THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1947. PAGE THREE Art Russian Suspicions 'Based' n Fear of Capitalism? The suspicion that the Russians entertain toward capitalism seems to be real enough. It may be based somewhat upon something like envy of what capitalist countries have ac hieved in the way of economic well being. . It may originate in Russian faith in communism which involves the assumption that anything that competes is wrong. The clash of economic ideologies is thus reflected very definitely by the foreign policies of the Soviet Un ion. Whether the Soviet diplomats believe a war is inevitable or not, they are taking no risks, but vigor ously assert the claims of Russia. They are on the move to obtain ad vantages now, while the situation is encouraging to them, evidently upon the assumption that no nation be comes weaker by taking profit from a delicate international situation. We have stated several times that the future peace of the world de pends upon the attitude of the lead ers of Russia. The Soviet is controll ed by a small group of determined men who have the power of direct ing Russian policy without reference to the wishes of the Russian people. If these leaders are determined to have a conflict, there is no way that the rest of the world can avoid the war. The situation is dangerous because 1 ,u,zz ilh !. "' iaolint oononw- 6 J?L, .and the sooner you start, the more car you save 1 Don't let "Indian Summer" days fool you! Winter'! coming. Your car needs complete Pure Oil Bumper-to-Bumper Service for Winter right now . . . older car need it more than ever before. Be lure of easy starting, easy shifting all winter and get all-over protection that save, the whole carl Make a date now with us you'll save yourself time and trouble durfcg the big rush. WINSLOW OIL COMPANY HERTFORD, N. t ujumj-ararranr- M Beginning January first, all Tax Listers of Perquimans County, North Carolina, will sit at the following places and on the dates men tioned below for the purpose of listing your PROPERTY TAX.ES for the year 1947. List In January and Save the Penalty Belvidere Township CARROLL V, WARD, Ut Taker January 9 ' At Whiteston, R. M. Baker's Store January 16 At Whiteston, Ralph White's Store January 5,. 12, 19, 26 At E. L. Chappcll's Store AH other days during January at home. Bethel Township R. S. CHAPPELL, List Taker January 4, 11, 18, 26 J. C. Hobbs Store January 9, 16, 30 J. C. Hobbs' Store at Night January 24 At Court House in Hertford January 17 in afternoon At M. T. Griffin's Store All other days during January at home. Hertford Township J. O. WHITE, Lit Taker January 4, 11, 18 At Court House in Hertford January 8 and 15 At Court House in Hertford January 16 through to 31 At Court House in Hertford j-v All other days during January at home. New Hope Township SETH LONG, List Taker January 4, 11, 18, 25 At Community House, New Hope January 17 At S. F. Han-ell's Store January 24. At Woodville, Rogue's Store January 10 : At J. B. Webb's Store, Durants Neck AH other days during January at home. ' Parkville Township , s ' RAYMOND STANTON, List Taker - January 8, 15 '. : Chapanoke i January 22 1 Jackson's Store January s, 11, 18, 20, 23 through 31 ., Winfall , u, ; All other days uring January at home. r Each farmer, owner or his agent, must come forward to report the acreage of each crop to be harvested, or has been harvested, on his ' own, or his tenant's farm of the year 1946, also the number of acres to be cultivated, lying out, number of bearing fruit trees, and tons of fertilizer used for all crops. ..'.,.. Prepare your lists now. and save time in listing, also avoid PEN ALTY for beings delinquent after January 3lst, 1947. This is required i-y t ie state uw., see Chapter 810, H. B. 45, Public Lawg of North'? v -o na, Sessiotfl939;:s?-; . the Soviet leaders represent some thing of a dictatorship and, certainly, in the field of foreign affairs, can de cide for war overnight. While mak ing every effort to convince the Rus sians of our friendly attitude, the people of the United States should not overlook the fact that a totali tarian government, whether in Rus sia, Germany, Italy of Japan, consti tutes something of a threat to peace. This interpretation of Russian po licy is further confirmed by the fact that Foreign Minister Molotov, in re plying to Secretary of State Byrnes, opposed equal trade facilities for all countries, saying, "It can be used by those who have capital to subjugate others." The idea is clear that the Russian diplomat is afraid of nations with capital to invest and, apparently admits that other nations cannot compete-with them. Government Publicity Programs To Be Combed For Expense Cuts The "combing" of Government pub licity programs will start soon after Congress convenes, declares Repres entative John Taber, of New York, who is expected to become chairman of the House Appropriations Com mittee. Ho intends to cut expen ditures by Government departments and aRoncies for publicity. There is little reason to doubt that while much of the wmk is legitimate, there is much that is unnecessary. Opinions will vary as to what part of the Government's educational and in formational program is worthy of continuance and what part should be promptly discontinued. Representative Tabor takes the position that the money cost of sup porting the small army of public re lations men is not of first importance and puts the social cost ahead. This bears out the observation of Geof frey Bourne, who says thut " the supreme task of propaganda" is that it is a "threat of death to reason." Undoubtedly propaganda campaigns, whether conducted by the Govern ment, by economic or other asso ciations, appeal to mass emotions and ignorance, usually presenting half truths that fit in with the purpose in mind. The chances are that the interests of the people of this country will be served by putting the axe to some promotional techniques that have been employed by government of ficials. At the same time, we hope that care will be exercised to pre ( Continued on Page Six) bidder for cash the real estate con veyed in said deed of trust, described as follows: Lying in Parkville Township, Town of Winfall, adjoining the lands of old W. L. Jessup home place (now Joel Hollowell) and others, beginning at an iron stake on the right side of State Highway No. :i42 looking to ward Elizabeth City from site of old Winfall railway station, and follow ing the course of said highway one hundred thirty-five (1155) feet to an other iron stake, thence in a south easterly direction seventeen (17) feet, SOPREMI COLD WAVE Ecfa kit contain) i fall ounce, of SJoo tvp o lotion wisk ' iO Curltli. 60 cu4 dune, cofio ftppU. catoc. oaraalimr aa4 naptia HOME KIT ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE thence in a southerly direction forty nine (49) feet to another iron stake, thence in an easterly direction one hundred twenty-seven (127) feet to a blazed elm, thence in a westerly di rection one hundred forty-four (144) feet to the point of the beginning, and being the lot and building thereon known as the Winfall Service Station, engaged in the distribution of Stand ard Oil Company petroleum products. A deposit of five per cent of the sale price will be required of the sue- IS YOUR LIVER CRYING FOR HELP because of constipation or faulty dl- estlon If you feel bilious, sour, loated with gas, headachy, blue, grouchy, you may be putting too big a burden on your liver. Retained un digested food becomes putrefactive, causes toxins, which overload the liver, keeping it from working prop erly. Then is the time to relieve your tired liver by letting Calotabs help nature sweep the putrefactive and partially digested matter from your stomach and intestines. Nothing acts Just like good old Calotabs. Use as di rected. 10c and 23c at your druggists. Me CALOTABS cessful bidder immediately after the sale. Posted and dated this December 4th, 1946. C. It. HOLMES, Dec2ll,27Jan,'i,10 Trustee. I I h n! Don't Nefilo Nature deiKn, tl I hi marvpioun job. T:,;i ' flowing b! md Btrr!'n d toxic jmpuritirfl. 1 K .1 ittflf ifl cnr'M;ui! K j matter the kidt-j.s r-i the hloxd if -.! I; , When the kidnt' !'' Nature intended wasle that. m;i :ie lreau. tne may sut'- i pernift -nt heiifi;u lie. ! get t in;; u; :i hi . under me eyes n-ei . worn out. r rutuent, :,,-inl 1.1 1 are "met i-nes f 1. n ! ney . r Madder (ii . The reen, nm-' : 11 of 1 is a a Ki t r I'n th;u. endo ,. Li !1 Classified and Legate OPENINGS Now For PICKED MEN Good Pay and Expenses If you can measure up to the stand ards of the peacetime Regular Army, 'ou now have an unusual opportunity. By enlisting for 3 years you can choose one of the famous fighting divisions now on occupation duty in Japan and Korea. The divis'ons in " h;-' '. - list inch 1" s--h ml : 't , the 1st C-ivnl-v r:- r.u t .,.,.. Division. 7th Tnfnntrv Division. 24th Infantry Div'sion and 25th Infantry Division, each of which had a great 'a'tle record during the war. After initial training in the U. S., you can join the unit of your chnic and t."'-'" oar in th i i' --ii ;"" of nip inainipg a iust nace in th" Far Fast. You'll have the advantage of 20rr extra nav for overseas ser- l vice. Starting base pav for a Private overseas is $90 a month in addition to food, rlothinp. trood v'"-t and dental caro. And yo"'ll nnw-o-lent living conditions, nl .'' of sicM seing. sports and recreation, and th'', catiCT"'":'n of nVvn'r ' -.-e!-"-hil ''oh. Enlistments nnen to men 18 to rM. ?rw.l--: '- -onspn C-" f"l d'';'ls : I; S 4rmv Rrifi-" l" iiriim :i.,: forn- Tna Building, Elizabeth City, N. C. WANTED. V I'POPI I' SIIFPF" j ing from Kidnev touhln or baek ' ache to try KIDDO. 97c money ' back guarantee. '?o-rson's Drug ' Store, Hertford, N. C. FOR SALE 1930 MODEL A FOKD. band saw. nlaner and rip saw. See Cramer Williams, Route 1, Hert ford, N. C. Jatrf.lOpd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Jos. C. Long, de ceased, late of Perqujmans County. North Carolina, .this is to notify all iv"-?, ins having claii"! against thp es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undTsigned at Hertford. N.C, on or before the 17th day of Decem ber, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of December, 1946. J. W. WARD, Administrator of Jos. C Long. Dec27Jan3,10,17,24,31 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust from D. F. Reed, T. S. White and others to the undersigned trustee dated FebrWry 1st, 1931, and of rec ord in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Mortgage Deed Book 17, page 530, at the request of the holder of the notes thereby secured, default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trugt, the undersigned trus tee in execution of the power of sale In said deed f trust conferred, "will on Saturdav. Januitrv 11th. 1947. at twelve o'clock . noon, at the Court House'door of the Perquimans County Ce--t Fw in Hertford, offer ; for WE SOLICIT Ml. " !..or;!:v I is;,' Construction, Indiistrk! And Logging Equipment Distributors For N?i'::r.rJy Kr.owr. iVijrr rn-'r'vv International Crawler Traitor--. lndi:M"al .nvl Typ- Trac tor-. !' i ! ' ::. i . m Kines -- Jaeger Compn'sir. Mixer-. I'nn p- ar-l I'.tvini, Ivtjuipm: ! II ii S i- C. ,, Dozers. etc. Kuclul Hanlinj; laiiijt "i" t N'urt we-i S!hai '- ( . -s, r:!u: ie 1 . vimi (Jraders, Rollers, Hump llndie-. '.; kvi ,-i r'r Hirlu'-.-i-le--. Si i.t ,i- 'a: :., I - phalt Plants and Cni-lier - !"( I.--"- '!. IMier IW!) lvn ' . i'.':'it) v. eivrs. Kefuse-( letters Disston Chain - I i.w l' e- C .-'-.v- ,s .. :.;! i',m(l I.. .uinf; Winches American Preformed Cable. We Also Handle Many Other Lines of Popular Equip ment as Well as an Adequate Stock of Parts and Supplies and Are Prepared to Take Care of Any Rebuilding or Repair Job You Might Have Large or Small. North Carolina Equipment Co. Raleigh a I 'i I Hillsboro Stre I'hone XSafi Churlotte - .Mil.'S South Route 21 I'iione 4 4i01 Asheville Ai'i'ltti Cri'fk lui;i. I'M. nit Tsa t- -Ki- We Have Just Received a Shipment of Athey's 100 Pure Paints EXTERIOR WD INTERIOR TYPE Be smart and protect your properties by painting. Cet your supply now. We also have Athev's Ca,-ipe Cold Water Paint, ihuimels. el lac, Varnishes, Oils, Tuittj' n. Brushes, Window Cliv: Putty. See Us Today For Your Needs! HERTFORD HARDWARE I SUPPLY COMPANY

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