..4 1 -I k. I r )1' 1 'Sri 1 1 t - '.1 v w r- UIMAM EKLY WNSWSPARDEVgTED TOTHE UPBUIUPTO OF HERTIX)RD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume frTII. Number 84 .. Hertford, Perquimans County. North Carolina. Friday, August 30, 1946 $1.50 Per Year. SOER VACATION Et!DS FOR! SCHOOL STUDEIITS VIITII OPEI'IIIG TERi.l SEPT. 5 Hertford Stores To Close Monday An announcement was made here this week by the majority of Hert ford stores that Labor Day will De observed as a holiday next Monday, September 2. The stores will remain closed for the entire day. This week will be the final week for many of the stores in observing New Experience BY CARL V. REYNOLDS, M. D. North Carolina State Health Officer lur ii.h.iy ui me o."iv3 r vviilllii a icw untn 1 1 ' ion the half-day holiday on Wednesdays, we;fcij8 at the very longest an esti- d 1 P 1 ntnrnc Vi 11 I'o llnnt Ol R ... . q- i u'.ti . I. : t .1 nM nw,VnJ nlv 1 Teachers' Meetings Set For Sept. 4th; Btfs ' Routes Unchanged School bells will ring next Thurs day morning, ending the summer va cation of some 1500 plus school child ren in Perquimans County and F. T. Johnson, County Superintendent, stated today all was in readiness for the opening session of the 1946 term of school. Repair work, in progress during the past month at several of the school buildings, is coming along nicely, according to the superinten dent, who stated that the roof 'at the' Perquimans High School ' is almost complete, but lack of materials and competent labor has slowed the pro gress of the repair work as a whole. Mr. Johnson stated that rooms at the high school, in need of paint, -would not receive this attention until next Spring, and that repairs to the heating system at the building would be started as soon as materials " ar rive. He added it will be impossible to obtain a new furnace for the high school before next January. School bus routes for the coming venr will remain the same as last vpr. and these routes will be main tained until a state official comes to this county to reroute the schedule . .. . i i r for the buses, ir. jonnson saia. iuB - - ke hmjse drivers for the year haye been Pjnjty George Carver, Amos, Wil pointed and will beg.n their dut.es ownea oy u e 11VA.L JLIlUIBUay. One point that parents are urged to remember, the superintendent stated, was that no child will be per State Hep Officer Gives Timely Advice For School Children t Parents Urged to Pre pare Children For Albemarle League Baseball Play-off Starts On Sunday Hertford Playing Two Games This Week; Race Is Close STANDING OF CLUBS (Including Wednesday's Games) W Edenton !W Windsor 28 f0Il Hertford 28 Preparations For Veterans Homecoming Day On September 11 Now Shaping Up Fast Railroad Plans Change In Service I t WoHnaaHnV . : 1 1 -U1 year-ruunu system vi v ,..v,v .T years or. age win envei wnuui m 1 , closing, but many of the stores will the firgt tiine por these children, 'Colerain . j 1 . ..... ... Klivahofh Citxr AO remain open on weanesuay beginning next week. Hearing Waived By Trio Charged With Theft 01 (Meat Recorder Judge Hears Six Cases; Continue Four Tuesday rWtrpH with the theft of meat, worth more than $50, and the break mitted to enroll in school unless he has reached his sixth birthday on or before October 1, 1946. Enrollments at the various schools are expected to be about the same as last year, with the exception of the high school, where more students will be enrolled this year due to the addition of the 12th grade. There will be a meeting of all whitA teachers at the Suoerinten- .Lc. dent'sVbffi6 at41. m. on. September 4 and a meeting-of all colored teach-A- era- at four o'clock the same day. All r . -j a- .it 1 teacners are expeciea to nueim ukbc meetingsi Large Losses From Spoilage Of Meats waived a preliminary hearing before Judge Charles E. Johnson in Per nnimnna Recorder Court here Tues- M day -morning, and were Douna over for trial at the October term of Sup erior Court. The defendants were released on $500 bonds. William Stanley entered a plea of guilty to a charge of being drunk and disorderly. He was ordered to pay the costs of court. Alex Riddick, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving without a license and was found gttUty of hit and run. He was given a 80 day road sentence 10 oe suspen ded upon payment of a fine of $75 and costs of court. Fifty dollars of the fine is to be turned over to a prosecuting witness for damages to his car. . , , , Wallace Layden was taxed witn tne costs of court on a charge of driving JrZ.Zo. entered a !you should be able to answer Proper handling and curing of pork on the farm can prevent losses that run to about $2,000,000 a year in North Carolina, says Dr. Dan Brady of State College, in charge of meats research for the Agricultural Experi ment Station. . . . QV tll. OHtB f court A special publ cation, enhtled "The ' fm hearing at Tuea. Farm Pork Supply", Circular No 262, ' eourt were continueo gives information on equipment for y s tintehannir. mittinr un the meat ren-iunl" lne dermg lard, curing of meat, smoung ahd proper storage of cured meats. It carries a series of ten photo graphs to show just how the carcass is cut into hams, fatbacks, loins, ba- I.. -1 U IV, lilra d-iu j ! ..J t-v t;n daughter curing methods are discussed. Simple Nacnman A, -,i ;.u. AV Elizabeth City c) Will 11 if an ail cimici y urn c i j - 1 perience without any precedent The.Camden 11 nrat aay 01 scnooi iiie is one 01 uie moat imDortant in the entire career of any human being, in that it marks the beginning of a journey that may be subject to many interruptions, lor various causes. When we, as adults, anticipate a journey, we undergo a period of preparation, in keeping with the importance of that journey. We provide ourselves with certain necessities, if we are bent on busi ness, and with certain luxuries, if we are going for pleasure and recrea tion. But these journeys are of little importance, compared with that which lies ahead for the child who is entering school for the first time. It is highly essential, then, that those responsible for our children's physical, psychological and mental welfare see that they are prepared. This responsibility falls directly upon the shoulders of parents, to whom these little ones must look for pro tection. They have no means of car ing for themselves, but must look to those who brought them into the world, or have assumed the respon sibility for their well being. It has been estimated that about one-third of the children who enter school for the first time have correc tive nhvsical defects, which, if neg lected, may mean their educational, hence intellectual, undoing. these defects are both hidden and patent. Some are not even known, to exjgt being impairments of which neither the child nor its pareit3 may be aware without a physical examina tion by a competent medical doctor, or, in some instances, specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of cer tain types of physical impairment. Hence, it is hisrhlv important that, before sending your child to school, yes L 18 18 21 24 25 34 Officials of the Norfolk Southern Railroad have made known plans to continue passenger and express ser vice in this section in event the two passenger trains, now in service, are discontinued. The railroad, affording to a state ment issued this week, will service the area with fast through buses if the trains are taken off, and express will be handled by door to door l-.nw.kc Tk nlott will not inVnlvP .444 I frpio-ht trains nnr their schedule, the .244 mi I mad official sflin. Committees Named To Handle Program For County-wide Event Pet. .625 .609 .571 .48!) A oost-season series will be played by the Albemarle League baseball teams, starting next Sunday, it was announced by the league directors following a meeting held in Edenton Sunday night. Regular season play will end Saturday when the teams complete a schedule of rained-out irames. The Hertford Indians, bat tling hard to finish in second place, with a mathematical chance 01 finish ing first, played Elizabeth City on Wednesday and will close the season on Friday when they play Colerain at Colerain. The Indians snapped out of a slump last week-end by handing Elizabeth City and Camden defeats on Thursday and Saturday. Webb pitched a three-hit game against Elizabeth City, while the Indians earnered eieht hits off Borden. The local nine scored three runs in the eighth after the visitors had tallied once in the seventh. Hines started on the mound for Hertford at Camden on Saturday and pitched six innings. He was relieved hv Schadel in the seventh. The In dians won by a 2-0 count. The league directors will meet Sat- nrHav niVht following conclusion of the season play and draw plans for holding the series, although it has been decided that the league winners A holiday atmosphere will prevail in Hertford on September 11 when Perquimans County will welcome home its veterans of World War II, and a well rounded program is being planned for the entertainment of the veterans and their families. Vet erans of both World War 1 and II will be the invited guests for the oc casion. The executive committee in charge of the affair has stated that all stores and business houses in Hertford will be asked to close at 12 noon on the eleventh, and F. T. Johnson, superin tendent of schools announced that all schools would observe a half holi day, in order that the students might join in the festivities, i Several details of the program for the day remain to he worked out. OPA will ask for the return of but tentative plans ca I for a big ceiling prices for dairy products, ac- parade, headed up by a P V- cording to Paul Porter, head of the Army band, to be staged at 2..(0 Liu who also announced that ! o'clock fJZZ moof nrw-a when restored .Senteni- "H'"3" " r'"b L . i o.w wi,r than ' Field. Later a barbecue dinner will Per vt win uc aw"icuat '6' v.-.. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES the June 30 ceiling. Sugar rationing will continue at five pounds per ra tion book through the September- December period, with ration stamp be served the veterans and their families, and this is to be followed by a baseball game at Memorial Field. The program will be brought No. 51 becoming valid September l.to a close with a mammoth street Porter stated that dairy prices were,u"'""""6 getting out of hand and the decon- The committees named to handle trol 'board should act to stabilize the! the homecoming evert, besides the trend of these prices. (executive committee named several days ago, are: Finance committee, In an effort to speed up the work- R. M. Riddick, Jrairman, Charles of the Paris peace conference, a , B. White, George W Jackson, A. W. meeting of the Big Four foreign min-Hefren, Z. A. Hams, Fred Mathews, kter was scheduled for Thursday I J. K. Winslow; program and welcome w th the United States and Britain ; committee F. T. Johnson, chairman, . . , , , , ... j:pr..i w W Oakpv. Jr.. II. C. Reavis, J. D. taking thP lead U iron iui uuiitui- ' - fes before the conference. During ' Cranford, C W. Duhng, E. T. Ji Ison, the past week several ministers to the J. R. Futrell; refreshment com.,., ee, conference have balked at the huge V. N. Darden. chairman, W G Hoi- , j r u., r. nwp Cflf.il W. White, Mrs. K. K. Sitr anLHas my child had a complete League standing tAi4-n TUn-wi was nieuicai uiv.lui . ,.a iitv of ft charfi-e of assault1 2. If any physical 1.VJU1IU gU'UkJ O- rifi a tWrtlv weaDon. . She was or- "TTL ZZlttcZr Physical "iS b7aom eteTt of the season for the Indians will be . ordered to pay the costs oi court. h j . , played at Colerain this afternpon. Indians Open Grid Practice Monday; Schedule Released oeen ueciueu uiui me league "mci a reparation ucinauu ,, f Mo (' will play the fourth place team, while against Italy, the Aato&iw minis- White, Mufe Frances Maneaa. . & V the second and third place teams play!ter stating Russia was attempting to, Murray, Sam Hourmantu; puMiflly . . m, i . - . . .L...1 -c o.vimittoo May ( amnhe II. chairman. a three out of hve series, ine win- ithrust its hst flown me inroai iy r ,u .., nlov :.. a: -,i. ,,.ith it and ac- i S. (J. Chappell, L. W. Anderson, Miss for the championship. Dates and lCused the Red delegates of misrepre- places of the series games will be , sentation. nnnnimood hirtho Hireplnrs after the! meeting tomorrow. i T(( spt,e(j home construction, the Jchairman, Tim R. Bruin, laul risher, By losing its game with Elizabeth L,m,rnment this week ordered a dras-'M. G. Owens, C. W. Phillips; dance City on Wednesday afternoon by a tut jn conlr,iercial construction, committee, Jack Winslow, chairman, score of 7-0, the Indians remained in and thp additional materials from Robert L. Hollowell, James h. New the third SDot in the Albemarle u.- ,. wil he channeled into by, F. A. Byrum, Jr., Jesse Lee Har- The closing game t . Virginia White, Cecil C. Winslow, Dr. A. B. Homier, A. Houston Edwards. Parade committee, J. Roulac Webb, will be serving veterans, manv of ris; Hoy and t,irl fcscouts W. H. Pitt, LaBelle-Vaiden Vows Spoken Saturday r. M. Vaiden, Mrs. Nachman of Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Harold Ernest La- curing metnods are 8cus. .0imp.e Conn were instructions; are given as to how each Belle, oi wew , type oi curing may be carriea out. The publication also carries saus trie age recipes and instructions for the making of head cheese. Free copies o the circular may be obtalhed by writing the Agricultural Editor, Stat College, Raleigh. "By proper handling of meats it is easily possible to have home cured, canned and frozen meats available , throughout the whole year and at a ?! very substantial saving over what it ' may be purchased ,in the market," ' Brady says. 4 Those interested in canning meat Vahould write, for Circular No. 284. Instructions on freezing foods for home use are given in Circular No. 280. Hertford Nine Wins From Norfolk Team ; Plivinir in mrhlhiHon nnu' nn Memorial Field Tuesday night, the ; Jtiernora ; oa-seDaii team aeieaiea vie ' Tt C. Coin nine from Norfolk 0 to 7. ' Schadel and McLawhorn composed the battery for Hertford, while the Norfolk team need three .pitebi';r REVIVAL AT BETHLEHTEM I " A ten-day 'wvivaljeeryice'wiia Be " gin at Betotehem .Church Monday, fc SeptemWr;2;KTheBev.;;:R " Cayton will be the guest evangelist and the public ia Iwited to attend all .services,, wnicn : wiu. w n8'" "f .. f defects were found, have these, been corrected ? 3. Has the child undergone a den tal examination, and have the de fects, if any were found, been cor rected ? 4. Has the child been immunized against all diseases for which pre ventive or controllable measures have been discovered? 5. Have you had his vision and hearing tested? As we have said, there are certain defects that are self-evident defects that can be detected through means of simple screening procedure. On the other hand, there are those which reauire careful medical diag nosis defects that may be due to anme disease with which the Chlla has been afflicted and from which it apparently has completely recovered. Despite appearances, however; there may be those hidden defects which can be brought to light only through means of a careful and thorough physical check-up and which, if un corrected, mav imDair and retard the child's progress in school to such an extent that its whole educational ca reer will end in failure. Let us take a glance at last year s morbidity record, compiled by the state Knard of Health. Among chil dren of pre-school age in North Caro- (Continued on rage ix whose homes, now being built, may chairman, neru stand unfinished through the wm-'Momis, rrana mcooou, . . to, ,,nloaa mnre and more materials i Woodard. are obtainable. Government officials! War Dad committee, '. P. Morris, state shortage of materials is holding chairman, W. 1. blliott, w. is. jor back home construction all over the dan, W. H. Hardcastle, C. C. Buck; United .States. (committee to honor Gold Star Moth ers, Mrs. R. R. White, chairman, Mrs. T. P. Brinn, Mrs. W. G. Hollowell, Mrs. F. T. Johnson, Miss Mary Sum ner, Miss Polly Tucker. The committee in charge of the to secure Assistant With diplomatic conditions un settled in the Balkans, a U. S. Navy task force, headed by the huge car- f.,bi;n n Rnnnevelt. has been ordered to visit Greece, target "f a program is attempting j- i ..(.icit u i Itricr (ipn. Kenneth Kova new tvussiaii uiLPiuumLu m. . -o- - - . The task force, on a routine training Secretary of War, as the principal e ... . , ! a. a aker for the event, but this ar- Church Saturday evening, August 22, at 9:30 o'clock by the Kev. d. . Reavis, pastor of the church. Miss Kate Hiancnara, organs, rendered traditional nuptial music during the ceremony. v Th hride was attired in a brown street length dress and wore a tur quoise feather hat with matching gloves. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrill. Mr. LeBelle was a commanaer m the P C. W. D. during the war. After a Wedding trip through New England and Canada the couple will make their home at East Haven, Conn. Cotton Prices Slightly Lower During Week Prion inr minMHnor 1516 inch cot ton in the ten apofmarkets averaged i: a XT' I Jnit 35.97 centa j per pounaon r.,, immit !a ' Thto , comnares with ! 35.90 a week earlier and 22.25 a year ago. , The cwrentjevol oi prices is d forms for veterans to file more than 1 JjKab claim, for pay for unused furlough The first practice session for the 1946 football season at Perquimans High School has been set for nexttour, win taKe sumu.w ... - ) -'v- h t confirined Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Coach! Sea across from Turkey and not far.rangement has Deer, Max Campbell stated today, and all students desiring to trv out for this years team are requested to De on years leuin are reueMt-u n, v...., , - hand at Memorial Field on the date! has talcen steps to meet the demands t ... ihu llurHnne es. over wnicn as yet l"i , Russia also seeks vsome coiili Meanwhile, Yugoslavia's government Vets Furlough Pay Forms At Post Office the enfrairement ' and A ' nnrnncnino' mafriaM of her dauirh- v ! ter, Louise, to Robert Horace, Lynch, j eon of Mr, and Mra, H. W.j.Lynch of v uertiora. 1 4.1.1 ...nmiM TiOiA flmmmment loan rate for middling ,15ie Inch, about 18.6 cents above a year ago, ana ai- Ti onfa dKova th current Drice anvov vvi - , - for rayon staple fiber landed at mills. . . t Bi,ii!iuiu"'i .inaaiat all veterans neeamg f 'A? revival meeting wiRf. heldaW out the forms. When rinninv- Sebtember 1. and ruhning through; September 8. The1' services will be conduetea py ne ev. vwuuc Bullock. : ' Circle No. S of the Hertford Bap- i t rriir1i will mMl MdndftV alffht. The. wedding will take ..place Jnfpteuibw' 2, t oVjlock with Mrs. vj ' .. . time are available at the Hertford Pnat Office, it was announced tnis week by Post Office i officials. Yj T. Johnson, service omcer the Wm. Paul Stellings Post of the American Legion, is maiung pians ro .assist all veterans needing aid in filling out the forms, wnen niiea ... k farm must be notarized, for whioh there will be io charge, before veterans send in claims. : .. All veterans having iuriougn pay coming will be paid in cash if the i.im im tar s50 or les, : If the claim ia- f or a greater sum, the veteran wu ut.,.. anariat . u iiraamment bond rhtoK wtii mitum Is five veara. The bonds to be issued will bear interest but are Sot cashable or ntmnesapie. given. ' About" 40 boys are expected to re port for the practice sessions and Coach Campbell stated that the grid iron prospects for this year appear bright. A nine-game schedule is be ing arranged for the Indians, and all but one date has been filled. There will be six home games and three games to be played away from home. Onlv two of last years regulars will be missing when the first prac tice starts Monday, according to tne coach. George Wood, back, and Tom Perry, lineman, will not be back this season, but several veterans, includ ing Bobby Holmes, Bill Elliott, Bobby Keaton and Paul Russell, will re turn to don the Indian uniform. The schedule for the Indians fol lows: September 20 Columbia here. September 27 Franklin, Va., here. October 4 Edenton here. October 11 Open. October 18 Tarboro there. October 26 Ahoskie there. November 1 Elizabeth City there. November 8 Plymouth here. November 15 Scotland Neck here. . TT C .iltimntlim nf list Week Ul tilt: . - regarding the deaths of five I s flyers shot down near the Yugoslav border by Tito's fliers. I he nouies oi the Americans have been recovrrea and are now enroute to the U. S. f,,!! m;i;i.jr,- honors were accorded by the Yugoslav Fourth Army (lur ing the trip from the spot where the bodies were recovered to the transfer into the U. S. zone in Italy. STATE MISSION MEETING Th Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will observe a Statn Mission nrosrram Monday af ternoon, September 2, at the church. The meeting will oegin at ociock. Mrs. I. A. Ward will preside and urges a full attendance. RTRTH . ANNOUNCEMENT m and Mrs Durward P. Reed. Jr.. of Winston-Salem announce the birth of - a daughter, , Judith ;: Lynn, bora Snrtriav. Anffuat ZOtn. av Viw hobbi- ai winatrtn-SftlBm. Mother and daughter are getting along nicely. Mrs. Wallace Jordan Burned And Cut While Canning Soup Mixture Wallace Jordan was painfully rut. and burned Monday at her home near Eason Cross Roads while can ning soup mixture. Noticing that water in the canner had boiled down, Mr Jordan attemrjted to add water when the jars burst, scattering glass and boiling liquid over her and about the kitchen. Mrs. Jordan's burns and cuts were treated by Dr. F. L. Morris of Gates- ville, who later removed her to L,aice Draft Board Has One Call For September Mrs. Kuth Sumner, clerk of the lo cal Draft Hoard, announced Monday the local Hoard has received orders to supply three white registrants for Ipre-induction examinations during Ithe month of September. No induc tion calls for the month are sched uled. I Six veter-ins reported at the office during the past week, tiling their discharge papers with the Hoard. The veterans were Leroy Nixon, David Chappell, Edgar Y. Berry, Jr., and Broughton Dail, white, and Sher man Parsons and Aaron Boone, col- Negro 4-H Members Attend Short Course Four Negro 4-H Club members of the county left Tuesday morning to attend a five day annual short course to be held at A. and T. College in Greensboro. Approximately 500 4-H Club boys and girls from the various counties in North Carolina are ex- View Hospital in Suffolk, where she pected to attend. The course will ia frarr i n ar uiiinir h u wr i a3 i - expected. Center Hill Revival Begins September 22 Revival services at the Center Hill Methodist, Church are scheduled to be held the fourth week in septem - ,rVa' 'iMfafcafe tor the aeries of meetings will be the Kev. a. w ooa j oi AMiaauer. Growinir Into CitizenshiD-' The work will cover the following topics, "4-H Work and its Objec tives", "4-H Music and Music Ap- . probation,", and "4-H Projects and 4 Meetings". t&i mi I J n Mama xnose wnu ccu.iiubiiivu 1.11c hcriv Cnnntv Atrent. W. C. Strowd. are representatives from the following 4-H Clubs; iJorotny uarciin, or wiap anoke; Shirley Lightfoot, of Bay- . ap ... A VWV H "iV"fl. Branch; James uocuin, ox wuuu, and Earl Newby, of Bethel. ft'. - 4 1 1 ' :1 A, November. W N. IoUowelL V ' "i