THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, JjERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1944 PAGE FIVE :i.:.Wim.-:-i.. !.. . ... !... "''1 . L.:.:-: . s . . o : , , . " 11m fra Returns Home Week-end With Parents , CIRCLE NO. THREE TO MEET Mrs Floyd Harrell and MpKtThTT 7Z " Miss Prue Newby, of Windsor, Circle .Number Three of the Worn- re of Snow S?l Mrs m Fe T 'V;6"'1 as th guest f was the week-end guest of her par- an'a Missionary Society of the Hert- Zn and chUdren ' Wanda L vfu"- JT"' H' V" ents, MV. and Mrs. Guy Newby. ford Baptist Church will meet Mon- ghan, of ff? iS S Mary Lee Perrv f ,h , oay evemner. October 2. at Visiting IWW ! at the church in ro0m no" 1. A ! k I h m." u v lt. I urse8'. Hom. Norfolk, Va., spent Belvidere. Sundav "e west of her par- Robert Riddick. of Kinirston. Tenn.. members IS the miefit of hiA nnronta Mr anf 1 Mrs. R. M. Riddick, this week. I UraM tlwfc m.ta v on) Vm W MrS. R. T Whit haa iwtnrndul TW M anJA ifuuic, anor vMuwng ner caugmer ai '. V u Week-end Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward, Jr., and daughter, of Elizabeth City, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. li. Sumner. ' HOSTESS. TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. W. G. Wriirht entertained BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mir. and Mrs. W. T. Jones an- V1 M 1.-1- u.mga invunuun. t Visitors This Week" k : Second Lieut. Sue Bernard, of spent Sunday at the Stokes Cottage', v3 v UT ,.;Waynesville, Ohio, and Second Lieut. I at Nam Head. i da? ln, Nrfolk, Va., friends ' jnm.viQ,.o ri d;. i u w: relatives Sunday At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. H Atokes and Mond , Norf emiaren, Mr. ana Mrs- v. in. juaraen, 0 u..,. m n A "41enevieve Boyle, of Rice Lake. Wis.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Bernard. Returns To Norfolk f Mrs. Grayson Inman has returned .tflf her home in Norfolk, Va., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stephens. I Visiting At Spencer , ' J Mrs. B. C. Reavis is spending a few days at Spencer with Mrs. J. C. Reavis, wife, of Sgt. J. C. Reavis, I Visiting In Pittsburg,. Pa wnu is now siauonea wun me Meal- Edear J. Hi) left afrt week t.. eaj Corps of the U. S. Army in. spend several weeks in Pittsburg I'a., France. Sgt. and Mrs. Reavis an- visiting relatives, nounced the birth of a son. Jamea Clyde Reavis, Jr., born September 17. Week-end Guests 1 Vtak, , PorUM011,R Mr-, and Mrs. J. SH. Thrower, Sr., M:ouot. ,,. ... .,, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thrower, Jr., of tL vvil a MV 'J Littleton, spent the week-esd as the va a, tl,"? Portsmouth, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. s. ViK. r a; 'Ale "est" .of a'!f .Mrs- i K- a. Albertson. Miss Helen Gait her remained for a few days' visit. Week-end In Dunn Mrs. Vera Broughton spent the week-end in Dunn, visiting relatives and friends. Week-end Here ' ' Lieut, (jg) Alfred Williams. U. S. vN. R., Norfolk. Va.. soent the week end visiting his wife at the home of ; bit. ana Mrs. Simon Kutenburg. Conclude Visit Mrs. Jesse Campen, of Columbia Monday In Elizabeth City Mrs. Baker Wood spent Monday in Klizabeth City with friends. Visitor Here Miss Jewell Hall, of Nashville, Tenn., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Towe this week. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perrv. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodwin and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter the memher f w L m . .".T 1 an- w.Ison in Hertford Sunday night. w u nuuiice i tie oiri.n oi a son, wi nam Mr and Mrs w;n vn;..t f . Tuesday evening at her home on Thomas Jones, Jr., born September fH visaed Mr S M t vn Front. Street. Those enjoying the 14, at Lakeview Hospital, Suffolk, ffsZiStht y evening were Mesdames Silas Whed-j Va. Mother and son returned home y g bee. R. M. RidHiVk t c dv I o..j . . . , -- ----- , vi. mireiouii, ounuay arm are doing nicely. a. ki. &.oonce, cnanes Whedbee and Mirs. Fordham. High score prize went to Mrs. Fordham, second high to Mrs. Felton. The hostess .served a sandwich course. Week-end Visitors D. F. Reed. Jr.. Week-end Visitors ;' LJeut. and Mrs. R. L. Hollowell and toiall daughter, of Norfolk. Va., were week-end guests of Lieut. Hollowell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell. .Visitors Here Sunday I, Mrs. D. C. JapVann Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Kellv and son. nf 'l f.' JT ' aml M,SS Kth News Va., returned to their res ec, n?H."T"lir',S Mr tive homes Tuesday, after spending'), p Ree(j several days as the guests of Mrs. ' Jane Campen. j ViiinrB in Vi!; KNTKIM AINS ROOK CLUB Mrs. Julian White was hostess to her rook club on Friday evening at her home on Market Street. Those playing were Mesdames C. T. Skin ner, Edgar Morris. Joe Towe, Henry Stokes, T. J. Nixon, Jr., Carlton Cannon, G. R. Tucker, Archie Lane, Crafton Mathews, Dennis Holliday, and H. W. Lynch and Miss Mildred Reed. High score prize went to Mrs. Matthews, low to Mrs. Holliday and Mrs. Holliday, Mrs. Lane and Miss Reed received bingo prizes. The hostess served a salad course. BALLAHACK NEWS Miss Thelma Klliot! nf the Xurs. , Home, Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Murra l-.i-liott. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Goodwin and daughter Lillian spent .Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Copeland at (ire- , gory Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Curvin M:t;, mVM :md children visited Mr. and Mrs. (J. (' Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mansfield Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. N. I!. Dail of Tvnei ! visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Good win Friday afternoon. Aubrey Baker, USN, Norfolk, . Hu.v More Vv Rands ffiarnfagi WATCH OUT fOR SNIFFIY & Mead Colds Head colds can cause much suffering. Don't suffer needlessly. Just put a lit tic Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Relieves Mieezy, siuny ais- tress. Also helps y'ZL- prevent many r" colds from devel"- v--"C "iJing a useo in r. ,lanln time! Try it. Pol- ( .ta low directions in V disiiess lolder. Works fine! VICKS VA-TRO-NOL 7 Week-end At Horn Miss Eugenia Gregory, Mrs. (ieore-e Rutler Mr and TWrc 1 Irvin llarclift visited relatives at Who IS a Prin,. A ; L' -....vo. .-viinc, v a., iunnay. member of the school faculty at Roper, spent the week-end with her. Week-end Here parents, Mr. and Mrs. MarK Gregory. Heme For Week-end Miss Frances Newby, a member of the Belhaven school faculty, spent the Carlton Jackson and children and week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Cuthrell, of Norfolk, Va., Ms. Guy Newby. In New Quarters o 3 0 k-ve moved our Dress ShoD into new Quarters . . . over our drug store ... and have it completely stocked with new F.ill merchandise. Ladies' Suits Coats Dresses Hats Gloves Bags Entrance to our Dress Shop is through the ddbr'b r tween our old shop and the drug store. COME IN AND CHOOSE YOUR NEW OUTFIT NOWI Hilda's Dress Shop HERTFORD, N. C. Charles Campen, of Wilmington, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Jane Campen. Returns To Work Miss Mattie Hutler returned to her duties at Harvey Point Monday, after being confined to her home because of sickness for the past week. Week-end At Heme Miss MMiuuerite Ward, of the Co lumbia High School faculty, spent the week-end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Ward. Wednesday In Raleigh Mrs. I. A. Ward spent Wednesday of last week visiting friends in Raleigh. Visitor Here Lieut, (jg) G. W. Pitts, l S. N., left Tuesday for his home in Jones boro, Ark., after visiting Mrs. Ceo. I'ields and Miss Jeanette Fields. Week-end Here 1 Miss Eunice White, of Norfolk, va., spent the week-end with ho parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. White. Returns To Chapel Hill Stephen Klmore returned to Chapel Mill last week to resume his studies at the University, after spending a few weeks with his falher. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CM K Mrs. J. L. Harris entertained hei bridge club on Monday evening at her home. Those enjoying the even ing were Mesdames Rex Stephenson, R. E. Vickers, W. K. Drake, Jinn,,, Johnson, Vivian Matthews and Al Kenton, Misses "Chic" Stephens, ' Mary Wood Koonce, Nettie Day, and Helen Willoughby. High score prize went to Mrs. Stephenson, low to Miss Day and Mrs. Drake received the floating prize. The hostess served dainty refresh ments after the game. , BETHEL NEWS Mrs. H. I.. Wright of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Catling. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller and family of Norfolk. j week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. K Curtis. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii. Perry and Mrs. ! R. A. Perry of Uurgess, Mr. and Mrs. I Thornton Fleetwood and son, Mrs. i Henry Laucks and children of Nor I folk, Mrs. Evie Weston and J. I, I Curtis, also of Norfolk, and Mr. and j Mrs. Elmer Proctor were Sunda I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Curtis. ! J. O. Rogerson of Norfolk visitc1 I ; i-.i nils here last week, j Joe White and children visited ! relatives in Norfolk Sundav ! Mr. and Mrs. M. E. liailey of Nor folk visited relatives here Sundav and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ilagley and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jame Riddick of Roper visited Mr. ant) Mrs. T. C. Chappell Sunday. Mrs. David Ward spent Tuesday in Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Phillips and children of Hertford visited Mr. and -Mrs. C. T. Phillips Sundav. This is the time of year to take vitamin- and other health building drugs to build up your health and en ergy to resist colds. We recommend our as energy builder-. line of vitamins and cod liver oil ("time in today and get vourv ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE "On The Corner" Hertford, N. C. -p -(Ji 4 1 V - WM - lLVIDLKE NEWS STATE Hertford, K. C. Today (Friday) ;Matinee 3 F. M. Niglii 7-9 P. ; pat o,BitrE,r i CAROLE LANDIS M V Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. ROY ROGERS in- in- "Secret Command" "Cowboy and the Senorita" "Secret Service In Africa?' No. 15 Sunday Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. THEIR LATESTI I V Week-end Visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hooten, of! Richmond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Haskett and daughter, Phyllis,, or r.lizaheth Citv: Mr nH . ... , Travis Jackson nd JZ w "f- 2Vl" ., Edenton: Mr", and Mrs. 'TV IeM . U a nonhouse and son, of Elizabeth city, low ' MfS- J" Wi"' okcoi uie weeK-enn as D-iiPsta f m- . and Mrs. P T. Stor """J Copeland and Misy i r Ullve i-ayaen returned home Satur A... fl... ! . . Students Ac E. C T. C. m7 Zl,T lwo;wee?8 visit Misses Elizabeth r)rdPn. p,..fc u, ' . 0P"1 of Winslow, Jane Griffin and v ""5' " ' ' . 1 hey. were a"" wards. Misses Kathn" xXl K""1.?1 . ""e. V alr- Mrs- A- J Marian White and nil r ofelana ana family, who were week i toGreen'vme6 S f Mr" Mr, J. M ! their studies at E. C. T. C. I m u d ,l:.. .. .. i ii. i. waite, Mrs. u. n. Sin J m : . i . .... . Week-end At Home il T J f serine White spenr Miss Nancv nrdpn , v...,,u i ""oik, va. Va., spent the weend"' J' W t Whlte S',ent Tuesday a. parents Mr and M , n n a ,k 01 mr- an1 Mrs- A,ba wills parents, mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. low of WhhWnn Hl i m r Returns To Duty I T V"" Whilp a,ld Henry Stokes. V. S V I? ,., . 17'... - to his duties SatunlaJ w ln h ! J f' T. J: W!"w. 1 ilcflday and Tuelay-;Matirie P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. ML pr.3CXI,S!ajOTU 1 II kl II I I Ilk. ! IH ednesday BJatinee 3 Pi'MUt Night I n& P.'M. , c. V i DOUBLE FEATURE ! - First Fetnry v , t jj J Jh -,' f Second Festur , v EDW. a ROBINSON , TOM CONWAY . GEORGE RAFT,i i r BARBARA HALE farfPbVc1 ?f t(ie ralc6n Out West' huradav and Friday Matinee 1 P. M Niirhii 1 aiuf 9 P. M ' Rl' -V mW KAYITMBINAH SHORE ff4';lfO I Mrs. Henry Stokes. Home On Visit Ensicrn Jesse Parlrnr S. N. R., Washington, D. C, 'is visit ing his wife and his parents, Mr. and ffirs. j. r. Ferrv. Sr. this Improving J. K. IManchard. whn hoc k confined to his home hpniica .r ;n ness, is very much improved. and Mrs. F. M. Cope parents, Mi land. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Baccus Mr and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson, Jr., and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson spent Saturdu' in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow am son, Bobbie Ray and F. L. Renton of aunniK were guests of Mr. and Mrs been ; S. M. Winslow Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell and daughters Shirley and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harrell, Mrs. James Fer guson, and children Wanda- and Gees To Philadelnhi Miss Rlancha rhnnn ,.k.1 f "80rT anf children Wanda- and f Mr. and Mrtt. C rt rtZl ' T"". 01 Hi" Sunday Hertford Route 1, left Sundav for I Lamb Mt "d Wilbur Phllade nhia.. P u u ....ii I v ' "lIt- A. u. weston At Norfolk General L..,' and M"' N- w- ClPPell and f Mr. : fi,jl Z,: . . were gtaests of Mr. and Mrs Lrn-oon8"1 f HbbSVil'e SU"" 1 .iwwVklJ I Cardigan f A Suit Plus 1 l , t II T.. 1- M L -iA II $24.75 1 .. ; ,fcr. , . ..vr,HM, wiicic one un flerwenr an jtiMMtiAM . V Clllft Mi! Wn Mnrro v (Sle Number1 FoUr jf the Wom n Missionary Society of the Hert- K",..jfw vnurcit . wji; meet on cvereu. ah ftwmbera. Sre . urged to be present. ' t " i 'i 1 i f 1 ibii nil- Cir"l- No,, 2 of the Hertford Bap-'tr Copeland of Ty ner were guests of It OllllVll .mill 'mAa. WJ lt.. I tlmm rijl.. nrLU. IT. Mr. and Mra. Rmn . j family of Sunbury were visitors with Mr and Un. , h. White Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Arba Winslow, Mr. nd Mra. Eugene Winslow of Whites ton were truest nf Mr onj m . winalow Suaday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs; Ooear I of Suffolk spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Rosrerson. Mist .Irene Copeland and Mrs. Lee At &.VWtf7i f tWAMlthMA' a ( TWe on HTM TAk IT a HMklt II i " .MVHiw vt JU.IV I ' 'wave v villi 'wia7Ql AIIU JLSaymond tWhMif.-" 'J ' ; (children, Shirley and Lindaj Mr. aiid No. 1 fashion dependable for busy Fall wardrobes! Smooth cardigan suit (super solo) teamed with twin top-coat you'll wear over other dresses, too. Shetlands. One of a big- collection all budg-et priced. Beginning Next Week. Our Store Will Be Open Every Wednesday Afternoon "STORE CF VALUES" HERTFORD, N. C