THk PERQUIMANS WFTKLV. HrirfFOrrv N." C I TDAY. K r i t f' i i , r r 4 Indidus Win And Tie Over Week-end : -. Continued From Page One , last Friday night 13-0. This was the second game between the two teams this season, the Indians won the first gam 27-0. 1 " Opening the game Friday,; Qum bia elected to receive1 the kick-ff, and after failing to gain on the strong In dian line, kicked to Dan Berry, who was playing in the safety position. The Indians began a touchdown march which ended on about the ten yard stripe, with the Columbia team hold ing the locals for downs. Columbia again failed to advance the ball and was forced to punt to Indian terri tory. After a series of line smashes the Indians had the ball on Columbia's 25-yard mark when Berry broke through the Wildcat team to score the first goal. George Wood hit the line for the extra point and Perquimans led 7-0. Illness on the part of the local team slowed them down in the second his reserves is the game during the second half, and neither team was able to get into, a scoring position during the last two periods, although Columbia uncorked a passing attack in the final quarter and nearly pushed the ball over the goal line. The In dian strengthened their line and pre vented the score, ; ' ROOK PARTY Mrs. Clinton Eley was hostess at a rook party Thursday .evening at her home. Fhose enjoying the evening were Mesdames Ross Ingram, Arthur White, Jimmy Stalling, Jim Bass, Tom , Cox, Martin Towe and Willie Ainsley. High score and floating prize went to Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Towe received the second high. A salad course was served. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB CHAPEL IULL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. M. t, Chappell, Jr., and son, -ferry, have returned to their nome alter several uays visiting noon ; sNowniLi.i::;wc - Mr.' and MVs. Ralph' Mercer and f amity of Weeksville visited Mr.- and I Mrs. : Moody Barren ; Sunday : after- friends and relatives in Lexington, N. C. , v-" " 1 Mr. and .Mrs. .Billiard Bunch of Edenton spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs.; Lydia Chappell. Vernon Harrell, S 2c, of Bain- bridge, Md. and Mrs. Harrell of Win- fall were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. James Harrell and family Mrs. Watson Chappell, Mrs. Arnold ('- John Elmer Wood, U. S. ' Marines, Chappell and children, Mrs. Oscar Chappel 1 and Mrs, , Robert Hendren visited, Mrs. Edgar Chappell Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Butt and chil- spent 'the 'Week-end here with his family. He wenf to New River on Monday, where he is expecting to re ceive his discharge. - - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph' Harrell visited dren of New Hope visited Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Basnight at Nix Mrs. J. P. Perry, Jr., was hostess to her bridge club last Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mesdames Robert Hollowell, Henry period, but the Indians made two at-.' Stokes, Jr., W. E. Drake, Misses Prue tempts to score, one failed when Co- Newby, Ruth Elliott, Virginia White lumbia held for downs, but on a fake I and Mary Helen Newby. High score end run Ward crossed the field and went to Mrs. Hollowell. Refresh- ran 20 yards for the second score, ments were served by the hostess. The try for extra point was bad and the score stood Perquimans IS, Co-! BRIDGE HOSTESS lumbia 0. Mrs. Dave Fuller was hostess to her Coach Max Campbell used most of bridge club last Wednesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mesdames Ralph Wallace, Robert Hollowell, R. E. Vickers, W. E. Drake, Robert Turgeon, Miss Alma Leggett and Miss Anne Garris. High score prize went to Mrs. Drake and low was awarded Miss Garris. A salad course was served. Mrs. T. F. Monds Sunday. Mrs. Robert Hendren and daughter, Phyllis, visited Mrs. Oliver Layden Thursday afternoon. HK?' Mr. and Mrs. M, L.' Chappell, Jr., and son spent the week-end with his parents. onton Sunday evening. SPECIAL SERVICE AT WOODLAND CHURCH . , There will be a special program at Woodland Methodist Church on Sun day, beginning at 11 o'clock. It will Visitors in the home of Mr. and be a Thanksgiving program from the Mrs. G. O. Chappell Sunday were Mr.! Methodist orphanage. A special coj and Mrs. Horace Boyce, Mrs. . Say lection will be taken to help those Boyce and children of .Hertford. Mr.! who are not as fortunate as we. It JustArrrved . . . A SHIPMENT OF BRONZE SCREEN WIRE 30 to 48 Inches Wide Hertford Hardware & Supply Company HERTFORD, N. C. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Miss Mary Sumner was hostess to her bridge club Thursday evening at her home on Church Street. Those playing were Mesdames H. C. Stokes, T. L. Jessup, C. M. Williford, C. R. Holmes, Jack Brinn, M. R. Campbell and Miss Helen Morgan. High score prize went to Mrs. Williford and sec ond high was awarded Mrs. Holmes. A sweet course was served. Coach. In good condition. See B. T. Chappell, Tyner, N. C. ltpd Be Prepared For Cool Mornings WOOD AND COAL HEATERS are just the things to take the chill off of your home, and to keep you warm. We have a number of these heaters in stock at the present time, and can supply you with accessories you need. Stove Pipe Elbows Dampers Collars Stove Boards Fire Place Grates o Hertford Hardware & Supply Company "Trade Here and Bank the Difference" Jmt Eecen wed . . HARD TO GET ITEMS Now Available For Holiday Trie ALL-WOOL BLANKET Blue, green, rose or cedar colors. Large sizes. HASSOCKS Leatherette covered. Assorted colors. $4.39 up. MIRRORS Plate glass with FRAMES of SOLID Honduras Mahogany. LAMPS for all rooms. Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Boudoir Lamps, etc. WOOD WARDROBES with Mirror Doors. Walnut, Maple or Mahogany finish. ALL-METAL ICE REFRIGERATORS - 100 pound ice capacity. All white finish. . ODD DRESSERS - AND CHESTS-Walnut finish. Ideal for the spare room. KIDDIE'S ROCKERS. Table Sets, Desks. Doll Cradles, Rocking:: Horses, Slate Black Boards, Doll Chests and other items for Christmas. SHOP EARLY! ' W.M. Ebfloffnaiin' FURNITffRE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS h " ' and Mrs, L. F. Chap!! and son, J. B., of Elizabeth City. Mrs. Oscar Chappell and children and Mrs. Arn old Chappell and children of Tyner. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Williams of Hertford spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lamb. is especially urged that all be present and contribute to the cause. ..i.VIDLKE NEWS Misses Blanch and Dixie Chappell and Jack Porter of Norfolk spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. Maud Chappell. Mrs. H. P. White and Mrs. L. J. Winslow spent Tuesday, in Norfolk. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Smith of Washington, D. C, were week-end vis itors with Mr. and MrsF. E. Smith. Mrs. Roy Byrum and children, Don and Sandra, left Saturday for their home in Norfolk after a few days' visit with her father, E. L. Chappell. Mrs. Estes Copeland is visiting her husband at Camp Lejeune. Mrs. E. S. White and Mrs. L. C. Winslow were in Suffolk Thursday afternoon. Miss Grace Chappell and E. L. Chappell were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lane of Center Hill Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Millikan left Monday for Liberty, where they will visit friends and relatives. They will also attend the Ministerial Con ference at High Point, CHAPANOKK NEWS Curtis Wilson, student at Louis- burg College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNider were the t,on- the arcy of hatching eggs CLASS MEETS The Friendly Bible Class, of New Hope Methodist Church met Tuesday night at the home of Miss Maude S: lipson. An interesting Thanksgiv ing program was presented under the direction of Mrs. L. E. Butt, vice president. Amusing games and con tests were1 enjoyed during the social hour and delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. H. H. Butt, Mrs. Henry Onley, Mrs. Robert Sutton, Mrs. H. C. Barclift, Mrs. J. E. Turner, Mis. Earl Perry, Mrs. L. E. Butt, Mrs. Sallie Mae Monds, Mrs. Isaac Butt, Mrs. Bircher Banks, Mrs. John Hurdle, Mrs. Howard Hunter, Mrs. Carson Stalling, Mrs. Charles rfail, Mrs. Mattie Simpson, Miss Mild red Onley, Miss Sallie Ruth Hurdle and Miss Maude Simpson. - ; CHICK PRODUCTION CLIMBS TO ONE MILLION IN SEPTEMBER North Carolina commercial hatch eries produced approximately 1,000, 000 chicks during September. This is an increase of 144 per cent over the 410,000 produced during September last year and 52 per cent above the. 10-year (1939-43) average production of 658,000, reports the State. Agricul ture" Department. For the first nine months of this year, hatcheries in this State pro duced approximately 36,377,000 chicks as compared with 27,744,000 for this period in 1944. The number of chicks booked dur ing September continue to indicate a strong demand for baby-chicks. With fall flocks now coming into produc- Service of New II re Church hf Id the regular monthly n:--" Ihiday, November 8, at the ho e of J rs. 8. T.Perry, The meeting was co 'acted by the president, Mrs. S. T. IVtry. In the absnre of ' the i'tiriiual Life JV . fc,t ... ... i.i o "r t) e..... . .i ti tional wage and hour ru Market will begin J oh store hours this week-t"' '. gest change in V. 8 hou i .t store will be Sat ur lay i ;,ht w!.tn the store -w ill c' ?p ,7, m. ....!,. I, .1. ... ..V , ""(? I further notice. The program, 'Technique In Build ing Good 'Will," -was led by Mrs. Lu cius Butt with Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Tur ner,. Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Perry, Mrs.-1. C Butt and Mrs. Harvey Butt giving parts. There were 1 twelve members present' . After the business session the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Mary Banks. The hostess served a delicious sweet course. ' CLASS MEETING The Intermediate Gass of Berea Christian Church met with Albert Eure at its regular monthly meeting in October. Virginia Mae Long was in charge of an interesting program, in' which all members took part. After being dismissed by their teacher, Mrs.' Rob ert Sutton, a social hour was enjoyed. The host; served ice cream, cake and candv. ' t cThe following were present: Gar land Eure, Edward Lane, Julian Lane, Klwood Lee Long, Virginia Mae Long.: Norman Miller, Dorothy Miller, Lil lian Russell, Allen Sanders, James Umphlett, William Umphlett, Mar- I jorie Umphlett, Albert Eure, Shirley Eure, Mary Eure, Mrs. Robert Sutton and Mrs. Delwin Eure. ANNOUNCING . . '-HE OPENING OF Dr. Geo. T. Crawf cnl . CHIROPRACTiaOFFICES . EpENToNy-North Carolina " ' On Or About November 23rd ' Complete Chiropractic "Service employing the latest of scien tific knowledge and technics in the treatment of chronic and often called incurable" condi tions. - " , ; - REMEMBER! r' It is not true to say, 'We did everything possible for i Jher," unless Chiropractic Science And treatment was included, LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED j guests of relatives at Center Hill on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Vaughan of Elizabeth City spent Friday with her mother,! SUNDAY AND THANKSGIVING should become a -small factor in lim iting the output of baby chicks. Mrs. Irma Dovssy. Chief Cary Quincy and Mrs. Quincy of New London, Conn., spent th- , week-end with his. parents,. I.Ir. and; Mrs. C. P. Quincy. DAY MASSES SCHEDULED AT EDENTON CATHOLIC CHURCH The r;ost holy sacrifice oi the mass -. ofTcml every Sur.dny at 7, 9 and 11 A. M., the first over in 30 minutes, the i W 'V: v "-' life Am Nw To give you the best of service in CLEANING and PRESSING your clothes. Our plant is equipped with modern machinery to assure you sat isfactory CLEANING and PRESS ING. - FOR QUICK DEPENDABLE SERVICE Phond 2976 WALKER'S DRY CLEANER Hertford, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Onley were' other two in 4G and including sermon dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sunday on "Proofs Priests Empower Hathaway of Hertford on Sunday. j ed to Fir;-'-: oins," fnllowed by Sun Mr. and Mrs. Walter Symons of 'ay '"chool. all including Holy Corn Elizabeth City spent the week-end m union and preceded by half hour's with his father. confession t in St. Ann's Catholic Mis" Louise Wilson of Cross Roads Church, stated Father F. J. McCourt, was the week-end guest of her par-'pastor, who invites everybody to all ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. I services. Every Sunday 7:80 P. It, Mr. and Mrs. George Winslow and choir practice; 8 P. M.,. Rosary, Nov- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bundy attended ena in honor of Our Lady of the Mir- revival services in Norfolk on Sun- aculous Medal, benediction. Week- dy- mornings, one mass and Rosary. Chief John Ambrose Elliott of the Thanksgiving Day, November 22, U. S. Coast Guard, has received his holy mass at 9 A. M., including ser- discharge and is visiting his parents, mon on "Everybody Always Give Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elliott j Thanks to God For Everything," Holy- Mr. ana Mrs. averett Bright and , Communion, concluding in 45 minutes, Mrs. John Symons spent Sunday in followed by Rosary. Norfolk. j ' i Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stallings "Have you ever appeared as a wit spent Monday afternoon in Elizabeth ' ness bfore?" City. ) "Yes, your honor." y: rr jcr- ; i "in what suit?" Buy More War Bonds I -My blue serge." Hero's sweeter, tastier bread $ with FLEISCIIMAtiirS IT "UlL ITRENOTH bo it goei tit to work; No waiting. No extra ttepa. Flfiarhrn!.nn fresh activ9 Yeast helps make bread jthafa more de'. . Iiaoua and tendar, sweeta-t&stms every wnel it YOU BAKI AT HOMl-Get - Fkiadunaon't actio freeh Teast wiih tha ranSIar yellow labeL Dependablftit't been America'i I favrite for men than 73 y&ra. t-' Farm Equipment Now Available O Jack Shaft for Peanut Pickers. O Portable Wood Saws. O Stalk Cutters . . . 2-row. O 2-row Planters. .0 Middle Busters. O Cultivators . . . Tractors. O Extra Equipment. We are now prepared to overhaul" 7, your tractor, putting it in. first class' condition " We have the parts you need. s doiit mmm if you keed '-' -':''--' -' ' "- -;. ' -' i i 0U '"", if -.4-- t 'vfr.i O Peanut Bags i. , : O 'Wire Fence ; r . ; ; O -Baling Wire ; ;0; Roofing J-'7' t 'O All types of Paints and Oils. . . ' V We Hayea Complete Supply of Fall Seeds : lnciucung: . i. r' r RYE, RYE GRASS, CLOVER, LESPEDEZA ' a ji a ii rvii. m : r 3 It !! ic. :i::::::3 i!: 007 GENERALtLECTRIC APP0ANCES , , rBLANCIIARjyS' SINCE 1832 , - , - HERTFORD, N. C. ,.. V ,s

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