v.- 1 -f , 4 I - r i v; . ...v.': ,,y v .'. Personals Robert Morris, who is a student at Fork Union, is spending a few days wittt flis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C r. Morris. Bill Jessup and Robert Hollowell, both students of Duke University, spent several days in Hertford. Miss Elouise Scott spent the week end in Bocky Point visiting her pa rents. Kuth Nachman, who is a student at W. C. U. N. C, Greensboro, spent a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nachman. Jean White, who attends school at .E. C T. C, Greenville, was home for a lew days visiting; her parents, Mr. mmm. I. A. White, at their home on Church street Joan: and Marjone Glasson of Durham spent several days visiting their sister, Mrs. T. P. Brinn, of Hertford. Jesse Lee Harris, who is a student at Wake Forest College, is spending a iew days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Hams. Country Doctor's 3000 Grown-up 'Babies' Meet In New Screen 'Drama Dixieland Minstrels At High School On Friday After two very successful prefor mances at Elizabeth City The Dixie land Minstrel will be presented Fri day nite at the Perquimans High School at 8 o'clock. At both performances in Elizabeth City people had to be turned down at the door due to the large crowds. This makes the third consecutive year that this minstrel has been given Jn Hertford. The following is a program for the tainatrel. Bill Cor is the interlomutor this year and his end men are Earl Jen nings, Charles Lane, Oscar Comman der and Guy Ambrose. . The opening song "Sing Baby Sing" is sung by the entire company. "The Japanese . Sandman," an old favorite, is given by Peggy Ches&on and a chorus of six. Kathryn Jenkins and Griffin give a good interpretation of "When A Lady Meets a Gentleman Down South." One of the recent song hit3 "Che pel In the Moonlight," is done in great style by Sallie Dixon and an effective choir. . Lovely Julia Fearing gives a popu lar rendition of an old hit, "I'm in the Mood for Love." After this comes the year's top notch swing tune "Organ Grinders Swing" with vocal interpretation by Carolyn Hill, assisted by a number of swingsters Virginia Lee Commander and El wood Weatherly do (their part sing ing "Me and the Moon," after which, Grnhs Liverman does a good job singing "Wedding of Jack and Jill" with a chorus of twenty. From the picture o fthe same name Carolyn Dickens gives her version of "Pennies From Heaven," after which Julia Fearing gives the "Military Man." a very neat number. A this time Mary Simpson and Tommy Miller do a bit of singing and dancing. "Empty Saddles" is given by Shir ley Jones and Sybie Liverman and a number of cowboys. Elisabeth Bay Ives gives a swell rendition of "One Two Button Your Chee," assisted by a chorus. One of this year's tip top songs "De Lovely," is given by Shirley Perry. The old favorite that is still tops "Alice Blue Gown," is given by Jeanne Mundeiv and Jimmy Foreman, assisted 'by a large chorus. Martha Pinner and Jack Stevenson eo ' a bit of vocalizing, singing "Little Gypsy Tea Bpom" a very fine number. Mary Simpson returns- to give her version of one of the best swing tunes "Doing the Suzf-Q." . A very inpre?sive number "Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party," is then presented wi'.'i all the famous Mickey Mouse folks in the act. "Alabama Barbecue" is given by Earl Jennings and the end men. Louise Warren and her chorus oi pirates do "I'm The Captains Kid." And with the singing of "3an Francisco" by the entire cast the curtain falls. Approximately 100 take part in the chorus and give a mighty fine performance. Surprise follows dramatic surprise, romantic secrets are revealed and tangled lives set straight when the Country Doctor's 3,000 grown-up "babies" come back to -share their joys and tears with the' man "who brought them into the world in "Reunion," Twentieth Century-Fox's latest screen triumph, coming Mon day and Tuesday to The State Thea tre. : ; The nicture which stars the world famous Dfonne Quins and features Jean v Hersholt, , BocheUe Hudson, Helen' Vinson, Slim' SuimnerVille, Robert Kent, John Qualen. Dorothy Peterson and .many other players, boaste the year's most important cast in the season's most unusual drama. The Quin's Dr. Luke, played by Jean Hersholt, on , the verge of re tirement from the burdens he has carried for a generation, decides to call back from all over the globe the three thousand men and women whom he has assisted into the world. From all over the country and from many foreign lands they come, the rich and the1 poor, the high-ptacea and the lowly, to take part in the reunion. Also joining the party is attrac tlve vounor Dr. Tony Luke, the doc tort nephew, whom he has called back to the little Canadian town from his post in Toronto to carry ... . . -r-v T 1 t J.a.:- ATi witn nis tir. uiwa uwwot. Tony, though deeply in love with Mary, Dr. Luke's nurse is followed by the wife of his superior in tne Toronto hospital, who refuses to re lease him to a younger and fresher love. In a climatic scene that combines all the elements of potent drama with pathos and uproarious humor, Dr. Luke, Tony, Mary, Mrs. Shen dan, and the Doctor's 8,000 grown-up "babies" including the governor of o aiMte. a fadinar stage star, a crook inat out of iail. and many other un forgettable characters convene for the reunion. Also present at the rtiBrinir. for added chuckles and heart tugs, are the celebrated Quih tuplets. You'll grin and gulp by turns as the old doctor, under cover ox pompous speech by a government diirnitarv. straightens out the prob lems of Tony, Mrs. Sheridan and the jealousy-torn Mary, of the governor and his unacknowledged little waif of a son, of the actresti and her girl hood flame. TalEDOD3r0nni3 1 27 P. C. H. S. Students Named On Honor Roll To get his or her name on the grand honor roll in Perquimans Coun ty High School, a student has to average 90 or above on each of his or her subjects. At the end of the first term those whose names are on the honor roll are: ll-A-t-James Boyce, Helen Cof- field, Myrtle Lee Nixon, Catherine White. 11-B Minnie Lee Winslow. 10-A Mae Ed la Aabell, Blanche Chappell, Zack White, Julia Brougn- ton, Polly Tucker, Celta Blanche Dail, Mary Thad Chappell, Blanche Moore Berry. 10-B Mary Louise Chappell, Eliza beth Elliott, Annie Mae Matthews. 8- A Florence Darden, Nancy Cooke Darden, Ben Koonce, Nona Marie Raper. 9-B Madge Lane. 8-A Martha Barber, Melba Dail, Addie Mae Ferrell, George Fields, Frances Newby, Geneva White. Those on the attendance honor roll 11-A Helen Cof field, Doris Lewis, Margaret Standin, Sara Ward, Elton Winslow. 11-B Thelma Dail, Florence Hur dle, Alverta Hollowell, Hazel Mat thews, Esther Perry, Margaret True blood, Alcesta Whitehead, Joyce Win- slow, Maude Winslow, Sallie B. Wood, LEGALS HOPEWELL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Beverly and son, Phillip, and Mr. and Mr. Alp heus Parker and daughter, Ellen, of Ahoskie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Creecy, : Mrs. Louis Chappell and daughter,' Miss Elizabeth, of Elisabeth City, .were guests of Mrs. H. D. Elliott Saturday. J. M. Fleetwood and M. T. Griffin made a business trip to Sraithfield and Norfolk last week. " Mrs. Jonnie Ward of Edenton and Mrs. Frank White of Paradise Road were, callers at the home of Mr. and' Mrs.' A. F. Proctor last Monday. i- iu- ,. 'Visiting in Connecticut , 'jjtfiss Mattie GatUng White, who . has been visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Willard GatUng, in Alexandria, , VsL,' accompanied by Mr., and Mrs. , GatUng, will leave this week for New , lUven, Conn., to visit other relatives. " -y w." 1 !a atop over in New North Carolina; In the Perquimans County. Superior Court ' iierore the Clerk G. D. Towe, Administrator of W, Harry Sampson, deceased Oauda Sampson and wife, Golds- boro Samvsbn. et als. Defendants. The defendants, Claud Sampson A wifa,s, Goldstar. Sampson,, fihelton Sampson A wif rCfctherine Samp son, Willie Sampson A wife, Roeetta Sampson, Delia Sampson Armstrong nuaoano, joe 4. Armstrong, ana Jainet,H. Sampson, A wife, lxuiaa Sampson, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above, hat been com meneed , in the Superior Covrt of Perquimans County to sell lands of tha;laU W.' Harry Saaipson to pay the debts, the charges of administra tion and for a division of the prop erty, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office i the Clerk of Superior Court of : Perqui mans County, Hertford, N. C, on the 8th day of March,; 1937, and answer or demur to the petition filed in this cause or the plaintiff will apply to the Court -for the relief demanded in the itmoiu:.:;?i:" , This 8rd day of February, 19S1 W. H. PITT, ' f m;':m0r deft Superior Court Feb.5,12,19,2j ! 7 , MX New Prc;:ct Leaders J home dairy, .Mr, , m.. miA . ... . . -TT?T"- tln' MinUm - Min wnramon noma demonstration SIr.ii. 11 ' club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mk Johnnie .White, with the president, Mrs. Eunice Winslow, presiding. " Miss Johnnie White gave we aevouonai. , Plans for the new year were dis cussed and the following, project leaden were appointed: Foods and nutrition, Miss Johnnie White; food conservation, Airs. Dempsey Winslow; clothing, Miss Lena, Winslow and Mrs; L.. L. Lane; house furnishing, Mrs. Lucious Winslow; home man agement, Mrs. L. C ' Winslow : home beautificatkm,' Mrs,.t John-T.Lafle: home gardens, Mrs. 'Dewitt Winslow. home poultry, Mrs. Ror 'Winslow: Mias3 La s Onella Winslow; newe reporter, L. JKuoy Winslow. After' moat 'enjoyable contet during the social -hour," the hostecs served candies. 1 . ' Mr. and Mrs. Worth 'Winslow of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Eugene (Win slow in Whiteston., ' - 666 check . COLDS - and" FEVER FIRST DAY 2 LbluU, Tauttt , . FIRST DAY 2 i Bat. Vom Drop Headaches, 30 ml-' ir "b-Mr-Ttni"WtMt But Ualmw ' Fran and Sam! Ruth Chatterton and Walter Huston as Mr. and Mrs. Dodsworth in Samuel Goldwyn's film production of Sin clair Lewis' "Dodsworth," which coinjes to the State Theatre, Hert ford, Friday only, February 5th. This picture is being acclaimed as one of the season's 10 best pictures. Fred Turner, George Miller White. 10-A Mae Edla Aabell, Blanche Chappell, Mary Thad Chappell, Mo eHe Smith, Annie Lee Stafford, Charles Harrell. 10-B Mary Louise Chappell, Eliza beth Elliott, Sybil tLeyden, George Baker, Wm. Field, McMullin White, Rollo White, Anna Bell Hollowell, Mary Louise Parker, Lucy Spivey, Iris Winslow. 9-A Dorothy Strange. 9-B Hazel Boyce, Hazel Dail, Aud rey Lane, Madge Lane, Unice Long, Meyers Turner, Manard Fleetwood, Ernest Morgan, Erwin Perry, Les lie Winslow. 9-C Cleveland Buck, Thomas Hollowell, Ralph Layden . 8-A Martha Barber, Shirley El liott, Addie Mae Ferrell, Mattie Reed, Alice Weston, Madrid White, Ruth Winslow, Lloyd Chappell, George Fields, Harrell . Johnson, Dewey Perry, D. J. White. 8-B Ruby Smith, Saddie Standin, James Thomas Lamb, Lloyd Roger- son, Marshall Sawyer, Charlie Wil son. 8-C Guy Webb, Leslie Perry. RYLAND WINFALL NEWS Miss Neola Jordan- of Gatesville spent a few days lalt week with her aunt, Mrs. Roye Parks of Ryland, Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Winslow of Belvidere visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Byrum Friday. H. L Ward and his mother, Mrs. Peninah Ward. Mrs. Walter Byrum and children, John Butler and Regina spent the week-end with relatives in Goldsboro. Miss Juanita Lane spent Friday night and Saturday morning with ThoRftuine Ward. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Copeland and sons, John Ervin and James, and Mrs. Roye Parks attended the. Union Meeting at Meadow Grove Sunday. Mrs. Marv ChaDnelL of near Bel videre, spent Friday with her daugh ter, Mrs. H. I. Ward.''' - T. L. Ward was in Edenton Friday on business. V:4;Y:'wV', Roye - Parks spent Thareday in Richmond, Va., oa bustaeait ,k Tom Parks and children and Mis Simpson of Rocky Hock, llrs Vic toria Ward and children visited Mrs. Harriet Parks Sunday; afternoon, i Those - visiting Mrs. Louisa-. Ward Sunday were; Mm Callie Copeland Mrs. M. M. Dillaman of Ports mouth, Va., is visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bagley. Miss Addie Ruth Morgan spent Friday night with Mrs. W. W. True- blood of Hertford. Misses Jessie And Polly Baker spent Wednesday in Norfolk, Va., visiting friends. Mrs. Nona Nowell, who has beer. very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Layne, is much improv ed. Miss Bessie J. Ward is visiting, her sister, Miss Gladys Ward. Little Nona Lou Layne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Layne, is ill with the whooping cough. Kenneth Ray, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber, who has been ill for quite a while with pneumonia and whooping cough, as able to be up again. Mrs. Fred Winslow. motored to Norfolk Wednesday shopping. Bronco Owens of Roanoke Rapids was the Sunday guest of Miss Helen Morgan. Miss Gladys Ward and Miss Minnie Shirley Umphlett, spent Saturday afternoon in Elizabeth. City. Mies Dot. Trueblood spent-; the week-end in Elizabeth City with her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Hurdle. Mrs. Dempsey White of Chapa noke is Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Pike. Misses Jessie and Iillie Byrum of Rocky Hock were week-end guests of their suiter, Mrs. Bill Bagley. s: Misses Jessie and Polly Baker and Mis Helen Morgan spent Thursday in Raleigh with Miss Morgan's sister, Mrs. E. A. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Earl Jackson spent last week in Elisabeth .City with her mother- in-law, Mrs. Jackson. - ; Mrs. Haywood Praetor and daugh ter, Ann, are spending ems time with her mother in Edenton. , woodrew White et Edenton was a Bandar meet of Mlaa Poll Baker. mm Dona Whit and Mia Audrey! I Umphlett were dinner guests of Mrs. Walter Parker of Elisabeth City Monday..-.'"' '. 1i Buy GOOD EQUIPMENT Here At FACTORY PRICES TsmslsOn Gill tlcKing Wall i?fcheimamll6pe": Galvanized Net Rikp Dladi lledj Anchcra Gotten &2incTx7in Call Cand Coots ' Coat Equipment Oiled Ootiiing Uutljcr Gloves Byruni Brose HardwaiSil! tLverytmng in Hardware and Sappiie& Edenton, N.C. t . M.M s M,,M.Mtir me '0: TUESDAY IN HERTFORD Rev. T. C Keaton,' of Winston- Salem, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.- L.? A: Whit. The Rev." Mr. Keaton was enroute to Bethel to vis- and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Nerus it his brother. Robert Keaton. who wpeiand and children. - has been ill for some time. MACHINELESS WAVE .... We have just received I .. i . '.' T equipment ior giving Machineless Wave Superwave ; C0.C3 I Eminently; Satisfactory; " Popular ..Wherever Given ; , All Work Guaranteed ralentine Special ? I From' now iuntil February .14, we will iive ; : Machine Permanents at the following re-; ; : ducedipric: lA I $7.50 Pcnnr::2 ... . C500 !: : p5.00 I?crr::3 . .... . 03.50 !: TflVi0Q in TTDE&T.DE EDENTON, N. C. PROGRAM COMING WEEK . Today (Thursday) Feb. SCHOOL CHILDREN lfe . ISc . . MATINEE ONLY i . ariJt rara I'Mimis Camedy Fridsy, FehrS : . Frank McHugh Joan Blondell Guy Eibbee Carol Hughes Allen Jenkins in Art r- Saturdsy, Feb. Quality Herchzzdh ry . Right Prices t '. L MeadayF - ; " i ' Sttart Erwin I ;. j'- Patsy.EcHy K$ Wuwl Jowb ACL-e iizn - Jack Haley Betty Cr : , The Yacht Gob r ;7 U r;'i" " Tuesday, Feb. tf- -7-.:-' AJ turn ! Twcby SlaiM" urlt CN t lr v.)J II - J ! itj CLL..!AFA,..J., CMH.TU i Act Cartoon Wednesday, Feb. 1J h Act Thursday . r.Uay, Fc 11-12 rrcn powr "JOAN BLOK- TuesJ7, I ri..y 9 Llatinee and Night . ONOUUSTA .3 hit: . Vp"'1'- , V folta.... S ' v 1 :

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