f ' ,1 " ', ' J '3Y ' I " WEEKLY V .'". WEfiKLY NEWSPAPER'DBVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume II. Number 6. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, February 8, 1935. $1.25 Per Year Takes Lead In Campaign f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a i vrx ilJ MVJLriLl M U rv 'fa Of c ches Matter Brought Before County Commission ers Monday WORKSTOPPED Present Reports Show Opposition To Project Whether or not any more trees are to be cut from ifhe county-owned property West of the Perquimans River Bridge rests with the people of Hertford. Everybody may have a voice in the natter. At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Monday the matter was ibrough to the. atten tion of the Board ly Charles E. John son, of the ERA office, and the Com missioners tamed the matter over to Mts. Mattie lister White, Editor of The Perquimans Weekly, with the request that he ;find out from the people of the town what the wishes of the people were with respect to further work on the project of the ERA cf cutting down the trees on this property, and that she report her findings to Mr. UxJhnaon. Mrs. White Immediately got in touch with Mass Ma Wood Window, president of the Hertford Woman's Club, and a anrvey was begun with a view to finding out what the people want. The property, which is marsh land, and which grows luxuriantly na tive cypress, Wdk gum, bay, myrtle and probably either shrubs, with some niiflri13HiBmmrth i ''Cause-Way. ' To many of the people of Hertford this point of deasely wooded narsh land is a thing of great beauty. Par ticularly in the spring and fall, when the undergrowth takes on its gor geously .rich colon, " and when the trees are mirrored is the river below, does it appear wonderfully beautiful. To those who view it from this angle, the idea of cutting down the trees and shrubs to improve the natural beauty, seems something like attemp ting to gild the lily. Others consider that the place will be greatly improved by cutting down some of the trees and leaving the larsrer ones, and clearing out the Wi 1 undergrowth so that the river may be Been on the other side of the point Many think this undergrowth is too dense and Cthat it would be prettier to be able to look through the trees. ; - - From the survey made, up to the present, the majority of - those who have expressed an opinion are against further cutting -on this property. A good sized, area of the place has already been cut, but the point has been left untouched. -v-- . r The Commissioners made the prop osition Monday that all of the native undergrowth . be , cut .and that dogr yi, wood and . other " flowering 'frees be planted. ' This J idea, however, waa impractical, " as s dogwood does not grow on marshy land but on the high, lands. , - : y'f V V '- ' ,r' ' The matter rests., with the people . of Hertfordv-iTha! ERA oflft i Verj anxious to get the report of the peo ple as to what they want Old Age Pension Bill - IJ Tkicrtiicio a1 TGS5 rl Q it m The Townsend Plan Old Age Ten sion wiU be o!iacused 'at a, meetingr to be held in the court Mouse in Herv i ford on next Saturday; night at f.S0 I o'clock; when W;B.4 tlaHerSttAe :prganiaer '& of f. Towns fJEJank witt speak'-M;? 'iWm. Fisher this week, It ;fiiatJ-WS that this bill has already been pre sented to Congress and that it ; pro- des that the government pay all c.-iCns, mrn or women, over 69 years itf 'f"),'?" or .Jdt. er U t ... . V Ltks upon tro irn.Mons, t ; . b, if -any, to be ? 'veitiup in t ,vvW the unemploysd; ; 1, hat. tl;a ' t-stifa-. '$2W?ltf' spent ' Zl ;:''?' its, receipt each cryv: r.d. ltizens To C WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS MEETING Mrs. F. T. Johnson, chairman of the Department of American Citizen ship, wa3 in charge of the program of the Woman's Club meeting, held on Thursday afternoon st the Com munity House. Those taking part in eluded Mrs. H. T, Broughton, Mrs. V. N. Darden and Mrs. W. E. White. Mrs. Johnson made a short but in formative talk, giving some interest ing information with reference to certain conditions in North Carolina with respect to proposed legislation in which the club women of the State are interested. Touching upon labor con ditions, with particular regard to the proposed amendment to the Child La bor Law, it was brought out that as the present law stands North Carolina has the longest work day of any state in the United States, or of any coun try where any legislative measures are taken with respect to controlling the working boura. Miss Mae Wood Winslow, president, who presided at the business session, read to the club a most interesting letter from Mrs. . H. Latham, State President of Women's Clubs, in the January issue of the North Carolina Clubwoman, in which was given a vivid description of a southern trip which the writer recently took, and in which she called attention to the fact that this issue of the club period ical stressed the subject of books and libraries. In reading further extracts from ha publication jtwasbrought out that North Carolina is way down low in the scale, of states which have pub lie libraries. The average per capita expenditure for public libraries in the United States is S3 cents, while in the Southern States it ranges from 2 cents to 18 cents. -In a survey made in 1925 it was found that North Carolina stood 43rd in the list of states as to the reading habits of its people, only one third of the North Carolina families taking a daily newspaper. The number of books per inhabitant in the public li braries of the State was the lowest in the Union. While Massachusetts had two volumes pet person in,public li brries, Nortn. Carolina had evelen per sons per volume. It was pointed out that this was about the timV. that North Carolina . was - boasting that there were enough autompbiles in the State to take aU the people in the State to ride at one thna". It was pointed out that the situa tion has improved to the extent that there are' now only five persons to each book in the public libraries, and the facetious suggestion was made by one writer that by the time com munism catches . us and we "have to divide everything, we may have reached such a high plane of civiliza tion and, culture that we will have a book apiece! ,:r A committee was appointed, com posed of Mrs. C. r , Morns, Mrs. R. T.!Brinn,MrA B. T..White and Mrs. 6. E. Newby to interview the ERA of ficials with a view to 'finding out if that body will furnish, the labor en cessary'ttf make some Very necessary improvements on the Community Home, the Club providing the funds for materials. ' ; A committee to nominate new offi cers for the next ..two . years was named,Jthis: committee being compos ed of Mrs. J. E. rWhite, Mrs. T. R. $foskwnd l4r WV E White. ; ', Those, present at the meeting in cluded Mesdames Hi T.Broughton, B. T. White. J. F. Elliott F. T. Johnson, Newby, E. McMr Newby, W. Ev Whitfcf and V. N. Darden. Misses Mae Winslow and Kata M. BianchardTj .'"V. : r,;'"i- Unique Entertainment; t'BriJeviof1iterdat is tho title of the entertainment to be given at fee Grammar 3$Adol'audl- to'rium m 'Twisty., 1nightxof s,next v " 1 7 1' i 1 llos of the Sella Sham- 7 ofthe - 3 v. ill he ',, son.e of .ta (.! !, fs Sought utting Tijees Who Would Destroy Community Housed What possible motive could any one have for burning the Community House? This question is being asked on every hand, but so far no plausible motive has been advanced. The few conjectures made have been rather vague and far-fetched. That the building was set on fire on two occasions is hardly to be disput ed. The first occasion was on Tues day night of last week. J. S. Mo Nider, who was driving West on Grubb Street, saw the fire and got out of his car to investigate. He reached the scene just behind Mr. Goodwin, the janitor at the Grammar School Building, who had seen the blaze and succeeded in putting out the fire. No damage had been done, the fire being confined to a small pile of trash and leaves just under the edge of the East side of the house, by the little side porch. Mr. McNider at that time, realizing that the fire was of incendiary origin, reported the matter to Mr. Johnson, the Superintendent of Education, telling him that he might expect a repetition of the matter. It came two nights later, around 7:00 o'clock, probably half an hour later than the first fire. This time the alarm was turned in and the local fire department responded promptly, ex tinguishing the blaze before any great damage was done. The fire had begun in the same spot as the first one started two nights be fore. It did not bum through the floor, Bo Maze ever1 reaching the in terior of the building. The Community House is maintain ed and kept in repair by the women of the Hertford Woman's Club, to whom it was turned over by the Town after it was no longer needed as a school room, its original purpose. The building has been furnished by the women, and has been repaired and improved from time to time. It has been used for club meetings and as a community house. The kitchen has for some years been used during the school months for preparing and serving hot lunches for under privileged school children. Recently a part of the building has been used for a sewing room, where ERA labor i9 employed. Relief Money Turned. Over To ERA Office The report of Charles Johnson, representing the local Emergency Relief organization, to the Board of County Commissioners on Monday met with the approval of that body when it was disclosed that only $102.54 of the amount of $268.00 which had been turned over to the ERA office to take care of the un employables on the relief rolls for the month Of January had been spent, leaving' the amount of $105.46 still in hand. The recent ruling of the FERA that the unemployables on the relief rolls must be taken care of by the county resulted in the countjf turning over to the relief office th funds necessary for this work. " When the work is . handled in this way, through the ERA office, there is a great saving to tiie county, as the money .given : to this tlass of needy persons is' supplemented by the sur plus commodities,' including canned beef, potatoes, rice and -other staples, which ..the':ERA hgs on. hand. The arangement also obviously works greatly to the advantage of ther needy- HiER&SHOW :SMrs, JLWniMi- Vtoiss;Ann Bare flertftft "Mr:: $'Wu'ihiyoke KMisg William Spfvyosjine -J. j Mr; Charjes, Skert Helctirord Mrs. Koy paries, J Mr. Edgar Relds, Hertford;.. . Miss Vlda Banks, New Hope ..I:. Miss Johnnie-White, . Whitoston- : Miss Ruby Gray, Gum '-Mill i Mr. Jesse ..ne Hertford KisS'Lill: Woods; Woodvill v-i Mrs. Peyton Lane, Center ill llts. Fclioh," Beech Springs Two Injured In Auto Accident Raymond Winslow and Russell Winslow Cut and Bruised When Car Crashes Into Rear of Bus Raymond Winslow and Russell Winslow, both of Hertfoid, were in jured in an automobile accident on Wednesday night, when the car in which they were riding crashed into the rear of a bus of the Coastal Coach Line, which was parked on the high way. Raymond Winslow suffered a slight. concussion and possibly a fracture of the skull. He also received a cut over one eye and one leg was cut. Russell Winslow, who is said not to be so severely injured, also received an injury to his head and severe bruises. The accident occurred on the Hert ford-Elizabeth City highway, four miles from Hertford, at about 6:00 o'clock in the evening. The car in which the young men were riding, a Chevrolet coach, belonsrincr to C. C. Winslow, was badly wrecked. Russell Winslow, who was driving, said that he was blinded by the lights of another car which he was meeting. Russell Winslow is a son of T. R. Winslow, Hertford merchant. Ray mond Winslow is a brother of C. C Winslow and is associated with him in the cleaning and pressing business in Hertford. Winf all Ladies Seek New School Building Mrs. W. G. Hollowell and Mrs. David Trueblood, of Winfall, appeared before the Board of County Commis sioners, at their meeting on Monday, with a request that the Board take up further the matter of building a new school house at Winfall. The ladies1 were told that at pres ent it was not possible to do anything about the matter as every effort had been made last summer to get a new school building for Winfall and there were no funds available, but that there was some possibility that some federal funds might be borrowed for the purpose later on. Mrs. Hollowell, who acted as spok esman, told the Board that the pres ent school building was dangerous, and referred to the fact that a long splinter from the rough floor of the building was recentely stuck through the shoe and into the foot of one of the little girl students at Winfall. Contract Let For Road In Upper End County The contract has been let by the State Highway Commission for the building of 7.01 miles of road between Baker's Store and Trotville, located partially in Perquimans and partially in Gates County, at a cost of $88,817.30. . F. D. Kline, of Raleigh, the firm which is building the Whiteston-Bel-videre Road, which is near comple tion got the contract for this new highway link. LINWOOD SKINNER REPORTED IMPROVING AFTER OPERATION Linwood Skinner, prominent sales man of J. C. Blanchard & Co.'s store, underwent an operation at a Norfolk Hospital on Saturday of last week. Mr. Skinner's condition is reported as satisfactory and he is expected to re turn homo within the next' two weeks. THjnf STAND -215,tt0 .t-ZUOW mm T185,Q00 ,170,000 165,000. 165900 185,000 125,000 .115,000. .115,000 25,000 U 5,000 6,000 ' 6,000' Mrs . J. L. Nixon Has Edge of 10,000 Votes Recorder's Court Has Full Docket Tuesda: There was a full docket in Record er's Court on Tuesday, most of the cases being very trivial and some what tedious. Raleigh White, who lives on Eden ton Road, in Hertford, was tried for assault upon Mrs. James Miller. There was evidence to show that the Miller family and the White family occupy one house, and that David Rogerson has been boarding with the Millers. A dispute arose on Saturday afternoon between Mrs. Miller and Mr. White and David Rogerson. Mrs. Miller swore out a warrant for Mr. White, accusing him of striking her in the face with his fist. Mr. White took the stand and ad mitted that he struck Mrs. Miller, claiming that he only hit her lightly, however, and swore that Mrs. Miller first struck him on the head with a stick of stove wood. David Rogerson's testimony was substantially the same as Mr. White's. The defendant was found guilty and the case dismissed upon payment of the court costs. P. H. Small plead guilty to the charge of being drunk and disorderly, the case being dismissed upon pay ment of the court costs. J. E. Bateman, a white youth from Woodville, plead guilty to the charge of the larceny of 14 bushels of soya beans from T. S. White. It develop ed that Bateman believed he was tak ing the property of his uncle, J. E. Bateman, upon whose farm the beans were grown and in whose barn they were stored. The beans were sold by young Bateman to Towe & Quincy where they were traced after they were missed by Mr. White. The young man was given a road sentence of 60 days, the road sen tence to be suspended upon payment of a $25 fine, the court costs, and the sum of $14.65, the value of the stolen beans. Clarence Burnette and his wife, Vera, colored, had a family row on Saturday and each rushed down and had the other arrested, charging as sault with a deaily weapon, and some very formidable weapons were exhibited in court, one of them a brush hork. Clarence was admitted to bail upon his arrest, but Vera haj! to stay in jail. It came out in court that liei husband had tried to get her out ol jail but she was mad and wouldn't b( taken out. She admitted that she had a quick temper. She went on the stand and testified that they had ; fight. She said she just got mad. Clarence said his wife would get mad and say and do anything an' then she would get over it and be all right. Clarence was found not guilty but Vera drew ten days in jail for her conviction. Ira Jones and Leroy Parsons were tried for assault with a deadly wea pon, to wit, a pop bottle. Ira had only been back off the roads for 28 days when he got int trouble. He was drinking, they say. He said, however, that he wasn't really drunk. There was evidenc? that he asked Leroy Parsons to loan him a dime. Leroy told him he didn l "ave the dime but offered to Tend him a dollar. That seemed to have been the extent of the provocation. Ira struck Parsons, and then walker' off, and came back with a pop bottk and threw it at Parsons. Parsons ducked and Sam Felton was hit. H was then that Parsons picked up th bottle and hit Ira over the head with it. "Well, you ought to have busted it oyer his head," said Judge Oakey. "You ought to hit a man who woul hit you after you had offered to lend him, a dollar. Thirtjr days in jail for Ira. f'lV ' Lassellees Winslow, colored, war found guilty of possessing liquor, am' was "given 60 days in jail Valentine Party A" Valentine Bridge Party will be given on Thursday . night of next week by the ladies of St Catherine's Auxiliary, of the, Episcopal Church, to which everybody is invited.. The party will be held at the home of Dr. andMrs. C. "A. Davenport' . f . ... ..g r. vfwinuiuu uum uicii bers of t.. . .the small ".price of twenty fonts. Race Becoming Interesting- As Votes Pile Up STILL CAN ENTER Virgin Territory Is Yet To Be Canvassed For Votes The Perquimans Weekly contest ants are starting off closely in a neck-and-neck race; there is still time for entries from all districts; effort is now the only essential to real suc cess in this "mammoth prize distribu tion be a real hustler and win 1400.00. It is evident from the few entries that the public does not understand the possibilities of this campaign. With just a little effort a new con testant can easily jump into first place. Always in a campaign there are weird stories concerning contest ants and their relative standing. Just figure this out for yourself, you have as many friends as the next one, so why not make the start TODAY. A determination to win the biggest prize will make it easy for you to lead the field. Call at The Perqui mans Weekly office today and ask for information. The names of the candidates who have entered the big prize campaign and the number of votes cast for each up til Wednesday evening are pub lished today. It is puzzling to the management why more do not take advantage of The Perquimans Weekly big giving campaign. The Perquimans Weekly has been commended on all sides for its generosity but comparatively few people have entered. More active candidates are wanted and friends should urge their choice for candi dates who have not entered to do so at once. Nomination Still Open There may be some who would like to enter but who are of the opinion that it is too late; thrt those already entered have too big a lead. Glance at the vote schedule. Just one or two good subscriptions will give you enough votes to lead the procession. There is plenty of time and room for new leaders to be l veloped. There are many districts in which no one is working and no place but that there are numerous opportunities for new contestants to get a few subscriptions necessary to put them in the lead. Read the notice appearing in the pa per "How To Jump Into First Place." Valuable Rewards Think of the value in hard cash represented in the mammoth list of gifts to be giver, away absolutely free. Several cash prizes and hundreds of dollars in commissions is certainly substantial pay for your odd moments of spare time during the next few weeks. Someone is going to get $400.00. Someone else is going to have added $100.00 to their account at the bank, and others are going to be richer by many dollars, while others will receive large commissions, and just for using their spare time. Will you make up your mind now to be one of the above someones? Clip the coupon and mail or bring it to The Perqui mans Weekly office today. That starts you with 5,000 votes and puts you in line for any one of the prizes you may make up your mind to win. Who Will Lead Next Week? While several of the more aggres sive candidates have started in the race with a good number of Totes to their credit, the leaders of today do not necessarily mean that they wUl be leaders next week. Just a few good subscriptions and still fewer of the longer period variety can make a new leader. Don't Get Discouraged; The contest is now. just in its in fancy and there is not a single candi date amohg those, listed or new ones for that matter, who could not, if proper efforts were put forth, secure enough votes to lead the field in just a few. days. . , V Dont fail to state" your opinion on the tauseway tree-cutting f Hi ?

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