. ' J. V. CHAMPION. J. H. LeROY, SR.. Receivers, Eastern Cotton Oil Co By M. B. Simpson, Attorney. November 6.4934. . Novl6,23,80Dec7 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor and Executrix of the estate of Sallie Florence Rogerson, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Hertford, N. C, Route No. 2, .on or before the 15th day of No vember, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 15th day of November, 1934. DAVID L. ROGERSON, HETTIE V. LAMB, Executor and Executrix of Sallie Rogerson. Novl630Dec7,141 NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted to me by Nelson Nixon and wife, Odelia F. Nixon, for certain purposes therein mentioned which said mortgage bears date . March 7, 1924, and is registered' in the office of fee Register of Deeds of Per quimans County, in Book 14, page 60, I shall on Monday, December 17, at 12 o'clock offer for sale at public auction, for cash; at the Court House door," Hertford, N. C, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust Bounded by the lands of J. E. Lane, Charlie Griffin Smith and others and being part of the John Skinner land which was duly allotted to Emily Wray in the division of said lands and known and designated on the plot as No. 4 in Plot Book 237, Perquim ans County records, containing 127 acres more or less. This November 5, 1934. J. R. STOKES, Trustee, Novl6,23,80Jec7 , NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority con tained. in that. certain eed o. trust exeedted' on the 8th day of August 1912, by James 1 .oiler .andFannie A. E; Lassiter, his wif e- to J J. A Cox, Trustee, and recorded irr the ofneeof the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. C, in book 10, page 113, default having been made in the con ditions of said deed of trust, the, un dersigned Trustee will on the 17th day of December, 1934, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door -of Perquimans- County," N. Cjj" offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder - for " cash," the following de scribed property: AU those certain lands situated in Belvidere - Township, ' Perquimans County, N. C, adjoining the lands of Rias White left in a will to James White, the lands of D. A. Carver and the lands of Mrs. Nina P. Cox, con taining 25 acres, more or less, and be ing the Jand - heired by Baid Fannie Lassiter from Rias White, as per will' of said Rias White, recorded in Will Book ; H, page , 878, Perquimans County, N. C. It being that part of the cleared land of the said ' Rias White, lying southeast of the 1 first ditch running through land on south east and parallel with Hinton's Turn pike. This is subject to the life in terest of Louvinia Newbold, widow of Rias White. ; A deposit of five per cent of the amount bid will be required of Hie successful bidder at the' hour of sale. This notice dated and posted this 6th day of November, 1934. T. A. COX, Trustee. Novl63,30J)ec7 RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of the clerk of the .Superior Court made in the matter of Mrs. Nathan Riddick and others vs. Elmer Stall ings and . others, the undersigned commissioner appointed by the court did offer for sale at public auction at the Court House door for Per quimans County the lands described in the petition in this cajise and the court being of the opinion that the price bid was not a fair and reason able one, ordered that the lands be again offered for sale after due ad vertisement as required by law and by virtue of such order the undersigned commissioner will again offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door for Perquimans County, N. C, on Satur day, December 9th, 1934, at 12 o'clock ) it.. i i i t i noon, ine xouowing uescripeu lanua. First Tract Lying and being in Chowan County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Gus Jones and others and bounded on the north by Gus Jones, on the east by the Sandy Ridge road, on the south by Nora Rountree and on the west by Gu3 Jones, containing 10 acre's more or less and being all the lands of A. ft. Stallings in Chowan County. Second Tract Being in Perquim ans County, North Carolina, Belvidere- Township,' adjoming-'fee -lands of Berdie Jones and Others and bounded on the north by the lands of Berdie Jones, on the east by Lon Hurdl on the south by Lee Hurdle and on the west by the Sandy Ridge road, containing 40 ceres, more or less. Third Tract Being iin Beivioere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and bounded on the north Copperas Sulphur Epsom Salts Borax 3 25c . ANDERSON'S ON THE CORNER 4 Phone 77 Hertford, N. C. O JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION takes a great deal of pride iiv ; rendering the kind of service that will make customers feel like S coming back again. V lv' O Our attendants are always courteous and eager to give free wind shield, radiator and tire service with a smile. . , ; ' VjT O We handle SINCZAIRH-C Gasoline and OPJN& Jor OH, , . hence the reason for so many satisfied customers. ;Why hot tryus . the next tune you need Gas orOiu WE WELCOME THE NEW NEWSPAPER;41 y THE ; PERIMANS ; WKKX i'AND WISH THE PITBLISHERS MUCH SUCCESS- Jofe arid Phone 130 , .SI Kjkthe , vTJatihQuse toad, oiv. the east by the- Baker lands, on the south by the lands of Nathan Stallings, and on the west ' by , Herbert Stallings, containing 40 acres more or less. Fourth Tractr-Bejng in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and bounded on the north by the road leading from Joppy to Whiteston, on the east by the John Perry estate, on the south by Henry Hurdle and on the west by Tony Rid- You'll like the variety pred lor Fall wear, ana in the collection of Fall finH a plmpr flrinnp art A with every outfit. FALL HATS Davenport and Blanchard Hertford, N. C. 102nd Anniversary Merchandising Event IS NOW IN FULL SWING .... And You Are Invited To Attend Below are just a few of our many bargains: Galvanized New Crop WASH BOARDS NAVY BEANS Full Size Well Made 5 lbs. f Or ONE TO A CUSTOMER . , BLACK LL Druid PEPPER SHEETING Per pound Per yard 19c 82c QUANTITY LIMITED OUTING Men's Heavy f In All Colors WORK SOCKS H Medium Weight Grey and Tan 27 in. wide Seamless Toe and Heel 9c yd. 10c We Welcome the New Newspaper THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY And Wish the Publishers Much Success 102 Yean of Service Quality J. C BLANCHARD & CO. Hertford, N. C. . GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES WASHING - GREASING - PODSfflNG EilFo Service Si Service With a Smile" mm dick, containing 25 acres more or less. Tifth Tracts-Being inMSel.Mere Township, Perquimans County, 17..; th. Carolina,' and bounded on-the north by the Smith heirs, on the 'ect , by Elabury Stallings, on the south by William Stallings, and on the west by the Smith heirs, containing 25 acrer more or less ; I This 9th day of N6vettrber,1934. - LUTHER F. CONGLETON, N16,23,80,d7 , , Commissioner. - - - of colors that are f ay4 1 you 11 nna ail 01 tnem Hats we've got. You'll a fripnHlv oolot toco - -IL Merchandise One Price 5Ss) Y t, Hertford, N. C. V, V i

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