PAGE SIX THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1943. , BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thach and children, of Yeopim, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davenport, of Washing ton, N. C, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kramer Williams and children spent the week-end at Engle hard as guests of her parents. Mrs. Lessie Evans and sons, Hal lett and Joseph, of Ballahack, visited her sister, Mrs. W. E. Curtis, and Mr. Curtis, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thach and children, of Yeopim; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ward and children; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mansfield and daughter, Mar garet Ann, of near Edenton, visited J. H. Mansfield and Miss Ruth Mans field on Sunday. JAr. and Mrs. E. J. Proctor and children visited her brother, Paul Chesson, and Mrs. Chesson, in Nor folk, Va., Sunday. CIRCLE NO. THRKE TO MEET Circle No. Three of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church will meet Monday evening, September 6th, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Zachary. All members are urged to be present. If You Suffer 'PERIODIC pi With Its Weak, Cranky, Nervous Feelings If at such times you, like so many women and girls suffer from cramps, headaches, backache, distress of "Irreg ularities", periods of the blues due to functional monthly disturbances Start at once try Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accompanying tired, weak, nervous feel ings of this nature. This Is because of Its soothing effect on on or woman's most important osgans. Taken regu larly Plnkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S SNOW mix NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrell and family, and Mr. Clements, all of Richmond, Va., spent several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., of Norfolk, Va., spent last week . with Mr. and Mrs. William Whedbee. Miss Carolyn Dean Harrell spent Sunday with Miss Lcis Faye Benton Mr. and Mrs. James W. Harrell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell and Miss Eunice Harrell attended services at Happy Home Sunday af ternoon. Miss Maxine Harrell, of Norfolk, Va., spent last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell visited Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Barclift, at Nix onton, and Mr. and Mrs. M. J- Reid, Sr., at Weeksville, Sunday after noon. CHAPANOKE NEWS Crawford Wilson, U. S. N., Lake hurst, N. J., is spending a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Miss Janet Quincy lias returned from Chapel Hill. ; David Lewis, U. S. N., Norfolk,1 Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lewis. I Miss Susie Mae Wilson spent two j days last week at Washington, D. C, . with friends. Carey Quincy, U. S. IV, who has been stationed at Puerto Rico, has been transferred to Norfolk, Va. He visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy, on Tuesday. Mrs. Ordell Byrum has returned to Portsmouth, Va., after visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Garner, of Elizabeth City, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Miss Susie Mae Wilson is spending this week at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Baum, Mrs. Jack Smith and Rebell Carter were guests of Mr. and Mrs .Tudd Lane on Sunday. Otho. visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Williams and Cecil Newbold, of Portsmouth, Va. FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Winslow, of near Belvidere, entertained at a family reunion on Sunday . afternoon. The guests included Mrs.'Winslow's sisters and brothers and their fami lies, also other relatives of the Wins low family. After a social afternoon together, everybody was invited out on the lawn where a long table was spread for supper. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Winslow, Leonard Winslow, of Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow and son, Bobby Ray, of near Corapeake; Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. White, Traverse, Dora and Bertha Mae White; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse White, Eugene and Rebecca White, and Oliver White; Mrs. Elmer Wins; low, Lela, Carl, Mary Love, Billy, Allan and Johnny Winslow; Mr. and Mrs. Wayland White, Jewell White, Dorothy Hobbs; Mr. and Mrs. Emory Rountree, Novella and Nancy Roun tree; Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Rountree, Daly and Jesse Rountree; Mr. and Mrs. Moody White, Ella Mae, Hilton and Edith White. Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Winslow, Selma and Annie Eli zabeth Winslow; Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Gregory, Marvin Gregory; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Winslow, Joanne and Beryl Winslow; Johnnie White, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eason, Gracie Lee and Loraine Eason; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Stallings and son, Tommy. CIRCLE NO. FOUR TO 'MEET Circle No. Four of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford! Baptist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Matt Mathews on Monday evening. Mrs. E. W Mayes, chairman of the Circle, requests all members to be present. HONOREE AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. R. M. Riddick was hostess at a bridge party on Friday evening at her home on Dobb Street, compli menting Mrs. Philip Carter, a recent bride. Those playing were the honoree, Mrs. Garter, and Mesdames D. M. Feild, Henry Stokes, W. E. Drake and Jimmy Johnson, and Misses Vir ginia White, Blanche Moore .Berry, Mary Wood Koonce, "Chic" Stephens and Ruth Elliott. ' . , The honoree was presented gift, Miss Elliott received high score' prize and Miss Berry low score award. A salad course was served. ' HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. W. E. Drake entertained at a bridge party on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Philip Carter, a recent bride. Those enjoying the evening, in addition to the guest of honor, Mrs. Carter, were Mesdames R. D. Turgeon, Jr., Jimmy Johnson, Vivian Matthews and Misses Mary Morris, Ruth Elliott, Virginia White, "Chic" Stephens, Nta Newbold, Mary Wood Koonce and Grace Knowles. The honoree was presented a gift of china. ' Miss Knowles. received high acpr prize and low score award weiit'Jcr? Miss. Morris. A salad course was served. Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs.' A. JT. Holloman, of Frederick, Okla., is the proud mother of seven sons in the armed forces, all of whom are com missioned' officers. They are: Major A. H. Holloman, 30; Capt. Robert, 31; Capt. Horace, 26; Lieut. Jeff Joe, 21; Lieut, (j.g.) Haskell, 35; Lieut. Leon, 28, and Lieut. Ira, 24. DONT WAIT . . . GET IT NOW! HAY WIRE You will be needing Haywire soon, and we have a supply on hand. Don't wait until later, but get your supply now. Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. HERTFORD, N. C. Good Used Cars Is your present car wearing out ... or causing you trou ble? Remember, it may be a long time before you can buy a new automobile, so why not come around and inspect our large stock of good used cars. We are listing some cars now on hand and have others coming in almost daily. If you are thinking of trading in your present car. ... see us. SPECIAL 1942 Ply mouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan; driven 7,000 miles. Heater and seat covers. A real buy. 1939 Pontiac 4-door Sedan. Looks and runs like new car. 1937 Chevrolet Coach. In good condition. Has some extras. I! 191 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coach. Radio and heater. Very clean. 11941 Chevrolet Special j Deluxe Coach. In per fect mechanical condi tion. Radio and heat er installed. 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coach. Has ra dio and heater. Very clean. 1940 Chevrolet Deluxe 4-door Sedan, radio and heater. Good con dition. 1941 Plymouth Deluxe 4-door Sedan. Here is a real Used Car. Towe Motor Co. SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2461 1 Hertford, N. C. THE Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday by The Perquimans Weekly, a partner ship consisting of Joseph G Campbell and Max R. Campbell, of Hertford, N. C. MAX CAMPBELL Editoi North Carolina t3k WtilAKOCIATIQ) Entered as second class matte. November 15, 1934, ,at postoffU at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.50 Six Months .71 Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, vt will b charged for at regular advertising rates. Advertising- rates furnished by request. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1943 Come To BlanclhardPs .achinery Jror if arm He Uave In Stock and Coming Soon Two Model A John Deere Tractors. Four Model B John Deere Tractors. One AA282 Cultivator Tractor. Four John Deere Combines. Five Tractor Planters with Fertilizer Attachments. One John Deere Disc Harrow HD. One King Tractor Harrow. COLE PLANTERS - STALK CUTTERS - 2-IN-l CULTIVATORS PEANUT DIGGERS - CART WHEELS Let us take care of you on your f aim equipment . . . come in now and tell us what your needs will be; it will be to your advantage to place orders now for Spring delivery. J. C. Blanchard & Co., Inc. RIGHT PRICES 'BLA NCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 QUALITY MERCHANDISE "Tell your rationing board you are cutting pulp wood5 5 says Prentiss Brown, Administrator of Office of J'rict AdminUtration i 4 P ; lp wood cutting has recently been listed as an essential occupa tion and those engaged in it should now include such activities in con nection with any application for supplementary gasoline, tire, or automotive rations. "If you are using gasoline powered equipment in sawing drawing or trucking pulpwood and it is absolutely necessary for you to have an additional allowance, you should report the fact to your local rationing board, giving full information as to the number of cords to be cut and the distance it must be trucked. "Ceiling prices for -pulpwood have been set by this office and are available upon application to your nearest OPA District Office. There b no present intention of revising price OS Approved by Office of Price Administration Sponsored by NORTH CAROLINA PULP GO. PLYMOUTH; N. C v Or Contact Our Representative . 1 MR. JACK SWAIN " " Box 5 -:- Edenton, N. 0. Wli if w. - If 1 I 1 - I ! a If v nl 3 1' uV V tin. a , Now b the tima to cut or thin your tim ber wbil 1 high and pulp bad 1 Ccr wMr a4 ea A grow facta tati My. fvTtiMattte Uwtr agaat rO t.l . - VyfcF wi&mjMtlaU- .ftaltjta '1 r t it' 4t i "J I' 1 ! 1 J !1 J 1-1 ..: its I