.1 . .CK.,i',-.'4-....4.-.. -it --td TBS PERQUIMANS TTCiJD N. d, FEIDAY, iuNS 2.1. 1335' 4 PAG3 lOTt VI r . -1 - v V:,. ' Many Friends Attend Wedding Miss Vick v . A beautiful wedding took place at the Hertford Methodist Church on Saturday morning at 11:00 o'clock when Miss Louise Millbrooke Vick became the bride of Mr. Theodore Henry Keidanz, in the presence of a large gathering of friends. The church was tastefully decorat ed in "Queen Anne's lace" and other white flowers and ferns, and was softly lighted by tall candles. Miss Kate M. Blanchard, of Hert ford, at the organ played as the guests were assembling, Schubert's "Serenade" and Herbert's "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life." Immediately before the entrance of the bridal party L. W. Anderson sang "At Dawning," by Cadman and "L'Amour, Troujours, L'Amour," by Frinel. During the ceremony "0 Perfect Love," by Baraby was softly played. The bridal party entefed the church to the strains of "The Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin, and Men- delsshon s Wedding March was play ed as a recessional. The bride had as her maid of honor her only sister, Miss Helen Vick, who wore a dress of blue silk organ die with white accessories and car ried an arm bouquet of garden flow ers. There were two bridesmaids, Miss Anne Keidanz, of Dayton, Ohio, a sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. E. G. McMullan, of New Bern, a cousin of the bride. Miss Keidanz was dressed in yel low silk organdie, with accessories to match. Her flowers were an arm bouquet of garden flowers. Mrs. McMullan wore pink silk or gandie with matching accessories and carried an arm bouquet of garden flowers. The ushers, J. H. Towe and W. H. Pitt, both of Hertford, lighted the candles. The bridegroom had as his best man Abner Landis, of New York. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a lovely gown of white satin, made Princess style, with a long veil ar ranged with a coronet and orange blossoms. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. P. Robinson, pastor of the Hertford M. E. Church. Immediately after the ceremony a luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, the guests includ ing, in additon to the bridal party, the out-of-town guests, relatives and -a few intimate friends. , -Mr. and Mrs. Keidanz spent several See The New SJ 11 I ;k - t. Ut, m&! !'!: C-C3L illHt 1 ' '5t' '"' 'taut , ; ' 'T'HE reserve of power in the Norge II ' V cold-making mechanism brings you III ! I more dependable refrigeration and it II brings you greater economy. Since s I 'f " " the Rollator Compressor never has to j III ': wcto'cpcirj-fci8e 'Terf Utde,;, s i current. Get the inside facts about fc U Rollator Refrigeration. ' . '11 Come in and see the Norge. j - II il. I'll r 1-' ' I "'m''t- f ' n i V, - J ; I : , l: A PHONE CALL WILL BRING A NORGET TO YOUR HOME y FOR A 10-DAY FREE TRIAL A S1VIALL DOWN PAYMENT AND AS MUCH AS 30 MONTHS TO PAY, THE BALANCE; . 1 Hi lUE'SdDall'D SUBp3E' 4 V V I II:one 40 days at Nags Head and also visited in Hertford this week. They will be at home later in New York City, where the bridegroom is engaged in real estate business and the bride holds a position as general cashier at the Hotel New Yorker. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr J. S. Vick, of Hert ford. For several years she has heid a position in New York, making fre quent visits to her old home in Hert ford, where she has many friends. The bridegroom is a son of the late Dr. E. H. Keidanz and Mrs. Keidanz, of New York City. He is a graduate of the University of Michi gan and a member of the Quarter deck. For several years he has been engaged in the real estate business in New York. Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were: J. T. Robbins, Irving Robbins, J. T. Robbins, Jr., Miss Grace Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, of Pantego; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McMullan, of New Bern; Miss Helen Vick and Abner Landis. of New York; Miss Anne Keidanz, of Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Keidanz, of Philadelphia, Pa. Among the out-of-town people vis iting Mrs. T; R. Winslow on Sunday were her mother, Mrs. Ellen Byruni, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrum. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin, of Edenton. Mrs. Giles Kornegay, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Winslow, for the last two weeks, will return to her home at Burgaw on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W- Hefren and Miss Marjory Hefren, accompanied by Mrs. Owen Morgan, of Raleigh, spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cuthrell and children, Catherine, Jeannette and John, and Miss Marjorie Mattox, of Norfolk, Va., spent the day with Mrs. Cuthrell's sister, Mrs. W. M. Morgan,- on Sunday. Grady Spivey and Rufus White spent Sunday at Nags Head. Among those attending the Nor folk-Richmond game in Norfolk, Va., on Sunday were B. C. Berry, Douglas Darden, Rosser Brinn, and Herman Jenkins. Mrs. H. C. Sullivan is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W. Darden. Mrs. Owen Morgan, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Frank Young, of Asheville, are visiting their mother, Mrs. R. Q. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Price and Carl, Jr., of Columbus, Ohio, left Monday after spending several days with Mrs. R. M. Fowler. Misses Mary, Thelma and Dorothy Elliott and Frances Fowler spent Monday in Norfolk, Va. NORGE Before Phone or .Wire Uo Collect The Station That Gives Service" Edenton, N. C. Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes and Mrs. T. L. Jessup spent last week in St Paul's visiting Mrs.: Stokes' parents, Mr. and Mrs,, W. A. Felton. , - Mrs. Irving White went to Suffolk, Va on Wednesday, to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Jimmy Jernigan. Henry Clay Stokes spent Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. " , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Whedbee went to Nags Head on Sunday to spend several days.. -Mrs. Lloyd Horton has returned to her home at Plymouth, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nixon. Mrs. Guy Newby and three daugh ters, Misses Jessie Tayloe, Prue and Frances, are spending the week at Nags Head. Mrs. F;red Morrell ' and her little daughter, Jacqueline Anne, returned to their home at High Point on Sun day after a visit to Mrs. Morrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nach man. Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., Miss Helen Nixon, Hollowell and Frances Nixon are at Nags Head for a week. Miss Katherine Fleetwood, who is attending summer school at E. C. T. T., Greenville, will spend the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hester, who were .recently married, have returned from their wedding trip and are oc cupying rooms in the home of Mrs. R. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Brinkley, of Plymouth, were week-end guests of Mrs. Brinkley's mother, Mrs. Nathan Tucker. Rev. E. T. Jilson, rector" of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, and Mrs. Jilson left Tuesday for Wakefield, R. I. They will spend the next three months at their summer . cottage there. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carruthers, of Charlottesville, Va., spent Tuesday in Hertford, visiting Mrs. P. H Small. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fleetwood and their son, Seth, Jr., of Raleigh, will arrive Sunday to visit Mr. Fleet wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edwards, of Greenville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. C. Edwards. Wm. H. Hardcastle, Jr., will return Sunday from a month's stay at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Winslow and their little daughter, Lois, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weston, at Belvidere. Mrs. J. H. Towe, Jr., and her little son, Joe, will leave Sunday to visit Mrs. Towe'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pritchard, near Elizabeth City. Mrs. J. R. Parker has returned to her home in Norfolk, Va., after. a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. R. Wright, at Belvidere. Alice Weston, of Belvidere, is spending some time in Portsmouth, Va,. visiting relatives. You Buy S3Wi53 PINEYTOODS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goodwin and son,: Raymond i Jr., ! and Miss Jessie Ruth Bunch spent Sunday af ternoon; with Mr. and , Mrs.vE. N. Chappell. , Harry Chappell, who teaches at Newton, spent the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Chap pell. Clarence Chappell, Elihu Chappell, Mrs. W. W. Chappell and H. I. Ward were recent visitors to relatives in Rich Square and Woodland. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ward and fam ily were recent visitors with relatives in'Potecasi. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chappell and children visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chappell Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell and son, Thomas, spent Saturday after noon in Elizabeth City. 1 Mrs. W. P. Chappell and son, Har ry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hendron. Miss Alice Ferrell has returned home after spending sometime with her grandmother, Mrs. Maggie Lowe. CHAPANOKE NEWS The Y. W. A.' of the Woodville Baptist Church will meet Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. O. J. Murphy, of Elizabeth City, will be present and' the young people are urged to attend. Mrs. G. W. Gregory, of Woodville, who has been ill for several days, is much improved now. Mrs. Hobbs, of Parkville, mother of Mrs. Addie Bright, is quite sick. Mrs, Sadie Ludford, of Okisko, is very much better. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Alexander spent Monday morning in Hertford. Mrs. Eula Perry, with a party of friends, is in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Walter Perry and Mrs. John Asbell were in Hertford Sunday af- Mrs. J. A. Meads, of Weeksville, is spending several days with her moth er, Mrs. Mary Bray, of Woodville. Mrs. Ralph Merger, &fr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregory, orices usual week mr (v. 1 X oy pnoiie 11 yuu ucouc . . . wc ivc juu who service and delivery. Just call phone 10. Sour Pickles 3 for , I... Marco Mustards 1;" Quart ... .. ...... .Mayonnaise -i.-,"'f. Pint jar Crax SCO Lb. pkg. Table Salt 3 pkgs. ...... Camay Soap r.'' 3 for ;;.H5C Canova Coffee ' Lb......: ...Lf Ice Cream ,'JJ0sL Powders, 3 f otAj , 1: i f WM A. ROCS PLATED SILVER I.'O.I U.V:A. ACTUAL ir.J3TH"; , fif only 2Sc arJ I Mrs. Roy Branch, of Norfolk, Va., is spending th week with her moth r, Mrs. P. L. Griflto, . v Mr. and Mrs.. E. P. Stallings and daughters, Misses Myrtle; and Doro thy, spent Monday afternoon wtyh friends here. s.i Miss Emma .Deal and Miss Wilma Cope land have returned after a de lightful visit to Mrs. Bessie White, at Weeksville. Quite a number went over to Eli You Talk About Your WASH FROCKS :-'!,;'?ivf;'(,i'' '. . . Just drop in and ' see j; our new line that came in this week. They are real ity snappy O Seersuckers O Blister Crepes O JBatistes i OEyelettes O Laces O Prints All Sizes 14 to 52 Priced Right For Quality Goods 7Qctot$a.Q0 "STORE OF VALUES" Hertford, N. C. Here's vitality vour menus arid saviners for vour nocketbook . . . cran's aualitv in every item that are even lower than - end specials. You can PURE CREAMERY BUTTE 1 Roll Lb...... I, Print Lb. Sue NEW ' FLOUEl PRICES Famo i- 12 lbs: .G3 Obelisk ( 12 lbs.....C7C AA , .. " :::W naiio.1 wpfik-end snecials. You can shoD A - . . - v ; 'sy to. can i m ni cast 3iTfr c sabeth. City to see Shirley Temple in "Our Little GirL" , ,".' ., '-MrsY Bertha -"Whitehead and daugh ter, Miss Allie Whitehead, We re turned after. a"' pleasant visit . with friends In Raleigb. .T ' - Mr- and Mrs. J. S. MeNider, , of Hertford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. White, at Woodville. - Walton Whitehead spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. P. L. Whitehead. for Mor - and the sjf shop V caw lit . I., .ttj. Salmon. HQS Royal mj Gelatins..y : Corn Flakes 2 for Pork & Beans r 3 for....,:.,.... Vesper Tea lb.l:.:;.L 223 Pet Milk 2 cans l.....E.L3 Fluffo 4 lbs.... Prim Bathroom Tissue, 5 for....;Av t . r- ; - tj v..ij,.w'" ,tM' S '' " (J Wtfl :l f ( 4 l

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