t ' v If - ' 1 1 ( ' 1 - 4". J, " i I rot u THE L'LltiiUlMANS WEEKLY, m-.KTFoUb, N. C, FKilM. JANUARY 3, 1947. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE WORD MADE FLESH International Sunday School Lesson For January 5 Golden Text: "No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known." John 1:18. Lesson Text: John 1:1-18. Before undertaking our study of John's Gospel, we should consider a few important facts in its connection. This gospel is considered by many scholars as the greatest of the four gospels. Its language is simple but its meaning is most profound. The author is one who was so fa miliar with the Jewish faith and ideas and customs that he must have been a Jew, and so conversant with the details he discusses that he must have been an eye witness of the events themselves. He was the Apostle John, the son of Zebedee, the brother of James, the beloved disciple of Jesus. John definitely states his purpose 31 of the twentieth chapter. "Many WLOR THEATRE KDKVrOY MMi'lT CAROLINA We Have the Shows Beginning on January 1, 1947, Our New Schedule of Shows: Week Days Shows Continuous From 3:80 P. M. Every Day. Saturday Shows Continuous From 1 :.'t(i" P. M. Sunday Shows ::.' and t:l." P. M. Today (Thursday) and Frh'ax, January 2-3 Van Johnson, Keenan Wynn, Xavier Cugat and Guy Lombardo in "NO LEAVE, NO LOVE" Saturday, January 4 Bob Steele and Svd Savior in "THE NAVAJO KID" "Son of Zorro," Last Chapter Dinney Cartoon Sunday, January " John Wayne, Claire Trevor and Andy Devine in "STAGECOACH" .Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 6-7 John Garfield and Geraldine Fitzgerald in "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" other signs therefore did Jesus Ih the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book, but these are written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye may have life in his name." Its purpose was to emphasize the dual-personality of Christ his div inity and his humanity by telling of the "signs" and manifestations during his life on earth which bore evidence to his unique personality. John want ed to awaken faith in Jesus as the long-awaited Christ, the Son of God, and also so to strengthen the faith of believers in Christ that they too may have life in his name spiritual life, a life of constant communion with God. In order to show that Jesus was the Incarnate God, John uses the Greek word Logos- (Word), in refer ring to Jesus. As used in John's day by both Jews and gentiles. Logos meant the Eternal God is seeking al- j ways to reveal himself to men and that self-surrender is essential to this revelation. Gaius Glenn Atkins says the devout "believe that it began in the begin ning" beyond which there is no dale at all: always "the Word was with God and the Word was God," which is only another way of saying that God has always been seeking to reveal himself to his children and speak to them in a language they could under stand. John seeks to convey Jhe idea in the prologue to his gospel that it was through Jesus that God revealed him self to men Christ was the full and complete thought (Word of God ut tered once and for all and expressing the wry soul of God. John's sole purpose in writing his cospel is to prove to the world that Jesus is the Incarnate Logos. "We put into words what we want others to know of ourselves, our thoughts, our dreams, our hopes and our purposes, and what others want us to know of themselves, they also put into words; and so, by the magic of lauirir.ig', there is established a ::iuti.al understanding between us. So in the fourth gospel the word Logos stands for the self-revelation of in writing his gospel in verses 30 and God's love and purpose for his chil- Avan -Toaua Pbriflt. in the Word of God, making real among us God'si saving love, and he was of the nature of God ih the beginning." Gaius Glenn Atkins. I Therefore, if God was Incarnate in Jesus and Jesus was human as well , as divine, then God may become in carnate in you and me. If we will let him, God can come into our. lives, too, strengthening us and helping us to live unselfishly and faithfully even as Jesus did. Our bodies may really become the temples of the living God, wholly dedicated to him and to his service, if we are surrendered unto him. For "as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become the children of God, even to them that believe on his name." SOCIETY MEETS The Woman's Missionary Society of Rerea Christian Church met Friday night, December 13, at the home of Mrs. Ulric Caddy1. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Joe White. "O Little Town of Beth lehem" was sung, followed by a prayer by Mrs. Horace Miller. The secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting. The subject was "The Birth of Je sus," which all studied together. Then a song was sung and Mrs. Gas ton Banks dismissed the meeting. During the social hour the hostess, Mrs. Ulric Caddy, served a sweet course to the following: Mesdames Horace Miller, Freeman Umphlett, Watson Eure, Raymond Eure, Gaston Banks, Joe White, Delwin Eure, Mat tie Barclift, Misses Mary Miller, Dor- Wednesday, January 8 Double Feature Program kirby Grant and Fuzzy Knight in "LAWLESS BREED" Don Porter in "WILD BEAl'TY" Coming January 9 and 10 In Glorious Technicolor Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire in "BLUE SKIES" Unchanging Through The Years Time does not dull the lustre nor weaken the solid strength of the monuments we supply. Handsome in design, reliably installed, their quality is ever lasting. Lynch Funeral Home HERTFORD, N. C. Horace Lynch 104 W. Main St. Phone 412 ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. go-" Via" in sto' NEW TIRES DESERVE Nr ,iS Give your tire sound, tai support with Good year DeLuze Heavy Duty Tube. Hertford Gil Co. SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Phone 3641 , n Hertford, N. C. , COMPLETE CAR SERVICE Your automobile is an imnnrtant vehicle thee davs and it must be looked a'ter and properly serviced to keep it running mootn!y and efficiently. Bring us your car for complete service, washing, greasing, tire repairs and battery charging. Our Service men know how. GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, PROP. PHONE 8601 othy Miller, Fay MUlerVCny Um-'tflVelopeg of proper size to .allow- phlett, Shirley alId':ijmn4MiUng of bonds -that make moat Eure, liucy May Kur& wwma Aim rm w jinmem. Caddy, Louveaia Caddy, and Bobby Eure, and one visitor,, M: Melvin Eure. PAY DELAYED A shortage of envelopes has de layed the distribution of $2,700,000,000 in terminal-leave oav. according to the War Department, which said it I would be some time before there are IZ YOUR CAR mim2!ZiGt lit s.iV.;' ONLY PAXTIALL7 nCU-ED? Full-coverage, as provided by the Farm Bureau FuLual Automobile Insurant '".orapany consists of iire, theft, comprehensive, c an, pre pert y dam-cr-e, bodily injury and mi-.cal payment. .? a c -es you complete p-otpctioa a-s:tis-t all 5 j.s-iV.a les; --''n't tr a - .2uC --.u-.l p. ..twlK.a cci.1 for ecu.,, ..ucuk.. 12. SEE IlILEV -iv'DS. JR., Agent HERTFORD L ISiOCK & SUPPLY CO. !' a Hii'-. an Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Ki. .111 bureau Mutual Fire Insurance Company HOME OFFH'E COl.l .Ml'US. IIIIO t . lOXE 2501 HERTFORD, N. C. The new Sinclair Gasoline is made to give your car the surging power that aviation gas oline gave to war planes. The same 100-Octane gasoline components developed for war have now been blended into the new Sinclair Gasoline. That's why we be lieve you'll call this new and mighty gasoline the most power-packed fuel your motor has ever had a chance to use. Stop in today at the Sinclair Dealer and fill up with the NEW Sinclair 'H-C' ' or NEW Sinclair Ethyl. You'll find that the higher-octane, quicker-starting, power-packed Sinclair Gasoline makes youf car fairly fly. Look to Sinclair for Bttttr Products-Bet t4r Strvic. mmmi -W It WIMm. A own &3WV ( (IfJ&SVm jf1-- . J. Ho TGWES, Agent ' i ' " v.'.r-fJ,