a Si t "... PERQUIMAN A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY 'Vs Hertford, Perquimans County, fforth Carolina. Friday, February 5, 1943. v Volume X Number 6. $1.50 Per Year. if ,. i,.s,kUj, ' t ' inn' WEEKLY -. w t. Ration Board Issues Large Number Tire And Tube Permits Announce Quotas For . County For Month of February Perquimans County has received a total of 151 passenger tires and 78 truck tires for allotment during the month of February, according to Miss Helen Coffield, clerk to the local Ra tion Board. Broken down, the quota allotted the county is 10 Grade I, 23 Grade II, 44 Grade III and 74 recap passenger tires: 60 passenger tubes, 30 new truck tires, 48 recap truck tires, and S.i truck tubes. A laree number of permits were issued by the Board at its f t meet , ing, but Miss Coffield stated that tires ore scarce and people vvith per ' mits are finding it difficult to locate tires. However, this condition may hp temnnrarv i.t d it is nossihlo will - be remedied" seen. .' ' Motorists receiving permits were: Truck Tires: J. M. Pike, tire and tube; Horace Lynch, tire and tube; ; C W. Winslow, 1 tire and 2 tubes; Mrs. Gertrude Fleetwood, 1 tube. Vu:'. Truck Recaps: N. C. State High J" way, 10. 17 Tractor Tires: Mrs. Gertrude L. " Fleetwood, 1, and John A. Elliott, 1. ' Passenger Tires, Grade I: Dr. T. P. Brinn, 1; A- H. Edwards, 2; Grade JI: J. A. Simpson, 2; Willie Lamb, 1; T. C. Culbert, 1; Holland Hurdle, 2; tt-r Andrew Moore, 2; Thomas Jones, 2; 4 E, M. Johnson, 2; John White, 2; (j, Alton Jordan, 2; Lee Riddick, 2; B. D. Adams, 2; Hunter Jones, 2; E. H. i bvraons. z: s. cj. liong, z j. r. f" 'Mfallnwall. 1. Grade III: Duther jf;t,JJvU, 1; William White, 2; Hubert . V Chippell, 1: James Mmg, & Harry 1 s J Bocknar, 2; Thomas Lamb, 3; J. E. ' fCopeland, 2; Sterling Colson, 2; t James Boyce, J; E. L. Hurdle, 1; Joseph Stallinirs, 3; Meador Harrell, fT'2j Howard Job.ikins, 2; C. W. Rich arda, B; E. L. Cobb, 2; Richard Tay- .'.loi'. 2: M. H, rChappell. 2: C. L. - ikii l in' 'S-nr fft-' oi'-w wniie, z; virgn Jiauey, z; it. v.. l,iv :.. , ingBton, 2; C. D. Smith, 2; J. H. Watt, 2; Alex Long, Sr., 2; Horace Nelson, 1; Mrs. Gertrude Fleetwood, 2; Joe Cunningham, 2; John Felton, 2; Melton Bryant, 2; Ernest Morse, 2; Willie Davis, 2; J. N. Newby, 2, and H. S. Long, 8. Recaps: T. S. Colbert, 2; Dewey Newby, 1; Robert Hoffman, 2; H. B. Mathews, 1. Passenger Tubes: L. J. Davis, 1; Dr. T. P, Erinn, 1; W. O. Lamb, 2; Hubeifc Chappell, 1; J. C. Long, 2; J W. Jackson, 1; C. C. Corbitt, 2; H 'W. Jackson, 1; C. C. Corbitt, 2; H. T. Hy Jones, 8; E. M. Johnson, 2; John White, 2; Lee Riddick, 1; Thos Lamb.' 3; Hunter Jones, 1: S. E "Tt .''uar."Z J. p. no owe ii. i: James "1 v'i'' Boyce, 1; E. L. Hurdle, 1; Joseph UWUUlgl v, I1UI 11,11, m , U Cebb, 2: C. L. White, 1; C. D. Smith, 1; Alex Long, Sr., 1: Mrs Gertrude Fleetwood, 2; John Felton, 2; Ernest Morse, 2; Willie Davis, 2, and G. N. Newby, 1. White Presents Bill To Lengthen Term Of unyuommissioners Representative W. W. White has presented a bill to tne General as- sembly calling for the term of offices for the Mayor and Commissioners for flirt, the Town of Hertford to be extended ' from a period of two years to a period of four years, it was announced this week. The officers would be elected for a four-year term at the coming election in May, if the General As sembly acts favorably on the bill pre sented by Representative White. It is believed, Ijowever, that in addition to the action of the General Assem bly, the people of the Town of Hert ford would have to ratify the meas ure by vote at the next election. Mr. White spent the past week-end here visiting his family, and during hit atajr told The Weekly that it has coma to his attention that rumors hava been spread throughout the county that he is preparing a bill calling for the establishment 'of an ABO atom in Hertford. Mr. White denied ; these rumors, - emphatically, , and stilted that he has no such in tentiona el even drawing such a bin A " - sembly. 1 r ' 1 He stated that the Legislature is '-' moving along at. a fast pace, and he believed it would conclude : its busi-;-nes and adjourn within the time limit "usually given the Assembly. Local Store Plans Display Of Pictures Of Men In Service The Rober&cn Drug Store is plan ning a display of pictures of all Perquimans County men in the armed services of the nation, Mrs. Roberson announced this week. In planning and making this dis play, Mrs. Roberson is urging the parents and friends of Perquimans boys in service to bring pictures of the men to the store. They will be displayed in the windows of the lo cal business house as rapidly as they are received. Those having pictures of m-.n from this county in service and with them among the display are requested to leave the pictures witn i.rs. Rober son as soon as possible. Point Rationing Set For March 1 I nless sniiit unforseen incident prevents, point rationing will begin March 1, according to an announce ment this week from Washington, and in preparation for the new sys tem public sale of canned fruits and vegetables throughout the nation will be halted at midnight February 20 and will not be resumed until the start of rationing March 1. Regarding the point system for rationing, to begin with all persons holding ration book No. 1 will regis ter again for war ration book No. 2. This number 2 book will contain two kinds of ration coupons, red and blue. The red coupons will be used at a later date for meat rationing and the blue ones wil be used for canned goods. The coupons will be num bered, that is their value will be stamped thereon, in one, two, five and eight points. When you buy an item at the store you will x'we the grocer a coupon amounting to tin value of the item purchased. jioint When the system starts house wives will not only pay for their merchandise with money, but also the ration, coupons. For instance a can of peas may b linted as worth eight points, so if the housewife buys that can she will give the grocer an eight point coupon, but maybe the article has only a three or five point value then only that number of points would be surrendered from the ra tion book. Complete details for the registra tion for war ration book number 2 has not been made here as yet, but it is understood that the dates for the registration are from February 22 to February 27. The reason given for stopping the sale of the canned goods during the last week m Febru-; ary is g.ver, as an opportunity for, the grocer to stock his store and mark : point values .or .either cans ; or s counters. The OPA, during this , "ciiou, win uiMi announce wnat me; point values of different cans will be- worth during March. In all proba bility each month will be a purchase period and values may vary from period to period. A large number of people will be needed to assist in the registration in this county and those wishing to volunteer for this service should leave their names at the local ra tion office. Milk Deliveries Affected Bv Order A recent order issued by Food Ad- ministrator Wickard will affect the ! delivery of milk in this community, Uccording to j 01iver white, local milk distributor According to the ruling handed down by the food official, all distri butors, effecttive February 1, were required to discontinue the delivery to individual users of milk in one half pint and pint bottles; only hotels, restaurants or other estab lishments where milk is resold for consumption on the premises may continue to purchase milk in this quantity. Also effective is the "ruling that milk distributors must require a de posit on all bottles of milk sold. The, distributor is also forbidden to accept return of milk or. cream pre viously delivered to stores, hotels and restaurants. ,, Mr. White stated he was arranging with ' his customers, individually, re garding their milk requirements, in order to conform with this ruling. BIRTH 'ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hollingsworth announce the birth of daughter, bom Sunday, January 81a in Philadel phia, Fa. Mother arid 'laughter are doinc nicer. .. Mra. TTollinmworth: before her marriage, was Miss Josephine Hefren. To Make Office Of Judge Appointive Select C. R. Holmes to Fill Vacancy as Coun ty Solicitor The Perquimans County Board of Commissioners voted Monday to re quest Representative W. W. White to present a bill in the current General Asst.:. ly calling for the abolition of electii g the Judge of the Perquimans Recorder's Court. I'nder the motion passed, the bill woni-.l call for the office to he filled : nppointmciit by the Commissioners ami a salary set, not to exceed $75 per month. The office of Recorder's Court judge has been an elective one in the past, but inaMMM h as the office was created by the (ieneral Assembly, changes may be made at the discre tion of that body. The Commissioners elected C. R. Holmes, local auorney, to serve as solicitor for the Recorder's Court, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig naition of Cranberry Tucker. Mr. Holmes will assume the duties of the office immediately. During the past two weeks the position was filled by Mr. Holmes and J. S. McNider. The Board authorized J. W. Ward, clerk to the Board, to write to the State Highway Commissi'.- notifying that body of the bad repa.r of the nine-foot hard surface roi- leading from Hertford to Burgess, i his road way has been under heavy traffic since the beginning of construction on Harvey's Neck, and it is understood the hard surface portion of the road is now getting in bad condition. The Board is taking this action in order that the Highway Commission will not have an "out" in keeping the road in good repair should conditions. ! change that would leave the road in had state of repair The road has been heavily travel ed since the Navy began construction of its base and this transportation is breaking up the brick and hard surface portion of the road. The dirt portion of the road from Burgess to Harvey's Neck has been kept in ex- cellent condition by the Virginia En gineering Company and the Navy Department. Announce Honor Roll PCC Grammar School K Aiig, inci , of the ,. iman8 Count Centra (;rammar Sfhoo, week announcced the h roll for the secom, ter. The hf)nor ro f ,loW8. ... t r..j0 Vvr.nnp Cartw right, Marshall Winslow, Shirley W'in.slow, Clyde White, Virgil Winslow, Myrtle Williams Seth Morgan, William Mill er and Betty Gordon Winslow. Second Grade Shirley Fure, Jane Harrell, Nonie Lou Lane, Glenda Lane, Netty Long, Betty Ann Matthews, Emily Sumner, Kay White Stanton, Janie Winslow, Nan Ella White Mollie I-ou Yeates, Lloyd White, Mollie Lou Yeates, Lloyd Casey, James Clifton Griffin, Marian Elliott, Carey Stallings, Dorothy Jean Winslow and Wayne Pierce. Third Grade Beverly Bright, Peg gy Jane Hobbs, Julian Onley, Mary Vernon Ward, Billy Benton, Eugene Boyce, Walter Humphlett, Ben Miller, Robert Morris Winslow, Barbara Anne Benton, Amy Van Koach, Mar garet Symons, Marjorie Whedbee, and Marvina White. Fourth Grade Marie Copeland, El lodia Lamb, Mary Sue Cook, Doris Faye Allen, Eula Chalk, Melvin Lamb, Deri Gray Winslow, T-V i ill j t Ii i. u.u vj.ouc .. . Clare Hunter, Velma Ann Carver and Lillian Russell Sixth Grade Pearl Hunter, Marie Rountree, Marietta Jolliff, Doland Winslow, Clarkson White, Lelia Lee Winslow, Jimmy Robbin, Ann Hollo- well and Betty Sue Ervin. Seventh Grade Peggy Cook Eugene Hurdle. and 50 Sweaters Shipped To Red Cross Offices Fifty sweaters, knitted hy local women for the American lied Cross, were shipped to the national head quarters of that organization this week, Miss Helen Vick, chairman of the project, announced today. ; Another request is now made to persons having Red Cross yarn to return this yarn to Miss Vick, wheth er it has been used for completing garments or not This material must be returned to the Red Cross as soon as possible. Public Invited To For Service Men American Legion l ost To Present Program At Baptist Church The Rev. Howard C. Dawkins. today issued an invitation to the p blic of Perquimans County to attf d the minri:il sprvices to be conducted at the Hertford Baptist Church Sunday night, February 7, in honor of the boys and girls of the church now in the armed services of tr.e nation. The moirrani for the servii - will ne under the direction of the Win. i aul Shillings Post of the American I a nioii with Post Commander Ii. C. Herry presiding The program to be piesented follows: Colors, to he presented by Color i (iuard ol the Post; Player by Chap : lain VY. T. Willoughby; Dedication of ! American Flag by District Conimand . er Roland (iarrett, of Klizabeth City; f. , ... America": Dedi- tation of t,w christian Flag by Vice Commander J. D. Cranford; Pre sentation of Guests; Moment of Prayer for Depater Comrades; Song, "Onward Christian Soldiers"; Retire ment of Colors; Benediction by the Rev. Mr. Dawkins. The Flag Dedication services were made possible through Mrs. Sidney Broughton and Mrs. Ed Everett, who give the American Flag in honor of their soos, David Broughton and John K. Everett, both reported miss ing in action; and Mrs. 1!. G. Koonce, who gives the Christian Flag in honor of the Kev. Clarence E. Hob good, former pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, but now in service in India. Each boy and girl now serving their country who is a member of the IocmI church will he honored by a star iM tho service Flae- of the church. , .AT)l(. tt(.dance is exected f this servie, as it is the first of its kin,! to be held in IVmuimans. and the hurch is hapoy to welcome all,"1'1' '"gress should imjiose a 1!1 those having foi.s and daugters in seij-'ce-to V jiresent Sunday evening. Edenton - Hertford Divide Court Games i Kdeuton and Hertford, ancient rivals in the field of sports, divided a double-header basketball bill, dayed on the local hardwood last Friday night. The Edenton Aces out-shot the In dians to win the boys' game by a .'16 to 27 score. The Aces jumj.td into a KI-8 lead at the end of the first quarter and literally ran away from tho local quintet during the second quarter to lead at half time 20 to 9. I luring the second half the Perquim ans boys came back strong and out jilayed the visitors. Edenton scored Hi points during the second period, I while Hertford tallied IX. 1 he visitors displayed a nice offen-1 ports, and some believe the Jaj) re vive game and were forcing tbej pints untrue, game most of the time. The Indians,: . inrceu Dy tne gas nan to cancel ,ii couple of games, had lost some time in practice and this lack of racticel showed, itsell in the till with Kdenton. Elenton's big boy Rogerson was the main point getter of the evening, scoring 19 of his team's .'tfi points. Dan rterry was high man lor tne in- dians, tallying nine points. j The Perquimans Squaws bad little I difficulty in disposing of the Edenton gills' team. Final score of the girls'! game was 40 to 24 in favor of the; local team. The Squaws started a strong driv-1 ing attack that gave them an 8 to 2 , advantage at the end of the first (itiarter. and they maintained their lead throughout the game. Score at - . J II 1 . win I u lit1 MU1 tne ena oi tne nrsi nan siooo kw i fr the Squaws, who scored 22 points! during the second half to run the score to 40-24. Barbara Cault tallied 22 jioints for the Perquimans team, while Betsy Goodwin was high scorer for Edenton, getting nine points for the visitors. Health Officer To Speak PTA Meeting Dr. D. C. Hackett, Perquimans County Public Health Officer, will be the principal speaker at a meeting of the Hertford Grammar School Parent-Teacher Association, to be held at the1 school building Thursday evening, February 11, at 7:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting and hear Dr. Hackett BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Bill Fowler announce the birth of a son born Monday morn ing, February 1, at their home. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Course On Cub Pack Now Being Conducted Here On Thursdays An organization course on the Cub Pack of Boy Scouts is now being conducted in Hertford, according to Don King, Scout Executive, who stat ed that parents who missed the first session, and who Hpire their boy to be able to join the Cub Program of Boy Scouts should attend the next two meetings to be held on Thursday nights at the Courthouse. The Rev. H. G. Dawkins has agreed to serve as Cub Scout master and the Hertford Lions Club is to be the speii.r. Mr. King stated that this tin.t ' i:!.ing should be so organized : 1 "l continue to be an active uplifting, educational organization That is the reason fur holding the training sessions, so that parents lenders and committee may know the details ,,f the Cnh Pack oriramza- 1 " tT. Ml. - V HEADLi An announcement effecting millions of draft-age men with children was! made this week by the War Man-1 power Commissi, ,11. Thp release stat-l ed that within a short time all men employed in non-essential jobs, re gardless of the number of children thev have, mav be classified in 1-A and inducted into the Army. The , W.MC advises men in this class to be jircpared to enter the armed services or to transfer to jobs pertaining to the war effort. It advises men un familiar with wartime employment to register with the United States Km jdoyment Purtau to find a war job. The Treasury Department this week iresented Congress with its tax plans. It is known the Treasury op jio.ses the Rural jilati, which calls for the abandoning of P.M2 income taxes. :iml thl,s the department proposes , peiceiu v.iu.noimng tax on r.11.1 in- i : i I. I. . I 1 ' . . . t .. i i . a -i comes, tin.-, in addition to the live of Health amj rtered to -in grading percent ictory tax. stores and restaurants throughout - the State. On the . fronts li t tw.s con- Dr. Hackett s: id that stores or tinues to io..k good !i r tne Allies. ' restaurants failing to meet the sani In Tunisia the Brui.-i. Sth Army is t!lr.v requirements would be closed closing on the Axis positions, while until such time as they t meet the the British 1st and the American 5th grades required. Armies are pushing hard to close the "'A restaurant dist:yi'.g a C corridor through which Kommel may grade can be relied upi. Se a safe join with the Axis forces in the place to eat," he said, northern part of the colony. From all i . . indications the main battle for pos session of Tunisia is about to begin I and both sides are heavily armed for the fight. The Japs have returned to Guadal canal, according to a communique is sued this week by the Navy Depart ment. Little news has been released concerning the battle, but it is indi cated that heavy fighting is in pro gress with both sides suffering loss es. Jaian has claimed several American ships have been sunk, but the Navy has not confirmed these re- i ne Russians still hammer the Germans relentlessly on the Eastern front. The German troops at Stalin gtad have surrendered and that closes the chapter of the valiant de fense of the important city by the l-arge numbers of men and much material was reported taken by the Red armies at Stalingrad, anil reports from the other battles in Russia jioint toward more German set-backs. The bitter fight over the appumt- ment of Edward Flynn as Minister to Australia ended this week when lynn requested 1'iesid. I'll .inKev. 1 to withdraw hi ...,.,. f..,., u. v.... i ate. The Spnnt.i ;... ,.mn,;n,. i,..,i recommended the aimointmm.t v,,- ., l, .!() vote, hut inHicat; w ... determined opposition was awaiting on the Senate floor caused the with drawal. Wm. Paul Stallings Post Meets Friday The Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion will meet Friday night at 8 o'clock, at the Agriculture Building, Commander B. C. Berry stated Wednesday. Post Vice Commander J. D. Cran ford will have charge of the pro gram, and it has been announced a special program has been arranged for the meeting. All Tneiribeir are urged to attend. CIRCLE NO. FOUR TO MEET Circle No. Four of the Hertford Baptist Church will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Mathews. Mrs. E. W. Mayes, chair man, urges all members to be present Dr. Hackett Explains Grading System By Sanitation Officer Original Survey Now Almost Completed By Mr. Miles Dr. D. C. Hackett, Public Health officer, stated this week that the 0ff jc,.s an( work in connection with .1,,. c.,,,,,1,- Health Service will be opened and underway here within a very short time. Preliminary work of opening the office.-; and conducting original sani tation surve ..f si. .res and restau rants of the ii mil. i is almost completed. Iii connection with the saiiilatn i, v.iv.ey. Dr. Ilaek.-lt stall 1 that it wa.s not the jiurpo.se of the Public Ileal;. i .-'on ice or the Sanita tion Officer : . ci up .'. place of business, but t" point out the sanitary needs of the pla. e m order for it to conform with !': rules of the State Hoard of Health, and at the same tic e make condition-; .such a.s tire conducive to good health. Dr. Hackett (minted out that in the original survey conducted by Mr. Miles, the Sanitation Officer, grades "ere issued to show shop owners the conditions needing remedy Ijetore a final grade is issued. In issuing these grades, a store or restaurant will be given an A, B or C rating. A means the place rates 90 or better in sanitary points, Ii, 80 or better, and C 70 or better. u will jnobably be 30 to 60 days before these grades are issued, Dr. Hackett said, but in the meantime tlie Sanitation Officer may call again to see if and what recommendations are being carried out. The Health Officer stated that simply because the final grades would not be issued for a month or two yet, is no rea son for shop keepers not to begin making changes that would make it possible for his market or shop to meet the highest grade possible. All ,-,.n,mim.mlations made hv thp Sani- t;iti(in Officer are in keeping with a slandard set up by the State Board Two Contingents Of I Men Left This Week Two contingents of men, one a group of Army Reservists home for their seven-day furlough, and the other a group of seven selectees left Hertford this week for Fort Bragg. The Reservists reporting for duty were Haywood L'mjihlett, Vivian Dale, Kelly White, Linwood Onley, William" Cox, Johnnie Jordan, Ernest Phillips, Jr., 1). J. White Jr., I,eroy Dail, George Fields, Douglas Elliott and Francis Nixon. The selectees, ordered to fill the quota for this cour.ty for February 4, weie: Columbus Layden, Linwood Lane, Otha Nixon, Walter Trueblood Boyd Morris, Jasper Layden and William Farmer. The Ii;'. of men rejected by the Army out . f -.he January call w e R. S. Mond.-, N'ori urn Stallings, J son Miller, Win. Earl Williams, J; - nie Winslow. l.e-to l.aydo Louis Taylo! i..l i ostoffke To Oj. in V A f i Pn , t nn V A V X. a IIL'UII Silas M. Whedbee, Hertford post master, announced today new hours for the local postofflce to.be observed on Saturdays, beginning February 6. Windows will be opened for regu lar business from 8 a. m. until 1 p. m., and for the convenience of the public the parcel post and stamp windows will be open from 3:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. for the purpose of de livering parcels and the sale of stamps. Beginning this week, also, there will be city delivery of mail on Sat urday afternoons. There will be no changes in the schedule of hours on other week days, Mr. Whedbee stated. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Elmer Wood, Jr., of Route Three, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, January 28. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mrs. Wood was formerly Miss Marjorie Chap pell of Chowan County. 0 : "A 1 v H f , 1 ''fll 'A -j jo-:ic4 ' f V .It,1 4 I, M x '-V.- 1 1