7- ' ' v v 'A if. 1 f Hit t 1 '. - 1." f . V t j t -r . - ;i -r - fw-&l'- ,S,s- ts- f i c . ,J:!l:tJJ,Jtl-W.i:. y ft VolIIuinber 16. tmi JLlt IL C. Stokes, Former Of fidal, Only Two Votes Behind 111 PRESENT Heavy Downpour of Rain Causes Small Crowd E, I.. Reed, who' has servl one tMM as Mii .oJLUie. Tpwfl. ot .jaert IdkL' t wai vjugain W Dominated lof the ffic. at ;thre $inaM;vineeg:-Fheld iftf the cotin:ioifo?L Fyghfe e-' eeivuig only two more votes than his opponent, H. C. Stokes, who held the office for six terms prior to Mr. Reed's election in 1988.' ' A. W. Hefren and Dr. & A. Dav enport, two of -the members of the Board of Commissioners, were also renominated, and H. Hardcastle was nominated as the third member. E. Leigh Winslow, who has served for one term as commissioner, and whose work , takes hhn eat of the town most of the time, was not a candidate. . There was a heavy downpour of rain, which doubtless kept many citi sens from attending the meeting, 111 persons being present. All but one. a non-resident, voted. . Silas M. Whedbee, chairman of the executive committee, presided at the meeting. This committee, ' composed of Mr. Whedbee, W. T. Effiott and B. C Berry, was made a permanent committee. All of the candidates made short talks, in response to motion car ried to the effect that ach should ex plain his poBitkm s to the stand he took in reference to town ughting and as to the purchasing of fire-fighting equipment, and Ofher. pertinent questions. r G. E. Newby made a statement as to the present situsnon of the town in compliance-wBCh motion to that effect The votes polled "by the several candidates were as follows: E. L. Reed 56, H. C Stokes 54, Dr. C. A. Davenport 83, A. W.. Hefren 79, W, H. Hardcastle 45, V- .N. Darden 24, J. C. Blanehani 22, 45. A. Harris 18, H. G. Window 13. Hugh Barclif t 11, Chasj Skinner. 1,' Herman Jenkins 1 Claude won L Statistics Of Town In an effort to shew to the citizens of the Town of Hertford something of the financial condition oif the Town, W. G. Newby, Town Clerk, in re sponse to motion made t the mass meeting on Friday night, when can didates were nominated lor mayor and town .commissioners, .made , short resume, in which it was shown that the capital fund of the town was $93,504.22 on December 81, 1981, and that on February 20, 1935, this fund had increased to ;i t!80,87We.-s The increase has been reflected, according to Mr. Newby, in the reduction of the current indebtedness by $18,000.00, and the retirement of street Improve- ' ment bonds by $18HM).00 r Replying to- the question as to whether the town could reduce the light and -water, rates without an in crease in taxes,: Mr; Newby said it would be hard to do so. Theiproperty 'valuation of the town of Hertford is t present f 1,031,040.00 and tne tax raie is si.iv. ijjo order ' to lower the price of lights and. water, it would be neces , , gary to raise the 'tat rate; " All of the candidates expressed themselves 'as KeMNdmiiate ' being nnjavoratie to tnis wea.J r i.'"'',-"The"-powcr rate:1n Eertfd fa.'af :preaent 6'.c-' J.'fr." ; ..j.vTheW! V is a ..minimum' ' . rrtof il.C3 ' for ft thousand gil x ''r-i: Sherif f C A. Doyce 0 Chowan Dips Cudenly Friends in Hertford and Perqui mans County were' shocked Tufiy to hear ef ts ndisn d;rh t C. A. Boyce, t' "J of CLowwi Cv"y. Mr. r". r ;rerr?yjn r -' &cl i - . as r. tLei-r-,Tslt;' ' strike, vtUI he was m&kkjf a tit in the living rooa. . Funeral services ; were held Wed- r' "'f aft: 1, r;!.-j ia one of ' I .r-est f -".ar'j ever he!I in C. :i Cour'j' T -zr ii iT' ' . v. r - , . . : m., : - : bu;1 1 f 3 Cf t'.J A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY HertfortVPerguiAians County,:North Carolina, Friday, April 19, 1935. JURY LIST J ' . Following is the list of grand ju rors Who served at this term of the 8uperior Court: : R. T. Brinn, Foreman; Carroll V. Ward, T. C. Babb, Thad C. Chappell, Henry:. E. Cartwright, W. D. 'Stall ings, Metador Harrell, Geo. W. Nowell, Harvey Stallings; C. Merter Winslow, Leigh Stallings, L. Purvis Chappell, Sammie M. Winslow, A. M. Copeland,' J. T. Jordan, Julian A. Chappell, Elmer P. Roberson, Mary land Boy ce.-t IBTt'SMJ t. or et Very Successful Affair Henry Stokes, Jr., was toastmaster at the Junior-Senior Banquet, which is the outstanding annual social event of the Perquimans High School, on Thursday night . Beautifully picturesque was the setting, arranged on the stage of the auditorium which was converted into an English garden, with walls of rough stone, overhanging which were boughs of pine and cedar, with flow ers interspersed. Stone garden seats, attractive trellises, growing plants and a bird bath added realistic touch es to the scene. Small tables placed on the improv ised lawn were attractively arranged, each detail carrying out the idea of a garden and growing things. "The tallest plants in our garden are the seniors," remarked the toast master. The first of the toasts was "To the enfors," by Frances Lamb, to whlea'Caayton Thompson respond ed, and following which Julia Fear ing and Charles C. McMullan, of Elizabeth City, special guests, enter tained with ft feature song and dance. A toast to the; school officials was given by Jesse Lee Harris, td which T. S. White, Chairman of the Board of Education, responded; Superintendent F. T. Johnson re sponded very graciously with a bit of pleasantry to the' toast "To Mr. Johnson," by Adelaide Layden. E. E. Bundy, of Elizabeth City, who was the superintendent when both the junior and the senior classes entered high school, responded with a i few remarks and an amusing stunt to the toast "To Mr. Bundy by Azele Godsey. ' Mrs. W. E. White gave an interpre tation of it small boy's idea bf "Horses.'' . . Tne toast ToTtheiFaoolty,? by Tim Rufus tWnn, wiresponded to. by Miss Nancy Woods. , O. CL Long gave the toast to the school, after which there was a snec- ial number by Miss Martha Elizabeth Jordan, Indus Blanchard and Dozier Sutton. Miss Louise Delaney gave the toast "To the Future." Jane Fearing, a tiny tot from Elisabeth City, made a hit with her songs. Mary Wood Koonce responded to a special invitation with an impromptu aance. neroerc jNixon introduced separ ately each member of the cast in the faculty play to be given shortly, with an invitation to all to be present Special music was furnished for the banquet and for the dance which followed at the Community House by Floars' Orchestra, of Edenton. A-delicious threercours. dinner was served by members of 'the Home Economics Class of the school. ' , After the banauet the Juniors 'the Seniors, t and 'ft few other vounor neoi- pte'enoyed a delightful dance at the Community House, with a number of interested spectators present -This was oneof. the awst de'-vfetfuV affiiffl the young' people hvenjoyetf re- illios : present afc the bahauet iri- oluded the following Seniors;. Jessie" Baker, , Beulah Bogus, Ruby JCar wright; : Orenjs : Chappell, Sara':. Mae' Chappell, v Alma Congle ton, Beulah Mae Dale, Mary Franoes Dai); Mil dred Eason, Margaret Elliott Marv Wilrta Farmer, ' Mary, Alice Felton, Eathryn Fleetwood, ) Lucy Grant Flythe, Shirley Goodman, Joyce Har rell, Nell Hobbs, Dorothy Mae Hoffler, Lucy, Hunter, Willie Euldl, Louise (Co&Kaued onTage Eight) ' " i w..:cr racier And Vif e Are Entertained Rev.' F." 11. liamburger. "former pastor of the Hertford M. E. Church, and 1-. f" vn?r, who are visit or ii 1 J are hidnr ' zl ty their old COUM WOMEN MEET INlElfuilKlill27 Agent From Wiushih Speaker Miss Eugenia Patterson, who is the home demonstration agent, of. Wash ington County, will be the speaker at the meeting of the Perquimans Coun ty Home j Economios Association, which will' be held at the Community House in Hertford on April 27. Mrs. M. T. Griffin, who is chairman of the association, will preside, and Mrs. Thomas Nixon, Perquimans County chairman of the Better Homes In America, and Miss Helen Gaither, former home demonstration agent of Perquimans, will be present and each will have a message for the club wo men of the county. This organization, which is made up of the various woman's clubs of the county, meets only once each quarter, and the meetings are always interesting. Each club gives reports of whatever work the members have engaged in during the past three months, and there are. always many hefpful suggestions for housekeepers and homemakers, with exhibits of hand-made articles to beautify the home. Mrs. Griffin, who was in Hertford last week, says she is very anxious to have a large representation of county women out to hear Miss Pat terson at this meeting, and urges the women to attend the meeting, wheth er they are members of any club or not. All will be welcomed. A buffet luncheon is served and each woman who attends is asked to bring enough food to serve one per son. The hour of meeting will be an nounced next week. School At Winfall Wins Further Honors Mote honors for the colored school at Winfall, known' as the Winfall Training School, were won last week at the State contest held at the A. A T. College, at Greensboro, when Mol ton Zachery won first place and cap tured the silver cup, which the school will keep for a year. Zachery, who was a member of the Winfall team composed of himself and two others, J. E. Reid and J. Lightfoot, led the entire group with a score of 1,234, while his nearest rival garnered only 1,190 points. This was the second prize won by Mqlton Zachery, who also won first place in the oratorical contest and -take part in the national Contest to be held at Tuskgee Normal and In dustrial' Institute, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., which will be held In August The boys were coached by King Williams, principal of the Winfall Training School. Blanchard Clan To Meet Over Week-end There will be a gathering of the Blanchard. Clan during the week-end, when Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Bostick and Mrs. R. H. Willis will entertain sev eral members of the Blanchard fam ily living at a distance, and including Dr. William Blanchard, Deaif of De Paw -University, Greencastle, Ind., and Mrs. Blanchard; Dr. Julian Blanchard, of New York City; Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Blanchard and family of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Blanchard, of Norfolk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. C Y. Yarborough, of Louis- burg; Mr. and vMrs.:C J. Christman; of Chayotte. PlanVAttend Weddihff Miss Lillian Blanchard SlMxB. 'J. &. BlenchardV accompanied byiher-tw.daughtettiSaf.Sarah Blkchadywho hohiB a pSsitioil ttithe' iaaary:'ofDukejnlversirand;;Mieri Lillian Blanchard! "Who is a! student at 4?uke,' willed to Washineton next weeK to attend tne wedding of Miss SalUe Norwood Ferguson, of Wash ington, and Mr. Boylan Snow, Jr.. of Charlotte. Miss Sarah. Blanqbard will be one of the bride's maids. ' ' ; The bride-elect is a daughter v of Mrs.' Blanchard's brother, Garland S. Ferguson, Jrr of Washington, v " k ?, v.m" ' 'r.r"..' '.'-.v. - HONOR SEVENTY-SIXTH " "- . BIRTHDAY OF MOTHER Honoring the 76th birthday of their mother, - Mrs. K. R. Newbold. . the following of her children; who live out-of-town were with her over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. T.'S. New bold, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. a A. Wright, of Jarvisburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. JrylB and their son, Jack, of El'tabeth City; Kr. and. Mrs. W. O. r -i&li, of V.rashfrrton, D. C. Krs. l r.'.::n, cf ' 'r-tsn, D. C, ' f" j a of n.s. i; ijh mmm COURT OFF TO GOOD START ON FIRST DAY Robert Bragg Found ft Guilty In Man slaughter Charge Three criminal cases were disposed of on Monday, the first day of the April term of Perquimans Superior Court Judge E. H. Cranmer, of Southport, presided at this term of, .the court, held for the trial of both criminal and civil cases. The first case to be taken up was that of Bill Sessoms, colored, who plead guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, to wit, a stick of stove wood. Sessoms was accused by Henry Whed bee, also colored, of shooting him, the bullet, just grazing his forehead, the trouble: having occurred at the home of Ellis Hofler, colored, who lives near New Hope. The accused spent about 90 days in jail before he was released under bond. After hearing the evidence, the court ordered the defendant to pay the doctor's bill of three dollars, and to pay to the prosecuting witness two dollars, representing the time he lost from work, and the court costs. The next case called was that of State against C. J. Mansfield, local white man, who was tried for the il legal possession of whiskey and for possessing whiskey for the purpose of sale. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty and the court imposed the same sentence which had been im posed on the defendant in Recorder'.0, Court,, from which an" appeal was taken, of 60 days on the roads. Lillie .Forehand, a colored woman, who was sentenced to 12 months in jail by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr., in Recorder's Court recently, and who took an appeal, was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in jail. A former suspended sentence of three months, which was imposed when Lillie' was convicted in Superior Court .4 11! 1 1 A - mi jaw in. selling wniBney 10 a small white hoy, was ordered into ef fect, making 15 months the woman will have to serve. Trial of the case against Robert Bragg, a 19 year old colored boy who was charged with manslaughter, was taken up on Monday afternoon, the case being given to the jury during the morning session of Tuesday. Af ter some hours deliberation the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. The case against Bragg grew out of the' death of Charlie Dillard, also colored, who was instantly killed when struck by a car driven by Bragg on March 3. Evidence disclosed that the accident occurred sometime early in the night, when the. defendant was on his way from his home in Winfall to Belvidere. It was testified to that Bragg was driving at a rate of 40 of 46 miles an hour just before he reach ed the curve in the road bevond which the accident occurred; that another car was approaching him with very Dngnt ugnts; that he slowed up to round the curve and iust as he vcA. i the straightaway, and .as the ap proaching car passed him, he saw, within about three feet of his car and immediately in front of him A man walking on the pavement and going in the same direction in which he was driving. He swerved to the left but could not avoid striking the man who proved to be Charlie Dillard, of Chowan County, and who was instant ly killed. There was evidence that Bragg drove a, few hundred yards to a filling station and requested some one to go back with him, stating that he had struck some one. He lao asked that a doctor be sent for and the sheriff notified. The defendant took the stand in his own behalf and told his story, which coincided with that told by Wallace uugnes, woo witnessed the accident. . When the ease aarainst Walter Wright ClaudeJsand Charlie "'"""i " ,mn Twnoiu were charged; Vgthjthe larceny of $100 worth of Jineat from the. smokehouse of - Joseph WasW Battley'g Swamn farmer, CrlieyBrowHfalhjtf'to ap-' pear. A capias was issued for Brown and the trial of the other two was begun. After all of the evidence for the prosecution i was heard, the de fense .counsel announced that they mw nov resist a verdict whereupon After -counsel for both efendants nad reouestea tne mercy of tEe court the Judge sentenced Walter Wright so, two years m tne state penitenti ary, and Claud Lewjs to 18 months on the roads. " j. Faster Program At . Assembly Church An Easter program will be given at the Hertford ; Assembly .'Church on Sunday n!;ht April . 21,' at 7:80 o'clock. r"c!l vocal selections will be rrtder?! ty different divisions of r -a.-y Z .ooL The public Is in-1 ;toti EEKLY Sheriff Uses Belt To Calm Unruly Prisoner WIN HONORS v Three out of five of Perquimans County's entrants in the District Music Contest held at Elizabeth City last week won first place and the othf r two won second place. Maude Keaton won first place in soprano; Dorothy Mae Homer in alto, and Zack Toms White in unchanged boy's voice. These three young people, accom panied by their teacher, Miss Kate M. Blanchard, will go to Greensboro next week, where the district winners will take part in the State Music Contest to be held there. At the State Music Contest last year there were nearly three thous and participants, and this year there will be an even larger number. George Glover Gets 20 To 30 Years In Pen George Glover, colored, against whom a true bill charging first de gree murder in connection with the death of Soloman Freeman, also col ored, was' returned by the grand jury on Monday, was found guilty on Wednesday of murder in the second degree and was sentenced to from twenty to twenty-five years in the State penitentiary. The jury was out only a very brief period. The State did not ask for a verdict of murder in the first degree. Soloman Freeman, who together with George Glover and a number of others, attended a party held at the home of Sim Burke, in the Whites ton section of the County, on the night of March 23rd, was shot by Glover and died the following day in a Suffolk. Va.. hosDital. There was a lot of conflicting tes timony at the trial, the State's wit nesses testifying that the deceased was shot as he was leaving the house, having started in the house and been warned by two persons not to come in. There were defense witnesses who testified that Freeman was ad vancing upon Glover and that he held in his hand, half hid beneath his coat, an automobile crank, or a jack, or something similar. State's witnesses testified that he had noth ing in his hand. The trouble appeared to have aris en over a woman, Eula Mae Butts, a married woman who had separated from her husband, and with whom Glover was talking when Freeman asked her if she was readv tn , iiome. . tuia, Mae replied that she.; i . - was not. Freeman went outside and blew his automobile horn, then am back and again asked the woman if sne was ready to go, and the woman again replying in the Freeman went out again, remarking as he went that he was coming back and then he was going to find out why nobody was ready to go home. Glover is alleged to have said "Then I will meet you." It was when Fry man started back into the mnm fi lowing this that the shoot icu. i o ""cuuoui won me stand in his own behalf and stated that he wa8 .uram mat was the reason he shot saying that some of Freeman's friends were rushing him from the pack. He claimed that he did not miena to kill Freeman. ' A very good character was given the accused by a number of promi nent men connected with the North Carolina State Highway Commission, and also representatives of the F. D. Kline Construction Co.. for the, man has worked for a number of years. Clyde Erwin Will Be Graduation Speakei ' P1!' Erwin' Superintendent of Edueftflok -of North Carolina, will make the literary address to the graduating class of the Perquimans High School this year, according to an announcement made by County Superintendent F. T. Johnson this week. , ; The graduation exercises will be bJd n Thursday, May 18, in the auditorium of the school. - There : are .61 members of the Senior Clajgs. - Easter Cantata At , Methodist Church An Easter cantata will be rendered at the Hertford Methodist Church on Sunday night by : the junior 1 choir. under the direction of the organist Miss Kate 11V Blanchard. The service will begin at 8 o'clock and there rT b no sermon, The uilfclafcr. 1 to attend . $1.25 Per Year Victim, However, Says He Was Treated Well DRINKING SPREE Inmates of Jail Secure Quantity of Stored Whiskey Profane and obsence language, in loud and boisterous tones, coming from the Perquimans County jail on Sunday afternoon was so offensive to the ears of near-by residents and those passing on the street, that Sheriff J. E. Winslow, in an effort to subdue the prisoners who had drunk a lot of liquor they had filched from the cell in which it had been stored, and which was being held as evidence, gave one of the prisoners a licking, striking him once with his open hand, and five times with the prisoner's leather belt. George Glover, the Negro later convicted in Superior Court of second degree murder and sentenced to the penitentiary, told the reporter for The Perquimans Weekly that he was beaten about his legs and thighs, and that he had on his clothes. He fur ther stated that he was not hurt sufficiently for any welts to be rais ed. He said that he was drunk. Glover further stated that Sheriff Winslow had treated him well. Walter Wright, another colored prisoner who was in the jail and who had not drunk any of the liquor, said that the man Glover was not beaten severely, and that the prisoners were cursing, using foul language and raising a lot of disturbance, and re fused to comply with the Sheriffs orders to be quiet. Sheriff Winslow reported to Judge E. H. Cranmer, who is holding Su perior Court here this week, his ac tions and explained the necessity for his act, on Monday morning. All Criminal Cases Finished Wednesday Three days were consumed in the trial of criminal cases at this term of Perquimans Superior Court, the last being finished late Wednesday., afternoon. Two divorce actions were also tried on Wednesday, the parties in both cases being from Edenton, and both being based on two years of separa tion. Mrs. Josie E. Phillips was irrantpH a divorce from her husband, Robert M. Phillips; and Mrs. Fannie Mae Harris from her husband. Thurman C. Harris. The trial of civil actions beean on Thursday. Mrs. F. C. White Still In Serious Condition The condition of Mrs. F. C. White, prominent Belvidere resident, who suffered a paralytic stroke on Satur day night, is not improved. Mrs. White was entertaining a number of guests over the week-end, friends from Greensboro and other places who were there to attend the Guil fordian get-together meeting, and had been out to bid goody-bye to some local people who had spent the evening in the home, and upon re turning to the living room suffered the stroke. Her condition is believed to be very serious and she has not been able to speak since shortly after the attack. Lard Stolen r From Blanchard Warehouse '. "ss fii" " -v ' Seeing two colored men tarrying a :ouple of lard stands down, the street at about twelve o'clock at night, the suspicions of Melvin Owens, night policeman, were aroused, and the officer started in pursuit The men ran, taming from Grabb Street into East Academy Street When toey reached the Elmo Cannon residence they ran through the yard," tossing the lard stands beneath Mr. Cannon's tifenepf and. elodihg ' the officer ..: as they ducked Into shrubbery in the rear. The officer ran on throuffh fo the other street bat the two thieves got away. Later it was learned that the warehouse belonging to : J.'C Blanchard Co.. on the river front had been broken into and' jtwo stands of lard had been ; stolen S? the stolen goods was really recovered before it could be missed. - Send Tour mbmrfeMmi a 4fc Pa. qniman .T7eel;ly nccl ' '

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