4 if I. 1 irk " 'i. 1 '1 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. G FlUDAY, JULY 7, 1C-4. PAGE THREE r " i v ;:v " v i, i s 1 i 4 '4 iiiilvlAlia IMLSvve; In Washington Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pitt and son, Howard, are visiting Major and Mrs. T. S. White, Jr., in Washington, D. C. i SPECIAL SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH litiLVIDJJKE NEWS In Yadkinville Mrs. J. W. Zachary and Miss Nancy Zachary are visiting relatives in Yadkinville. Return To Maryland I and son, Dickie, of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Preston Dennis and Mrs. and S. B: Sedberry aw? spehding the Roger Parson have returned to their week at Nags Head, home in Salisbury, Maryland; after Tuesday In Louisburg Mrs. C. T. Skinner and Mrs. W. Trueblood spent Tuesday Louisburg College. W.' at visiting relatives here for the past week. I Special evening services conducted at the ' Hertford i Church Siindav. becinninir with a vespers for young people and an service men at 7:15. Regular evening worship will be held at 8 o'clock with Chaplain Paul Sanders as the guest minister. Following the evening services a songfest will be held in the church auditorium and the public is invited to attend. Fourth At Beach Mayor V. N. Darden spent the Fourth at Nags Head with Mrs. Dar den. Here For Holiday C. P. 0. and Mrs. Herbert H. John son, of Norfolk, Va., spent the holi day here with Mrs. Johnson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Buck. Visiting In Maryland Mrs. Matt Matthews is visiting her sister, Mrs. Preston Dennis, in Sal isbury, Md. Sunday At Jarvteburg Returns To Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nixon and Cadet Durwood Reed returned to Mrs. George Fields spent Sunday at Winston-Salem Saturday after spend Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Draper, of Jarvisburtr with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Symons. . Week-end At Richmond Miss Nettie Lee Gregory spent the week-end at Richmond, Va., with friends. Sunday In Norfolk Mrs. S. T. Sutton spent Sunday in Norfolk with her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Anderson. Here For Holidays Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campen, of Columbia, are here to spend the I knliitova uritK Mrg luito f ' .1 m rum ing some time here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton, Miss I'eggy Felton and Howard Felton are spending the week at Nags Head. Returns To Tennessee Jimmie Felton, USNR, has return ed to Mitchell College, Tenn., after i spending his leave with his family ) it Nags Head. Miss Mildred Copeland, student at . I ECTC, Greenville, spent the week will be j mipot of her narents. Mr. and Baptist Mrs F M Copeland. She had as her guest Miss Lavine Womble of Apex. Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs, of Jackson, is spending a two weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. White. Miss Blanch Chappell, of Norfolk, and Miss Dixie Chappell, students at ECTC, Greenville, were week-end guests of their mother, Mrs. Maud Chappell. Mrs. Roy Byrum and son, Don, returned to their home in Norfolk father, E. L. Chappell. They wen accompanied by Mrs. D. D. Price and Delmar Kay, of Crisheld. Mo., eek. Mrs. 1.. vv . Andeisoi. Mrs. T. C. Perry and son, Timothy Claire, spent the week-end in Ra- Return To Richmond I le'Kn as guests of relatives. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chalk and Anderson remained for a week's son, Dickie, have returned to Rich- visit. niond. Va.. after a visit hen. with I Mrs. Paul Whedbee, of Washing- Visiting Here S-Sgt. Clarence Chalk, who lias been attached to the C S. Army in Panama for some time, was married to Miss Louis, Mo., Mrs. Chalk Martha Mrkli of St I son, ueimar nay, , on Saturday. Mr. and who wi" visit them a are visitinp- Mr. Chalk's' Mr. and mother, Mrs. Annie Chalk. Friday In Norfolk Mrs. Glenn Mathews, Mrs. C. E. Conway, spent the holidays here with Here Last Week ; Walker, Mrs. i land Walker I folk, Va. Henry spent Lewis Friday ind (Jar in Nor- Mrs. Annie Chalk. Visiting Grandmother Miss Beverly Chalk, Va., is visiting her Mrs. Annie Chalk. ton, D. C, was the guest of her i father, W. T. Smith, Tuesday. j Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White, of Norfolk, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winsluw Monday night and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Blanchard and daughter, Kathleen, and Mrs. Lucius Blanchard, of Hertford, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Riddick and son, Billy, and Mrs. Maud Chap pel! were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chappell. of Norfolk, Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Young, Mrs. J. M. Copeland and Miss Olive Layden spent Tuesday in Elizabeth City. Carlyle Ward, of Rocky Mount, was a week-end visitor with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ward. mmm) Do You Hate HOT WISHES? It you suffer from hot flashes, (eel week, nervous, a bit blue at times all due to the functional "middle age" period peculiar to women try Lydla E. Plnkham a Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Made especially tor women it helps nature Follow label direction?. LYDIA LPINKHAM'SSSKo of Richmond, grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Edwards. Sunday At Morehead Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stachwell and Mr. and MnL,.B. E. Emmons spent Sunday at Morehead and Marshal-burg. Promoted To Sergeant I Cpl. Douglas Elliott, of - Camp Davis, has been promoted to ser geant. Sgt. Elliott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cannon and son, Guy, Mrs. Blanche Louise Gil liam and children, Mrs. Dick Evans Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campen, of r.hnrlottP. were iruests of Mrs .lane1 Visiting In Greensboro Cnnipen last week. Visft Here Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore and chil ' dren, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday night here with Mrs. S. T. Sutton. Visiling Here Mrs. Annie Robinson, of Charles ton, West Virginia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray Drake, of Farmville, spent the week-end here with Mrs. W. E. Drake. Miss Joyce Harrell friends in Greensboro. is' visiting' Returns To Newport News Paul Tucker has returned to New port News after spending several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tucker. ML YOat SOfiffl7R fffmr FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Saccharin Tablets... $1.50 Save ypry .sugar , for- canning ; .-use Saccharin for sweetening your tea and coffee. We have been fort unate to secure a large stock of Saccharin and are of - fering it at this special price for one week. Tax is in cluded. ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE "On The Owner" Hertford, N. C Home For Week-end Charles Harrell, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harrell. Sunday At Reach Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White and son, Welly, spent Sunday at Vir ginia Beach. Y'siting Mother Mrs. Karl Barrett, of Fuyetteville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. L. Knowles. Visiting Aunt 1 Miss Anna Jo Morgan, of Raleigii, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. W. Ilef- 1 ren and Mr. Hefren. 1 Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalk and daughter, of Cherry Point, are visa ing Mrs. I'.. T. Wod and Mis. Annie ! l halk. In Richmond Mrs. G. W. Barbee is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. White, in KVhmond, Va. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hotller, of Washington, I). ('., spent the week end here with Mrs. W. K. Mother. Here For I-'ourlh K. L. Bass of Norfolk, Va the Fourth here with his Mrs. J. S. Bass. ., spent motnrr, Return To Newport News Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mangum have returned to Newport News, Va., al ter spending the week-end here with Mrs. L. W. Norman. ; Visiting Here I Mrs. F. L. Davis, of Courtla t ', Va., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. . K. 1. Knowles. Visiting Mofher Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Clarke and son, of Portsmouth, Va., spent the Fourth of July week-end here with Mr. Clarke's mother, Mrs. R. T. Clarke. STATE -ST- Today (Friday) Matiaee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M - WALLACE PEERY MARJORIE MAIN "Rationing" Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. CHARLES STARRETT in "Cowboy In The Clouds" "Secret Service In Africa" No. 3 Sunday Shows .2:) 5, 4:15 and 9:15 P. v i jt jnjsrvs WW' B."ftobtrtLOWERV W'M 1 ssttWsSLlsfcai Monday and Tuesday Matinee 8 P. M.f Night 7 and f P. M. f m .rn - WeJnesday-' Matinee S P. M. Night 7 andTHPi M-p .TOM NEAL ANN SAVAGE DOUBLE FEATURE S Second FaturV Two Man Sutympririe, i Heal BATFS . Thursday and 'iidayi 'Ati' M4tliee.3 P. M, . Night 7 nd 9 F.dtiff Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. H. Fayette vi lie, are here this week. G. Winslow, of visiting relatives Ai Beach Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes and chil dren, Mrs. Robert Mitchell, of Bel haven, and Mrs. T. L. Jessup are spending several weeks at Mrs. Stokes' cottage at Nags Head. Hefe For Fourth Mr. and Mrs. W. M. White and children, of Richmond, Va., spent the Fourth of July here with Mr. anf Mrs. J. T. White. At Nags Head .Mrs. W. H. Hudson and Miss Mae Wood Winslow left Saturday to spend the summer at their cottage aj, Nags Head. I Return To Louisburg Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Yarborough have returned to Louisburg after Returns To Por.fcmoulh Buddie Tilley has returned to Portsmouth, Va., after spending two weeks here with his grandmother, Mrs. W. K. HoHler. Visiting Parents Knsign Polly Tucker, of New York, is visiting her parents, Mr. am! Mrs. W. B. Tucker. At Nags Head Mrs. V. N. Harden is spending the month of July at Nags Head with Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes. Home For Week-end Miss El izabeth Darden, who is at tending summer school at ECTC in Greenville, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. CIRCLE NO. 3 MEETS Mrs. C. E. Cannon was hostess on Monday evening to Circle No. 3 ui the Baptist Church. Those tkm., 1 part on the program were Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Mrs. J. W. W ard, Mrs. W. G. Newby and Miss Helen Morgan. Mrs. C. R. Holmes dismissed the meeting with prayer. During the social hour the hostes., served a delicious ice course. The August meeting will be at t,K home of Mrs. T. L. Jessup. CIRCLE NO. 2 MEETS wrcie wo. z ot the Baptist Church met on Monday evening with Mrs C. R. Holmes. Mrs. B. W. Penning j ton was in charge of a very interest ing program. The devotional was given by the hostess, followe.i In prayer by Mrs. B. T. Wood. Mrs.1 E. A. Byrum read a WHAT FARMERS WANT WHEN THEY BORROW 6 Eoeee aiww says we owe our success to Yoo OLKS AT THE BANK WELL, WE HAVE A peCSOMAL SINCERE INTEREST IM vooa ACCESS VriGWT' THE BANK HAS f I BEEN LIKE A J - -1 v- hr . r.T . . s ....... . i I N tiie tiays ot i.iaKespcarc (re. . lending was a cold-blooded proposition. . o us it's a warm, human relationship in w hich w c have a sincere personal interest. Our hank is interested in your success not just in the interest we get on the loan. We think our attitude is best revealed by the helpful service we try to give to farmers who borrow here. Ask any of them. Better still, borrow here and see for yourself. Bank Credit is the best Farm Credit ' HER I rU HI) BANKING I'UWlPANY MEMBHR V. 1) 1. G HERTFORD. N. C. t ? spending several days here with Miss rtic!e after which Mrs. T. E. Rape Kate Blanchard. Week-end At Home James S. McNider, who is attend ing summer school at Chapel Hill, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mc-Nider. Very III Mrs. Margaret Evans is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Lynch. u.aiuiBBcu ine meeting with prayer. During the social hour the lustes served refreshments. Members pres ent were Mrs. Molly Perry, .,.rs. L.. W. Pennington, Mrs. B. T. Woo.;, Mrs. Raymond Skinner, Mrs. ,' Holller, Mrs. C. E. Godwin, .Mrs. J. W. Hampton, Mrs. E. A. Byrum, Mrs. R. E. Raper and Mrs. John Broughton. SOCIETY MET MONDAY The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church mci on Monday night at the church. Miss Elizabeth Knowles was in charge of a very interesting program. Mrs. R. S. Mdnds, Jr., gave a very inter esting talk on the medical work be ing done in Africa. Mrs. Monds had made a map showing just where the medical centers are, so that it could Eehels and Miss Madre Hibbert. of uc V".1 understood how vast the Nv'.folk, Va., spent the Fourth of SLM f.r mr medical missionaries July week-end here with Mr. and r?.,c:. ""S8 Maae Hltert of Nor In Louisburg Mifls Kate Blanchard left Tuesday to spend several weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. Osborne Yarborough and Mr. Yarborough in Louisburg. Here For Fourth Mrs. Sophia Vestal Mrs. Sadie Mrs. H. W. Lynch. Visiting Here j Mrs. E. L. Laughinghouse and Bon, Ed, of Greenville, are visiting Mrs. Pat Kelly.. - In Hospital ' Charles ' Whedbee was taken to a Norfolk hoBpital Wednesday for ob servation. Week-end Hera ';;.' v ; Dr ,and Mrt."!, T. T. HoHings- worth, jof West Chester, Pa., spent the week-end; hen with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. S. S. Hollingsworth, and, Mr- and Mrs. A, W. Hefren, ,. 4 there, folk then sang in a very lovely man ner "Dear Lord and Father of Man kind." . Mrs. R. L. Knowles, president, i"" uunng me Dusiness ses sjon. m Ml" j at I 'tains Pit- s SonuiiB. ,. i .'. Mow bMk snw. M. J, Gregory 5-l0-25c Store I J PsltyoamU 1 GO PLACES IN COOL SUMMER SHEERS $5.2)5 tt $.5 Cool, sheer casuals ... so new, so figure-flattering . . . tops for 'round the clock wear. Pastels and prints . . . you will find a large selection here. "STORE OF V LUES" Hertford, N. C. ft '3 Aw

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