Page four THE PERQUIMANa WiLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY. MARCH 5, 1943 j SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BIBLE TEACHINGS AGAINST DRUNKENNESS Ail lnti rational Sunday School Lesson f for March, 7, 194. " GOLDEN TEXT: "Strong drink sball be bitter to them tbt drink it." Isaiah 24:9. (Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 30:16.17; Isaiah 2:l-4, 7; Galatians 5:19-21.) From the texts we have been given for our consideration, and from nu merous others which we may easily find throughout the Bible, we realize that drunkenness and its accompany ' ing evils has been with man from the earliest times. With the progress that civilization has made it would seem a curse such as this one would have long ago been eliminated from the life of man, but, of course, such is not the case. In these days of war, when every effort is being made to make the best possible use of every available man in order that the material for war may be produced in the shortest possible time, anything that destroys the efficiency of the nation's man power should be considered an enemy tto the fullest use of that manpower. f-lence proves that alcohol, when lAa into the body even in the Smallest quantities impairs the effi- ' fiency of the brain and slows down the reaction of the nerves. AnfThe story taken from I Samuel, .f Jjfch tells of the slaughter of the jAmelikites by a small band of Israel ites under David, should be an' object lesson in these times. These Ameli kites, victorious over Ziklag, had taken everything they found, even including the wives and sous and daughters of Judah. David pursued the victors find found them celebrat ing their victory spread abroad over j-iiljr. the ground, eating and drinking, jTtt4 dancing, because of the great fBgoU they had taken. David utterly ' defeated them, only four hundred young camel riders escaping. .Woe is pronounced on Ephraun by Prophet. Isaiah because of their inkennesa and forecasts their utter doom at the hands of the neighboring Assyrians. Isaiah also warns the people of Judah that they too, and Specially their rulers, are not less k. nouered by wine than the people of ,?T Jtfaim. 'Are such warnings pertinent to car' times? One writer declares, "Drunkenness always means defeat. .,IMd you ever hear of a drunkard achieving anything? A drunkard has ; defeated himself. Every one will " grant this. But not everyone is will- TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. "WE HAVE THE SHOWS" Friday March 5 Phil)SpiUlnj and His All Girl Orchestra, Allan- Jones, Jan Feze and Gloria Jean in "WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME" ' "I l Saturday March &- f Don Red Barry in -SUNDOWN KID" ' SeHat. - Comedy - Cartoon Sunday March 7 Double Feature 11 ' Andrews Sisters in Vjt "GIVE OUT SISTERS" ' v, Also Fredric March and Veronica Lane in I MARRIED A WITCH" Monday and Tuesday, March 8-9 Alan Ladd and Helen Walker in "LUCKY JORDAN" Wednesday, March 10 Double Feature 10c and 22c Jinx Falkenburg in "LAUGH YOUR BLUES AWAY" Don Red Barry in "TRAITOR WITHIN" Thursday - Friday, March 11-12 George Murphy and Benny Goodman and Band in "THE POWERS GIRL" ing to grant the further truth that drinking which does not make a man absolutely drunk nevertheless par tially defeats him, renders him in capable of achieving his best." Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, from which we have an excerpt this week, gave some very practical ad vice on living. While Paul recognizes the liberty of all in the faith he reiterates the claim upon each for service to one another through mutual love. He contrasts the "works of the flesh" with the "fruit of the Spirit" and urges his followers to allow the Spirit to guide them in their daily livintr. Verses 19-21 are contrasted with verses 22-23, reciting the con flicting results of lives in which the motive powers are different. As summarized bv A. W. Robinson, the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit are contrasted: "The horrid enumeration follows a natural order. The list begins with sins against self; then come what were more directly sins against God; finally, there are the sins against society. The words fall into four groups. The first group includes three sins in which sensuality in the narrower cause is prominent; the second includes two that are asso ciated with heathen religion; the third group contains eight in which conflict with others is present; the fourth consists of drunkenness and its natural accompaniments. In emphasizing self-control this lesson naturally turns towards the al cohol question. While the Christian is blessed with liberty, he should not construe this to mean license. As Professor Findlay says: "Whose lib erty is of most importance a man' right to drink what he pleases or his family's right to a fair share in his income? The consequences of drink cannot be confined to the drinker, or even to the drinker's home; they spill over into the community where the rights to peace, safety, and quiet are of greater importance than a man's right to drink poison. Those who claim the most personal liberty would be in hot water all the time were it not that others give up much personal liberty even for their sake. There is no such thing as per sonal liberty to do wrong or to vio late law. All individual rights give way to social obligations. One-way streets, traffic rules, speed limits, ordinances that cover the distribution of ice, milk, meat, and other food stuffs are all in point." Every Christian should retain com plete control of his faculties, which he cannot do without liquor, for, as Bert H. Davis says: "Intoxication begins just as soon as alcohol enters the body. Alcohol has a toxic or poison ing effect. The use of a small quan tity may be quickly detected in the membranes of the eye and through the knee-jerk test for nerve control The effect on intellect is not so eas ily determined, but science knows that the more sensitive and intelligent the person, the more quickly does alcohol operate to depress and to deaden Intoxication usually begins, therefore, without the knowledge of the user of the liquor. From the first drink on ward, he is increasingly less compe tent to judge whether or not he is being dangerously affected by what he takes." Wormy Pig Will Never Grow Big May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with its hurry and worry. Irregular habits, improper eating ana drinking Its risk of exposure and infec tion throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swellingfeel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan't Pill: Doan't help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. A$k your neighbor! SSSSBSaBSSBBH fll Georg. Murph, and Ben; I II tVTVilTrjI fe TTIAS3I 1 1 r The old saying, "A wormy pig will never get big," should be kept in mind this spring as thousands of new pigs are born, reports Dr. C. D. Grin nells, Experiment Station Veterinar ian at N. C. State College. The roundworm, or ascarid, is one of the most common and injurious of these swine parasites. To raise pigs that develop quickly and profitably, he urges that growers adopt an approved swine sanitation system. This includes the removal of all litter from the farrowing pens and cleaning of the pens with boiling water, soap and lye. A few days before farrowing time scrub the sow thoroughly with a brush, using soap and warm water to remove all dirt. Pay special atten tion to the udder. Within ten days after farrowing, haul (do not drive) the sow and pigs directly to a field which has previous ly been sown to a forage crop. Allow no other hogs in this pasture except sows and litters similarly handled. Provide plenty of shelter and sheds, and a safe supply of fresh water. Leave the pigs on a clean pasture for at least four months, after which danger from roundworms is rela tively slight, said Dr. Grinnells. The use of this system generally makes pigs ready for market 4 to 8 weeks earlier than under dirty hog-lot con ditions. The herd is more uniform in size and practically free of runts. For the system to be effective, none of these steps should be omitted, he said. persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 8th day of February, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 8th day of February, 1S43. C. B. PARKER, Administrator of Annie Thach Parker feb.l2,19,26,mar.5,12,19 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the special proceed ing entitled Town of Hertford vs. Prentice Franklin, et els, the same being No. upon the special pro ceeding docket of said court, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 27th day of March, 1943, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Hertford, Perquimans Coun ty, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that .certain tract of land lying and being in Hertford Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Bar row estate and others, and more par ticularly described as follows to wit: Described in the complaint ef the said proceeding as one house and lot situated on Punch Alley listedon the tax scroll in the name of Prentice Franklin, and further described as follows: Bounded on the west by Reed and Barrow Avenue, north by Barrow land, east by lots Nos. 6 and 4, and south by lot No. 8, beginning on the west at the southwest corner of lot No. 8 on the Reed and Barrow Ave nue, and extending in a northerly course up said avenue 44 feet to Barrow's line, thence in an easterly course up said Barrow's line 91 feet to lot No. 5, thence south 53 feet to lot No. 8, thence west 90 feet down the line between lots No. 8 and 9 to the beginning and being lot No. 9 as per plat of David Cox made July 26, 1898, and recorded in Plat Book of Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, of the N. R. Holly property, containing 18 acre more or less. For further description see Deed Book 4, page 376. ' Dated and posted this 23rd day of February, 1943. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, fed26mar5,12,26 Commisstoner. Farmers Get Higher Ratings For Lumber n Conserve Your Car Let Joe aad Bill's check your car regularly. Proper lubrication and oil change will conserve your car . . . and will aid in saving gasoline. Keep your car looking "tops" by having it washed and waxed. Higher priority ratings for soft wood lumber required for essential agricultural uses are provided in an amendment to the softwood lumber conservation order, according to G. T. Scott, chairman of the State USDA War Board. Under the new ruling, farmers are provided with an AA-3 priority rat ing for lumber used in maintenance and repairing of farm buildings, other than dwellings. An AA-4 rat ing is provided for most other agri cultural uses, such as constructing shelters, burns, pens, sheds for live stock and poultry, and other essential buildings. "Automatic preference ratings are not provided for new softwood lumber to be used for such agricultural pur poses as construction of new dwell ings, garages, machine sheds, repair shops and similar buildings," Scott said. "The softwood lumber conser vation order, however, does not affect the use of home-sawed, used, or hard wood lumber for any purpose, unless otherwise restricted. Regardless of the type of lumber used, present con servation orders prohibit construction of agricultural dwellings costing $200 or more and other agricultural build ings costing $1,000 or more, without prior approval of the War Production Board." He said the amendment makes it compulsory for dealers to fill pur chase orders carrying a preference rating if they have the material on hand and do not have, orders pending with higher priority ratin- NOW COME THE "MOPS" WORKING FOR VICTORX They are working on the home fronts those housewives doing their bit behind the frying pan, washing machine and bassinette taking their cues from the WAACS and WAVES and banding together in the "Mater nal Order of Patriots" "MOPS" to you. Read about these patriotic women in the March 14th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Ask Your Newsdealer To Reserve Your Copy LEGAL NOTICES CALL JOE AND BILL'S FOR PROMPT SERVICE Tire Cheeking Battery Service Anti-Freeze Lubrication SINCLAIR PRODUCTS JOE AND BILLS SERVICE STATION "Where Service l A Pleawe" i BILL WHITE, Prop. PHQNE 8W1 ( LEATHER COATS WORKED OVER, cleaned and oiled. Ward's Shoe Shop, Edenton. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix notify all persons having claims against the estate of said, deceased to of the estate of Mrs. W. G. Gaither, Sr.,- deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 22 day of January, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of January, ls43. HELEN W. GAITHER, Administratrix of Mrs. W. G. Gaither, Sr. jan.29,feb.5,12,19,26,mar.5. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Annie Thach Parker, deceased, late of Perquimans County, P 1 II II I Ml ii ir ii ir ii ii it ii in i ifOTOI! 11 When Bell Airacobras, deadly pursuit planes, are given the works on test flights their 1150 horsepower Allison engines are kept safely lubricated with Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil the same quality Sinclair Pennsylvania sold by your nearby Sinclair Dealer. Now that your car must last longer, keep it safely lubricated with the same quality oil that protects the Airacobra's engine at 395 m.p.h. Have your Sinclair Dealer drain and refill your crankcase with Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil every 1,000 miles. It lasts so long it saves money as well as your engine. onroorxTrTT OIL IS AMMUNITION USE IT WISELY JJ. KL TTflDWE, Ageimtt SINCLAIR REFINING CO. Hertford. N. C UJ fn) MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW The Board of County Commissioners of Per quimans County will meet as the Board of Equal ization and Review in the Court House on Mon day, March 15, 1943, at 10 o'clock A. M, for the purpose of hearing complaints and the equate tion of property values, and said Board will ad journ from day to day until this work is com pleted. IT. W. WMSB ','jfr Register of Deeds, Perquimans Oounty North Carolina( this is to notify all 0 4 1