PAGlS TWO "5 '. THE PERQUIMANS s WEEKLY Published every Friday at The Perquimans Weekly office in the Gregory Building, Church. Street, Hertford, N. C. MATTTE LISTElt WHITE Editor Day Phone 88 Night Phone 100-J SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year S1.25 Six Months 76c Application for entry a3 second class matter pending. Advertising rates furnished by re quest FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT LET US GIVE THANKS: Bless ing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Revelations 7:12. THANKSGIVING DAY What have you to be thankful for? Do you have to stop and think? Or are you so conscious of the thou sand and one things simple, homely things, to be sure, of your everyday life, for which you feel gratitude every day, that there is no need to grope about in your consciousness for the reasons for your thankfulness? If you do not have to stop to think about it, to enumerate this and that, if you are one of those fortunate souls who take pleasure in simple things, who enjoys every little ray of sun shine, to whom falling rain drops can bring- gladness, who sees beauty in life's commonplace happenings, who finds pleasure in service and is content with little, who can be happy in the happiness of another, you are fortunate and you will be thankful, no matter what your lot may be. Because whether you are grateful to God on this Thanksgiving Day or not does not depend so much upon what you have to be thankful for, as it depends upon the state of your own heart, for, after all, "The Kingdom of Hea-en lies within you." DRIVERS' LICENSE Why are traffic law violations in so many instances, particularly with re gard to speeding, ignored in Hert ford? As the number of deaths from automobile accidents in North Caro lina increases by leaps and bounds, with the accidents almost invariably the result of carelessness on the part of some driver, it is high time we should 3ee to it that trafnc law viola tors at home are restrained. We cajuiot help the high death rate from automobile accidents in other sections of our State, of course, but we could do something to avoid adding our own quota. During the first ten months of this year no less than 717 persons were killed on the highways of North Carolina in automobile accidents. That people grow more careless every day is evidenced by the fact that through a similar period last year only 578 persons were killed in auto mobile accidents in the State. Incidentally, while North Carolina occupies twelfth place in population, she ranks eighth place in the number of deaths from automobile accidents. This, no doubt, is due to the fact that North Carolina makes no restrictions, except those with respect to age, as to who shall or shall not drive an automobile on its highways. Mogt of the states require automobile drivers t,pa83 some kind of test before they are licensed to drive a car on the highways. ., Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., in passing sentence in one of the few traffic violation: cases brought into has court n; recent months, took occasion to remark that there was too much disregard of traffic regulations, call- ing'attention to the appallingly large; -number of deaths in the State due' to carelessness, and stated that automobiles., were frequently driven on we streets or Hertford, particu lariy in coming into Church Street -over the Perquimans River Bridge, at a dangerous and unlawful rate of peed.' 2 It Is a fact that automobiles are riven around the slight curve in , jChurch Street just off the bridge, and ,? on up the street, at a terrifflc rate of f speed. This' is . not occasional. , It J occurs every day and many times, a ,Iay, in plain view of any one who Way look to see. That there is dan ; ger in such; excessive speed rates on narrow streets is indisputable. Why is it allowed? forgotten Sire" Dairy's Drawback Large Group of Young Bulla With Unknown Ability as Breeders. ... By W. W. Tapp, Chief In Dairy Cattla, Unl raralty of IUInola. WfUl SarvlM. Tbe "forgotten man" has his cham pions, but too little has bfen said and done about the "forgotten sires" of dairy herds. By the "forgotten sires" reference Is made to that large group of young dairy bulls whose breeding ability Is still an unknown quality but whose progeny will wield a potent Influence on dairy returns In years to come. These progeny will produce more than 90 per cent of all milk and dairy prod ucts consumed In the five years from 1937 to 1941 Inclusive. Most progressive dairymen would rather use a "proved" slre.'as deter mined by the number of pounds of milk and butterfat the bull's daughters will produce In a year's time. This Is as It should be. However, under tho present system of proving dairy bulls, only one In fifty Is likely to become a proved sire, and all those not In this select group are "forgotten." Mere attention needs to be given to the physical appearance of these bulls and to the performance of their dams and sires If the future of the dairy Industry Is to be safeguarded. The physical characteristics of the young bull should, of course, be considered carefully, if he Is to sire the future producers of the herd. In addition the dairyman should investigate the char acteristics of the bull's sire and dam. If obtainable, the records Qf full broth ers and sisters, and even of half broth ers and half sisters, will furnish valu able, evidence in determining the trans mitting ability of a young sire. If a dairyman can find a young bull whose sire has ten or more unselected daugh ters that are highly productive and whose dam has three or more good daughters, he can feel reasonably as sured that the young sire will make a satisfactory breeder. Corn Stover Low Protein Feed and Needs Balance The loss In dry matter In eorn sto ver approximates 24 per cent while the loss In ensiling corn need not be more than 10 per cent This emphasizes the value of ensiling In so far as possible this year; says Hoard's-Dairyman. How ever, bright corn stover that has been properly shocked can be made a val uable part of the ration this winter. Shredding, grinding, or cutting may be advisable In order to get the cows to eat the entire plant. Also the conserv ative use. of molasses mixed with wa ter and sprinkled over this roughage may add to its palatabiliry and feed ing value slightly. Corn stover Is a low protein feed and to balance It we must feed a high protein grain mixture. We recommend 1 to 2 per cent of the grain mixture be ground limestone, marl, oyster shell, or special steamed bone meal. Bone meal and salt mixed half and half and fed as salt alone Is usually fed, will also give the necessary mineral protection. The analysis of corn stover Is 2.1 per cent digestible crude protein; 46.1 per cent total digestible nutrients. Chinch Bug War Hard Congress In the last session voted an appropriation of a million dollars to halt the ravages of the chinch bug In the corn belt and this money was used to build barriers totaling 30,000 miles along which creosote halted the ad vance of the Insects, i Toe chinch bug, however, has two generations 4n a sin gle season, , the orat-generation being a crawling Insect which can be con trolled by the creosote harriers, but the second generation, flying, Is not halted by this form of control. Experts estl- : mate that the million dollars spent on I . . - i . , . 9 i I control measures suveu tu icnoi iy 000,000 worth of corn. Hops for Fertilizer Hops from a brewery are excellent as a source of Introducing bumus to the soil. Any form of vegetative growth, even weeds supply this neces sary matter. Manure Is another form In which bumus Is supplied. The best time to apply It Is In the fall, digging It into the soli, and If the soil Is a clay loam it can stand heavy applications of such material Which will help con siderably In keeping the toll mora open and spongy and rcoderlMtltt Uahleto bake and dry out during dry wtatheri Applications up to 50 ton to the acre; may be used. Montreal Herald. ' , 1 ..' Farm Chatter eawsstsMMBWWt ' - 1 1 gpala recently passed several laws to regulate tta wheat trade; Germany aas-fUed snaxlmnai gr' prices at slightly above those of im Tho cereals are the most' Important branch of agriculture la the United States. About 100.000 farmers grow sugar beets In the United States. Their an nual production la 10,000,000 tons. At average rate of consumption of corn cereals, one year's corn crop would produce enough cereal to last the people of the United States 470 years. ; In the years following the, last seven drouths, . corn production has risen an average of 4!) per cent Acreage lias Increased 7 per cent and acr yields 30, per cent .,,.-" Science As 'Of dl tnt and woman past 60 yft of a fa, 82 bavt dtfactlvt eyesight. Such it tha panalty. that man pays for hi compromia with natura. Neglected teeth may be replaced, but damaged eyesight at beet can be only partially rntored. Good light and prcverly fitted eye glasses are a great boon to old people. Since the pupils of their eyes are only one-third as large as those of young people, they need at least three times as much light in order to have an even break in teeing, vv it , ,-a -tt S?Tv' B I ' .1 1 . I il Thousands', of young men and women In schools and colleges Nature never-Intended children's ayet to be used for reading, throughout the country are needlessly wearing out their eyes long writing and study. She intended that eyes be used for looking at bs.'ore their time by reading and studying for long hours under poor distant objects, under large amounts of natural daylight. When a visual conditions. Surveys show that 40 of college students' eyes child does close visual work indoors under inadequste and glaring are defective. What a sad commentary that in fitting himself for light in defiance of Nature's taws, he pays the penalty in eye the battle of life, the student is unnecessarily imposing a serious delects. Statistics :how that one out of every fivo children in gram handicap on himself. ear schscl has defective vision. Through . . . STATE CAPITAL KEYHOLES By BESS HINTON SILVER (Continued jom Page One) of pay checks. The situation is. caus ing concern among employes of other administration emergency units , in which there is a sign or two of reces sion to normal conditions. It's enough to cause consternation at the federal alphabetical pie-counter. LOW-DOWN Perhaps you have wondered why airlines are suddenly spending huge sums of money to pro vide much faster service. Here's one answer to your question reaching Raleigh. You remember that last February Postmaster General James A. Farley put the skids under many airline corporations with mail con tracts. Now the eagles are planning to get back at Mr. Farley. They are establishing the rapid schedules to carry air express at greatly reduced Just Awund the 7 a v. It costs bo much to have a battery recharged or scored, cylinders repaired, that we sometimes wonder why people do not take the pre caution to avoid that repair bill by having their erankcase drained and refilled before the damage is done! - UNIPLO WILL PREVENT THAT DAMAGE UNIFLO will give your motor "you step on the starter. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED! Be sure and let us Jill your radiator with PRESTONE, the fluid that keeps your radiator safe from STANDARD GAS AND MOTOR OIL ATLAS BATTERIES AND TIRES BrittVServicb Station I' , - Hertford, II 'V Reveals: Why Birthdays; Increase rates and continuing the post office business on old schedules. Result the post office department is expected to lose much of its profitable business and Congress will ask why. The air. lines will offer the same speed to mails with fatter contracts. That may or may not be the 'motive but youll agree that it makes sense. PRINTING Perhaps you have heard the rumor that the State ex pects to greatly expand its printing plan at. the Central Prison in Raleigh. That as one of Highway and Public Works Chairman E. B. Jeffress' pet ideas but now he is critically ill in his home in Greensboro and not ex pected to recover. New quarters wvill be provided for the print shop when the prison is remodeled but a question mark surrounds the printing business. Mr. Jeffress was the only official that knew much about it and the matter of expansion is likely to hang fire for the present. At any rate, equipment will be added slowly by degrees, like the cat ate the pot-hook. MAY TRY COMEBACK The Corner There's fr! that quick easy start the Instatft freezing all winter, " t. t LT-J bycsmht Fades 1 ! lii 7 " ri ttHf Th average child it born with normal tight. Alt too toon, however, he begins to use hit eyes for clot see ing tasks, such at looking at pic tures or playing with toys; often under poor lighting. Eyestrain and ocular defects are quick to result. No child should be - per mitted to use his eyes for close work under any but the best of visual conditions. Abundant, glare less light should always be provided. and the child's eyes examined fre quently by competent specialist grapevine brings to Raleigh the news that Dr. B. N. Nicholson, Enfield physician who last spring announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to Congress in the Second District in opposition to Judge John H. Kerr, and then withdrew from the race is priming his guns for the same battle in the Spring of 1936. That's quite a distance for speculation on a Congressional race but certain friends and supporters oijthe Doctor are positive in their off-the-record statements that he will oppose Repre- HEINZ Ready To Serve Many 3 J?02 Tempting -gf' Varieties 6 cans Consomme and Clam Higher HEINZ MINCE MEAT 2 Pound Tin.::....,...:...... HEINZ APPLE BUTTER 30 oz Jar........: I....:..:..,...:.. 1 HEINZ PURE JELLIES I Jar,15c; 3 for-,:-..r....:....: I HEINZ Fresh Cucumber Pickle 1 Family Size, Jar 28 oz..:..4. Morgan's Modern Grct::" Phone 10 , : : B. C. Berry, Mgr. ; We V ' s 8 sentative Kerr fftwr lyeprs hencev - -COMBINATION Certain ' close friends of Governor Ehringhaus ancf , Clyde R.. 'Hoeyy prominent " Shelby " Democrat,- haev expressed the hope Jhat this potent pair; of vote-getters , will team1 up "in J936"with Mr. Eh rlnghaus: opposing Senator Joslah William Bailey for the eastern Senate " seat and Mr., Roey taking on all comers for the gubernatorial nomina- 1 tlon. Some members of this same - group would like to see : Ueutenan" Governor A.. (Sandy) Graham make it a triple threat by deciding td run for 'Attorney General in onposi-L . tion to Dennis G. Brummit instead of enmnnK uic it uutsiueiwiim unut if ue c. is expected to,do,'e6a. if ,Mr. Hoe and Congressman R. L. Doiighton del cide to run. The hatchers of this idea avow it would make an unbeatable.,,.. political combination. A NEW ONE This Hoey Dough 1 ton political prospect is beginning to trorrv a lot of neonle who would like to support both men. One ' Raleigh official has an interesting solution, of the problem although he doesn't ex- - pect to see the germ - hatch. He would have Congressman Doughton run for Governor: Lieutenant Cover- - nor Graham run against Mr. Brpmmit and Mr. Hoey step aside -for the present. In the spring of 1938 he would trot out Clyde Hoey Against Senator Kobert Kice Keynoias, lor the western seat and then in 1944 would r i r ' T , : run 1'ir. uraiuun xor uvvcnivr, new less to sav each man and his friends would support the others in their am bitions. A pretty piece - of political checker playing, to be sure, but a Uillk- JVl a V J I . IF W I ' - VOTING THE DEAD Opposition to the absentee ballot law is popping -out in new spots almost every day now and those who would reDeal tne unHpr tViA nnrl Are castine ballntfi under its present operation. Chief among those advocating drastic re vision or abolition of the absentee i 11 1 1 tr f w - t"ii T 1 m Dauou is wiajor u. r. wcLnaon, oi Greensboro, chairman of the State Elections Board. It has already been repealed in many counties and a new assault on a State-wide front is ex- nOTten in inR next i,Hnim Awwrno v. . It's repeal might mean a few more r v - . mttiiy xseiiiuvrais ugicc uusi wuuiuut; lines drawn closer Democratic solons would stick closer together instead of splitting up into cliques to fight their own Democratic btate Administra tion. NOT DISTURBED Ashe i3 one county that would not be disturbed by repeal of the absentee ballot law wiped off the books. The veteran and vocative Tam C. Bowie, Repre sentative from Ashe put through a lo cal bill in the 1933 Legislature ex empting his county from the secret . voting law and eliminating the i neces- sity of filing affidavits to secure ab sentee ballots. In Ashe county, un der the 1933 law, all that Is necessary to secure an absentee ballot is for you to sign the certificate in the presence of one witness. '. These witnesses evi- dently are not difficult to find since the election bbard reported lfiM v absentee ballots were cast in ; the itoveiuuei: eiovuva uus jan SOUPS 27c Chowder Are Slightly In Price : i"' trv 'iS i ) ' ' " S,V ' i - MMMlttliMn i t . ' "7