THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1947. PAGE SIX n 7 .,,f Jv n f LOOKING AT WASHINGTON By Hl'C.O S. SIMS' (Continued Vrom Pai?e 3) serve the activities that are strictly and fairly educational and informa tional. There is need for the govern ment to possess the means of giving the people the facts and it is not de sirable for the people to have to de pend upon a small group of press and radio news agencies for infor mation about their government. We really see no reason wily the C'or.gress cannot make some provis ion for the fair and impartial presen tation and distribution of salient fa-ts in connection with government al policies. The idea behind such a service should not be to persuade, but to inform, and the net result should be to give to the public the facts upon which intelligent opinions can be formulated. To 1'ropone 4-Year House Term To Avoid Legislative Deadlock Senator Carl A. Hatch, of New Mpvico nl. ins to introduce a consti tutional amendment which will set the terms of members of the House of Representatives at four years each, instead of two, and thus open the way for House members to be elected when the President is elect ed, insuring, to some degree, that the House and the President would be long to the same political party. The purpose of the amendment is to avoid situations like those result ing from midterm elections when, as now, the complexion of Congress is changed. In 19 1 8, when the House went Re publican, President Wilson ' lost con trol and there was something of a legislative deadlock. The same thing happened in 19.'10, when the Demo crats captured the House and Presi dent Hoover, was left without com plete legislative support as the i-jr-omic crisis developed. There is much to be said for the proposal of Senator Hatch but there is, nevertheless, something to be said in opposition. The entire theory of the American Government is based upon a system of checks and balances. One of these instruments is the dif ference in the election of members to the Houst and to the Senate. One-Sided IWsarmament Will Senator Elbert D. Thomas, of I'tah. chairman of the Senate Military Af fairs Committee, warns that one-sided disarmament will fail in the fu ture, as in the past, to produce either peace or security. b i ;RGT:"sscT.rB meets The Burgess Home Demonstration Club held its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. J. B. Basnight Tuesday afternoon at 2:::n. The meeting was called to order by the president. "Silent Night" was sung and the Scripture was read by Mrs. Howard Shean, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. J. R. Ayscue gave a reading entitled "Is There a Santa Claus?" and Miss Frances Manpss read "Giv ing Gifts." Games and contests were enjoyed, with Mrs. Howard Sheau and Miss Maness winning prizes. Those present were Mrs. J. . R. Ayscue, Mrs. A. M. Copeland, Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. Josiah Proctor, Mrs. Howard Shean, Mrs. Irwin Whedbee, Mrs. C. H. Ward. Mrs. J. B. Basnight, Mrs. H. S. Davenport, Mrs. Tommie Mathews, Mrs. V. L. Proctor, Miss Frances Maness and one visitor, Mrs. Ayscue. The hostess served candy, nuts, cookies, fruit cake and bottled drinks. HONORS URIDE-ELKCT Miss Sibyl Winslow of Washington, I). C, entertained last Thursday af ternoon informally at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wins low, near Kelvidere, in honor of her sister, Miss Florence Winslow and her cousin, Miss Doris", both brides elect of December. The home was decorated throughout with holly and mistletois Contests were enjoyw) during the afternoon. Prizes were lovely hand crocheted sachets. The honorees were eac h presented with a gift. The hostess, assisted by her mother, served punch, sandwiches, cookies, nuts and mints to the guests. SAWYER-WHITE Mr. and Mrs. I). J. White, Sr., re quest the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, .luanita, to Mr. Kenneth Sawyer, Sat urday, the eleventh of January, at five o'clock, Woodville Baptist Church. No invitations or announcements will be mailed. The public is invited to attend. CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. G. H. Hunter and Mrs. W. E. Dail delightfully entertained the Youth Fellowship of New Hope Meth , odist Church with a Christmas party Wednesday evening at the Community House. Several entertaining and ex citing games were played by the guests. A Christmas story told by Mrs. Hunter was enjoyed by the group. Those present were Joyce and Doris Butt, Mildred and Sarah Own )ey, Pearl and Claire Hunter, Fred Lee and Billy Jones, Harvey Butt, Jr., J. W. Hughes, Julian and Frank Onley, Ray Morse, Jr., Calvin and Ronald Butt, Janice and Steve Perry, Milton Ownley, Mattie Wray and Eirline Morse, Mary Lou and Shir- ley Butt, Horace Webb, Alice Proc- -' tor, Norma and Faye Butt, Mrs. Hun- ter and Mrs. Dail. Candy and fruit were enjoyed by the guests- PERSONAL ITEMS Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. James Byrum and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wil son and son; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hollo I well of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hobbs of Edenton, Dr. Lloyd Hobbs of Blacksburg, Va., and Graves Thompson of Reidsville were dinner guests Christmas day of Mrs. E. A. Byrum. In Norfolk Mrs. li. A. Byrum and son Edward spent Sunday in Norfolk. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Abrain Gillon and Mrs. L. E. Whitehead spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. John l.ane and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Par rish. In Norfolk Mrs. Martin Towe, Mrs. S. T. Sut ton and Mrs. George Powell spent Tuesday in Norfolk. Monday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Hammond of Bridgeport, Conn., spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cannon enroute 1o South Carolina for the winter. Dinner Guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodman had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodman, Sr., of New Hope, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stanton of Winfali, Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Ho well, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Divers and family, J. T. Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howell and familv. Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. John Broughton and children from Newport News spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nat Relfe. Holidays Here Cale White, Jr., a student at Prince ion University, is the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Relfe. In Raleigh Mrs. B. C. Reavis left Thursday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Keggereis in Raleigh. Christmas At Stanton Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Yagel and chil dren spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Yagel's parents at Stanton, Va. From Atlanta T. W. Wilson has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where he purchased a carload of mules for the Wilson Mule Exchange. At Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGoogan spent the holidays at Red Springs and Raleigh. WSCS MEETS MONDAY The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Hertford Methodist Church will hold its regular meeting Monday night, January 6, at 8 o'clock in the church school auditorium. A very important program has been planned and some important business will be discussed. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., will have charge of tb" program and Mrs. C. 0. Fowler will preside. CIRCLE NO. 1 TO MEET Circle No. 1 will meet Monday afternoon, January (i, at 3:I?0 o'clock at the church. CIRCLE NO. 2 TO MEET Circle No. 2 of the Baptist Church will meet Monday evening at 7:30 with Mrs. Ben Wood. CIRCLE NO. 3 TO MEET Circle No. 3 of the Baptist Church will meet Monday evening, January 6, at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Trim Wil son. CIRCLE NO. 5 TO MEET Circle No. 5 of the Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock with Mrs. I). M. Jackson. CIRCLE NO. 6 TO MEET Circle No. 6 of the Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock with Mrs. E. A. Goodman. ENTERTAINS CIRCLE MEMBERS Mrs. T. E. Madre entertained the circle members and their husbands at a lovely Christmas party Friday evening at the church. Many mem bers were present. Others invited were the Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Duling and Mrs. Lynch. The hostess served delicious refreshments. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETS The Executive Board of the Wo men's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church met at the home of the president, Mrs. C. O. Fowler, Friday evening, December 27. After the business meeting Mrs. Fowler entertained with a tea. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edmond White of Gliden announce the birth of a daugh ter, Gloria Elizabeth, on December 18, at Lakeview Hospital, Suffolk, Va. Mrs. White is the former Miss Delsie Winslow of Belvidere. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT The Rev. and Mrs. Luther Booth of Baton Rouge, Louisiana,- are the happy parents of a baby boy, John William, born on December 27, Mother and baby are' both reported getting along nicely. Mrs. Booth was formerly Miss Blanche Cartwright of Route 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartwright. BIBLE CLASS MET MONDAY The Wesley Bible Class met Mon day night.i December 30, at the home of Mrs. R. M. Riddick, with Mrs. .H. E. Patrick and Mrs. C. O. Fowler as joint hostesses. A very entertaining program was enjoyed, highlighted by a talk given by Mrs. George fields. Sixteen members were present. Fol lowing the business session members drew names for the 1947 mystery friend. Delicious refreshments were served. , MISS WIN SLOW HONORED Mrs. Leslie Winslow of Hertford delightfully entertained at a party- honoring Miss Florence Winslow, bride-elect, on December 2.'i at her home. The living room was made at tractive for the occasion with Christ mas decorations. During the evening games and contests were enjoyed, af ter which the hostess served a deli cious sweet course. Those present were Miss Florence Winslow. honoree. Misses Esther Maie White, Esther Winslow, Marjorie White, Sibyl Winslow, Thelma White, Lucille Lane. Doris Lane and Mesdames Lyndon White, William Winslow, Ellis Stal lings and Leslie Winslow. CHRISTMAS EVE PARTY Mrs. Jesse L. Harris and Jtiss Ruth Winslow were joint hostesses at a WOOL CHESTERFIELD Now $10.95' HANES SHIRT AND DRAWERS Priced $1.75 RANGER TYPE CAPS Reduced to 98c WARM CURFEW, BLANKET $3.98 r u. , ffff !t ' f I Dobbs Custom-Fashioned Hats kJ v IjTx For Men - $8.50 to $10.00 f V J. (C; ffilL AM(DM Right Prices, Christmas eve party at the home of Mrs. Harris on Grubb Street, when they entertained at open house. The rooms were attractively decorated with evergreen and lighted with red tapers. The Christmas motif was carried out in the color scheme of the refreshments which were served by Misses Janet Murray, Eva Harris and Ruth Tucker. About seventy guests called during the evening. CHRISTMAS Gl'ESTS Dinner guests at the T. W. Nixon home on Christmas day were" Preston Nixon and sons Billie and Edward Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Layden and sons Sidney, Jr., and Bob, Mrs. Ad- die Jones and sons Doward and Thomas, Thomas Shelton, Jr., and Willrov Nixon of Hertford, C. R. , Nixon and Mrs. Nixon and daughter j Joann, Mr. and Mrs. William Stan-1 ford and daughter Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy, all of Norfolk,! Va., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Symons and daughter, Betty, of Okisco. BETHEL CLUB MEETS The Bethel Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Reuben Stallings on Friday, December 13, at 2:30 o'clock. "Joy to the World" was used as the opening song and followed by all re peating the collect. The roll was called and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mesdames E. T. Phillips and Dan Simpson had charge of an interesting program with the following members taking part: Scripture by Mrs. E. T. Value BOBBY v PINS. Get sev eral packages at 2 for 15c WOOL JACKETS, priced for clearance-r- $2.98 BED JACKETS, clearance Yz Price during I SWEATERS. One lot re 4 duced Vz Price t BOYS' JACKETS reduced g for this event j $1.49 jf LADIES' HAND BAGS re g duced to 0 Yz Price fmmmmmmmmm COZY DRUID BLANKET Priced at $6.50 Phillips; duet-"Silent Night," by Mrs. Ernest Goodwin . and Miss Blanche Goodwin; - reading, "Keeping Christ mas at Home Builds Happy, Mem ories" by Mrs. J. P. Ward;' reading. "Plan For Gifts of Friendship" by Mrs. J. J. Phillips; . reading, "The Night Before Christmas" by Mrs. C. E. White. Mrs. C. E. White conducted the con test with Mesdames E. J. Proctor and E. L. Phillips winning the prizes.' After the meeting adjourned gifts were exchanged. The hostess served a delicious salad plate and hot chocolate to the follow ing: Mesdames W. P. Long, E. L. Goodwin, Leroy Goodwin, J. C. Hobbs, J. T. Harris, W. D. Perry, J. J. Phil- hps, E. T. PJiillips, E. J. Proctor, Dan Simpson, J. P. Ward, C. E. White, Reuben Stallings, William Stallings and Misses Frances Maness, Gertie Chappell ar.d Blanche Goodwin and two visitors, Miss Sarah Ward and Leroy Goodwin, Jr. HOUSE WARMING PARTY Mrs. Tom reason was hostess to a house warming party on Friday night given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John nie Stallings who recently moved into their new home near Whiteston. The honorees received many lovely gifts which they opened and acknow ledged, after which the hostess serv ed ice cream, cake and candies. Those present and sending gifts were: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Gregory, Mrs. Paul Weeks, Jr., Mrs. John T. Lane, Mrs. Ida Winslow and family, Mrs, Luther Winslow and family, Mrs, Thrills ONE LOT CHILDREN'S DRESSES Vz Off ALL COATS for this week only Yz Price ONE LOT OF LADIES' DRESSES reduced Yz Price LADIES' RAYON ROBES reduced to Vz Price ALL LADIES' SKIRTS are marked down Yz Price CHOIR NURSERY SETS FOR BABIES y2off WARM MACKJNAWS Reduced to $7.95 ' ' "BlanchardV Since 1822 V . j i ; Sally Davis, Mr; and Mrs,jRy Win slow, Mr. and Mrs. Arba WinHlow, Mrs. Winfred Winsldwj; Mif nd MS. Ellis' Stallings, M DeUioWslo 'and family, Mr, and Mr.: Merri, Winslow, Mr. .and Mrs. Clyde Lane, Mr. and Mrs. JU LA. Larie Mr: and Mrs. Wallace Baker, Mrv:and MrA Ralph White, Mrs. PeWitt Winsbjw,! 'Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter ..ur.,awU Mrs. Lyndon White, Mr, 'and Mrsfk - Arcme w line, aire, viuion ouiimiibb, Mrs. Robert Winslow, Mrs. Alvh Winslow, Mrs. Verna .'Winslow, Mrs. Ruth Rountree, Mrs. Elmer Wjnslow, Mrs. Let Winslow, Mrs. "Joe Baker, Mrs. Crafton Winslow, Mrij. Jamie Rountree, Mrs. Louis Stallings,- Mrs. Jim Craver, Mrs. Elisha Winslow, Mrs. Ernest White, Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Stallings, Mrs. Eula Stallings, Mrs. Jim Winslow, Mrs. Ira Stallings, Mrs. Marina Stallings, Mr.' ana Mrs, Quinton Stallings, Mrs. Tom Riddick; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stallings, Mrs. Johnnie Baker, Mrs. R. M. Bak.r. Misses Doris Lane, Thelma White," Edith White, Betty Lou Eason, Hel-. ene Baker, Velma Anne Carver, Lena Winslow, Gracie Lee and Lorraine Eason and Elmer Lassiter, Jack' Rob erts, Clyde Stallings, Daly Rountree, Bobby Stallings, Ray and Larry Stal lings, Tommy Stallings and Mr. anoV Mrs Tom Eason. pirm tr vunovi Various states and local governW ments have projected public works' which could cost $6,000,000,000, wi-i cording to Major-General Philip B,) r lemmg, Public Works AdmirustratorL dministratorL WARM LEGGING SETS $2.98 and up WOOL VALOR MUFFLER Now 98c up WARM KNIT GLOVES Now 79c up V TAILORED ,fi f JACKET r At ft Wf ;,, : Quality MMctihr. 1 1 HANI 4 1 'l . ' 1 Jl -. '' V