'" AGlfElcnf WE WW)n4W Wmt HERTFORlylt&frrjbAYV DECEMBER 24, 1943 ' .PAGET EIGHT 1 RTTTTTCT MPWQ dinner guest of Kr. and Mrs. C. T and children visited J.; HV, Mansfield g UkJlUJUU nafTO Phi!Hr Sunday.. s. ' and Mhw Kuth Mansfield Sunday. f ,",. , 1 Mr. end Mrs, Freeman long were . . - . -- "' Mr. and Hit Bobby Barrett, of . -. -j n t- n.u. xtt a XTrtT XTTJtrS .r parents, Mr. ana rs. J. i. Bams, Mm WArd go,,, ana aars. w. 4. farmer viuiea jr.t M jiWiinn Mi Jessie White Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Catling, of ad Mrs. Josiah Elliott, in Hertford, .aS! Norfolk, V., spent the week-end as Sunday afternoon I kitSr?nt Sndv mcKn as f,uDta w. wa aim vm JUf JUlo, ? uui biDf uiii Mrs. W- E. Curtis and grandson, grandson, Johnny Miller, Mr. and Johnny Miller, have returned to their Mrs. J. W. Gatling visited Mrs. Lessie home after visiting relatives m Evans Sunday. Norfolk, Va. I Mr. and Mrs. C. R.Ward, and, .VSIflwn r..a anil Tlamrrivi a RaI. JJ:J:J- ,ihe. ,children! Mr- and Mre- Harry Automo biles For Sale WE HAVE AT THIS TIME THE FOLLOWING CARS FOR SALE Two'l942 Ford Tudors One 1942 Chevrolet Coach One 1941 Oldsmobile Sedanette Two 1941 Pontiac Sedanettes One 1941 Ford Fordor Sedan One 1940 Ford Tudor Two 1940 Chevrolet Coaches Three 1939 Buick Sedans One 1939 Mercury HOLLOWELL CHEVROLET COMPANY "The Best Place To Buy a Used Car" TELEPHONE 2 151 HERTFORD, N. C. xidnuu eat Hertford Shoe Shop HERTFORD, N. C. The things you have wished for . . . the ambitions and plans that have been yours . . .we hope they will all be realized during the coming year. And may the Holiday Season be a happy one and the New Year one of useful ness, happiness and success. MEW TOADfi Tove Motor CompLiy I f AND A VERY i Ai 7 A Ik thr-tavptj J Mew U Douglas, John Carver and daughter, Willie Sweats of Mrs. D. A, Carver. Mrs. Charlie Baker spent Thurs day with Mrs. R. M. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. G. R Carver ana Tha5h I videre, visited Mrs. R. M. Baker on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charlie Baker and son, Les ter; Mrs. E. M. Baker and children, Jimmj, Vivian and Helene, spent Satur. -y in ' Elizabeth City. ENTERTAINS S. S. CLASS Mrs. Charles Johnson delightfully entertained the members of the Jud- son Mer.iorial Sunday School Class of h the Hertford llaptist Church on .J Tuesday oveninK at her home oii Covent bauicn Mi eel. - 1 i.e House w waa beautifully decorated with holly and evergreens. A program ui viiiiaiiiias sunga, m featured with the story, "Why the Chrifltmas Bells Rang," given by 1 g Miss Alma Leggett, was enjoyed. fi At the close of the program, Mrs. ' Johnson invited her guests into the f dining room, where a delicious salad ( 6 coursu was aerveu. ciacn inemuer ui the class was presented with a gift from under the Christmas tree. The girls presented Mrs. Johnson, their teacher, with a lovely crystal fruit bowl. Members present were: Mrs. Clin ton Hey, Mrs. D. M. Jackson, Mrs. Zack Robertson, Mrs. Hudson Butler, Mrs. Willie Ainsley, Mrs. Norman' Elliott, Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mrs. Josiah Elliott, Mrs. Rupert Ainsley, Mrs. Olivia Hobbs, Miss Alma Leg gett, Miss Mary Jane Spruill and Miss Reba Spivey. SERVICES AT BEREA The Rev. Preston Ca7ton, of Edenton, will hold services Sunday morning and night at Berea Chris tian Church. The public is invited. Home For Holidays Leigh Winslow has returned home from The Citadel, South Carolina, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Winslow. To Visit Mother Miss Virginia Tucker, of Hampton, Va., will pend several days during the holiday season with her mother, Mrs. Isa Tucker. LEGAL NOTICES if W ANTKD IMMEDIATELY SAW yer to operate small ground mill and planer. Good pay. 'House, water, wood and lights furnished. Good opportunity for right nun. See . G. Saunders, Jr., Chucka tuck Ya. I'honr: 2il, Nights: 282.! dec.24. Sale Of Valuable lroperty j i!y virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe-' cuted to me by Harriet A. Lassiter, j for certain purposes thereto men- j Uoned which said Mortgage Deed bears date of JVlay 4th, 1923, and is j registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Perquimans Coun ty in Book 13, Page 560, I shall on Saturday, January 22nd, 1944, at 12 o'clock M., E. W. T.( offer for sale I at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property conveyed to me in said Mortgage Deed. Situate in Hertford, Hertford Township, N. C, Beginning in center of ditch on North side of Grubb Street, thence Westerly course along Grubb Street, 34 feet; thence Northerly to right-of-way of Norfolk-Southern Railroad; thence an Easterly course along said right-of-way to ditch first above mentioned; thence a Southerly course along cen ter of said ditch to Grubb Street, point of beginning. For further de scription Bee deed from Louisa Doug las to said Harriet A. Lassiter. re corded in Deed Book 12, Page 151. E. L. REED, Mortgagee. December 20, 1948. dec.24,31,jan.7,14. THE Perquimans Weekly 1 Published every Friday by The Perquimans Weekly, a partner ship consisting of Joseph G Campbell and Max R. Campbell, ol Hertford, N. C MAX CAMPBELL Editot Ei. tared as second class uatta. ov- r.bei 16 :34. at Doatoffk at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. h i SUBSCRIPTION RATES i One YwS.-n' i 11-oC Six Months Cards of thanks. obituarie resolution of respect, eta .: will br charged for. at regular advertising rates. .. , " 'Advertising rates furnished b request.. , . , . , Honh Carolina vJk WliS ASiOC lATlfji ?! 0r If ", f' ' , i ' f moking and useful & """" VSy, ' Xu'oWe 3&bk I . 1 - mi i ..' w mii .v.1. ' mi - h r it . 1 ii The Big Headlines of Today ire Not Ware, Accidents, Politics, Marriages or Strikes, They're $ d VOW WARD'S PHOXE 3801 full of hope v GARAGE v rjv- HERTFORD, N. C. With the passing of each year, our Christmas Greetings to you become more and more an, essen tial part of our lives. This year, perhaps more than ever, we have looked forward to the opportunity of sending a message of good cheer to you. We are aware of the disappointments that have been yours; ve are familiar with the good things in life which have been yours to enjoy. And at this Christmas time-, we want it to be one of those great occasions which you will long remember as being a happy season, for Health. Peace and Contentment, 3 ' ,a ri ; HLANCBARm SINCE 8a ; , ' f : 1 "til'1 ' ' - ! h'i : I' J' I" I 4 " v. i 1 J t I I' i I- If" . 4? 4M. ; I .. . V ' HERTFORD, N. C. . I ' .'"t1 "1- T l-Uh V,' W.' " tv - HERTFORD, N. C.