PcrGumarj? Yee!dy .Entered aa second 'claas natter November 18, 1934, at poatolSc at Hertford, North Carolina, on der the Act of Much. 1879. , . 4 Published 'every Friday by the Perquimans Weekly, a partner- rUd eonsietbur of ' Joseph i G Campbell and Max B. Campbell, at Hertford, N. C MAX CAMPBELL C Editor xTrrti'CrolAia vlv mSS ASSOCIATION V) SUBSCRIPTION RATES:, One Year . ' tt-W Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc, will be harged for at regular advertising ates. , Advertising rates furnished by request. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1947. Do Your Shopping At Home Town Stores The families of Perquimans County are beginning their Christmas shop ping, considering the purchases that must be made for the holiday season. We take this opportunity of sug gesting to all buyers that they give local merchants an opportunity to supply their wants. The least that can be expected is that those who live in Hertford will inspect local stocks before thinking about spending their money elsewhere. Trading at home is a form of civic loyalty that pays dividends. It is one. way for every citizen to make a con tribution to the business interests that support local institutions, and give employment to local people. If all of us would resolve to buy at home, so far as possible, the result would be noticeable. ' The lure of buying something cheap often fools buyers but price is not the only guide to intelligent spending. Of course, given equal values, the buyer is naturally going to spend his or her money where the price is cheaper. That is the rule followed by success ful merchants in purchasing the goods they sell and there is nothing against it However, local merchants are en titled to a chance tor sell you what you want at a price you can afford. They are not entitled to charge you more for the same goods than reli able merchants elsewhere. We feel sure that our merchants can meet competition and that their stocks are ample to offer you variety in selec tion. Buyers should never forget the saying that no matter how chraD you make an ' article, there is always somebody else who can make an in ferior product and sell it for less. Jn fact, beware of "just as good" mer chandise. It is economy to buyrec ognized values, that stand up under use and have behind them the guar antees that none but local vi :.l don.j t:5 to ;make a 'merry the' president, . Mrs. Jot'-.i . ctox, Christmas for. a family "in tome" and "America" Wag sung. 4., a. Wins- devastated European ' country t' It is ton 'Lane read a part of the 100th not necessary to' answer the question.; Psalm and the Lord's Prayer Was re- After all, the question should be re- pehted, ,'''.''., '.' , Mrs.' Howard Mathews gav a oiost interesting account of China.. Miss Frances Manesa explained what constitutes a good club meeting. - Final arrangements for the Christ mas party were made. ; ' , 1 During the social hour Mrs. Josiah Proctor conducted a word .building contest with Mrs. . B. Basnight win ning the prise m The hostess served sandwiches and bottled drinks to the following: Mrs Sidney Layden, Mrs, C, H.- Ward, Mrs. H. S. i Davenport, Mrs; A. M. Copeland, Mrs. Josiah' Proctor! -Mrs. J. B. .'Basnight,' MnL. Irwin Whitbee, Mrs. Winston X Lane, Mrs. Howard m. It ir. TT . , w.ii w oneare, jnrs. nuwara aiataews, airs. J. R. Ayscue and Miss . Frances Maness. ' . '.":.;; .. "i'-f thrased; f "Are. you, willing tof give 10 out of your relative abundance to share'' Christmas with Hungry chil dren and food-weakened adults who, without your generosity,: will probafcly not nave, a very happy Christmas day?" fV -a f x For the information of our readers, we point out that CARE has agents in Belgium. Bulgaria. Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy, Eire, - Greece Great Britain, Frce, Poland, Rumania and The Netherlands."" Every giver can designate the' ' person to whom the package should be ': delivered ahd CARE "will make the delivery. If you know nd ne In Europe, you can speciJy the country-to. receive your food package and CARE will carry out your instructions. , Readers of this article who wish to participate in the Christmas expres sion to peoples of ; other lands should write: CARE, 50 Broad Street, New York 4, Nef York. The organization handles other' types of packages be side the food package and will send any information desired. Delivery of all packages is guaranteed or your money will be" refunded. NW-HOW! NEWS 'Mr. and Mrs. - Henry Spencer of Newport News, Va, spent Thanke- j ;il .s Ct ) giving uny vyiui ; air. opencera par ents, Mr. and Mrs.'W. W. Spencer. . Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Umphlett of Goldsboro, N. C, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Good man. ' Miss Celia Blanche Dail and Austin Dail and daughter, Miss Billie Dail, have returned to their home in Wash ington, D. C, after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs W. E. Dail. Winborn Spivey of Norfolk, Va., was the guest of his father, M. M. Spivey, on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Minnie Perry has returned home after spending several days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Julian White at Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. James Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ross and children of Greenville, N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Josh Wood of Washington, N. C, spent Sunday with Mrs, Ed Turner. Mrs. A. C. Boyce, Miss Faye Dail and Miss Lena Jones of Edenton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Jasper Sawyer of Elizabeth City spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner. D. C. Umphlett of Edenton visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Marjorie Lou Perry of ECTC, Greenville, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Perry. Mrs. J. Edward Turner is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. James Outlaw, "at Greenville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Phillips and Mrs. Henry Gregory of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Griffin. ' SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. nd Mrs. Russell Baker and Anne Baker of Whiteston visited Mrs. W. M. Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoffler Sunday afternoon. , Miss Eunice Harrell of Norfolk spent the week-end here with her parents. Miss Vetie Love and Miss Ruth Gregory of Elizabeth City were week end guests of Miss Lucille Cart: wright . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell and Ruth Harrell visited Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Barclift at Nixonton Sunday after noon. The Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Edwards and daughter of Winf all were dirfner guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Cart wright Sunday. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright on Sunday were' Miss Vetie Love, Miss ''Ruth Gregory, Miss Lucille Cartwright of Elizabeth City, Miss Eunice Harrell, of. Norfolk and Mr; and Mrs. Jesse Harrell. Wallie Knight of Washington, D. C, can supply. BURGESS NEWS Mrs. Mary Keaton of Colerain and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Britt of Wilson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard VT '1 t Vim.- An-ml-nrw U - U . 1 ." .1 merchants ""'"is me uuuuaya. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Fletcher of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. J. C Roberson of Hertford were the dlr ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bas night -Friday. Gernie Jordan and Wade Byrum visited Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Lane during the Thanksgiving' holidays; Mrs. Sidney Layden had as her house guest Miss Chip Britt of Tar boro for the Thanksgiving holidays. Joe Ayscue of Langley Field spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ayscue. $10 To Share Christmas Millions of American parents,' in cluding many in Perquimans County, are beginning to think of Christmas and to plan the purchase of Christ mas gifts for children and 'other loved ones. Everywhere in the United States, the spirit of Christmas will develop with the approach of December 25th. There will be -many proclamations of goodwill and many manifestations of the spirit of Christmas. The, poor BURGESS CLUB MEET and needy, which we have with us al-1 The Burgess Home Demonstration ways, will not be as numerous this , Club met with Mrs. C. H. Ward Tues year as usual. All in all, the people day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her of the united Mates are enjoying tin home in Burgess. - ' v blessing of material prosperity, It is not too early, however, to call attention to the dismal prospects that, face millions of parents in other lands as they view the approach . the Christmas seaBon, Literally mil lions of children, aridVaboirt as man adults, face the joyous occasion with bodies emaciated .by undernourish ment and often wracked by" d;soas itself due to the waste .and dfol tion of war. What is the Christmas prospect in the countries now suffer ing economic, social nnd oolitiV? paralysis as a result of the war and its after-effects? Every American can do something to share the spirit of Christmas wit! the peoples', .of European countries Twenty-seven Agencies for relirf ha " formed a. cooperative called CARE. Already CARE has. sent 3.0()0,0i" $10 food packages to Sixteen different countries. ' Each Carries twenty-on pounds of food to th person or en"" try designated., Altogether thfe pack ' age gives 40,98 calotfes. This co i pares with about 3,0H) daily calorie for Americans and the 1,500 ealorip that lucki Europr- Em-"'. estimate that one CARE package will ' take care of, one European for almost a month. ' v " fat or shortening, dried apricots- and ' prunes, chocolate,, sugar, mint pow der, eggpowder, corn beef and braised beef. - This is a ration to ease the " hunger pains for an entire family and ..,,,,'... .'.'''.-.. 6 . . . "l Starvation , diets ' upon l which : they The meeting Was called to order by' TAYLOR THEATRE ; EDENTON, N. C. SHOWS CONTINUOUS EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Today (Thursday) and Friday, December 4-5 Humphrey Bogart and Laureen Bacall in "DARK PASSAGE" Saturday, December 6 Gene Autry and Sterling Holloway in. "'SADDLE PALS" Sunday, December 7 " LaraineDay and N Brian Aherne in , 'THE LOCKET" T Monday and Tuesday, December 8-9 Bing Crosby and ' Barry Mtsgeraia in "WELCOME STRANGER" Wednesday, December 10 Double Feature William Boyd in "UNEXPECTED GUEST" Also , Richard Denning in "SEVEN WERE SAVED" Coming December 11-12 James Stewart In "MAGIC TOWN" PUT NEW LIFE . . . IN YOUR OLD CAQ! wa&fr gehuiue roaD REBUILT GMGIHE 'icir'LH A . ' ' ... . TIT'f , Ho many readers of , The Weekly YOlJR fOkD DEALtr v, ' .'. ' JIEIiTrORD, N. Cv spent the we:k-end here v ...il and parents. " , , The Rev. and Mrs. E." B. Edwa. ' and- children of Winf all were guctts of Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Harrell Sun day, . MiM : ; Eunlea Harrell of Norfolk spent the ' . week-end here "with her parents.' c ,v , i " "'! ' Miss Lucille Cartwright of Eliza beth City spent tha week-end here with her parents. l - MiBS Ann. Bray spent the night with Uia Carolyn Dean Harrell. recently- -J CHAPANOKE NEWS Mrs, P. W. Blanchard of Norfolk and George Whitehead-of Sanfprd spent last Friday with their sister, Mrs. George Jackson" and Mr.. Jaqk son. ' Mrs. Marvin Robbins of New Hope and . Mrs, Wilbert Kemp of Elizabeth City were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.-W, Lewis last Wed nesday. - :'.'.... .' '"' "yf:r Misses Sylvia," Martha and Zelma Seymofe of Asheville, N, C, Were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 0. Lane. . t Mrs. Tommie lhompson or JMa- beth City spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Yeates. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy spent Tuesdav afternoon in Elizabeth Citv. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brothers andr Mr. and Mrs. R. . L. Parker of Nor folk spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Symons. . ' George Jackson spent the week end at Richmond, Va., attending a joint meeting of-the Board of Lay Ac tivities of the Virginia-North Carolina Conferences. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith were in ; - JHlO.iECT.YOOOiiS-.. We .fcave just installed. - a .X' BEJAR WHEEL BALANCER,'. ; . . the newest machine avail :; able forbaianqng tires. v'v Bring us your.car'aqd have 1 yoyir "tii'es -balanced for, longer wear better driving, r ' , .,V It'r time for that Spring Check-up. Let us service your ' " ar, preparing it for plenty of service this summer ; , Goodyear.and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes ; "V 7 IDE & CiLI'S SERViCE STATION KAY WHlTJfi, ttop. , - ' , - 1 1 PHONE 86oi V nff mud , : Don't Neglect Them! . Ntnr dnlfncd th kldneyi' to do marrcoiu job. Thtr tuk U to Veep the flowing blood trmm (raa of u noen of toxic Impuritiw. Tht rt of Uvlrvf lilt itulf U roiMtintly prodaein rati matter th kldreyi muit nnwvt Iron the blood it ,Jod hoath la to enaun Whan the kidney, fa" to fanetion ar Nature intended, there if. retention of waata that may cause body-wide di treaa. On may auffer ntcfinu backache. praiatnt headache, attack, ol aicaineaa, getting, np nighta, awglllng, piiffineM under the eye fl tired, neivoua, all worn wt. Frequent, uaaty or burning paaaana are mneti-ne further evidence at kid ney vr bladder diaturbanee. The recognised and proper treatment is a diuretic medicine to help the kidnryt get rid of excess pojaonoua body waate Use Ooan't Pill. They have had mor, than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed th country over. Ineiat on I Dean's. Sold at all drug stores. Protect yow fSbpNtf tawfuntiits" Fbe on4 Exteadad Omtag4. wxiltea . Jby fh Fana , 5ureiu Mutucd Hi prnmaic Cwnpcmi cMm fin, wfobtorai ImO. aatploon, 4ot riot-cWatidhig o itrflcaV drQ cotmmotion, dtw croft, TahidM md nooka B aura fv. ban complate protactioas . I V - i SEE RILEY MQNDS. JR., Agent HERTFORD LIVESTOCK & SUPPLY CO Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Farm Bureau Mutual Fire Insurance Company PHONE 2501 A HERTFORD. C. HOME OFTICB COLUMBUS,' Ohio (?ffllC:QJ(M 1 m ,3 I- ' tjf 1 44.(3.CS3 Sindair Research Uritory, " SFZCU. Harvey, Illinois, the Uieantj tnott tao&W Is -'-J I . f --Xf7 S in Mtmlmm IrutfTv.ETrsKsearch men art f OpC- t OA i 1 C:? hitt. seeing to it that products yoo buy Sinclair V sure you cir . Jmnmf f-on (ot jz ztolr. " Dealers' 'are topt to quality 9ti"&T&M6&tT'Usas wchnician tests Jun lubrlssat r-ix, ' rtopei 7 itoi YO"J2 SINCLAIR DIALED offers you laboratory-, ' tested New Pt'ewum Oallaa tlotot dcj'oed ' ' by,moderd Sinclair resouch to keep yourmotor clean as ft whistle. See you SincUr Dealer for tested, safe lubrication. ; ' , ; , ' 1' !; ( ' fS I t 'k v ill - f vt if