-7IIATr3 VIIAT AEOUT SOCIAL SECURITY r As another service to Its readers, 'Die Perquimans Weekly each week will give authoritative answers to questions on the ' Social" Security ? Law,-; By special arrangement - with Mr. George N. ' Adams in Rocky Mount, N. O, the . Social Security ' .Hoard has consented 'to pass on the , accuracy of 'answers to questions on oociai security, wnicn may be asked -. by employers, employees, and others, through The Perquimans Weekly. .Address Inquiries to the Editor. An--;:. swers will be given here in the order . in which questions are received.' This :. is an informational service and is not legal advice or service. In keeping ' names will not be miblfshed.' ' - -.'!, Question: . How much does - the . Social Security Board charge .for fil ing a claim? - Answer: The Social- Security Board does not charge for - filing claims. If VOU ' feel that there ia -money due you under the tld-age in- surance provision! of the Social Se- tunijr . Avi, consult your nearest . Social Security v; Board Field Office, where you" will receive every assist anee at no cost, to you. , Juestionr : Where should'" I apply : for unemployment compensation? . Answer: .i You should apply at the .Unemployment compensation commis sion in your Stater f you ''think you are entitled to unemployment com pensation ;benefVta .' However;! not all states are paying unemployment compensation benefits j-now. ?-All the states in this" region, which comprises ..anvrui Carolina, Virginia, west vir . ginia, Maryland; and the District of . Columbia, will begin paying benefits Vnlovment compensation laws in Janu- i ary this year. . Question i I am 63 years of age and have lost my job. Can I draw jany unemployment compensation benefits in North Carolina? Answer: . The fact that you are 63 : years of age does not constitute &' factor in determining whether you ' are entitled to receive unemployment compensation benefits. Before a per son can receive unemployment com pensation benefits it is necessary . 'that he rejrister with the state em ployment service. If, after waiting a -certain period of time, ' depending upon the state law, he ia unable to .get another job, he is entitled to un employment - compensation benefits, nrovidin hiaemnlovment was cover ed by the state law. - , ; Question: ' I go ' to school in the daytime and clerk in a drug store ' durinsr the Vfininira. and ret nald -wages, i Should I get a Social Secur ity account number and report it to : my employer? Answer: You should. Part-time employment is not excepted from the ' ! f rt. provisions oi uie social security Act. Your employer should deduct one .... pcjveuk vi yvur wages wueu auu wo "paid and pay one percent himself to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. CLATROL. the. amasing shampoo-oil-tint, has been used and : '-'1 by mlUIors cf Ar---an i v !:o want yi- L ' j : i.1 cetr!ple-actlc3t- ;r.t, ( 1 1" roos, recon-I- i and '.1Z t . . L'ond taU-tI eray i .'.o the natural tones oi your hair r r-tff 'ct'i' as to defy detection. ' r a Clrol treatment at your j or write us for FREE , - . 're and analysis. t ;: V-JANS : - ' fa,,HB,TIHIIIIIIMi,iaMia,ia,a,wM Traveling Arouttd Ameffdal- T' .:,V 1 1 . ' i ' .. -' . . - , . , - t ..aauHj.Jjrmn 'A ..:.i".-.r. THE QUEEN TAKES LUNCHEON OABT still rules the household V but she allows the family much more freedom than formerly. Under 'line ol rfim mother and often tne famOy gave UP all sorts of gay vacations in order to remain near the markets and dairies which sup piled the young ruler with food. But times, have changed. One of the lead ingfooa manufacturers has selected all the fruits and' vegetables most favored, for the royal-diet, strained and cooked., them and presented them. In tiny cans not - quite so many varieties as the fifty-seven prepared tor grown-ups, but quite enough to please baby. And now the whole family goes vacationing. They pack up the cans SNOW HILL NEWS ' Miss Sallie B. Wood and Miss Maude Keaton have returned . I Louisburg College to resume their studies. ' Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell and daughter Carolyn Dean, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gre gory, at Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winslow and family, of Beech Spring, visited Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Harrell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell and Miss Eu. nice Harrell were in Elizabeth City one afternoon recently. . Miss Ruby . Keaton, of Hertford, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hobert Keaton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eure and family, of White Hat; Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer and, daugh ter, of Old Neck; Mr. and Mrs.- D. M. Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Miss Lucille Cartwright, and Mrs. J. H. Harrell. All of this community welcomes ; Mrs. Matthew Smith, who before her! recent . marriage, was ' Miss Onella Pearce, from near Hertford. Jesse , Harrell, Ralph Harrell and Joe Harrell, of White Hat, spent Tuesday at Drivers' and in Suffolk, Va on business. Quinton Hurdle, of . Hurdletown, visited Ralph Harrell Monday even ing. - FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party was sponsored by the Christian ' Union and Sunday School of Bethlehem church and the community in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Martin SpruiU and their son, James, who were moving away, on Monday evening. ::t,p:';rH"--r:'x James was superintendent of the Sunday School and vice president of the Christian Union. ; He has served well in each capacity 'The president of the Christian Union,' Willie Lane, on behalf of the Union, 'presented to James : a gift in-? token of love and appreciation' My.-' The young people enjoyed games, while their elders enjoyed a fire-side talk lnW;'iMngloFnii(i, peanuts and candies were served by the Union, after which there yraa an oyster roast. - - t . Those present included Mft1 and Mrs. Irvin Whedbee and . children. Clarene, Delsie' and Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. W,, W. Whedbee, Mr, ind Mrp. Roy Harrell and two children, Melvin and Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. ; E. Y. Berry and sons, o Edrar Young . and Dan, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lane and cV.IJreni Edna Ruth and Joanne, .Mi; a..d Mrs. Tommie Katthws and son, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Godwin. Mrs. R. A. Perry) Mrs. Reuben Stall inars, Mrs. Sue Godwin, ' Jake' Bas- night, Mr. hnd Mrs. Martin Spruill,; Misses Rosa La8Siter,"Ado!aide Eaves, Blanche"- Davenport, " Clara SpruiU, Dorothy Whedbee, 'Sallie Sue Skinner and Alma Davenport; James Epruill, Joshua Sutton, Howard Godwin, J.. B. Perry, Shelton Davci...ovt, Wuliam Ktallines." and "Melvin- Keeter, of EJenton. " ' 1 ' : .v , ., i viii i,.v '. j " .- r:i23 WOOD ENTESTAIN3 ' " i , Sallie B. Wood " m clou-V H a few of r-r 1 i on WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C., FRIDAY. JANUARY 141938 rkGrt Urn of royal food or buy them along the way and take to the highway, the air. 0 the sea, as they wish. The Queetf shown here is having a bit of lunch out on the breeie-swept deck of the Santa Paula all the foods she favors when home. 1 Ships also are catering to this royal personage. They've provided shaded play places where she-and, . her oonrt can amuse themselves 4 with blocks and dolls and toys; beach , decks where they can sun themselves and plop rubber sea monsters into the pool; special din iug rooms with motherly steward esses In attendance. It's a gay life for the baby and a much less re stricted one for the family. IN MEMORIAM ! In sad and loving memory J 1 i l l i . i of a and nearly Deiovea misoana, son i 1 1.1 T TT1 1 M . iir! l ' urouier, vemon rranKiin winsiow, who fell asleep one year ago, Janu 1 ary 10, 1937. One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away To dwell with God and angels fair- Some day we hope to meet him there. Long days and nights he suffered pain, We -waited cure, hut all in vain Til God Himself knew what was best And took him home and gave him rest. It is lonely here without you, dear, And so sad along life's way Life does not seem the same to us Since you were called away. Often on our lips is spoken Thy sweet name we still hold dear It shall always be a token Of cherished memories of by-gone years. Gone is his life with all its usefulness To a better world on high. Keep him, dear Lord, till we reach .the golden shore, Then let us have him to love once more. Sadly missed by wife and family. CLASSIFIED MAN WANTED TO SUPPLY RAW leigh's Household Products to con . 'sumers. ' Sales way up this year. ; We tnain and help you. Good pro- j ; fits for hustlers. No experience C neccasary. Pleasant, profitable, dig nified . work.- Write- today. Raw iif leigh's, Dept. NCL 100-53, Rich vmond,Tfc.S!iif?,i.', -. FOR SALE PURE GEORGIA ,fv; (ne Syrup," 45c" per gallon in 87 gallon barrels, 6 gallon cans, to jpaaae, $3.75, 12 half-gallons, $4.00 ! ; Refiners'; Cane' ' Syrup, 30c,,' P. R . . Molasses 24c, large pecans, 15c lb. ,., Jumbo peanuts, 6c.'. W. H. Davis ; 829 Mcponough Street, Sayannah, ; Ceorgiat: : -fK-d' 4 r i -j , ' ; ; Dec,10,17,241 Jan.7,141 WANTED-MAN fWITH CAR TO ' 'take over . profitable ; Rawleigh f r Route. E8tabltehed customers:-'.SaIeB ' - way up this 'year. Must be satis- ;;fied with j learnrngs' ; of $30 a week vto ' fetatt r Write IRawleigh's, 'Dept. ; NCA 100 101, Richmond, Va. 1 '.Csfriii..-:! - t.-.ltnd : ;;y;:: J- 'i . . ... ,7 - NOTICE OF RE-SALE rrfi Whereas an ' upset bid has been placed on that piece of property here inde scribed as 'Fourth Tract" and a withdrawal of bid On that piece of prorerty herein, described as "Fifth Tract," I shall offer for sale - the rrcr::t7 described below, on January L2, 1 I, fet 12:CD O'clock noon, at the Cizr i IT:rtrord, NCi, I . I TTlACr: Lying and ber Sr.j and onthe west by Road Street. Beginning at' appoint south of Drubb ISt. at Parker Ward's corner,' run ning south-along Road Street 95 feet to W. H.,Ward's line, .thence east along said W. H. Ward's line 109 feet to Riddick; : Chappell's line, thence north along said Riddick Chappell's "line, -87 feet . to J. E. Nixon line, thence west along said I. E Nixon's line, to .first r. station, containing ft acre, more or less, as shown by Deed . Rook-. Miv''-,-:rii. FIFTlJ: (.TRACT: .. Those certain lots situated on Hertford Bleights ly ing and being in Bethel Township, Perqulifiaha County, N. being lots Nob. 28, 2d Wd 30 aS shown by Piatt Book No. 2, page 2, Public Registry of Perquimans County, N. ,C. - Each -of said lots are 50 feet by 150 feet. ;T Bidding on Fourth-Tract shall start at thf price of $165.00. r .'iThe. successful bidder will be re quired to make a deposit of 5, and tiie bid will be held open for a period of ten days for an advance bid. . . This January 5th, 1938. : CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ! . - Att'y for T. S. Broughton Heirs. Jan.141 ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION -- Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mary Isabella Hin toh, deceased, late of Perquimans County,; North Carolina, this is to notify 'all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 7th day of December, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of December, 1937. RUTH HINTON PERRY, Administratrix of Mary Isabella Hihton. Dec.l0,17(24,31,Jan.7,14 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of T. A. Cox, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 21st day of Decem ber, 1938, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 21st day of . December, 1937. NINA M. COX, Administratrix of T. A. Cox. Dec.24,81an.7,14,21,28 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of L. D. Williamson, de ceased., late of Perquimans County, Nor$TtfnUna, this is to -notify all persons having: claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 9th day of December 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of December, 1937. H. V. BAKER, Administrator of L. D. Williamson. Dec.l7,24,31Jan.7,14,21 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of A. J. Jordan, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, Route 2, on or before the 31 day of December, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 31 day of December, 1937. BEATRICE S. JORDAN, Executrix of A. J. Jordan.' Jan.7,i4,21,28,Feb.4,ll. NOTICE By virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed to me on June 4th, 1919, by Elijah Robinson and wife, which Deed of Trust is duly recorded in Mortaire Book No. 11, page 534, I Highest Cash Prices PAID FOR - ( -liiieoTOiiiem' b ,; y -:IM; GopSEPJIy;:: will sell fbrcash"to"the highest bid der before the Court House door in Hertford, N. C; on Monday, January 24thr 1938, at 12 o'clock M., the fol lowing described real estate in Hert ford Township, Perquimans County, N. C: .Adjoining the lands Of W.'C. Reed, J. N. Winslow and others, and bound ed as follows: On North by Allen Stalhngs; on West by Henry Blanch am; on uast oy j jn. wmsiow; on South by W. C. Reed, containing 38 acres, more or less. For ' further description see Deed Book No. 6, page 68. Dated and posted Dec. 21, 1937. W. F. C. EDWARDS Trustee. Dec.24,31,Jan.7,i4 North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court T. O. Lamb Vs. Hettie Lamb NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will w I (SC5tTJ I HAD A FINE TOBACCO CROP LAST YEAR VET. AND THE CAMEL PEOPLE BOUGHT THE CHOICE PART, PAID ME MORE THAN I EVER GOT BEFORE. SO I MOW THAT CAMELS USE FINER, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS. CAMELS ARE THE CIGARETTE I SMOKE MYSELF. AND MOST PLANTERS FAVOR CAMELS CAUSE A MAN WHO GKOttt TOBACCO KNOWS TOBACCO SURE THE men who really know tobicco the (towers themselves pick Camels as their favorite cigarette, according to George M. Crumbaugh. If you are not already a Camel smoker, begin now to enjoy Camels the ciga rette that is made from finer, MORE EXPEN SIVE TOBACCOS, Turkish and Domestic Coprrkht. 1988, R. J. RyoM. Tobacco Co., Winston- "WE SMOKE CAMELS BECAUSE WE KNOW TOBACCO" sTyERS TflVL EDENTON, N. C. Today (Thursday) and Friday, January 13-14 JEANETTE MacDONALD -in- 'THE FIREFLY" With Allen Jones NEWS Matinee One Show, 3:30 P. M Box Office Opens Saturday, January 13 Open 1:45 SMITH -in- PAINTED STALLION NO. 6 Monday and Tuesday, January 17-18 BETTE DAVIS, LESLIE HOWARD and OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND -in- ITS LOVE NEWS Wednesday, January 19 1 JOHN BARRYMORE -in- "BULLDOG DRUMMOND'S REVENGE" With Louise Campbell and Reginald Denny ACT '- CARTOON BANK NIGHT PAGE-THREE take notice that an action entitled as above has ' been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, N. C; that said action is for divorce absolute oi the grounds of two years separation; and, that she is required to appear at the office of the under signed Clerk of the Superior Court, at the Courthouse in Hertford, N. C, within sixty days from the date hereof and answer or demur , to the complaint now on file in this office, Or the plaintiff will apply to said court in Tern Time for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This the 18 day of December, 1937. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court. Jan.7,14,21,28. 7 CHECKS Colds and Fever FIRST DAY HEADACHE, SO MINUTE4 LIQUID, TABLCT ALVC, NOSI DRO TRY RUS-MV-TIM-WORUD MIT LINIMCHT T ISA" MY BEST ENOUGH MR. GEORGE M. CRUMBAUGH, successful tobacco plantar. TOBACCO WE HAVE THE SHOWS and Warren William CARTOON . Night, One Show, 8 3 and 7:30 P. M. P. M. P. M. BALLEW n COMEDY II AFTER" and JOHN HOWARD ton 666 THEATEi : km 'rit a 17 C' ' , ' iZf. t-1 I 1 - .a: - ' .. - f , T... Terqui- '';.;v:..:;VvKr-f'---"-7rl'-r! 'P'T-. c 11 '-i on

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