I f ' . e ;r UmtlS MITCUUl! -,. . Stkom Q CTUmuBst, Mred k Warna ' Saggerty, mutnaging editor of the tfto York - Star to get the paper out Of a $8,000,000 ouit ' for eUtuder brought bp Coasts .AHewbury, ' iota Ms coaldeacs of the girl token her " father invites BiO to hit AMrondack lodge - for fUhing. It too Me purpeoo after having got temporarily married so hit wia oould briup tuit for mUonatUm of mffeotiouei to ft Connie into the uerp oUuatiou eharged 4m the UMoue motion, but oho oppeore to bo ouch m ualurml, icholotomo girl im the utoun tmtm eurrouuding that ho goea out to tutor oept Ms unfe mud Haggerty oomtug to mot Chapter Nine) ,. A NEW SLANT AT THE BRIDE. The dim figure advanoad, con tinuing to wav nil nana, ana ut tering m warning "Bnnnr -Chandler!" or led Haggerty. -What to-." Gladys, reassured about her jewel ry, eut In with a warm, "Why, Wil liam: "I bad to atop yon fcefore you Cot to the lodge," explained B11L "Connie' gone. Left this morning. She just came up to put the place in order." That'e great!" Jeered Haggerty. "And of course you wouldn t let us know!" "They dont have telephone In the trout stream. By the time we got through fishing it waa too late to atop you." "Well, at least we had the ride, if I didn't get to put on my act," aid the disgusted Gladys. "Go back at one," aaid B1IL "If anyone aeea you her we're cooked." Gladys opened the ear door, and aid coyly: "And you coma with us, BUI." , I i : A 1 this the uanburys are to smell a frame-uo. And tm think. Haggerty would do this to you beautiful girl who lore him and la doing everything in the world to . . . You're put up with m lot kid. You're a girl in a million." "And you dont know the tenth of it," aaid Gladys, beginning to be sorry for herself. "You don't believe all rve stood fort The first Bight I met that guy he stood me np for two hours, and for what? A woman in New Jersey had quadruplets. And it's been like that ever since!" "I know it's touarh on a fine sen sitive girl like you." "That's love for you! The things t could tell you " "I want to hear ail about It" said Bill, reaching for the 'phone. "Let's nave a Dite to eat . , . After supper - was over. Gladys wanted to dance. She turned on the radio to a fox trot, and they danced. Gladys let her head fall on Bill's shoulders and closed her eyes.' - 'You dance divinely." ah mur mured. '. .. . "Thank. X hope warren wont mind our dancing this way." . "Witof" said Gladys, opening bar gres. "Oh. you mean Mm." iu aeia ner woser. bw arwr "Th Ml up's crasyl W : haven't a chance," . dedared Bffl. - . Tve got te stay with th old Baa, How would it look If X left m the saieMla of the alsrhtr -A fine lady-killer yoa tamed out to be!" biased Haggerty vesgrlly. "One glimpse f yoa and the oaaae walks tT" ' JThat's set fair." protested CQadys. "He's jost aot the type." "X eouMa't very Well hold her against her win. You'd better ge apw. t u a aaex voaaajr aMratng. "Don't hnrrr e. our aceoiut. Just ao long as yea are enjoying your' aau." "I can't argae with you here. Irs too dangerous. But don't worry: la getting ahead. Roma waaat built In a dear. "Yeas, and It didnt cost Ave aUW Hon either! Drive back to town," Baggerty barked at th chauf feur . . The managing editor of th Star Was in Chandler's apartment wait ing for him when Bill put la an appearance late Monday afteraooa, and they were at once deep in such aft argument that Gladys, perched on the arm of a chair, pretended to act as referee. Haggerty wanted to S ahead with the suit tor aliena oa of affections on the ground Chat Bill, after telling his bride he bad been called to Washington, had Instead gone to the Adirondack With Connie Allenbury. "We can't mis. B11L It's a perfect setup. "The set-up's crazy! We haven't tcnance,- aeeiarea too. - "At the end of the tenth round It's a draw," out la Gladys, Imitatr in a raoio announcer. "The girl was there In the moun- with yon, wasn't eh 7" de manded Has-srertV. "What if it enlr one .niffhtT That's enough! You lied to your trusting bride; you didn't so to Washington. You went to keep a rendesvous with the Al lenbury girl." "But her father was there!" pro- testea um. "Merely blind. Ton oome home from the week-end. You're cold to your wife fight with her. Why, It's In the baa:! As neat a case for alienation of affection as I've ever seen, and we slap the suit on to morrow!" - "No!" said Bin sharply. "Toil can't get away with it! They'd throw the suit out of court any where. X was Allenburys guest, not Connie's; I waa never alone with her. You haven't a leg to stand on. UUa it easy. Warren. Tm getting a real 'in' with the family, working Bp to an open-and-shut case." -. , "We've got the case now!" snap ped Haggerty; "Gladys, be at Hay den and Hayden's office at nine In the morning. Ill catch the noon edi tion with: the story of the suit" ' "listen, Haggerty," pleaded Bin, "give me one week and I guarantee - to have Connie Allenbury la a real Spot!" K--:'-::;,: :,v- "Not a chaaee! She walked out d yoa twice. Tm beginning to think you have lost your tooch . . , Good iht, Gladys. Dont be lata at the , wwrnn Mium wi wm wipw, m mmm ' ar hurried out. f "rhat's Warren for you she " rwnnured. "Crasy about me, but low be eftncoals H! But what's the tv "jet W5i i nt i- a lla ty out. T r- y jt- 1 ta v me to att It's perfectly Innocent - Just faa." ... - -...-. ... "Sura," sighed Gladys rapturously- "Besides ...agtrieas certainly dsaea wtth her hosband I . . TAnd you ore say basbendl" ' BIB Wlaked a bit at -that "Oh. uiasys stopped eaort la the dan sad looked as at him. "Wbat ae . yoa saeaaT The last k . " . . ; -way. k you ma suit tomerrew rU have to move out of Kara tt . fveve we're alienated. You know, I'm going to miss you." "Aad I'll miss you, too." . "You're a wU kid Gladva 1 kaia, to let you be dragged Into all this mm tomorrow. 1 "YseVra not meh a elnelr mum. sett; Bin. Listen, you don't want me , to start that suit Do you?" Her hand toyed with his lapel aad she ' raised limoid svaS ta hla. R nm ed her hand. , your awn sake no, X dont": "Then X dont!" cried Gladva tow. ' oasly. "I dont start anything tUl yoa say so." She looked up at him again fat sudden mlschlevousnesa. "After all, a girl should listen ta " her husband" Bill warned: "Therall he a row. With Warren," "It won't be th first And 1 dont buy any plan that will send me to JaJl!" She smiled as though pleased and intrigued at her ' thought fl bought a plan to look marriedl Let's dance some mora." She held out her arms. -it s pretty lata two o'clock'' : "Oh. I could dance all nlcht with .c my BUllkens." she said, reverting ' playfully to their earlier pretended ' reiacionsmp. '.. ;.'.;.....:..';..-.' ,....,. , , Bill rose to her bummL . ntaehed ; i' her cheek and said with mock ten- d ernes: "Oh, no, tor Fuzxy-Wuxxy . needs her sleep She smiled at him fllrtatlouslv. "You're cute when you do that" s - BUI Ignored that assumption nf a ' tender relationship and completed his sentence: "So III aay goodnight . Mrs. Chandler." He kissed her U -hand, surprised a soft look In her eyes, snd turned to leave. Tm out ' for some air." . i ' "Air?" she repeated with a hlank v. expression. Yes, I cant sleep'. . . Insomnia' .' " Hs turned araln to sn. hut stopped -to explain: . "For three -4 nlfhta I haven't slept". . She advanced eagerly to him. "7 '' can fix that My father used to , . have Insomnia and Fd mh hi fnrm, . head with cologne like this." She be tran to rub his brow pathetically, a sweet and gentle ex- ' r pressloa on her face. Bill was mm-. ShS Stobned Km TnMfn ahnmf- rjr. TH get the colore." . , , "No, It's not that kind of Insom nia.1 said Bill and went nn in - travagaat explanation: "Some peo . "', vm napona to mo-swiMO on' tie , forehead; others drop oif to ur to, bat I'm a tors vn Ee rot his bai mm r nA '. 1 towajus the door, t nfnrltl time to make h o. oe. i-' 'A What?" atia af.l ri...i ':i cur.:cz?.LiVND Majr-rlo. to T. S. and W. E. .llie by deed records i in Book K pajre 97 in: the o,Txe of the Resistor ox Deeds ol Mis Carmen Morgan of Chowan 'TT V ) 2rid Tract All those two certain, At. L. .a usT i j a t tt MorMn. " ' 'll0t8' Pieces or ParcelB of knd BitU" " - ; " '" test' ft linnfr tn tm 'I'nnm AT M ATTTiAm Oscar Cartwright of - th C.CXX ZTLJ? r"Z ..UL4;. y;;j.Lj;,V--. . . EECNTON, N. C Tim r- f 1 A camp is at homo ith hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Corprew of the' Edenton Hertford road. . " i Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Roach Sunday were: Mr, and Mm. 3. R. Roach, and grand children, Sill " and . Dorothy Roach, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Koach and daugh ter, "Amy Van, Miss Marion Sawyer, Mrs. . N. --ilillejf ' and . daughter, Doris. ' ( ' t r Visitors at the home of Mrs.. J. V, -Whit Sunday Mr. ? and Mra, Roduco and Idr. and P Mrs. ; George Mm E. U. Moiran and daughter, Carmen, were in Birtford: Saturday, t Mrs. Ernest Stallingai and son, Cary, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. J. V. Roach; of Winf all. Bryant (Miller spent .Sunday In Norfolk visiting relatives. Tom Morgan and Clifton Morgan attended the Chowan Association Men's meeting at the Hertford Bap tist Church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs., Alton Umnhlett and children, and James and Henry Cart wright of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Cartwright and children of Pop lar Brinch, Mr. and Mrs. Merit Lowe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cartwright !' , Hertford Township, ;'. Perquimans County,-State of North Carolina,' known, numbered, and designated ast lots. Nos. 16 and 17 on the plat of I Winstow and White, which -is of re cord in th office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Plat Book 2 paga 41, being the same property conveyed , to said Trustee by J. S. McNider and Chas. Whedbee, t- Ooomisaioners by deed dated January 28th', 1922, and record ed in. Deed. Book 14, S97, and being the : identical fauid : described in that certain deed front Win. T. Shannonhouse.-" . Trustee, to 'T. . S. T.ia andttlias; Johnson and;W.'E White stated th 15th day of April, l26,' and;recorded In Book M, page 216. Pewiuimana County Registry. ft1 A deposit of . five percent of the purchase price will be required of the successful bidder immediately after the sale. . - Dated and posted this lth day 6f March, 1937. C R. HOLMES, Commissioner. Mar.26,Apr.2,9,lo " - . Today (Thursday) and Friday, i .April 8-9 '" ', 7" r Clasoiiied Legals WANTEDYOUR . ORDERS FOR Letterheads, ; Envelopes, Blotters, or any printing needs. The Per quimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C. FREE! IF EXCESS ACID CAUSES you Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sample doctor's prescription, Udga, at Rob erson Drug Store, mar 19 to apr June 4 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted on the 11th day of January, 1936, by Thomas Hurdle to Anna P. White, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. C, in M. J). Book 19, page 149, default having been made in the conditions of said mortgage deed, I will on the 8th day of May, 1937, at the Court Bouse door in Percjuimans County, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auction te the highest bidder for esih; the fol lowing described property That certain; tract of land in Bel videre Township, Perquimans County, described as follows: -That; 10 acres of land divided la two parts by the Swamp Road from Lane Frk tq Bel- videre: bounded by the lands of John Billups, Mary E. Perry, George Ea son and Thomas Hurdle.3':'-:i i i-V!. This the 2nd day of ApriL; 1937, ; EDWIN S. WHITE V . Administrator of Anna P. White - apr .;9,1S0 :::y vrfti NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Fannie Uutt, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, Route 8, on er before the 27th day of February, 1988, er this notice will be pleaded in bar of (heir recov ery. All persons indebted - to saic estate wiU please make immediate payment. This 27th day of February, 1987. CHESTER A. BUTT Administrator of Mrs. Fannie Butt mar 6, 12, 19, 26 april 2, 9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. G. Lamb, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this to notify all persons having claims against the estate ol said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Elizabeth City, N. C, on or before the 16th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persont indebted to said estate will - pleas make immediate payment This 16th day of March, 1937. S. W. TWXFOKU, j Administrator of C G. Lamb. Mar.26,Apr.2,16.23,80. SIMONE SIAON JAMBS STEWArj 2L With JEAN HERSHOLT Act News Saturday, April 10- Last Chapter of "Darkest Africa" Chapter I "Undersea Kingdom" Color Cartoon ' - MONDAY, APRIL IS ON OU STAGE 20 PEOPLE -4-'f DIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Featuring Elizabeth Graves ... Exotic Dancing Pedro' &. Luis . . Acrobats ' J Toni Gordon .(. Master of Ceremonies 1.7 The Three Revelers . . . Comedy Acrobats Babette Smith ... The "Betty Boop" Girl 1 Dancing Coquettes , . . Chorus of Pretty Girls Parisian Rhythm Kings , . . Stage Band Matinee Pkture-4s80. VaudevUle 1:45 Night Picture 7:15. Vaudevflle 8:45. Picture 9:45 ' ON THE SCREEN BRIEN DONLEVY in Matinee and 25c .J as Night L 10c and 35c . Tuesday, April 13 ,i .. . "i J-:i. t '. ' .T "..- ' -l . fW M - l's(ryB v.. l-AT '- SI HSakra BSP k V Ik " . BMMiai a uuntmeS tm.Um-4 imen hotn. OhcM by leatMeC - Tdet Wednesday, April 14 .A CUIREmTII Act Comedy - BANK NIGHT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified asv Administrator of the estate of Luther RiddicVv de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North "Carolina, this is to notify all persons having ; claims against the estate of said deceased -fi to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, on or before the 18th day of March, 1938, or ' this notice will be pleaded- in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make 'immediate payment. - r inls 18th day of March, a937, ,it WILLIAM RIDDICK -Administrator of Luther Biddick mar 19, 26, apr 2, 9, 16, 28 ; - .'.'. North Carolina, Inthe Perquimans County : Superior Court - Bfore .the Clerk - . i," . T. S. White, PlaintilT - . Chas. Johnson, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR ,? v- . PARTITION , ; Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court in the above entitled cause dated the 19th, day of March, 1937. the -undersigned Com missioner will on Mpnday, the 19th day of April; 1937, at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon, offer for sale at pub- Ik auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land lying and being in the Town of , Hertford, Hertford 1 Township, Perquimans County, N. C more par ticularly described as follows: f 1st Traot. A lot on the south side of Grc""b Street, in the ' Town of Hertford beiry lot No:. 1 . and one- half t;Lt.Vx 8 of, .the' old l-al property ta (bitted and r-"0' " 3 In PlatTock 2 r: o..: 't-' t-e F-'Ut of JDoeJs of , Ter- s Cw- -ty, .Kor"x C- 87 ft. m C ' 'j I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Anna F. White, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvi dere, N. C on or before the 1st daj of April, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make; immediate payment.. This 1st day of April, 1987. i ; ; f EDWIN S. WHITE - Administrator of Anna P. White apr. 9, 16, 28, 80 may 5, 12 North Carolina, . In The Perquimans County. Superior Court ;;: - BEFORST THE CLERK ' Arabella "Morgan Tend husband E. U. -Morgan, Eliaabeth Britt and 'hus 'bahd J. T. Britt, Adelaide Gregory and husband J. A. Gregory, heirs at law of . Henry Elliott, deceased ! Eddie Harrell and wife SelamHar ' rell and Noah Bright, husband of r the late Mary Jane Bright, daugh ; ter , of H. , Elliott deceased. , Viol Mae Bright daughter of Mary Jane Bright, deceased and Ralph Lydell Bright son of Viola i Mae ; Bright, heirs at law of Henry El- liott. deeeased.. ' v ." NOTICE OF RESALE ? Whereas, an upset bid In' the above entitled matter has been filed with the court within the time allowed by law, the court has directed the under signed commissioner to 'readvertise and resell the lands -described below: Therefore on.' Monday the 19th "day of April, at 11:80 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse door in Hertford, said county end state, the undersigned commissioner .will offer for sale, at public auction," to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real eBtate belonging tor the , late Henry Elliott, vis: Beginning',, at Newby, Winslow, and Long corner thence N. 46 deg. E, 18.20 chains, thence S. 83 deg. E. 4.60 chains, thence N. 62 1-2 deg. E.. 83.76 chains, thence N. 49 1-2 deg. W. 15.30 chains, thence N. 64 deg. E. 14.60 chains, thence N. 52 1-4 deg. E. 8.83 chains, thenee N. 86 14 deg. W. 7.49 chains, thence S. 49 1-4 deg. W. 72.10 chains to swamp to a post, thence N. 88 1-4 deg. E. 1 1-2 chains, thence S. 43 dog. E. 7. 15 cht.:.is, to the point of beginn ing,- containing 101 acres more or loss..---- . ',, v Said sale is made for t!:e rvro"? diving the pro-o-'a cf St. 1 $ -sorz t' a sc. L.I.-s tl Co s-lJ '- -y ?r 't, i 1 - . ; A t cf i".fo i r t t cf t" i ! ' " ' 1 1 I ' cf t" 8 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERSERS J Tonsil end Adenoid Clinic Each Tueadayand Thursday through and including "ihd month of June win be Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic days for white school children vnder 13 years ef age. - ... , . , : ' 1?9Ilc MJ h Dr t A. Ward s office, Carolina Bank Bund ing, Hertford, N. & j .-,-. , , . , . - - "All who need this service will please see or write Dr. Ward er his office nurse and make reservations before bringing any child or , children for. the operation." r .-- ( , - . v : j- .We will not operate on more' than live patients a day In order that we may be better able to gwefeach chnd individual attention and ! VM MM? We wish to announce to the 'public that I : we are now located in the building formerly ; : : occupied by Walker's around the corner on i: I'Market Street ' r : :. ,v. -v , ' , i Sales and service for bothrdornesticand . commercial Frigidaire tefrigeration will be t : maintained., In addition to this line we will f : stock a complete line of General 'Electric ar I pliances, also .plumbing, and heating supplies J ana accessories. 1 V-" r y I f s.lolAl K t i Hot Point Dish Vr :rz - Vctcr IIcr.1 :: , Ezzy VA ..:ra crj Ire ra Of intcrcrt to urcrs cf c:n;nt blCUil.vv.tiL..l i-.- if V,vJ X. . , ..j.w, of llivr j ii 3 to -X , j. j X ct on rrrl t 1 i tat t y U i it t U t . . . i'?, If he f i ', ' t u . t I v " 1 i a J .." r e sound at a Wm hail i v . j t-ci II) 1 I veyeJ to L. W. l.r Divers ty T. E. Ir eof on th pavemebL" 'i fK5'HKpssfcsJ?L ! X it -jfyc' li cf r v :

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