.'I, " .. C't i, .- U v - J.V - - ! " J, - j yd V i s K i. f-it: ts ' ;V 7 p. KLY H iirii . V ; " v' .: - - A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED 6 THft I1PBUIU)ING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY " -Volume I, Number 2. : Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November 23, 1934. $1.25 Per Year WEE E PI! Mmm More Cotton Revenue f ? - 1 County's Income Over Three Times More Than 1932 .The fact that the gross income from cotton in Perquimans County this year, is more than three times the amount of the gross income from ; cotton in 1932, is one of the strong arguments in support of the cotton control act.' , "Rip. Coggin, of tne State Depart ! ment of Agriculture, who addressed a meeting of farmers on Tuesday at the court house in Hertford for the purpose of explaining the Bankhead Act, gave some interesting figures in connection with cotton figures in ' Perquimans. In 1932 cotton farmers in PerqnimaoiB received $89,639 for their cotton crop. In 1934 the cot ton crop wfil taring $317,486. UU1UU1VUVI MA Mr. Coggin outlined to his hearers the situatUa of the. cotton farmer ,1 which brought about the necessity .for some steps to be made to pm- ' tect the farmer by crop reduction, , and quoted from statistical records " figures in support of his statement ab 3 i to. the situation existing two yeaxs ago and the present situation. There was planted in Perquimans . in. 1932, 4,766 acres. In 1934 atant 6.000 acres were planted. In 1932, 8280 bales of cotton were produced and in 1934 over 4,000 bales. The value of the lint cotton grown in 1932 waa , $77,133, as compared with $227,TO7 in 1934. The seed iin 1932 brought $12,506 and in 1934 the seed brousrht S67.680. In "addition to thia Income fiwro , cotton for ' JPerquimans this year, -;. there was jriiil '. to . . the farmers in y rental payments $22,099. In ttue r' amount, of ennrse. only those farm- era who - signed contracts shared. There were 3(f5 cotton contracts sign ed In Perquhttarii. - . . "Out Of aarel,, Muaocal Tea Sketch "Out of a Bamr was the title of the playlet given at the musical tea the musical tea Iheld at the Meth odist Church ob ' iMonday evening. 1 The little sketch, wfbich waa directed by Mrs. B. G. Kooxtoe, and in which t,lhe following ladiea ook part: Mes 3ames H. C. Stokes, C. T. Skinner, J. C. Felton, T$,.W. I31ey and Dur VKOod ' Reed and M3ss Elizabeth Jtaowles, held a - teal ibject lesson aad was most attraetimy rendered. Iff' Preceding this, there were several , 4elightfuL" numbers, including piano solos 'by Missed Martha Elizabeth Jordan and t Blanche Louise Cannon. Jerry fJewbold was at his best in his tenor solo.-' MrsT William Tucker's solo, "The Iouse by the Side of the Road," was a veal treat, as were the vocal sol, .-fHerp Somebody Today" . fcy Miss, Blanche Louise. Cannon and the duet-by Miss : Cannon and Miss ' Hannah Margaret Stephens, "Was That Somel)odjrYou?''JMrs. R. M. - Riddick was the accompanist Mrs. i Rosser Brinn, Mrs. W. E.White and : Miss Mary Wood. Koonce entertained ", with readings;': - - ' X After the program dainty refresh ments were served. - BOOK CLUB HOLDS REGULAR MEET "FRIDAY' AFTERNOON , - Mrs. T. S."-Wbite and Mrs. J. E. 5 White were,: joint hostesses to the ' Book Club t- its '.-regular-meeting held on Friday afternoon at the home of the former ", - -, The program,, which was in charge '. ; of Mrs. Charles Whedbee, and was a part of the series of period furniture study; included a reading,' "Victorian ism as John Henry'Belter Expressed It," by Mrs. G. . Holmesj the read ing of extracts front .Colonial Homes " Their . Furnishings?v by," Mrs. arles Whedbee; and . the current ! ''3 by Mra.W.JE Whfte'J. I V A dellctoua. salad course with hot t a was' served hy the hostesses after .e p rcgrauitr - f-' -vrr The -1 present included besides the ' t-o h "3 Mesdames H. C Stokea, Charltd Jbee, R. T White, CR. ITolmes, H. A. Whitley, Trim Wilson, l,i N. T " 'J'B,. W, Lordley and 1 'i U E. fctf . ".,'. ,-m OMAN'S CLU3 MUSTS TO , yARAXCS FC3 SUPPER "sa'iMae Wood Winslow, presi vresided rt f-? r""""g of .the i Wo: Vs Cl-b h.ld on Tues i j -rnoci i. the Community I ' ph te chief bv-'ie"? was $pr ' -"r i" e I" C--st isT t t..cd by ta t.-b n ol --y niht att!.e aw LOCAL FARM AGENT EXPLAINS COUNTY'S COTTON SITUATION L. W. Anderson, Perquimans Coun ty farm agent, who presided at the meeting of cotton farmers held at the court hou3e on Tuesday after noon when T. D. Coggin, of the State Agricultural Department, ad dressed tlje farmers in reference to the cotton control act, and who made a few preliminary remarks before Mr. Coggin was introduced, made some interesting statement's relative to the cotton situation in general and particularly in Perquimans County. He referred to the short time at the disposal of those who took charge of the cotton control situation, which he said was probably the biggest thing that had happened to the South since the Civil War. The fact that the cotton control plan was not perfect was called tc the attention of his hearers, but it was pointed out that, in spite of the brief time at the disposal of those who worked out the plans, it had brought great benefit to the cotton farmers as' a whole, aKhough it was freely admitted that in some -in stances it had not worked to the ad vantage of all. Mr. Anderson said that the plans needed 'working over, smoothing out, making over to some extent, although the main plan Was right Briefly, in summing nip the situa tion, Mr. Anderson pointed out the difference in the gross income f rbm cotton in 1932 and that of 1934, in Perquimans, the 1934 crop bringing more than three times as much as the crop of 1932. Mr. Anderson said that a referendum would be held in December, when all eatton farmed would have an opportunity to vote on the v question it:of ' wljeflm tor not to tinue the Bankhead Asst. . "Have conditions inmnoxed for you and for Perquimans Ctaauity?" he sriked. "Have conditio improved for the county as a whete?" he con tinued. "We all know," he said, "that business is better than it was last year. All of us, if we Mill ad mit It, know that conditions are bet ter wftth us than they were last year. "If you feel that the opex&tieai of the Bankhead Act has benefitted you,fbatt it has benefitted Perquimans County, you should vote for its con tinuance. If you feel that it feas t benefitted you or the county you should vote against it," Mr. Ander son conduded. WILLING WORKERS HOLD THEIR REGULAR MEETING The Willing Workers Missionary Society of Piney Woods met Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mar jorie and Jewell White. After the business was transacted the fol lowing program was given: Song(of Thanks, Marjorle White; When to be Thankful, Orene Chap pell; Solo The Gobbler, Evelyn White; Reading:, How the Indians Say "Thank You," Dorothy White; Song; Faith of Our Father. A Thanksgiving contest was then enjoyed by all. Home-made , candies and nuts were served by the host esses. REV. AND MRS. A. A. BUTLER POUNDED BY CONGREGATION Rev. A. A. Butler and Mrs. Butler received a most delightful surprise recently when members of the con gregation of Whiteville Grove Baptist Church of which Mr. Butler is pastor, called at the home ' in a body and gave their pastor and his wife' an old- fashioned pounding.'? Gifts of canned fruits' and vegetables, - and all kinds of 'supplies for ; the pantry were in eluded in the pounding. - MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECTS. ' OFFICERS TUESDAY EVENING ; '.Officers, were " elected for the en suing year at the meeting of h Delia Shamburger Missionary Society held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Morris on. Tuesday evening, with Mrs. -Morris and Miss Bertha Chappell s 'Joint hostesses.-' - -L '.J : f Miss Elizabeth Knowles was elected president; Hrs. Claude Withrow, vice president; I'isa' Bertha Chappell, Rej cording Secretary; Mrs. Howard PittS, corresponding secretary; : Miss Edna Fields, treasurer? 1'iss Mary Sumner, local treasurer; Mrs. Durwood Reed, ; " cf foclal service;,Mrs. C- " ' on, local cliaifrrian. , i e buspss session - the 1 3 1 rveJ a -efct course. TWO COUNTERFEITERS PASS WORTHLESS BILLS George Jackson Reports Queer Looking; Ten Spot to Sheriff When counterfeiters, in plying their trade, happen to stop at the service station of George W. Jackson, on the Hertford-Elizabeth City highway, right there is where they 3j;rike a i snag. He just will not take a ten- dollar bill that doesn't look exactly j right when the would-be purchaser of some small article wants a lot of change. Mr. Jackson is the man who was instrumental in stopping a couple of counterfeiters who were recently sentenced to terms in Federal prison, when they visited his station some months ago. On last Friday a DeSoto sedan con taining two men, later identified a3 Jimmie Gray, of Norfolk, and Law rence Ives, of 547 West 149th street, New York City, drove up to Mr. Jackson's station and tendered a ten spot in payment of a package of cig arettes. Mr. Jackson couldn't find the change and got in touch with Sheriff J. E. Winslow, who immedi ately went on the-trail of the two men. They worked a pretty clever ruse. They were traveling north, but they always passed a service station and then doubled back, pretending to be headed south, and always asked ' the way to Raleigh, even consulting road maps in some instances. The sheriff learned that they had passed a ten dollar bill at each of three service stations ' in the county,' one at A. White's at Winfall, one at C. H. Sawyer's at Wodville, and one at George Gregory's at Woodville. Be tween Winfall and 'Moyock, where the sheriff caught up with them, hey passed 13 of the bills. One of the men was under tie wheel of the car which was parked tick when the sheriff and his man drove b. While the sheriff went imr side to jget one man the man at the wheel made off, whereupon the sheriff gave chase and a few hundred yards distant the driver abandoned the car and ran into the wood. Thirty-three counterfeit ten dollar Mils were found on the seat of the car While both men got away for the time being, St was ascertained tVat around 4:30 o'clock the following morning they caught a ride into Norfolk, having been picked up about 15 miles from the spot where one of them ran into the woods. A secret service agent is hot on the trail of the men. The car was found to be the prop erty of a brother of Lawrence Ives, 3. h. Ives, who lives at 822 Windsor Avenue, in Norfolk, Va. Jack Layden W.odnded While Hunting Birds A sprinkling of bird shot in the scalp and shoulder of Jack Layden was the only result of a near casu alty which occurred in Perquimans on Tuesday, the opening day of the season for shooting bird3. Mr. Layden, who lives at Belvi dere, and T. C. Babb," of Hertford, were out hunting, and while the two men were separated Mr. Babb shot in the direction of a ditch on which grew a thick nedge of reeds. When Mr. Layden cried out that he had been shot Mr. Babb hurried to him and found him on the ground, bleed ing. The wounded man was hurried to the office of Dr. C. A. Davenport, in Hertford, where it was found his wounds were not serious. MISS ELIZABETH MORRIS 1 UNDERGOES OPERATION - Miss Elizabeth Morris, who is tak ing a course in nursing at the Stuart Circle Hospital, in Richmond, Va., underwent an operation for appendi citis vti Monday; - .Miss Morris' mother, Mrs. C, P. Morris, was called to Richmond last Thursday because of her daughter's condition, and re turned home on Saturday. The fam ily uas? adytiedby wire on Monday that an operation had been perform ed. .The .patient,- is recuperating satisfactorily!; i i LARGE CROWD EXPECTED AT FRIENDS', MEETING Rev. Louis McVarlahd,' Superinten dent, of the .Friends North Carolina Yearly Meeting, of Greensboro, is ex pected to be present , and preach at the Quarterly Meeting to be held oh Saturday and Sunday of this week at the Friends Up River .Church, in this County. A large crowd is1' expected to be in attendance at the services. Mrs. Elizabeth 1 White is ; pastor of thi3 church. , s '. '"v - RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONJNHERTFORD Louis Winslow Springs Surprise On Hertford Radio Listeners And now, thanks to Louis I. Wins low, Hertford has a broadcasting ser vice, the first program having been broadcast on last Saturday night. Residents of Hertford who .were not, aware that Hertford was going on the air got a real thrill from hearing the announcement and the program which followed, and were loud in their praises of the youthful builder and operator of the station. Loui3 I. Winslow is only twenty two years of age. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Winslow, of Belvi dere. He has for some months been employed as radio mechanic at the Hertford. Hardware & Supply Co., and is recognized locally as a real radio expert, being most successful in his work of repairing receiving sets. He has- been working on radios for the past six years. He has had no instructor, but with an aptitude born of his liking of electrical ma chinery in general and radios in par ticular, he has worked hard to de velop his talent. In a corner of the large store room over the store of the Hertford Hard ware & Supply Co., he has his studio, where he works on receiving sets. During odd chances he has equipped his broadcasting station. Asked what it had cast in dollars and cents, he answered that the parts he had bought would cost something like eight or nine dollars. He expects to equip a more pretentious studio later on. Mr. Winslow has applied to the Federal Radio Commission for license to broadcast, and as soon as he is granted broadcasting privileges he will put oa a broadcast which may be beard overman area off a hundred miles. For the present, until he gets bis license, he can only broadcast over an area of about ten miles. A party of bear hunters stopped in Hertford for a few days recently and put up at the Hotel Hertford. Five members of the party came in an airplane. Others came in an auto mobile. Hunting in the Dismai Swamp, they caught a bear. After the catch was dressed they asked Mr. Williford, the host, what to do with a quarter which they wanted to save. "I will put it on cold storage for you," promptly and obligingly answered Mr. Williford, and took the meat up to the ice plant for the purpose. On the morning that the men were leaving in the car, those who had come in the plane went fishing. The others were leaving early, before Mr. and Mrs. Williford were up. One of the party, who didn't want to disturb any one, went to the hotel refriger ator to get the bear, where the Willi fords had a fifteen-pound roast of beef. The beef waa mistaken for the bear and carried away. When the fishing party returned they were told what had happened. The hunters insisted on paying the Willifords for the roast, but they turned the joke on their friends by telephoning to Mt. Airy, where they knew the party was headed, and hav ing them arrested for stealing the roast The warrant wu; later with drawn but not untD they had been given a scare. Just the printed menu of that Heinz supper which is going to be served by the Woman's Club on Thursday night of next week, makes you hungry. It seems to be more good food for the price than usual. And the Woman's Club gets the en tire proceeds. The Heinz people are giving all the food, . as an advertise ment, and they will give just as much as will be needed to serve all those who come. The Woman's Club mem bers are anxious to have a big crowd because they need the money. Looks like a pretty good thing for every body. ."Woman, without her, man is a brute." ' . Goodness I just suppose the printer leaves put those commas. H,.,vS.J I'll '"I, Jack Anderson: " 'Weese,' my feet gfetliocQld at.night. Louise: -"Wellr Jack, ' suppose" i make you v some ? foot-warmers of outinf V nil -;, --Ay. Jackt "OuthV whatT" J HIT I I OR i j MISS V . J Educators Meet With School Master Club THANKS, MAYOR On behalf of the citizens of the Town of Hertford, we extend to you, the Editor of The Perquimans Weekly, our congratulations. We feel indebted to you for your en deavor to give this County an up-to-date newspaper, and we are con fident it will be a worth-while con tribution to our town and com munity. E. L. REED, Mayor. City Fathers Put Ban On Sale Of Fireworks A quiet Christmas should result from the ordinance recently passed by the City Fathers ir. connection with fireworks that insofar as the noise from fireworks is concerned. Following is the ordinance passed: No fireworks shall be sold or of fered for sale in the corporate lim its of Hertford under a penalty of one dollar for each sale made, and it shall be unlawful for any person to explode any pop crackers, spit-devi'.s, or fireworks of any description upon the streets or sidewalks of the city; no cannon-crackers shall be exploded anywhere in the city. Any person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined one dollar. Sunday School Gass Honors Mrs. Dixon Mrs. L. M. Dixon, who will leave shortly to make her home at Cole rain, where her husband has accepted the pastorate of a church, was hon ored by the members of her Sunday School class on Monday afternoon at a miscellaneous shower. The party was held at the home of Mrs. Irvin White, on Church street. j Many pretty and useful gifts were j presented the honorce. A dainty salad course was served. Those present, besides the honoree, included Mesdames T. W. Perry, Tom Perry, Sidney Broughton, T. E. Madre, E. W. Mayes, Jesse Campen, C. W. Reed, Robert White, Milton Dail, H. T. Bond, G. I. Buck and A. F. Jordan and Miss Ruth Sutton. PERQUIMANS FARMERS IN HERTFORD ON TUESDAY Among the Perquimans farmers in Hertford on Tuesday were Fred Evans, George Caddy, H. L. Williams, C. E. Sutton, W. J. Halsey, G. L. Turner, Joe P. Perry, J. L. Lane, J. M. Nurney, J. F. White, Ambrose Proctor, W. E. Dail, W. T. Harrell, J. B. Dail, W. E. Matthews, E. D. Matthews, A. J. Parrish, J. C. White, C. C. White, J. B. Webb, S. P. Matth ews, J. C. Baker. E. D. Howell. T. W. ,Nixon, G. W. Butler, J. T. Brinn, J. IT? S A Jtl -w ... w. uverion, unas. umphiett, A. M. Riddick, G. W. Riddick, B. W. Thach, Noah Felton, G. W. Benton and J. H. Newbold. SONNY STILLMAN VERY SICK Sonny, the five-year-old son of Mi. and Mrs. Ernest Stillman, has been very sick for the past few days. The little fellow wa3 taken to the Pro testant Hospital in Norfolk, Va., early Tuesday morning, and last reports in dicated that he was still quite sick. If any one desire3 to subscribe am! the canvassers have not seen them, a convenient blank will be found on this page, which can be used for the purpose. All subscriptions will be gratefully received. Person County tobacco growers sold 3,878,652 pounds of tobacco this season for an average of 31 cent3 a pound. JL. special Price Subscription Offer SUBSCRIPTION PRICEi Enclosed find $ for tion for The Perquimans Weelfly Name Street and Number. City... ;. State Please print name and address plainly to assure, you1 of : : ; receiving .your THIS SPECIAL OFFER IS Jule B. Warren Princi pal Speaker at Interesting- Meeting Jule B. Warren, secretary of thr North Carolina Educational Associa tion, was the chief speaker at the meeting of the School Masters Clufy, which was held at the Perquimar High School on Friday night of last week. Mr. Warren's subject was "Educa tion of Tomorrow." Ralph Holmes, principal of the Central High School in Pasquotank County, acted as chairman. The program, which was in charge of F. T. Johnson, superintendent of education of Perquimans County, consisted of a delightful number by the Perquimans High School Glee Club, under the direction of MisJ Kate M. Blanchard. Seldom have so many outstanding persons in the field of education been present at a meeting held in Hertford as attended this School Masters Club meeting. They includ ed, in addition to Mr. Warren, Clyde A. Erwin, state superintendent pf public instruction; Guy Phillips,, sup erintendent of the Greensboro city schools and president of the N. C. E. A.; Cameron Beck, director of the New York Stock Exchange Institute; Miss Juanita McDougald, supervisor from the State Department; John W. Norman of Plymouth, president of the Northeastern Educational Asso ciation, and L. W. Anderson, princi pal of the Plymouth schools and a former member of this club. Covers were laid for 35 at the-three-course dinner served by the. Hertford Parent-Teacher Association and the guests included school work ers throughout the entire district. The next meeting of the club will be held at Moyock on December 10. No Definite Date Set For Bankhead Vote While the date has not been an nounced when the referendum will be held to decide whether or not the Bankhead Act shall continue, a pre liminary announcement defines those eligible to vote as follows: Any person who signed a 1934 1935 cotton acreage reduction con tract, any person who is or was eligible for tax exemption certificates in 1934, any person who presents proof that he owns and has a pres ent right to produce cotton on a cot ton farm, or any person who signs and files a written witnessed state ment that he has made arrangements to produce cotton on a cotton farm in 1935, that is, has entered into a lease or share cropping agreement to grow cotton on a farm in 1935, are deemed eligible to vote on the continuation of the Bankhead Act for the crop year 1935-1936. A cotton farm is any farm on which cotton has been produced con tinuously one or more years since 1927. Rev. B. P. Robinson Attending Conference Rev. B. P. Robinson, pastor of the Hertford M. E. Church, left Wednes day for Washington, N. C, where the Annual North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church is in session this week. Mr. Robinson has been pastor at Hertford for the past three years and has been very popular not only with the congregation of his church but in the entire community. Wishes are expressed on every hand that Mr. Robinson will be returned to Hertford for the fourth year, but under the system of the Methodist Church there is always an element of uncer tainty about a minister's return, especially for the fourth year. 1 Year, 75c 6 Months, 50e which you may enter my subscrip- . -. for years Months. , , P. O. Box Route paper promptly. ' , ' . FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY a 4 : It 4