, ... .... ::,..,; .tf'vJ' . it y ' " IK' ;; vi A WEE2LY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING Or HttKTlVjOJ ainu riuiauuw wuix x x Hertford, Perquimans County, NorSTCarolina, Friday, October 4, 1946. $1.50 Per Year. Volume XIII. Number 39. AMS WEEKLY Pulp Company Wants Seedlings On Idle Band Members Take Weekly Renewals 11 Members of the Perquimans High ! School Band began Monday collecting ' new and renewal subscriptions to The Half MlfylOn PtanuKr Perquimans Weekly in its drive to OJ OMonm XXTna raise funds for equipment and music OUIW ilUgiam ofor the bflnd Tne gtudent8 reprt Started III 1940 Igood success and are taking a mini ber of renewals from subscribers Pursuing its policy it putting its whose subscriptions to The Weekly idle land, into profitable production, expire during October, November and Ko Nnrth f.arolinn Puln Comnany . Decemher. I planted, more than 200,000 pines this spring on 224 acres m Bertie, craven, Currituck, Gate, Hertford, Lenoir, Martin, Washington and Onslow counties, George Curry, head of the wood and land department, announced this week. These plantings bring the total number of trees set out since the re forestation program was inaugurated in 1940 to more than a half million loblolly pine seedlings, and the total average covered to 656 acres. The company plans to have ail of its idle lands in timber production within the next two years, he said. - The company's extensive land hold ings in 20 eastern North Carolina counties naturally contain ft consid- fields The band members are collecting the subscriptions on a liberal per centage basis and the more renewals collected the higher the percentage runs. The public is urged to support the band in this endeavor as it will pro vide a way for the band to build up a fund for its own use. WW After hearing evidence for more ear, an .1 1 I M .L,..JAMI eraoie acreage ui bubuuuucu Aiuj and areas which have been , swept r-- eTnrltis ome 724 death for instigating Wr.d War II, 7 ., . , anH seven others received prison sen acres, consisting of savannahs and ij Ti, -1 I 1 1 S .Imi AMiial WSOTTlftV. cieareu maun in uui, m" vr- , , . . . ,. . . . . tlons, remain to be J- - ng" VL7;." Tuesday, and defen use "fcel ft te -demned noted an appeal to . , , J! a, fv allK the Contro Council, but there was .rfSi..0!!' JUSt little likelihood these appeals would "T" Lu:?jfZrZ be ranted- The Ru8sian member of land is being set aside for reforesta-, n th it in PROCLAMATION Whereas fire is recognized as No. i public enemy, and causes millions of dollars in damages, and the loss of thousands of lives each year, and Whereas, fire is now causing serious set-backs in American production, loss of natural resources, and threatens national economy as the increased ' costs of replacements fans the fire of inflation, and Whereas the week of October 6 to aside as National Fire Prevention Week, 12, 1946, has been set I, Vivian N. Darden, Mayor of the Town of Hertford, therefore, hereby proclaim the week of October 6 to 12 to be Fire Prevention Week in Hertford, and urge the citizens of Hertford to observe the week by eliminating all fire hazards and taking steps to prevent fires at all future times. This 4th day of October, 1946. VIVIAN N. DARDEN, Mayor. BASEBALL TEAM OF MAJOR LEAGUERS REA Energizes Sub Station On Monday Perquimans Indians Lose Close Game To Franklin Gridders Game This Week With Edenton Moved up to Thursday Night A. T. Lane, manager of the Albe marle Electric Membership Coopera tive, announced Monday that the sub station at Winfall had been energiz ed, and electric power was being serv ed to approximately 300 members of the cooperative in Perquimans and Chowan County. Service has already started froin a sub-station located in Camden County. Perquimans High School tootbaii Mr. Lane stated that with the en- team lost its second game of the sea- ... . t . - I--. I?-;, n;rVit ti KVnnknn bv ergizing ol the winian suD-stauon sou msi. --- -- - the local customer were being served a fi-0 score after the Indians had out on 60 miles of lines, with still more played the visitors most of the time, lines to be built giving service to The defense of the Indians was far additional families in rural areas, superior to Franklin, but it was un About 90 miles of lines are now un- able to check a Franklin pass in the der construction and when completed ; third quarter which led to the only the Albemarle group will be serving score of the game, families in Perquimans, Chowan, Pas- On the offense the Indians also out quotank and Camden counties. 'classed Franklin, chalking up eight The advent of this service in the j first downs to Franklin's four, but it Irural areas of this section will be a lacked sufficient power to push the boon to families and will provide ball over the goal line. Perquimans electric power to homes enabling the threatened to score twice during the 'hnmao n ha m nrfom i pomnlntelv onntoat hut daks olavs were lnter- ,'itli electrical equipment. SCHEDULED TO PLAY FRIDAY NIGHTf CentraTComniittee Names New Officers Jimmy Brown, Well Remembered For His Spec tacular Playing In Old Albemarle League, Among Stars Who Will Perform tion. rrL - i... l..lln, ..nnw.iliifiva VerulCLS, '"7 . T. ,, . n,. fendants. Herman Goenng, next in land to fast-growing loblolly or other ."""" e ' " . 6 ' , Aom power to Hitler, and Von Ribbontrop, by the North Carolina Pulp Company, " , :" ;, .J n to receive the death sentence: Hjal- - VU7 WJWU jiiuyiij -v-ovv.., Friday night at 8 o'clock on the Gil Coan, 'Washington Senators, of Se of Edenton diamond basehal. fans wiU "oSl ave an opportunity to see major, aph Hodgin chicago white g()X rf eaguers perform when J. K. (Buddy) jreensboro; Joe Haynes, Chicago jewis, stellar outfielder of the Wash ngton Senators, brings his entourage f big league all-stars to play the Edenton Colonials, who will be some what strengthened by several stars f the Albemarle League. Iwis has lined un four of his the tribunal dissented on the last 10 verdicts, voting death for all 22 de- White Sox, of Columbia, S. C, and Tommy Bryne, New York Yankees, f Wake Forest fame. Buddy Lewis, captain of the team, s a Gastonian, and a former class mate of Jimmv Partin at Wake For- .v' - a. ; nLnted n" Hcwni ana von rapen Ti rZ m ree st College. The outfit has plenty of eammates, three from the New York power at the plate, led by Lewis, -who lUnkooc nn. from the Pittsburgh u as an eight-year average of more and Hans iX.ankees' ne fr,m acquitted, l n October 16. i oi lncaet m aiameier jwhsh . . l . , A.1 ..J -1 IV. I. Will M All 1i f. rm2.J'yih. beim rr f pJovide more growing space fk the w - year arfo, government action to remaining trees. The first thin- th . shortage loomed up a !lJ "..If, vl ...y, i.fa. a possibility this week. Just what mil Its Will ins iiouc wucn uro . , ... , , 8 v 4 m u rwi win t us action will be remains to be seen, tions are about 10 years qld and will , , , . ,j . . , . .,, 1 was reported there appears to be . J A 1 X Ik. f'UmAfWA -i nniHnj 'irates, enree iroin ine vnnagu The 12 ciimiriih sentenced to death iL ght-year average ban ..'i()0 for the Senators. All are Carolina boys tester Jorrnn is siatea to start on with the exceDtion of Bill Johnson, ne mouna against tne mg leaguers, i eirular New York Yankee third and while J. H. Thorne, Garland Lit- aoomAn who ia a native of Georeia. le and Snooky Hollow.-!! are ejtpect- - rwi-- m w '9pni Flnatpm d" to retum- to playi several stars Elliott-. . "111 "V 17 v . -v., v . - - orth Carolina boys on the major of the league will be on hand to take o,i ;-.!, iir,n- Jimmv llrnwn Dart, includinit Yred and Rudy Cas- 1. yield sufficient pulpwood to well pay ' "s T.p. ' " when he performed on local diamonds for the thinning job. i l ; . i l O WiH, tho HomnnH for nulnwood and J' " w . . . , CMiravn White Sox. VI UlCIlb I CU UUol LlVllJIIKt VVW"vO iiwui .. . 1'1A all other types of forest products in creasing every year, f the Pittsburgh Pirates, who hails e of Colerain, Fred Dunstan rom Jamesville. Jimmy will be re- Windsor, Cader Harris and Nate Cad membered by many baseball fans dy of Klizabeth City and Bud Cvton no nea lumoren or neruoru. Wilson Tobs place behind The Executive Committee of the Perquimans Central Grammar School net recently and appointed the fol owing officers for the year 1946-47: President Mrs. B. F. Bray. Vice President Mrs. Eddie Harrell. Secretary Mrs. E. S. White. Assistant Secretary Mrs. Ashby ordan. Treasurer D. L. Barber. Standing committee chairmen for 946-47 are as follows: Budget and Finance Aubrey Gur ganus and D. L. Barber. Magazine Mrs. Jack Benton. Study Group Miss Johnnie White." Membership Mis. Bassiel Coip and. Room Representative Mrs. W. H. Billy Brooks of the take Jim Edward , i i i A n h hat ,i i; l..ai i aims ijumuerion h im huhic. naiwn " other land own- ver e re"18 .-.'T, Robinson of the Yankees got his start S There has been some misunder- piy oi porn ami , ,Wo'c 4 1 standinir about the nrice of admission BttSUlK CVBIJ JWi, WH'w em, both large ana smau, win nna n - ; - aUnf 'is rp. t Rockingham Al.V.l t. fnllnur tho nimnlc aft r" - w- u rii P,,in nomnnv ceived mostly on a weekly basis and put their idle acres to work growing trees. The State Nursery at Clayton, which supplies the company with seedlings, will be glad to coop erate with them in a planting pro gram. State foresters, extension for esters and company foresters will as sist any land owner in planning a tree-planting program at his request. However,. Curry cautioned, any such program must provide for pro tection against forest fires, as seed lings, particularly in their early years, are easy victims of fire, the South's No. 1 forest enemy. and then there's Al standing about the nric Dsmocrat Wosps Day To Be Observed , - -iX'tl . i. v -. x i, Plana" have been completed for Democratic Woman's Day in North Carolina, whicn will be held Tuesday, October 8, it is announced here by Mra. B. B. Everett, vice chairman of ; the Democratic State Executive Com- mittee. -'it The meeting not only will be for ,'Women interested in the Democratic v party but for those of other groups : who are Interested in legislative mat- The State Board of Education met with the State Advisory Budget Commission Tuesday - of this week with a request for a salary increase of 20 per cent for all teachers and employees of the State Board of Edu cation. The commission was asked to grant more than 123 million dol lars for the biennium beginning July 1 to take care of the present salaries plus the increase. This request was the largest general fund appropria tion ever requested in the State. A Navy plane, piloted by four of ficers captured the world's non-stop flight record this week when it roared Into the airport at Columbus, Ohio, land flying 11,237 miles from Perth, Australia. The flight was made v in 65. hours and 18 minutes. When it took off from Australia the bomber's grogs weight was 85,500 pounds, the heaviest ever lifted by two engines. Mrs. Kathleen Nash Durant, 43-year-old former captain in the WAC, was Convicted of complicity of loot ing a German castle of a million and a half dollars worth or jewels. ne was sentenced to five years in pri son. The defendant was one of five being tried for the offense. The jew who Evans from Rocky Mount, catches for the Senators. Others include: Jake Early, Wash ngton Senators, of Kings Mountain; Peanut Harvesting Started In County . . ... rr.i nr o tne game, so tnat ine weeKiy was requested to state that the admission will be $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. Alvina Thiel Weds Sergeant Stallings Harvesting of the peanut crop was reported under way in most parts of he county this week, with farmers reporting that prospects for the crop Were spotty. In some sections the digging revealed a fairly good yield and grade, while in other parts ot the'whit blossoms adorned the chapel county, where excessive rams caused j Mrg john jitts of Colorado early damage the prospects do not springSj Colorado, was matron of appear so bright. honor and Sgt. Pitts was best man. In some sections yields are expect- j The bri(je wag attired in a spice ed to be near normal, but several v it with brown and white ac- Publicity Mrs. Claude Williams. Program Mrs. Eddie Harrell. Lunch Room Claude D. White, Irs. R. S. Jordan, Mrs. J. ('. Bundy .nd Mrs. A. R. Cook. Publicity and Procedure Miss Tancy Pardon. Art Mrs. Marvin Benton. Health and Summer Round-up Mrs. Tom Swayne. Historian Mrs. Delwin Eure. Library Miss Lucille White. Hospitality Mrs. Johnnie Lane. Safety Mrs. Nathan Riddick. Recreation Talmadge Lewis. Congress Publication Mrs. Jerome Hurdle. Character and Spiritual Educa tion Mrs. Roy Winslow. Radio Clifton Morgan. Goal Mrs. Dempsey Winslow. Procedure and By-Laws Aubrey Gurganus, Joseph Winslow, Mrs. W. Stallings ceDted bv the alert Franklin team and the Indians lost possession of the ball. Coach Max Campbell used two sets ,of backfield for the Indians in an ef fort to discover a scoring combina tion, neither of which seemingly de veloped the spark needed to rack up ouchdowns. The play on the part of the Indians' line showed some im provement over the opening game, and additional improvement is ex pected in both the line and backfield for the game this week when Edenton comes to Hertford to renew grid riv alry with the Indians. 1 The game with Edenton was moved 'up to Thursday night and played on Memorial Field. Perquimans and Edenton are about evenly matched, judging from the contests each school had with Columbia. The Wildcats downed Perquimans 6-0 and then on last Friday defeated Edenton by a 12-6 score. Edenton boasts a big line and a smooth working backfield. The Aces held Greenville to a 13-i s'ore. When the Indians and Aces played it was the -1st game between the two schools, with Perquimans win ding 11 victories to Edenton 's 7 and ,three games ending in a tie. An in teresting sidelight on the series is that during the first eight games played Edenton won only one, then during the next eight games Per quimans won only one. In the last seven games Edenton has won only one and the Indians will be playing I to ke.-p the eight game jinx on by troutu in" the Aces again. The marriage of Miss Alvina Grace Thiel, daughter of Mrs. Otto Thiel and the late Mr. Thiel of Taylor, Texas, and MSgt. Daughtrey Lee;n. Matthews, Mrs. Eleck Stallings of Camp Carson, Colorado, and m,s. J. Van Rouche on of Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Stallings of Belvidere, N. C, took place Sep ember 5. 1946. at 6 o'clock at the Post Chapel at Camp Carson. i Chaplain C. A. Lehne officiated and Local 4-H Members Win Fair Ribbons producers report their crop will yield only from one-half to 60 per cent of normal. Crop reporting services in recent releases, before the rains of the past month, pointed to increased yields in the State, and estimated a production of about 303,400,000 pounds or about 1,025 pounds per acre as compared with 950 pounds last season. cessories. orchid. Her corsage was a white Annual Conference Of PTA At Columbia I The annual conference of the Ninth District of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers will be held at the high school in Columbia on Tues day, October 8th. Registration will begin at 9:30 and the meeting will 'open at 10 o'clock in the morning. The District Director, Mrs. W. H. Bryan of Ahoskie, will preside. Mrs. E. N. Howell of Swannanoa, State President, will address the con ference on "The Strength of the i Foundation," based on the theme of thp National Congress, which is "Laying Firm foundations. W. ('. Reed of Kinston will be the auest speaker ana his sunject win De els were stolen from the castle last n-0-f Riai1 Una Turn I." VJ ;7,7" " h November while the U. S. Army was; The t ummAW in t, st.to a. u Twrtont using it as an omcers ciuo. fn. In nnlltir and Ipffislation. A I ewels were smuggled intd this coun .,k, ia.ii.ni f rarloua wo- ry, where they were recovered men's groups have been invited also,'rmy and government agents. . Mrs. Everett stated. by Calls For October 30 Perquimans County, Draft Board JlTfZ Legion Auxiliary To Meet Friday P. M. The LadiesAuxiliary of the Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American region will hold its regular meeting Friday night, October 4, at 8 o'clock at the Agriculture Building. All members are urged to be pres ent, and if possible to bring a hand The meeting will be held in Raleigh at the Sir Walter Hotel, and - will open at noon with a luncheon in V ' the ballroom, after the women pres ent have had an opportunity during :. the morning to greet one another and . renew old friendships. , , Mr.' Charles W; Tillett of Wash r' Ington, D. C, - and Charlotte, vie . chairman of the National Democratic Executive Committee, . will be the principal speaker following the lunch - eon. She will be followed on the pro gram' by William B. TJmstead,' chair ' man of the State Democratic Execu-'-. tive Committee, Governor R. Gregg ' Cherry and Joaepnus .Daniels, Raleigh . publisher and former ambassador to Mexico iech of whom ; will address , ; the women briefly. f -y -;M ' 'n' j,-, -1 1 ir ..fji.:.) "If, ii j.ii t m m' :r-:A-.Tt-.;V' , i CIRCLE NO. I TO MEET-,' i"' ' ' ' Circle No. 5 of the Baptist Church ' will me-'t .Tuesday .evening,, October 8, with Mrs. J. L. Davis. . Kaiser-Fraper Car Expected Here Soon An announcement was made this week by officials of the Hertford Motor Company that they expect to receive shortly a model of the Kaiser Frazer automobile, for which they are the agency. The local company is now com pleting work on the construction of its garage and showroom, and will shortly" announce the opening of the Service department. An announcement ,on a public showing of the new car will be made prior to its arrival here. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ' Mr. and Mr. 'F. i G. Sloop of Mooresville announce the birth of a son, born Friday, September 27, at the Mooresville Hospital. Mrs. Sloop was Miss Ruth Alice Ward before her in the veterans' hospital at Oteen and Fayetteville. WORLD-WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY WILL BE OBSERVED World-wide Communion Sunday has received two calls to be filled Iduring the month of October, accord ing to Mrs. Ruth Sumner, clerk of ithe Board. Both calls, one for the preinduc- hereiUOn exanunuuuu ui. ... I .... . w,l h all th churches. trint and on for thp. induction 0Ii""S " " r two selectees, are scheduled for the 30th of the month. Mrs. Sumner stated under the pres ent condition, without a complete Board, she did not know what action would be taken in filling, these calls Rally Day Program At Oak Grove Church both white and colored, in Hertford next Sunday as was announced by the Rev. B. C. Ravis today. The communion will b observed in con nection with the regular services and in many of the churches an offering will be taken for the needy. Two members of Perquimans Cun- y 4-tl cluDs, reggy wnne aim .lame Winslow, won blue ribbons in the 4-H j lub exhibits of the Six County l ain taged at Elizabeth City last week. Th CnanenKe 0f the Public Schools Miss White, a member of the High pCKjay " School 4-H Club, won first prize in i LunCn will be served at the school the 4-H Club dress making exhibit, , durin tj,e afternoon session the i ?i -ir; i tlw , e ..... following State omcers will taKe part while Miss Winslow, a member of thf Winfall Sixth Grade Club, entered the canned foods division. She won first prize on her exhibition of snap beons and third place for canned to matoes. riod" Mrs. J. Band To Play At Elizabeth City n an Information 1 eri S. Blair, Wallace, State Field Work er; Mrs. J. W. Burke, Gibsonville, Executive Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Russell Johnson, Conway, State Program Chairman: Mrs. Mayon Parker, Ahoskie, State Chairman of Procedure and By-Laws. Crime At Low Ebb JTiL. ,0ne Case In Court zabeth City-Kinston football game to j be staged at Elizabeth City on Fri day night. The local band will par ticipate in the opening of a lighted field at the Elizabeth City high school. In addition to the Perquim- REVIVAL SERVICES AT CHAPPELL HILL CHURCH A series of revival services will be- t -n j.,, noTom will ha held rin at the Chappell Hill Baptist at the Oak Grove Methodist Church .Church Sunday afternoon, October 6, at Chapanoke on Sunday afternoon, at ocioca. cvwung w,rvi ... Local police officials reported one of the quietest week-ends in recent months, with no arrests and no ac cidents reported during the past week end and only one case was list ens group, the bands from Elizabeth ed on the docket of the recorder's City and Kinston will also play. .court when it convened Tuesday Following the game members of I i. e e . the three bands and the football wood Lamb with being drunk and teams will be guests at a dance and disorderly, assault and non-support. first and third counts but guilty of ! ssault. He was fined $10 and or dered to pay the costs of court. party at the high school building. American Legion To Meet At Court House October e.beginning at 2:30 o'clock, conducted Sunday and each ' evetang rnrnnirniniT. liim wrtk skii a wv v vawm it was announced today. .Special music will be provided by a guest quartet from the First Chris tian Church, Elizabeth City. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Rev. D. P. Brooks of Elisabeth City will be. the guest minister The public is invited to attend an vices. The Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion will meet Friday night st 8 o'clock at the Court House in Hertford. Several items of im nortance will be brought up for dis- ser- cussion and Commander R. R. White urges all members to attend. HERTFORD GRAMMAR PTA TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT The Parent-Teachers Association of the Hertford Grammar School will meet at the school auditorium Thurs day night, October 1 at 7:30 olock. All members are urged to attend and 4& 29 i mi if .4 , !:

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