ICLYi A WEEKL" HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTYi Volume IV-Number 11. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, March 12, 1937. $1.25 Per Year X NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF cary iud uoserves Ladies' Night Tuescfexy Er.a!l"AttendanceaFails t SDinrpcn Festive . nnnoff . itttvwt ; 7 V All -Appeared to Enjoy A Special Fun Making - Program w 1 ladies Nirit at the Hertford Ro t&rf Cldb was obaerved on Tuesday nlUt and, while for one reason and 4 ; another, there was: not a full atten dance of either Rotarians or Rotary i Annes, those present were in a very .iffay and festive mood and it might - be said the affair "was enjoyed by $ Presideat Carlton ' A. Davenport, 1 'Ipresidlng-, called on F. tT. Johnson to " ,JL Denhobn," of State Sanatorium, '' whoJsreonchiotinirthe-. tufcercuJoBis i clinks in 4he eounty, and who upon outline of the woric he is doing and offered sugges- jtlons as to furthering the plans in the county for the prevention of this Oiseaae. The program was then turned over to Mrs. C. P. Morris and the fun be '.gan. .Mrt. C. A. Davenport, called aolk for a toast to husbands, re .Speaded with a most amusing one, jrfter which Silas Whedbee read a little girl's essay on husband's which "couldn't by any stretch of the ima- j.inaitlon be said to be complimentary , to husbands, and probably not to I wives, for - that matter, thoiwrh it i-ended with "And when I grow up J )want a husband." W, Andemon lead the eroum in the singing of many spirited 8oiigSr with " Mrs. S. M. Riddicfc at the piano. Mrs. W. E. "White 'conducted li quia, and among Ihc questions'asked 1 - "was "Do married men Hve "longer J 'v ;Ahan bachelors?" The answer being ' 'ye "According to statistics, there SP L " peared a, rather smug expression 'on " - was. every indication that each wom -n" present was reflecting on the fact ' that it was due to her excellent -care - that her husband was alive. v' :ii Mrs; -Silas 'Whedbee .was the win- ''er of the lucky, number prize for y y- .ladies and Dn Cv X. Davenport drew . "the prize for the men. ' Those present v. included Dr. and V :Mrs. C' A. Davenport, Mr. ,and ' Mrs. C. P; Mdrris.'Mrs. W. E. White, . , Mr. and., iMra. . F. T. Johnson, Dr. vi ifi i,-wempaey, mr; ana sirs. Ci4 . ; ".Pierce, l?r.,and Mrs,.?ohn Zachery; rV tir. and Mrs. Silas Whedbee, Mr. ; 'and Mrs. Walter H Oakey, Jr.,' Mr. , and Mrs. R. N. Hines, and A. W Baptist Activities r; Greatly Increase I Evidence of growth and progress on the part of the Hertford Baptist Church, is indicated bv some- inter esting information ffm the pastor, lev, D. 8. Dempsey, weeki ' . v. : The number of4iultVns to the nembersbip. at this 'church during the two years equals twenty per cent ox the membership two years ago, according to Mr, Dempsey. This church now has a membership of ap proximately 840. - '' ' i;- v And it isn't only membership which has increased according to the pas tor. The contributors have increased about 57 per cent, and the congrega tions are much larger than they were sometime -ago; ', The ? fact : that the ber of members who engage in e activity of the church has in creased to a great extent is very gia " yir3f to Kr, Dempsey. lr, D:iier Painfully . ... .: -t-v. ym&' mgnerls' resurfacing " Hertford .j tarvia, was V painfully V,'; . :?y afternoon when 1 :e and hands were sprayed with tsr .from the mixing iwJii'e. . 3 accident occurre J . n Kirg and according to l&U I r.pois turns ' were very pu, ul, but -'-My "were not serious. BANKERS K: ek, Jr.,' Cashier of t"..o '"j Company, ecr.t s t Winston-Salem, at "cn cf the Ameri- ; T'f'"ltJ;i"'3. at . cf the Wac T.w I Company, of Tax,I4sters.Niamed , By Commissioners At Special Meeting Tax listers for each of the five townships of the eounty were named at a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners called for the purpose, on Monday of thla week. Unless there is a revaluation of property it is not necessary that tax listers be freeholders, but to avoid double trouble only free holders were appointed at this time, so that, in the event it becomes necessary, S3 a result of legislation passed at this session of the General Assembly, to revalue the property of the county, it will only be necessary- to add two names to each of those named this week and to appoint a supervisor. If it turns out that there is no re valuation in Perquimans this year, only one lister, is necessary for. each township and Jf W. Ward? 'Register of Deeds, automatically assumes the duties of the "supervisor. 1 The appointees are as follows: Hertford Township, Archie T. lane; Bethel Township, J. a Hobbs: Bel videre Township, E. L. Chappell; Parkville Township, N. R. Elliott; New Hope Township, L. R. Webb, Miss Evans Gives Lecture On Care Of Home And Sick Some very practical suggestions were given by Miss Frances Evans, Perquimans County Health Nurse, to the women who attended the classes in home hygiene and caring for the sick last week. These classes, which were sponsor ed by the Parent Teacher Association ibid attended by a number of inter ested parents' were held on Wednea- ay and Friday afternoons. k Miss Jnanav gave interesting talks on how1 to keep well "from day to day, offering many useful sugges tions on how to keep our homes in such .condition that we will have good health, and she gave demonstrations on, how to make, beds for the sick, and spoke of other things to be done in the care of the sicb , , "The time was well spent," remark ed. One woman who came away, with the feeling . that she had learned something which would help her in tho management and care of her home, "and all . who attended re ceived ; much interesting and helpful liuuniuHwii. i For Mra Simpson Funeral services for Mrs. Sophia Simpson, who died on Tuesday, March 2, at her home at' New Hope, were' held on Thursday afteTnoon-.et the Jfev. Hctt, which she . was a- faithful member. Wlththe Rev. W. G. Lowe, pastor, officiating, and burial took place in the family plot. Mrs. . Simpson, who was 61 years of age, was a native of Perquimans and has spent her entire life in the county. She was a woman of fine Christian character, honored by all who knew her and loved by a host of friends.' Death followed a brief ill nese of pneumonia and complications. Surviving are the following child rem Mrs. Elmer G. Banks, Mrs. G. Im Turner, and Shelton . Simpson, of New Hope; H. E Saunders, of Phil adelphia, Walter Saunders of Route 2, Hertford, f 'm- Baptist S. S. Class -S v Meets At Cmurch The ; Judson Memorial Sunday scbool class of the llertford .Baptist Church, met Tuesday night at the church with Mrs. Charles Johnson as hostess. Mrs. Kermit Lane bad charge of the program, 'with several taking part, , 'JTie devotional was W by Mrs. JAnson, ; the j subject' being "Priyer;. &&m&;Bi&-& Members attending - included Mrs. Charles Johnson, the teacher, Mes dames Tommy Miller, James Cope land, Thomas Tilley, . Kermit Lane, 5itoeld'Miaeft ESen'';CnP roll.1 Mattie Lou Lanet . Lizzie Lee Hoffler, Edia "tayden, ' Katherine uaimpen, ana vora wnjie. 'After a "shirt' es 'seasloii 'the hostess, assisted by . Mrs. Tommy 'e,v served a sweet course. Anrfl meetlnir vwill be held tliss Ellen ii Chappell ; at her . 11 MM A ILL; c 'y is critically CI at FOR NEXT TERT.1C0 SUPERIOR Judge KJlawson Wil liams Scheduled to Preside MURDER CASE Only Four Hertford Residents Picked For Jury Duty Only four of the Jurors drawn to serve at the April Term of Perqui mans Superior Court live, in the Town of Hertford, and few more in Heitir ford Township. Those living in the town are H. T. Broughton, Jesse Campen, Jr., li. R. Winslow and Joe E. HUl.. Oddly enough, both Mr. Window and Mr. Hill are employees of the same firm, the HoUowell Chevrolet Company. New. Hope and ParTtvine" Township lead hf the num-.1 ber of jurors, with nine living-in each. Most of the jurors" drawn are farmers. The list as drawn is as follows: L. H. Hudle, C. W. Haskett, J. F. Jones, Clement Griffin, D. C. Umiphlett, Eddie Miller, Ray W. Smith, Mercer Thomas, J. N. Stallings, W. . Staf ford, Robert Winslow, H. T. Brough ton, E. U. Morgan, H. D. Elliott, Archie T. Lane, D. R, Trueblood, John A. Riddick, George C. Eure, George W. Nowell, Charlie C. White, H. R. Miller, L. W. Anderson, Irvin Trueblood, H. R. Winslow, Ed Cope- land, Joe Copeland, W. H. Barber, J, T. Lamb, J. R. Layden, EVwood Q, White, Joe E. Hill, J. A. Gregory, Arthur Elliott, J. Ii. Elliott, Jesse Cainpen, Jr., J. C. Hendricks. L. W. Anderson, County Agent, and El-wood Q. White, manager of the Winslow-WhRe Motor Co., Ford dealers, both have offices in Hert ford, but .they, reside- in Belvidere iownsnip. The April Term .of Perquimans Court, which convenes on the 12th with Judge,- Claweon Williams sche duled to. preside,, is for the trial of both criminal and civil actions, and there is a murder case to go before the grand jury. - James White; alias James Felton, Perquimans County Negro, Will be charged wWi the axe slaying of Hattie Simpson on the night or -January 24. - Irish Music Program At School March 19 ..The Piano and Rhythm ' pupils of Mrs. R.. M. Riddick .will present a program featuring. Irish music at .the Hertford Grammar School on Fri day, March lh, at 8 P. M. Over 70 children will take part in this program, which includes songs, readings and piano solos and Rhythm band numbers. . Ihoee'tjJcing part will be: " -Samtnie Sutton, Pat Morris, Dan Williams, Frances Elliott, Howard Pftt, Mary Annette Cannon, Cathe rine Anne Holmes, Carroll Berry, Thomas Edward Umphlett, Clarence Thomas Madre, Betty Jean Winslow, Reginald Tpeker, Howard Broughton, Manning Berry Harrell, Betty Lou Sutton, Penelope Whedbee, Jack Babb, Mary Julia Harrell, Nancy Zachary, Mary Leland Winslow, Thomas Perry, Walter Marvin Wil liams, Marine Landing, Alice Lee Babb, Bobby Jordan, Cecil Edward Winslow, Reginald Jones, Hazel Godfrey, Edward Mayes, Richard Lee, Colon Butler, Betty Anne Wins low, Doris : Bynun, Raymond Roger- son, Cornelia Cannon, Charley Ford Reed, Durward Jones, Christine Matthews, . Ida . Lee White, Anne Mtftthews, Sarah Rogerson, Helen Babb, Mary Ruth Wood, Jayne Grif fin, Vivian Spivey. Moody Matthews; Jewel White, Eva Rae Winslow, Bar bara Winslow, Minnie Wilma Wood, Marian- White, - Jeanne Newbold, Julia Miller .Chappell, Minnie Louisa Nixon, Pauline .White, ' Wilma God- trey, ' Florence Winslow Mildred White, Dalton Strange, Ben Koonce, Nita Newbold, Doris Lane, Marjorie White,, Marf Louisa Chappell, ; Mary Feild, Anna Belle HolloweH, Olive Layden pallia B.S Wood, Hazel Maftthews, Hattie Pearl Nowell, Mary Smith, Fannie. Lee Turner, Dorothy Faye: White, Louise Banks.- Vinde Morse, Virginia Turner, Helen Truei ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED f Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elliott, 1 of Chapanokeannounce ; the 1 engage ment and approaching ; marriage of tlieir ' daughter, Mise , Lessie Irene F"; to Mr.t r rf t?i lata Vi.'iH'. Mrs. w&: j :.! :- t'a.e place. on Easter COURT ( m EQUIPMENT ;0.(EtllS ANNEX )F DIVERS BLDG. Needs Ade- qua Quarters to Do Business . PEACES SCARCE Few buildings Remain Unoccupied Long In ; Hertford That no store, office or shop on the ground floor in Hertford, and few on any othr floor, for that matter, is ever unoccupied for any length of time, hat often been commented upon. It is aVyJays difficult to rent a dwel ling house or apartments, in Hert ford. There are never enough to go around and some one is always want ing a place. . 'Dta . Annex at thcWvprs Mntnr lmpany . Building, which has been ant.sor some little time, has been selected.as the place to provide ade quate quarters for the Farm Equip ment Company and this company has leased the place both the upper and lower floors and are occupying the new stand. The Farm Equipment Company, distributors of the Oliver Tractor and other Oliver products, which firm deals in all kinds of farm equipment, is owned by two local men, L. N. HoUowell and Trim W. Wilson, with branches In Elizabeth City and Hert ford. The Elizabeth City branch is managed by C. H. Neece, while A. L. Skinner is manager of the Hertford store. Associated with Mr. Skinner are W. T. Elliott and Wallace Bar row. Accident Victims In E. City Hospital iwo serious accidents occurred in the community this week, one in the county, near Burgess, and one over In Chowan County, at Cannon's . ... . j r 1 Ferry. Bi each case the victim was brought first to the office of Dr. I. A Ward fn Hertford, and was later sent to the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City. ' Charlie Elliott, Jr., of Burgess, Was accidentally shot in the ankle 'on Mqnday. afternoon, According to reports, reaching Hertford, the young man grabbed his gun hurriedly to shoot a rabbit when it accidentally discharged, the load striking his ankle, inflicting a severe wound. Dr. Ward stated on Tuesday, that while the wound was serious, he believed that the foot would not have to be amputated. . A little child was the victim of the second and most, serious . accident. The year and a half old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Cannon's Ferry, climbed into a chair in its mother's absence from the room on Monday morning and reached a pair of scis sors on a table which the mother believed had been placed out of reach of the little one, and the point was jabbed into the baby's eye, putting out the sight. Prepare To Open New Cafe In Hertford Preparations are being made for opening the Royal Cafe in the place formerly occupied by Dr. C. A. Dav enport, on Market street. J. S. .Assad the owner, moved his family to Hert ford this week. They are living on Pennsylvania Ave. Mr. Assad, who is moving from Jacksonville, also operates a cafe in Plymouth. Presiding Elder At New Hope Church On Saturday, March 13 The Quarterly Conference of the Perquimans Charge will be held at New Hope church Saturday, March 18th. The presiding elder, B. B. Slaughter will preach at 11:00 A.M. Dinner at 2:00 A. M. The business session will be held immediately arter dinner. -fT", Vv '" ... ; W. C.Lowe. the nastor. extends a cordial; welcome; .to the general pic,,attend" ;. ..,'! "i Winslow Company . -r Tn five RiiilHrn tr P''wi . the Winslow - Radio anl. Electric Company.' owned by Louis Winslow, ; who was formerly connected with the an's Missionary Union held tn Char Hertford liardare and Supply Com- totte this week ' were j Mrs. D. 6. pany, to now located on the second Dempsey,- Mrs. B. T. Wood, Mrs. C. floor of the ., Dr. Qox BttlMin&V en O. Fowler, Mrs. T. W. Perry and Church SteeVt;;;;ff.Mli ;.:;''--.?,v;';.; Anderson On Death Strikes Twice Within Week In Home Colored Man Death struck twice in the home of Charles Holly, colored, within a week, the second victim 'being in apparent good health at the time the first death occurred. Charles Holly, who was well ad-' vanced in years, died at his home on Punch Alley in Hertford on Tuesday of last week. Death followed a long and tedious illness resulting from a stroke of paralysis. The funeral took place on Thursday. Just as his wife, Georgia, was in the act of putting on her hat to follow her husband to his grave, she was stricken with an attach of paralysis and never spoke again, death occurring on Saturday. Funeral services for Georgia Hol ly were conducted on Tuesday of this week. Charles Holly had been an em ployee of the town of Hertford for many years. The couple were held in high esteem. Only Three Cases In County Court Despite Holiday Although no session of Perqui mans Recorder's Court had been held for the past two Tuesdays, the docket was so small this week that court was over within a short time after its setting, only three cases coming before Recorder Oakey. Madison Boone, colored, was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly and was sentenced to the road for thirty days, the sentence to be sus pendcd upon good behavior for one year and upon the condition that the defendant not get drunk for one year, and that ne pay tne court costs. Elsie Honors Simons, colored, was charged with driving a car with in sufficient brakes and was fined. $5.00, Julian Elisha Dail was charged with . driving a car with insufficient brakes, the case being dismissed up on payment of the court costs. Weldon Preacher At Methodist Church According to Rev, D. M. Sharpe, pastor of 'the Hertford Methodist Church, Rev. J. O.. Long of Weldon will conduct pre - Easter services which begin next .Sunday. Mr. Long will come to Hertford Wednesday and remain - until Easter. There will be a: service each even ing at 7:30, with other activities to be announced later. A cordial invitation is extended everyone to join in these services for the purpose of readjusting spiritual life and power. Congregational singing will be magnified and Mr. Sharpe says that anyone who wants to hear some good clear-cut Gospel messages without any clap-trap methods should ar range to attend these services. Referring to the meeting, Rev W. G. Lowe, pastor of the Perquimans Charge, has the following to say: "I am delighted to know that Brother J. O. Long, our pastor at Weldon, is to be with Brother Sharpe in his revival at Hertford beginning next week, and running through Easter. The people of the county and the towns will have a real treat in the sermons, and fellowship with Brother Long. I trust that my peo ple as well as others will hear Broth er Long. Every sermon will give us something to make us go home wish ing to be better Christians." Methodists Plan -Clear Church Debt The Methodist church is in a cam paign to raise enough money by April 1st to clear the church of all debt. They are asking for pledges with the agreement that if the money is not all raised, the pledges will not be collected- Those who give money of checks -will have their money re turned in case, the, ; debt is not all paid. 1 : ' ' ' "From present pledges, ,tt looks, as though we are going to succeed ' in raising the'tlebt," : said ftev, D;. M- ' 1.1.1 -L' 1. ' - ' - V- - iMiarpe, me ptuwr. , tl r ;,: ;ATTENDED . CONVENTION "Amonsf.;th'.;represektatJyes of .the Hertford .Baptist Church-wno attend ed the State Convention of the Wom- Farm Comments Uomnl lance Stresses Importance of Signing Year's Work Sheet NOT BINDING Says Farmers Should Cooperate With Neighbors Farmers who signed Work Sheets in 1936 will not be required to sign again in 1937, according to L. W. Anderson, county agent, provided they still operate the same farm and there has been no change in the ac reage of the farm. Farmers who operate farms in 1937 which were not covered by Work Sheets in 1936, must make Work Sheets and comply with the requirements of the 1937 program in order to collect payments for cooperation. Any farmer who failed to make up a Work Sheet in 1936 covering the land he will ope rate in 1937, who wants to cooperate and receive payments in 1937 should call at the County Agent's Office in Hertford and make up a Work Sheet at once. It only requires a few minutes time and the office workers will be glad to make up the Work Sheet for you if you will supply the necessary information. The 1937 program is more liberal than the 1936 program in many rei spects and every fanner in Perqui mans County should cooperate with his neighbor in this program of soil building and price maintenance. Checks for compliance in 1936 have not yet been received but are expect ed at an early date. Producers vill be notified as soon as the checks ar rive. Work Sheets for 1937 program should be made out at once so that the basic figures raipht ba srr-ovd and given to each farmer before planting time. If your farm 13 not covered by a Work Sheet, you can not make application for any benefit payments. Many Perquimans fann ers, were eligible for payment in 1936 but failed to make up Work Sheets and applications and hence will re ceive no payments. It c.osts( nothfng to make up a Work Sheet, it is not binding in any way and you are not obligated to comply with any requirement for payment unless you want to. You do not sign a contract. You don't even have to sign the Work Sheet if you don't want to. You do have to sign the application for payment if you com ply with the program. If your land is not covered by a Work Sheet make up, one at once even if you fail to comply with the program. You might fail to get a stand of crops this spring and in this case you would be eligible to collect your payments. This iB cheap insurance. 35 Attend Canning School Wednesday Among the Perquimans County home demonstration club women who attended the canning demonstration conducted by Mrs. Helen B. Zoller, of Raleigh, assisted by Miss Gladys Hamrick, home demonstration agent of Perquimans, on Wednesday were Mesdames T. E. Madre, E. M. Perry, Rosa N. Greene, T. A. Hurdle, E. N. Squires, J. H. Gregory, S. T. Perry, W. E. Dail, J. Van Roach, Bill Bag ley, Archie T. Lane, J. M. Copeland, C. L. Dail. G. T.' Roach, Arba Win slow, Lucille Lane, Delia Winslow, C. M. Winslow, L. L. Lane, D. A. Winslow, Percy A. Rosrerson. H. P. White, Wayland White, Noah Felton, Joe F. HoUowell, L. J. Winslow, C. P. Quincy, Daisy Perry. J. C. Wilson. John Asbell, Joshua T. White, Lin ford' Winslow and Misses Mildred Lewis, Dorothy White and Olive Lav- den. Doctors Conducting Tuberculosis Ginic . In County Schools , Dr.1 John H. Denholm, of State San atorium, assisted by Dr. T. P.' Brinn, Health Off icer of Perquimans, is 011 duathtg the tuberculosis clinic in. Per quimans ...this . week, . visiting' the schools and making- tests' ; fat the purpose ol finding .out whether, or not there are those who are af fected With tuberculosis. ; i . V.A follow-up examination will be made of all those whose- tests show a positive reaction within a very note t&M. . 5 ' r ' .. r n " ,7 WW

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