f, V MM if -3 11' , WEEKJjy NEWSPAPER DEVOTEtl tO iHffi tJPSun&iNQ OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNT? Volume II. Number 35. . . Hertford, Perqmmaris County, NorthjCarolina, Friday, August 30, 1935. $1.25 Per Year 4 '4 1 Vi Dr.B mnsient xsegro trrom lsed Wonders For Va rious "Amounts LANDS IN JAIL Amusing Stories Relat ed In Court Byv Vic tims of C. A. Jordan Every available seat was taken in V the courthouse on Wednesday after noon when the case against C. A. Jordan,-alias "Dr. Buzzard", was fi nally iTeached'.in . Beeorder's Court, And probably never -bef or did -so many witnesses relate' in succession, auch ludicrous and amusing- stories as was heard from the lips of the prosecuting witnesses "who 'had alleg edly been hoodwinked out of money or goods by the self-styled. Dr. Bui zard", who appears to have Uimed to be able to do many., wonderful works. t " The first ' witness called to the stand was Susie Banks, of New Hope. She testified that the defendant told her that if she would give him geese, i hens and a rooster he could dig money. The bargain was that uzzarct homt 7 he was to dig behind the barn. . Susie gave the poultry "but she didn't, get ny money lack, v She hacl promis ed to give, WJJR BlMsard'' tea per cent of what he got. she laid. He didn't even dig.-.-- ,, ; . Sam Tillett, who' Uvea near Winfail and says he works mighty hard, working out there on the road, gave "Dr. Buzzard" two dollars because he said it would bring him good luck. Then "Dr. Buzzard" came back and asked for more, so Sam gave him $7.75 more, making $9.75 in all, which Sam insisted in court he want ed back. "Dr. Buzzard" promised Sam, so Sam said, that all he wanted with the money was to secure thirty piecies of silver, which he would boil and then he would wash in the water in which the silver was boiled and you would have good "luc&wShressed to know who was going to be wash ed, Sam admitted he really didn't know whether he was to be washed or the Doctor. However, he turned over the money. "Dr. Buzzard" gave him a receipt for It He was pretty handy in giving receipts, gave them right and left, all signed "Dr. "Buz zard". H,e promised to return, Sam's money on Friday night and Sam sat up for hours waiting. The Doctor failed to come back. - ::t;y;xi ' Baeford Gallop, of Winfail, testifi- . ed that he was worried when ."Dr. ! Buzzard" told him that his wife was in a bad fix, somebody had conjured her, and gave him five dollars, the conjure doctor 'promising, to . return the money, , which would e Just its good to spend, as ever after he had boiled the silver,, which.-., he . would change it to, the fifty dimes. t,"I dont want your money-J don't want any man's money" he said the doc tor told him. But he didn't bring the money back. "I sure would like to have my five doUararsaid Baeford, with . f eeling.t; r'' 'ij Ethel Spellman j let : the ' Conjure doctor have her $1.50 which she said - was borrowed "money;" just lent it to him to use'; to boil. But he didn't f bring it back. 5 He didn't bring any body's money back.'. He also " re lieved Ethel of 6 chickens, was going to use the blood of them to put into medicine to cure '' Ethel's V husband. Nothing was. said of what he would do with the chickens after he used (Continued on JPage Three) , - s Judge's Wash Woman Held For High Court ' Judge Walter H." Oakey, Jr., sent ' a case In which the defendant was charged with being drunk and disor " derly to Superior Court Tuesday from Recorder's Court,. f--lowing the statement made I7 C: .zr.ti, the Negro defendant, t 1 , i jrosecut ing witness, lizzie , 1 id said to her "I wash fr Jis C " ,, ai I know he is going to t a ca 1 . side". The jS'iiircnt, 1 s it 1" 2 clc-i of 'a lorj excis.i rewiJ cf iz circumstnc6s leading v.) 'to ft trouble t 'reen the two i'T ty ' Ncro wciici, next doer n" .Is..., cr-sed aa c-J.l-.t ell- " .? ia T cort room, v.l'h was l..Icd wlvh sctaton r' ' M to th evid a e !-stylii 'T 3 r ( a t t lit" 9 . - A to 1 . - 3 I 3 Cf 7 t T 1 1 '7 f- iS.' , t;ffi Convention At Camp . Leach September 1 The Young People's Service League Annual Camp and Convention of the Diocese of East Carolina Will be held at Camp Leach near Washington, N. C. beginning. Sunday September 1, and continuing through Sunday, Sep tember 8. The Convention of the U P. S. L. will be held Friday, Satur day and Sunday, September 6, 7, and 8, according to an announcement made last week by Rev. Stephen Gardner, of Washington, Business Manager. The regular camps held annually at Camp Leach were called off early in the summer because of the infan tile paralysis situation in the State. The first of these camps held each year is the senior camp, with young people from 14 to 24 eligible, the camps for the several younger groups following iq order. It is the senior camp, for young people of from 14 to 24, which will be held next week. i A number of young people from Hertford have attended the various camps each summer. Sept. 10 Deadline For WPA Projects All WPA project will have to be in the Raleigh off ice of the WPA by September 10, according to a tele gram aent out by E. S. Askew, Works Progress Administrator Director of the First District, on Wednesday. In order that projects may be checked in the district office in Eliza beth City in time to reaeh Raleigh, they should be in early as possible, not later than Friday night, Septem ber 0, according to the wire. Rev. H. B. Porter Revival Preacher , Rev. H. B. Porter, Presiding Elder of the Durham District, will be the preacher at th revival services to begin next Sunday at the Hertford Methodist Church. Services will be held each evening at 8 o'clock. The hours of the day Services will be announced later, ac cording to the pastor, Rev. B. P. Robinson, who extends a cordial in vitation to the public to attend the services. ' Morgan Walker Buys Josiah Elliott Store , Morgan Walker, formerly employ ed at Anderson's ' Drug Store, has purchased the store of Josiah Elliott on Market Street, land has already taken over , tae business. t - Mr. Walker will carry patent medi cines, tobaccos and soft drinks.' The lunch room formerly operated in con nection with Josiah's place has been discontinued.;: The new owner is makinsr consid erable repairs and improvements. The bus station formerly operated by Josiah Elliott and located at this place is now located in the One Stop Service Station. ' v: ; , v Mrs. Sutton Gives : Party In Son's Honor iMrsiRl;Sutton delightfully en tertained on Fridav niarht.at a birth day party in honor 'of her son, Dozier, who leaves the first of September to enter Norfolk eBusiness . college, in Norf olk,;;Va.s;:.jtJf i ' i The ' gueste d were1 received at the front door by Miss. MattieGatling White and directed , to' the sun par lor where punch was served by Miss es Mary Wood Koonce and EUie Mae White.' Novel and Interesting gfcmes were played, followed by a tfontest in which Miss Mattit Bert Relf e and Robert HolloweU were - the jmnners. jLter toe guesur were : invitecr into the la!hg room.wlere -a white birth day cJte bearing 19 can!es formed the t:-t;"!e', fcndwera. served ice; cr a t"l C- xe. .. .i---a . " r - - '3 ' r'--es E'di V 1 ." :: K .: . 1, ' : 40 - , r i .T , : t -t .!. Lry .oJ idonce, IO- rii Cr:rry, Tulh HLIoti, Euth Rob- r.x hens, Grace j, ' LZ4 w.a E"i;be'Ji VJorUan, " " '"" riens, Tina Ruth Can i r - , KAtie Gating hns, of Chico, , , w "h, .tf TitTrd, ' ; , if rJ-.ton; Krs. C t n V.'rd, Mouse FORMER CITIZENS LEAVE FOR CHINA TO RESUME WORK Rev. ..and Mrs. White Will Be Missionaries In Orient AT LEAKSVIIXE Return After Seven Years Spent In This Country Rev. P. E. White, Mrs. White and their two children, Geneva Josephine and Louis Norman, will sail from San Francisco on Friday of next week for Chengchow, Hohan, China, to re sume the missionary work in which they were engaged for several years, prior to returning home seven years ago. Both Mr. and Mrs. White are na tives of Perquimans. Mr. White is a son of I. A. White, of Hertford, and Mrs. White is a daughter of the late L. W. Norman and Mrs. Norman, of Hertford. Their little daughter was born while they were living in China. Mr. White, who has been for the past six years pastor of the ' King Memorial Baptist Church, at Leaks ville, served as President of the Min isterial Association of Leaksville, for a number of years. At a recent meeting of this organization the fol lowing resolutions were adopted and were published ia the Leaksville Newsi "Whereas the call has come to the Rev. P. E. White to return to the Mission Field in China after an ab sence of several years, and Whereas the past six of these in tervening years have been spent in a most blessed and profitable minis try in our midst as pastor of the King Memorial Baptist Church, Therefore, be it resolved: 1. That we express our deep appre ciation to Brother White for the abiding work that he has done through the grace of God in building the Kingdom of God in the hearts of his people, and for that kind spirit of ever-ready cooperation in every movement for the uplift and better ment of the community, i. That we render thanks unto God for the kind providence that gave him to us for these years, and rejoice in the privilege that has been ours of having this period of good fellow sip with one whose life so reflects the spirit of Christ; with a man hav ing strong convictions, yet possessing a tender tolerance; a pastor who was a real shephard, and a husband and father whose home life was an inspiration to the multitude who en joyed his hospitality. 8. That we commend him and his family to God in prayer for safe keeping on the long journey and pray that his surrendered life may be used mightly of God in China to bring light and hope to the people there, 4. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Brother . White, that they be published in the Leaksville News' and that "they be spread upon the minutes of the Ministerial Associa tion". THE LEAKSVILLE, SPRAY, DRA PER MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION j. C. AMMONS, W. C. GOODE, . W. H. ALLISON, Resolutions Committee. The White family only recently re cently returned to Leaksville after visiting Mr. and Mrs. White and Mrs, Norman in Hertford. REVIVAL MEETING STARTS SUNDAY Rev. Fred PewelL Philadelphia Evan. gelist, Will Preach t Bethlehem ' . Christian Orarck " - A ' revival meeting will be held at Bethlehem- 'Chri::43n Church, begin ning.Aext Sunday, with the Rev. Fred Powell, Evangelist,; of a Philadelphia, conducting?- thje services. -. lr.f Powell is weft kiiawn ,Jn the community, having. preached t Bethlehem before, and large crowd are expected to heat him. The public is cordiallyAmtod, Services .will be held each evening be;'x-Jngat 8. o'clock."--No services will be 'heM during the day-time.' r T , p -. j -! i 11.11 C.i Lalor Day The r -J-y Tool of Bethlehem QriL i C e :;t to hold their rr 1 j ' ' j c i I - -t Dy, wiich la (i .. ." . ... EE WS WEE EE IK. 9 Htm fFtii.lt. U, S. Warns Soviet On Propaganda Washington, D. C The meetings of the congress of the Communist In ternational (Comintern) came to an end. During its sessions delegates from all countries had reported en couraging progress for the party. American delegates had boasted of leading the San Francisco dock strike of "boring from within." When the sessions were over, the United States lodged a "most emphatic protest" with the Soviet Government through Ambassador William C. Bullitt. It said that the U. S. "anticipates the most serious consequences" if the Soviet Government does not halt act ivities deemed to be a. violation of the pleadge signed in November, 1933 by Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet Foreign Commissar. The pledge stated that his government would restrain or ganizations from "propaganda having as its aim the bringing about by force of a change in the political or social order of the whole or any part of the United States. Optimistic Note New York City Merchants in 43 states look back on sales increases of 9 to 7 per cent this year. To New York's twelfth annual Gift Show they sent 3,200 buyers as against 2,700 last year. Sales ranged from 25 per cent to. 300 per cent over 1934. Last years dollar items gave way to wares featured at $160 and $2.00. Busi ness was good-the best in four years. Speed Demon Changes Tracks Lake Bonneville, Utah In spite of the fact that Utah's State flower is a lily, Sir Malcolm Campbell, Scot tish speed demon, will try in this state to reach his goal of 300 miles an hour over a measured mile. His monster racing automobile the Blue bird, failed to set this mark at Day tona Beach because ripples in the sand forced him either to slow up or smash up. He will take his 12-cylin-der, 2,600 horsepower, Rolls Royce driven racing car out to the ultra smooth salt flats of Lake Bonneville. Here the millionaire thrill chaser will spend $25,000 in trying to whizz 440 feet per second to a new record. Presbyterian Members Decrease Offerings Increase New York City The Christian Her ald's annual survey of American Church membership for 1934 reports 1'223'064 new members "the larg est increase since 1930." The Pres byterian, largest single church in the U. S. A., showed a decrease, how ever, of 27,368 members last year, entirely a dark one. Its 1,959,923 members in 9,025 churches, with 9,901 ministers gave $35,718,531. These offerings increased $421,804 over the previous year and averaged $18.56 a member. European Country Disbands Its Army Monte Carlo, Monaco While Eu ropean countries race for bigger ar maments, one country announces its intention not to reduce its defense, but to disband its entire army! A deficit of $669,000 in the tiny coun try of Monaco whose revenue comes, or used to come, mainly from Monte Carol's famed Casino, caused Prince Louis its white-haired ruler, to cut expenses, fire Monaco's entire mill tary force numbering 76. New Bombers Will Revise Air Tactics Dayton, Ohio The idea of bomb ing planes outstripping pursuit ships seemed fantastic to old school tacti cians, yet the three great, shining new bombers waiting to be tested at the army's mile square testing field at Dayton will Bend the pattern of World War air battles to limbo. Air Corps specifications called for a min imum one-ton bomb-load, a 2,000 mile range, and a speed of 200 m. p. h. Keen rivalry, between Daugles, Mrfrtin, and Boeing with an eye on million-dollar contracts have boosted speeds to 250 or faster, raised ceil ings to 80,000 . feet and set higher levels m climb, maneuverability and ease of control, "r With ' the army's $24,000,000 to spend for new , air craft this year, bombers may well take a quarter of it with prices above '"?Case'Of ;iire:.un.. ,-: W t XeiuVCLio Yorne Gross was dis- mayed to diacow . W barn afire. Thinking . fliiickly, he started the baleisworking and called the neigh bors. Good hay . went to . the baler, burning hay out the door. ' Reaulte baled-25 tons; saved, 1,500 bushels of small grains, 60 more tons of hay, one big barn. . -r. W00DVILL3 PASTOR RESIGNS The many friends of Ret. O. Jack Murphey wiU rerret to know, that he has tend i V rs'rnation as ipas t:r of . - ' "s T - Zat Church. He i ;:s t J l 1 in LocfsvSle, Perquimans Missing At Vet's Convention STATE GRIDDERS START PRACTICE ON SEPTEMBER 3 Fifty-five Candidates Invited to Re port at State College by Coach Hunk Anderson College Station, Raleigh, Football players by the dozen will begin to ar rive here next week for the start of fall grid drills at State College on Tuesday, September 3. Fifty-five men have been invited to report by Coach Hunk Anderson. Mr. Anderson, who has been visit ng friends in South Bend the past two weeks, arrived Sunday and will have everything in shape for the players when they arrive. Anderson will hand equipment to candidates on Monday, September 2 and drills will start early the next morning. Urals will be held both morning and afternoon until registra tion of upperclassmen Wednesday, Septembre 18. Freshman Field will be used as the practice field for the first three weeks. Yearling candidates will oc cupy half of the field after Septem ber 13, the varsity using the other half. After the first three weeks of practice Anderson expects to take the varsity to Riddick Stadium" scene of State's home games, where he will taper the men off for their opening game with Davidson at Greensboro Saturday night, September 28. Riddick Stadium is at present clus tered with material being used in the construction of concrete stands on the west side of the playing field. The field itself, however, is being protected and is being watered and cared for daily for the coming sea son. Captain Barnes Worth, steady right guard, will lead the 1935 candi dates into camp. Worth has been working this summer in a glass fas tory at Toledo, Ohio. Coach Ander son considered him the steadiest guard he saw in action last fall. Worth, A Raleigh boy, is one of the 15 monogram men Anderson has ask ed to report for early drills. A number of candidates are already in Raleigh, several having found em ployment here this summer. Amonp them are Everett "Cow Boy" Robin son and Earl "Montana" Scofield, the cowboy halbacks; Venice Farrar, halfback and fullback whom Ander son will move to the line; Alex Reg don, varsity guard; Dan Piloseno, freshman guard, and Roger Mass and Russell Nicholson, varsity ends. Eddie Berlinski, all-State freshman left halfback last fall, has .been in Raleigh since mid-July. Eddie is busy earning spending, money as phy sical educational instructor in the North Carolina State prison in Ral eigh. Howard Bardes, varsity halfback, also is on deck. He came to Raleigh following the closing of the R. O. T.C. student military camp at Anniston, Alabama in July. Bardes is manag ing a city league baseball team and is umpiring softball games. The men who will aid Anderson as I members of the coaching staff Ed Kosky, Frank Keese, and Koscoe Koy, will arrive next week with the play ers. They are out of the city on va cation. John Broughton In Hensley Orchestra John Broughton, Jr., left Thursday for Old Point Comfort, Va., where he will play first saxophone in the Hens ley Orchestra at the Chamberlin Ho tel. Mr. Broughton will return home be fore he leaves to resume his studies at Wake Forest College, where he will be a junior this year. Roberson Family Now In Hertford ;'J.G Boberson, the new owner of Anderson's Drug Store, which will now be known as Roberson's Drug Store, who was "out of town for a few days this week, is now perma nently located here. ' Mr. . Soberson, who ia a registered druggist, was formerly located "at Parker's Drug Store, in Franklin, Va. The, Roberson family consists of Mr, and- Mrs, Roberson1 , and two daughters. ; Miss ' Spivey 4 Roberson, the elder daughter, - will assist her father in the drug store. The young er' daughter. Miss Alice, will be a sophomore In the Perquimans High School this year. : ToWco growers with an - excess poundage to sell this fall may secure extra aotment -cards from their William Madre Only Re maining Confederate Soldier MINDCLEAR Despite Age of 91, He Recalls Many War Experiences When the oll was called this week at the annual meeting of the Confed erate Veterans, held at Amarillo, Texas, no representatives of Perqui mans, once a hot-bed of the Confed eracy, responded. Time was when there was a long list of these Perquimans Boys in Gray who had followed the Stars and Bars throughout the struggle of the War Between the States. A sur prising number of these men came back when the war was over, though many died in battle or from exposure. So many of those who returned had been mere youngsters, strong and en during. Among these lads was the late William S. Blanchard, who at 16 volunteered in the Confederate Army and served throughout the entire four years. Most of those who returned lived to be old men, many of them bearing the marks of battle. Only a few years ago there were a number of these Perquimans County Veterans who assembled upon occasion in re union meets. Recent years have taken heavy tolls of the once numerous "Southern Boys" throughout the land, however, and today only a trace remains here and there of the soldiers who follow ed Lee and Jackson. Among those of Perquimans who have passed away within the last two decades were Isaac Newton White, laid away not so long ago in his Confederate uniform, beneath the Stars and Bars he loved; Allan Perry, W. T. McMullan, W. S. Blanc hard, Charles Lane, Calvin Mans field, W. A. White and Zack Toms. Of the Perquimans veterans only one is left, William Madre, of Hert ford, whose ninety-first birthday will occur in October. Mr. Mardre, whose mind is remark ably clear, recalls vividly the cir cumstances connected with the War, which began when he was a youth of seventeen. He recalls very clearly the time when ten confederate sol diers were captured by two Union forces and carried to Point Lookout where thy were kept prisoners. Mr. Madre evidenced much interest in an excerpt from "The War of the Re bellion A Compilation of the Offi cial Records of the Union and Con federate Armies", which recently fell into the writer's hand, giving a re port of the Union officer in command of the detachment which captured these Perquimans men. The record dated December 6-10, 1864, reads in part as follows: "Major: I have the honor to re port that the command you were pleased to honor me with for the purpose of arresting a band of Guer rillas was entirely successful. Resuming our march, we went as far as the forks of the road this side of "Newby's Bridge", where I de tached Lieutenant Wilcox with twenty-five men to go within half a mile of Hertford, on this side of the river with instructions to remain there until I communicated with him at Hertford, while I, with the re mainder of the command, crossed the Perquimans River, went direct to Hertford, and communicated with him. Here I remained during the night and made it the headquarters of the detachment. The citizens were very accommodating, readily furnish ing us with forage and rations. Next morning at daybreak I ordered Lieut. Wilcox and 25 men to proceed to Elizabeth City with the prisoners and cattle that we had captured, while I, with 20 men, scoured the country between Hertford and Eden ton, where I captured most of the guerrillas. Returning to Hertford at 8 P.. M. after baiting the horses, I recrossed the river at Hertford and toxk;iip my. line of march. "We reached Portsmouth at noon, having heed gone-four days, captur ing 10 prisoners, 7 horses (used to convey prisoners), 6 cattle and 16 bales of 'cotton.."-;' r 'v- -' 1 ji . . 'The -following are the 'names of the prisoners captured: Captain W. Myers, : Company ' D, . Sixty-sixth North Carolina; Privates Nathan Smith, William : Baker,- Ambrose Elliott, Joseph White Kinchon Ho well, Darius White, Anderson Elliott, of Company D, Sixty-sixth North Carolina; , James. Denby,: Company. P, Sixty-first Virginia Regiment; Spence IX Graythe wtt;Albemarie;iCi' These were .J fcryinf 'yiftit: (Co : t4 r. -t Two) yfe- I. sty trKrtl'S