UP-TO-DATE outfit Pcom a Specialized Crime) '""t 'Deitectloii'Body; J, 'VX 1 1 " Austin, Texas. The Texas' Rangers ,were organized in 1874 to put an end to cattle rustling, marauding Indiana, ,and the general lawlessness of tha frontier Lone Star state., Their hard riding, straight shooting exploits won them prominence In the history of the wild west!': But. in' recent year, with the arrival of automobile and radio; the Ranger declined into a practical ly Useless institution. '' . i ' " At one veteran expressed It: "While crime was traveling at 85 miles u hour we stin were back in the horse And buggy days. Crime used to be lo cal i now it- is state and nationwide. The lone Banger who once could track rdown a cattle thief unaided now may be dealing with a dope ring having connections in all parts of. the country." But now Texashas brought its Rangers np to date again. Reorganiz ation this summer has made the 86 remaining Rangers a division of the new department of public safety. A companion division, the state highway tpatrol of 140, will take over the for mer duties of the Rangers, such as guarding trials and suppressing dis turbances. In effect the Rangers be come the detective division or "Scot land Yard" of the state.-Tom Hick man, famous captain of the headquar ters company, will be chief of the in telligence division of the public safe ty department. For modern detection of crime the Rangers' will have: r college crime lab i oratory;' i a ' ' statewide- collection' of 'finger prints, teletype machines report-, lng all state crime.-Furthermore they will have the co-operation of local of ficerssomething more than they have had In past -times. Most Important, however, is the removal of the organiz ation from political manipulation. A .public safety commission of three non salaried men serving staggered six year terms heads the whole depart ment The present number of Rangers will be on probation for six months before additions by examinations are made. Business Schools Must Teach Bible in Austria Vienna. Austria's future merchants, bankers and industrialists must know their Bible and catechism as well as how to amass dividends. One of the latest decrees of the Schuschnlgg-Starhemberg Clerlcd-Fas-clst government requires that satisfac tory examinations must be passed in religion before graduation from schools of business, which are conducted by the state. The proficiency shown by students in explaining to examining authorities that they understand the significance of religion will be recorded on their diplomas. Extension students must take an additional preliminary exam ination In religion before acceptance by schools. Dangers for Newcomer Abound on Desert Land Djibouti, French Somallland. The Mediterranean offers fresh breezes and gently smoking volcanoes to Its vis itors ; the Red sea, conscious of an un enviable reputation, concentrates on sharks and prickly heat It stints on neither. Of the two, the sharks are prefer able. They swim lazily around the ship at anchor or In motion. They take any bait thrown overboard, then sometimes .quietly bite the line an inch rope In two and make, off with hook and all. The sharks eat .Incautious native swimmers, but they do not come aboard ship. The prickly heat -does. It takes up residence on any part of the body. ' . . ' Methusaleh Horse Still ' Does a Good Day's Work Halifax, N." 8. Harry, dean of Nova Scotia eqnlnes and the "oldest horse in the world," celebrated his thirty ninth birthday recently. So far as Hallgonlans are con cerned that's a world record and will continue to be unless some one pop's up with conclusive evidence to the con trary. Harry observed the occasion by nibbling an extra portion of oats, He Is owned by a firm of spar and oar makers and still knocks off a " day's work now and then Just to show the citizens that the years rest light ly on him. His teeth are every bit as good as those of a youngster of twenty. Sldll of Laborer y " ; . v Relieves Sufferers' vf lilma,; Ohio. Declared to be mechanical marvel of medical - sci ence, homemade machine I that physician claim will save the lives of sufferers, in the advanced stages of diseases of the blood verbis. Is in possession of the staff at Uas, Memorial hoiItal, a 'Mt from the inventor, Raymond Ekelly, forty five years Id, Ll -a factory worker, Made from odds, and ends, the de vice cost only 25 cents to build, ilr. Ekelly said. He caHed it a "pres sure boot," nd; doctors asserted it will prove highly valuable in the treatment of arttrlo scelero's. The isirsic' s" tied out tie d vice a .-.t&ikat whose leg wu pallid from obstructed blood circu lation. In ten minutes the doctors tM C-y rtw t ' "-j T' f ' jc ; I . . i ' V-.-a t hltlih Cut on Trea . by Woodpecker Startle Leonardtown; lid, A white-necked woodpecker able to print letters of the alphabet with its . beak Is being re garded with awe bere-by some cltizena as living proof or the theory' of- rein- 'carnation. Oa the limbs of an ancient 6 foot yew tree growing in the garden of Tudor Hall Mansion, ancestral home of the Key family, built in 1760, this bird has tapped out in spots the In itials "F. H. X" and In another place has made a "W." The tree was planted many years ago to the memory of a youth whose initials were F. H. J. and who was killed during a duel while he was a midshipman at the Naval academy. The bird is the sailor In new guise, skep tical oldtimers in St Marys county have It Caddy Bequest Will Go to Most Deserving Boy St Louis, Mo. An estate for deserv ing caddies has been established by the will of a St Louis golfer, Walter Hyde Saunders, who died recently. Saunders willed $500 to the Belle rive Country club. The Interest Is to be given each year to the caddie who during the year has the best record for efficiency, courtesy and honor. Preference will be given boys sup porting their mothers or earning their way through school. i -tMX r s. WITH CHEVROLET'S NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC Safeguarding you and your family as you have never been safeguarded .- a., u...'..;., They mii9invRmi.inAtniiMinnm.vnn. Ik mot) kmwUM ami tamhrtmhh too1) mm crovfod ,' ' for low-prfcW cor "'' , SZOCH?BQOF i ' j wa ,o ,. p, , vufiynuixi muivA wjw" i . uwawu, MiuutAfl AND UP. List price of New Standard Coupe at Flint, '.- -i , r , x - ' 9TPTtCtolilTc Ani F (pWr nJueti Michigan. With bumpers, spare tire and tire lock, the 7 j( - .. C.C6cijMVmnn list price is S20 additional. KneeAction on Master ' .'."' " ' ' -4 GMji.Chutory.ACtMnaMcunVtlm. Models only, $20 additional Prices Quoted in this ad- -' ...-v.r . ; '. . ' ; 1 : vertisement are list at Flint, Michigan, and subject to ' " o ' , ' Tx .s . . change without notice. : - fJW CHEVROLET r l r s n, r f TK3 PSi:QUGtAN3 WTZSLY, KSirTFOIS), UAHQGAIJY LUGUK.ti REMAINS PRIMITIVE Pursuit for Wood in Jungles I. Still Risky. New York. Adventurous young- men who bemoan the ' fact that exploring and trail, blazing is only a yarn in his tory books might look - to mahogany harvesting in the Jungle .forests of South America - and Africa for their elusive adventure. : v Many of the locations where ma hogany is found have not been touched; by the foot of white man, andfor more, than 300 years the same primitive! methods have been used to locate, fell and market mahogany as existed when; Cortes and Raleigh first came upon this, wood In tropical America. - Gold and diamond mining, fur-trapping and other exploits all have felt' the hand of Industry and the efficiency, of machinery upon their exploits. Not so with mahogany harvesting. No other product sought for In unexplored coun tries has resisted commercialization to the same degree. Work Demands Initiative. Whether In Mexico, Honduras, Nicar agua, South America, or along the gold and Ivory coasts of West Africa, the work of logging still demands Indl- vldual Initiative and hardihood. There is still the difficult penetration of the Jungle and navigation of torrential tropical streams; still the need for adroit negotiation with local conces feSSSKl DEALER ADVERTISEMENT Matur Dt Luxe Sport Sedan Re Safe DLZaL, brakc PrinciPle--are on aU SOLID STESL ene-pUee Chevrolet models for 1936. And, like IMPROVED GLIDING ' TUJESET TOP many other important features of the only complete low- HNE32 - ACTION BIDE i crown of bwirfy, fortnu of oiwy priced car, these new brakes are exclusive to Chevrolet ,h. ,mx,thut, rfuf rid of oil t ; -' in its price range! new to Visit this new STEEarXICrK N. C, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 15, sionaires Ind on 'their pari he neces sity tor shrewd barter with' landown ers, government agents and tribal chiefs. Experienced employment and management of native labor also are essential. All these elements in the exploitation of mahogany, change but little from generation to generation; ' In Africa, the natives still haul the giant loga for miles through the brush,: the prevalence of the tsetse fly making, it impossible to use cattle. Attempts have been made to haul by tractor, but' the tangle of the bush Is so thick and; the terrain so Irregular that repair! costs, thus far have made the expense i prohibitive, according to the Furniture News bureau. One of the main reasons why the color and romance of mahogany log ging still survive wherever it Is under taken and why the adventure Is still primitive and frequently even dan gerous, lies in the fact that the "ma hogany frontier" has steadily receded, ever necessitating a deeper penetra tion Into the bush on the part of the mahogany hunter. Hunters Locate Forests. The contractor usually takes with him on his prospecting trip three or four "hunters" whose assistance is In valuable to him in locating mahogany forests. In Central America the men employed for hunting are Mosquito In dians, Sumas or Spaniards, chosen for their experience and skill In this work. From the point where camp is estab lished to the end of the drive, the har vesters are in constant danger. Their work must be rapid so that all the wood is In the rivers before the dry New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes the highest development of the hydraulic are the smoothest and most efficient j m. .- . . .u motoring. They help to nuke Chevrolet for 1936 th&saest motor car ever built. your nearest Chevrolet dealer. See (levroJM : 1933; season arrives, Such of the time Is spent br working and little for eating and sleeping while the water lasts. Not until after the logs are loaded on s steamer- do the contractor and his men breathe freely. Behind him, then, are all of the danger of attacks by hos tile natives, death by poisonous insects and reptiles and the fever. The ma hogany is. on Its way to the large furniture-making centers and shipbuilding yards, and until another "forest" is sighted the men take their leisure. Child, 23 Months of Age, Is a Walking Dictionary San Francisco. A 450-word vocabu lary at 23 months 1 The claimant to this phenomenal ed ucation, . tiny Jean McGlamery, pro nounced "exceptional" by psycholo gists at Stanford university, can use all of them, too. For 15 minutes recently her father, Alexander McGlamery, who has car ried on most of the child's bringing up, took her from room to room In their home and not once did she fall to name the countless objects to which he pointed. The bland, blue-eyed little progldy also can count up to ten, spell out her first name, tell her address, sing "Yan kee Doodle," recite without error nu merous nursery rhymes, and she is now beginning to write. Authorities on mental testing at Stanford are interested keenly In little Jean's progress. Patronize Herald Advertisers! brakes . MmnmmAu atim man .u IIICII-COMPnESSION VALVE-IN-IIZAD ENGINE gMng tvM tWtor y ffarwoaw wHk vm hm got 4 mil and drive ALL TEZ52 FEATUmES AT 10C CSEVEOLET'S LOU PRICES . . SpJ Vi) FOR 1956 i PAGE TH2E3 "Out of CUs" Is Latest Angle in Hitch HUdns Fargo, N. DG. A. Truer, former adjutant general of North Dakota, ra ports the latest in hitch-hiking tech nlque. He met a young, well dressed man walking and lugging a gasoline can. Fraser offered him a ride. When they reached a town Fraser asked the youth if he was going to get some gas. "No," the young man replied, "I haven't a car." "What's the can for7" asked Fra; ser. "That's the only way to get a ride, nowadays. I've toted this can all th way from Seattle." Flivver Supplants Steer as Test for Saddle Horn Dallas. Not only has the machine age failed to put the saddler out of business, but It has actually brought about an Improvement in his product according to W. T. Moore, who once built a saddle for Cole Younger, the outlaw. "In the old days," Mr. Moore ex plained, "the test of a good saddle was whether the horn was strong enough to hold a wild steer. But we've got to make them stronger now, for the main thing cowboys use their saddle horns for is to pull flivvers out of mud holes." The crop of Danish cabbage grown in Avery County this season has been sold at good prices. RRAKES Before

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