llovey Point Group Contacted feps In Dig Pacific Battle Of interest to people of Hertford was the news released last Friday that a group of PBM's flown by men formerly stationed at Harvey Point played an important role in the huge battle staged two weeks ago near the Marianas, during which the Japs lost many ships and more than 300 pianes. The story written by William L. Wordan, Associated Press writer, stated the PBM's had flown thou sands of miles to maintain contact with the Jap fleet as the task force attempted to join the battle. One group of the PBM's were di rected to land near Saipan and it was Lieut. Comdr. William Scarpino who led this group. They found the Jap fleet there. Lieut. H. F. Arle first spotted it, .but an attempt to radio the American fleet was un successful, so Arle flew his PBM to the fleet to notify the commander of the whereabouts of the Jap fleet. Twenty-four hours later two other pilots, Lieut. 'S. E. Gordinier and "Lieut. D. T. Felix spotted the Japs as they attempted to escape from the Americans. The Japs mistook Lieut. Gordinier to be one of their planes and lighted up the Jap car rier so he might land. Gordinier, having no bombs, left the scene as fas as possible and without damage to his plane or crew before the Japs could open fight when they discov ered the plane was American. l.a.;i' uuti day planes from Ue V. S. task force made contact and; went to work on the Jap fleet and the PBM's returned to routine pa trols at Saipan. NOAH B. WINSLOW Noah B. Winslow, 66 years of age, and former resident of this county, died at Lakeview Hospital, Suffolk, Va., June 25 at 8:15 A. M., as a re sult of injuries sustained in a traf ' fie accident. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. El norah H. Winslow of Gates; seven children, Louis Witislow of Belvi dere; Mrs. Alice White of Gates; Mrs. Dora Wilson of Norfolk, Va.; Edward Winslow of the Army Air Corps; Charles Winslow, Ruth Winslow and Chester Winslow of Gates; his. mother, Mrs. J. B. Wins low of Hertford, and seven brothers and sisters. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, June 28, at 4 P. M. at Reynoldson Baptist Church and burial was in the churchyard. ! BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Kure an nounce the birth of a son on Junel 2S, Mother and baby are reported doing nicely. . chApanoke news NOW HILL NEWS JOE AND BILL'S Official Tire Inspection Station Bring your car in today for a careful inspection of your tires. It is important you care for your tires. Our ser vice is the best. If you need new tires . . . and have the proper certifi cate ... we can supply you tires. Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes JOE AND BILL'S SERVICE STATION "Where Service I A Pleasure" I'.ll.l W HITE. Prop. PHONE 8Kt Towel Treasures Jacquard Florals 98c Bath Towel 22x44 in. Face Towel 16x30 in. Wash Cloth 12 1-2 x 12 1-2 Towels you'll (Idle on . . . for their lush thickness. Hose, peach, azure, turquoise. 69c 1Q0 i Bright Block Checks Bath Towel 22x44 in- Face Towel 16x27 in. Wash Cloth 12x12 in. 69c 39c 15c Reversible texture design in soft firm weave. Rose, peach, azure, turquoise. Mrs. Weldon HolloweU of Eliza beUi iity spent aunUay with her' parents, itir. and Mm J. P. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and son, Bobby Carol, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. C. White. Crawford Wilson, USN, left for Lakehurst, N. J., Monday, after spending his furlough with his par ents, An. and Mrs; J. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Byrum, Mr. and Airs. Clarence Byrum and Miss Mildred tiyruin spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Smith near Winfall. Little Miss Pat Elliott and Eva Lee It., rum are getting along nicely 1 after undergoing a tonsilectomy at the Medical Building in Elizabeth City last Thursday. I Miss Susie Mae Wilson left Mon day to spend a few days at Virginia Beach before going back on duty at the General Hospital, where she is a student nurse. Mrs. Crafton Russell is visiting relatives in Greensboro, iN. C this week. BETHEL NEWS Miss Joyce Winslow lias returned to Norfolk, Va., after a brief visit with her mother, Mrs. J. P. Ward and Mr. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stallings and Miss Mavis Stallings, John Stal lings, Jr., and Miss Mary Tripp, of Tarboro, visited relatives here Sun day. I Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gatling Sunday were Mrs. Jodie j Phillips, Misses Margaret, Mavis and Marion Stallings, John Stallings, Jr. of Camden, Miss Mary Tripp of Tar boro, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stallings of Camden, Vernon and June Fae White, Billie Williams and Artnur and Donald Laney. . Mr. and Mrs. John Corprew, Jr., of near Hertford, -visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward Friday evenings Mr. and Mrs. William Tarkenton, Mrs. Alphonso Goodwin and Vasti White visited Mrs. Vasti Wihte in Leigh Memorial Hospital Sunday. Mrs. Tempie Tarkenton and Marion White, who have been spending thei summer in Norfolk with Mrs. M. E. I Uailey, have returned home. I Air. a.id Mrs. C. T. Phillips and daughters, Marjory and Madelyn, visaed Vasti white and family .'juiiciay. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Perry, .of Kicninond, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. . L. Curtis last week. ,4 ' .. i 1 e : 1 iTna. axiiuu vjaiuivii aim Attiiiuy j and Mrs. C. M. Harrell of Hertford visited Mrs. bailie Cullipher and vi is. Homer Derring Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Standin and Miss Margaret Standin and Mrs. W. D. Curtis, of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Vv. E. Curtis Tues day.. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joyner and son, of Suffolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Proctor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Long, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Proctor Bpent Tues day with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hobbs. Will Mansfield and family spent Tuesday with his brother, J. H. Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and son. Joseph, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ward in Edenton Sunday. W. H. Sherlock and children, Mr. and Mrs. Red Ferrell and son of Elizabeth City; Mrs. T. E. Mansfield and Lloyd Evans were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Davis. ; Mr. and Mrs, James W. Harrell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Z. ,V. Harrell at Gates Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., of Norfolk spent Tuesday here with relatives. Mrs. George Benton' has returned home after spending: some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., at Norfolk. ' I Mrs. G. J. Barclift, Miss Carolyn Barclift, Richard and John Barclift of Nixonton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregory on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winslow ol Hertford visited Mr.-and Mrs. Hen ry Cartwright Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright and Dottie spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mathews. Miss Carolyn Barclift of Nixon ton is spending- some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell and Ralph Harrel lattended services tt Simon's Creek Sunday afternoon, j Miss Eunice Harrell, Miss Lena Mae Sawyer and Vernon Harren spent Tuesday and Wednesday at 1 Norfolk visiting. Miss Maxine Harrell of Norfolk spent a few days with her parents recently. ( HELEN GAITHER CLUB MEETS j The Helen- paither Rome Demon stration Club met with Ms. W 0., Hunter Thursday night at 8:30. The meeting was galled to order by thi vice president, and '"Hail Club Wc; men, Crowned Throngb, JServicew' was sung. "' The collect Wat repeated. - The minutes' of the last meeting were read and approved, and the roll palled. t '. , 7 Mrs. Tom Madre had charge of the devotitnal, reading "What a Friend We Have In Jesus." Mrs. J. T, White read a part of the 20th chapter of I v Samuel, followed, by prayer by Mrs, Warner Madre. t Plans were discussed for the an nual picnic. It was also voted to ask ' another club to. join in the picnic. Miss Maness gave an interesting' demonstration' , on laundering short cuts,, giving' out bulletins. She also gave 'out bulletins on canning. The hostess served drinks, cookies, candy and pecans to the followin: Mesdames Tom Madre, Jake White, Jesse Chesson,' John Lane, W. 6. Hunter, J. T. White, Milton Dail, E. Y. Berry,. Warner Madre, Jake Ches on, C. A., Bogue, Ed Harrell, C.S. Jackson 'arid Miss Maness. ' Three visitors were also present, Mrs Brinn, Mrs,' Hughes and Mrs, Will Elliott., i'f ' , ' BUY WAR BONDSl bvilds iff conomiW (Mo) 'Ughl Truck 'PowwHanf SERVICE AT WOODLAND Rev. J. D. Cranford will preach at Woodland Methodist Church on Sun day evening beginning at 8:45. Everyone is invited to come. W. S. C. SERVICE TO MEET The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Woodland will meet at the home of Mrs. Rjlgh Harrell on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All members are urged to be present and visitors are cordially Invited. WOODVILLE NEWS The Woman's Missionary Society of W'oodville Baptist Church met June' 13 at the home of Mrs. H. C. West. Miss Anniebelle Wood had charge of the program. The topic for the month being His Mighty Acts In Mid-America. Members present were Mrs. H. C. West, Mrs. U. W. Gregory, Mrs. J. A. Gregory, Mrs. Jim Lane, Mrs. Henry Swayne, Mrs. M. R. Griffin, Mrs. J. C. Wil son, Mrs. Dorris Tolar, Mrs.. Johnnie White, Miss. Anniebelle Wood and a visitor, Mrs. Eula Owens. Mrs. West served ice cream, cake and mints. The next , meeting will be at the church July 11 at 4 o'clock. Sgt. Hersey Earle Gregory tf Al buquerque, New Mexico, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greg ory, pf Woodville. WOUNDED IN .ACTION Staff Sgt. Alton w! Barclift of Pasquotank, brother of Mrs. Ralph Harrell and Mrs. Marvin Benton, who has been serving in the in fantry overseas since Christmas, has been wounded while fighting in Italy. Sgt. Barclift has been awarded the Purple Heart. According to information received, he is getting along nicely. Been thinking about trading oil your old car . . . now is a good time to trade. Summer months will change driving conditions, so you should have a car that will give you satis factory service. We have a large stock of good clean used cars . . . why not come in and look them over? 1 1941 Chevrolet Special! 1941 Ford Club Coupe. IJe uxg 4-aoor seaan. nas rauiu anu uuiei Good Used Cars 1 M 1 JL j!'i In perfect condition. 1939 Buick Convert ible Coupe. Here's a car you will want to own. 1938 Chevrolet Coach. In good condition, and has some extras. extras. Very clean. 1939 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. Don't miss seeing this one. 1939 Oldsmobile 4- door Sedan. Very clean and runs per-1 feet. Radio. 1937 Plymouth Coupe, i Other models of good f A nice car you will be used cars arrive at proud to drive. our place each week. Towe Motor Go. SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2461 Hertford, N. C. Solid Color Reversible 49c Bath Towel 20x40 in. Face Towel 15x27 in. Wash Cloth 12x12 in. A favorite for every home. Con- I ire-sung wjuci. iwcFo, azure, jade. 29c 10c J. C. BLOIARD I CO, -EX. "BLANCHAR&S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA - PINEY WOODS NEWS Mrs. W. P. Chappell visited Mrs. Mary Chappell Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. HolloweU visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Chap pell, last week. Mrs. R. B. Chappell, Mrs. J. ri. HolloweU, Misses Sybil and Mildred Chappell made a trip to Norfolk Friday. Adrian Chappell, of Chapel Hill, .N. C, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Chappell. Dinner guests in tht home of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell Tuesday, July 4, were Mrs. Mary Chappell, Fentriss Lane and Mary Lena Raper. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Simpson and Mrs. Marvin Simpson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow and daughter, Lois Violet, visited Mr. Winslow's mother, Mrs. Noah Wins low, of Virginia, Sunday. Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois Vio let were guests of Mrs. Ruth Chap pell Monday. Those from here who attended the funeral of Noah Winslow were Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois Violet, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell and Mrs. Ruth Chappell. , Mrs. Alonza Conalatui nufTaroM paralytic stroke Monday afternoon. Three Masses At Si. . . Ann's Next Sunday The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered three times next Sunday, July 9: at 7, 9 and 11 a. m., in St: Ann's Catholic Church. Edenton, " stated i the Hew 'Father' Francis J. McCourt, pastor, who wilt preach 1 on "Outside the; ' Church, There Is No Salvation." srive Holv Communions nd hear 4 confessions Saturday 7:30" p. to 8:$p; Sunda7 6:80 to 6:56; 3:80 to 8:B5 and 10:80 to 10:55 a. m.. The first Mass will conclude in about 80 'minutes, ' the other two In about 46 miirutea. : ' , Everybody invited to all Masses; 00 VOUEI OOT Mllll New Reedy Pasted 7dPc3r 2?s E3arig- It Voariclf XJIfcSEasy To Do Paper .your walls now and they will be good for the duration. Our, stock of .new " rReady'Pasted Wall Paper makes it simple, You can hang it yourself, in- four simple JtepsV f Three boxes of this paper .usually does one room. Jt conies in a wide choice of patterns. X v.. I , it's washable ana taae-proot. come, in. toaay. ana .select your new Keaay lasted wall f Paper,,''': .;;-;'v JJ, '' '. f ' J "Trade Here And Bank The Difference" - Hartford, N. C. J